Title: S.A.D
by MadMadamMo from North Yorkshire | in writing, poetry, story-telling
A secret gimpse of sunshine seeps
Through dusky window on glistening lips, sleeps
As it waits upon little nothing
And soaks up the tingling song
That silent speakers duth bring.
The tangling curls in seats beyond
And further beyond the intertwining arms
Upon which blossoms unfold.
Hold the sweetness of colour
Yet the rememberance of worries to behold.
The ashy grass oppressed by careless souls
Who feed themselves on simple pleasures
And ignorant unawareness
Untill by wanting more they become less
In this mess that only this gentle breeze cures.
Many enjambled patterns create
Dancing memories of dull glowing light
And white wilderness
Loneliness creeps from the zigged chants taking squeezing
Hopes of sunnier sights and gratefulness.
Like innocent clouds carressing the sensitive sky
Breaths sigh in the longness of each sentence
Overthrown by happiness
No longer the prisoner of
Senseless Tentions.
a realieation...