Title: Regime
by Adele from Cheshire | in writing, poetry
Forced into a world of institute and regime.
I hated what had become, no longer a happy scheme.
As a young child they found my talent.
I trained for ten years while others came and went.
A silent little girl, I was timid and shy.
By the age of 11 I was boisterous and flying high.
As the years past the world became smaller
My personality shaped and I became taller.
For the sport was serious, sullen and tough.
No longer a happy memory, my knees became rough.
International level was where I was at, for what I may have been,
This small glimpse is what I had already seen.
I may have been the best but others intervened.
I didn't want in to this world I had leaned.
I wasn't alone; it just wasn't who I wanted to be.
My talent was not wasted, but somehow it was wasted on me.
My inspiration was being an elite gymnast for ten years!