Title: Meeting place
by Sasha from Scotland | in writing, poetry
Where will you go,
In the darkness of your despair?
Please, tell me
And I will meet you there.
When death's cold face
Has looked upon the one you loved.
When he led him far away,
Leaving the realms and realms
Of bitter grief to bear.
Please, tell me
And I will meet you there
When visitors fade,
And curtains are no longer drawn
And when you can finally
Bring yourself to say the words
'And now, he is gone'
I will meet you there
Always know this.
I will love you,
Even in your despair.
I wrote this poem a couple of years ago for my older sister when our big brother died. At that time I never really understood grief, just anger. I saw the effect his death had on her and instead of trying to talk to her, I wrote this poem.