Title: Favourite Time of Day
by Tiffany-Zara from Lancashire | in writing, poetry, story-telling
Favourite Time of Day
My favourite time of day is the end of the day,
Awaiting for tomorrow and wondering what I'll discover next,
Fascinated by the idea of the next upcoming second being a second I've never experienced before,
Silence, everyone dropping into a void of content darkness,
You allow yourself to be engulfed by dreams, hopes and what if's?
My favourite time of day is the end of the day,
I love this time of day where clothes lie creased, containing memories of today's blissfulness,
This part of the day is silent, even though my mind is still screaming with the discoveries of today.
I wrote this whilst in a poetry workshop. We had to write a poem based on our favourite time of day. I choose Nightime. Enjoy.
that is so true and so clever
just simply amazing
well done
safura x
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