Title: Fallen
by Craig from Cornwall | in writing, poetry, dark
I could say that I have fallen for the waiting room;
clicking whirls as the coffee machine reaches boiling point,
is it my turn to go in yet miss?
The nurse calls me onto the seat of a rollercoaster...
I could say I have fallen for the hospital bed;
upright at a forty five degree angle,
covered by rumpled sheets and bloodied pillow,
an obsessive compulsive cleanliness nightmare...
I could say that I have fallen for the dialysis machine;
the waves your heart makes on the screen,
the increase in numbers / the decrease in numbers,
while you softly slip into comatose...
I could say that I have fallen for the way your eyes roll in sleep,
I could say that I have fallen too quickly,
I could say that I have fallen too deep.