Title: I give you tears
by Jasmine from Gloucestershire | in writing, poetry
I give you my heart,
Stomping, pumping, thumping.
I give you my knees,
Weak and trembling.
I give you my stomach,
Sick with the fluttery butterflies inside.
I give you my palms sticky like summer.
I give you my heart,
Stomping, pumping, thumping.
I give you my eyes,
Eagerly watching waiting.
I give you my lips,
Smiling brighter than autumn colour.
I give you my heart,
Stomping, pumping, thumping.
You give me youï'½re hand,
I give you mine,
I wont recline.
You give me warmth in the winter.
And I rage,
Im a fire.
I give you my all.
I give you my heart,
Stomping, pumping, thumping.
I give you my hand,
Squeeze the juice of an orange.
I give you my pain,
My stomach is sick,
No butterflies.
I give you my lungs,
Screaming in agony.
I give you tears,
Tears of joy.
I give you tears,
Of our baby boy.
My baby brother coming in to the world. Credits: jazz =)