Title: A state of mind
by Mark from Lancashire | in writing, poetry
I'm in need of a new life
One that flows from day to day
One that I can enjoy my time
And not worry about my pay
A life of dreams that are never true
A life of scenes that are missing you
A light at the end of my tunnel
That gets smaller each step I take.
A life that gets deeper
With every word I say
A life that has no rules
Were I can have my way
A place to go and hide
A place to confide
A place to keep my worries
And my thoughts locked away
A place that is unvisited
A place that is unknown
A place that I've forgot
That's never to be shown
For on that dreadful day
When they passed away
I lost my mind.
when i was writing about this i was thinking of the people who block out everything that has gone wrong in their lives. If someone lost someone who was close to them and then decided to hide that memory and never speak of it.