Title: Invisible
by Emma | in writing, poetry
I sit in the corner,
My hair covers my face.
You and your friends,
Are planning your next shopping trip.
I'm invisible,
You don't see me.
You pass on by without a word.
You and your friends,
Are discussing your new favourite band.
I'm invisible,
You don't see me.
You pass on by without a word.
You and your friends,
Are making a plan on how you should approach your crush.
I'm invisible,
You don't see me.
You pass on by without a word.
You and your friends
Are arguing, you're all in the wrong.
I'm invisible,
You don't see me.
You pass on by without a word.
Now it's just you,
Your friends have gone - you're all alone.
I'm no longer invisible.
You see me.
You talk to me.
I walk away without a word.
Being used as a doormat.