Title: Deadly Wonder
by Dark_Shine | in writing, fiction
Various famous film sets crumbled in ruins, a fissure which crept into the core of the earth was a black eye of the centre of the ravaged city. Yet, in the midst of a cave, a figure crouched in the shadows, darker than the night and hunched like a vulture. I staggered up to it and observed it: a girl, no more than 15, with intensely mangled hair, decapitated nails and crippled skin like rose petals, creaked its head towards me and locked eyes- swollen red, lamp like eyes, leered at my face, almost burning a abyss in my face then lunged at my bewildered, mortified expression.
I was inspired by the gorging darkness as it swooped in and smothered a crumbling quarry I had just conquered in the deceptive Derbyshire dusk... Credits: I was twelve when I wrote this.