Title: An Ode to Today
by Rachael from Hertfordshire | in writing, poetry
Ok, here we go, another youth complaining about democracy, society, ignorance of the general public unaware how to stop it , stop the fear in our hearts and how to be different, how to set ourselves apart from the youth on the street, who hang out round the Co-op and cause the elderly to drop, and run back to the high-rise eyesores that the government adore, piling people upon people like sardines in a can and I don't know if I can take the pressure of being a straight A girl and having to grow up in this judgemental world where I cannot step a foot out of place without having someone come back in my face, stating that I'm a emo, chav or worse and therefore I cannot be diverse, I cannot breath the air as your choking me, killing me with your hypocrisy.