Title: Why the China doll girl?
by Sophie from Staffordshire | in writing, fiction
China doll girl was wearing a black short buttoned dress. The seat vibrated to the school bus engine. The window steamed up with a grey cloud. Her pale face covered in shock of the daunting news that Shelly was waiting for her. Her red lips covered below her scarf and her cheeks pink but stained, stained of the salty water that drenched them in sadness.
The school bus stopped she froze in horror of who was waiting, Shelly was waiting. She slowly stepped off the yellow beast on to the grey concrete pavement. Her black pump almost dropping of her dainty foot, as she stepped down the steep step.
The china doll girl as everyone knows her walked slowly towards the school entrance when she felt a sharp pain in her head, what was it? Suddenly a trickle sound met the floor in a distant horror everyone stared at the china doll girl. She met a small mirror and in horror she saw a small, grey pebble sharp on some of the sides. Was she just dreaming or was it clutching to her head. A crimson liquid covered her black, dull hair almost like a red dye. The china doll girl fainted of the horror what had happened to her. Was shelly out for revenge or was it just for fun? What is going to happen to the china doll girl?
I just like and want to write stories!