Title: Within the Sack
by Chrissi from Cheshire | in writing, poetry, dark
As leaves fall from maple trees
The power of frosty autumnal night
From Samhain to Samhain
The Goddess hears our plight
Beneath a tree of olive grove
A person stands within its shadow
Inside his soul is a secret's lair
I know him as Calhoun Blaire
Within this sack created with imagination
I know there's sea
Sea so turquoise
It must be Greece
I know of cities
So overcrowded and slow
I think 'tis America
Where mistrust grows
I follow unbeknownst to me
A flowing Crimson road
Where blood falls
And flesh grows
I am in askance
Toward the onyx tower
I request this war to end
This war of Fire Flower
Upon the flame of Nature
There lies a golden athame
Studded with onyx and tiger's eye
There is nothing more to say
A child sits beside the flame
Watching the circle of Meredelain
A slow ancient song she hums
As power draws her to death.
Sounds of fire crackling with hunger
Beneath the pine tree
I wait for true love
Yet Death waits for me.
This is a piece of creative writing that I had done within my English class in May. We were asked a series of questions to create imagery and then required to write as many 4 line stanzas as we could with as many ideas as we wanted. I had more ideas, but these fit in best.