Title: The end of nothing...
by Matty from West Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
The tenderness in her voice, so warm with care,
But the words she delivers are murmurs of pain,
The denial of what I was so very sure of,
Causes a fracture deep within my being.
Three words,
I know so many but these three mean everything,
Lodged in my throat during the final embrace,
Her beauty is so close' raw and unyielding,
She is gone,
Gone into the slippage of time,
Her mark is left,
This emptiness I feel, is agony above all,
The dreams of everything, of her,
The reality of nothing, of me.
Anything that ever should, could, would,
Like the ears of corn, felled before the harvest,
Like the seeds of blossom, blown before they settle,
Like a stillborn lamb, that a mother shall never care for,
And a rose, the petals shattered, torn, destroyed by the pain.
Of all beautiful things I see, they shall be second to her,
Nothing shall haunt me but her gentle face,
Indestructible is her spirit, yet too far to see,
And the pain of my love that shall never be.
People always write about the pain of love during a relationship. I needed to write something about love that never was. It' s kind of heartfelt and dramatic, I hope it makes you think.