Title: Titanic and her Supernova Birth
by Olivia from Surrey | in writing, poetry
We were triumphant once.
You and I had the makings of a King -
a lion's heart.
Stern and proud
but not lovable.
Lovable was not an option.
Then something twisted,
turned in the sea where
Titanic faced her decease
and then her birth like a supernova
But we were never born again.
We never rose from our own ashes like Phoenixes.
You and I were broken from each other.
Coward, you were.
And now I am here,
facing the earth
and sky and wind;
feeling the light on my
old haggard face,
In this
Just once
I wished you were the one capable of love.
I love the backstory of a poem. So one morning, I thought of this story in my head, and thought it would be interesting as a poem instead of prose. For me, it was basically about power and love and perhaps deceit as well. This general theme of how someone so cold and ruthless has the abilty to love someone.