Title: Silence the Moment
by Fezz from Cambridgeshire | in writing, poetry, dark
Silence the moment for at last he can rest,
Don’t make a sound like the heart in his chest,
Silence the birds that do fly in the sky,
As fortune and love must now surely die.
Stop all the traffic and let them all mourn,
Imprison the sunlight before it finds dawn.
Deflate the moon that dies without sun,
Put out the stars until there are none.
Kill all the music and silence the notes,
Empty the ship of all of its boats.
Pull on the plug that empties the sink,
To diminish the thoughts that one has to think.
For life without him is a life without soul,
Now relinquish those memories that once made me whole.
I turn off the taps and I throw away food,
For life without him is a life without good.
By Jonathon
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