Title: Game comp
Image by conor2323 from Kent | in art & design, 2d, illustration

My ship really relates to him because it matches his personality. i have made part of the ship the way he looks,the bit that looks like him is the tube part from his body.also i used the pattern on part of it from his other ship in the comic to make it look like the pattern is his logo/symbol.the special feature is a massive cone realesing a massive stench in his way to help him capture and defeat aliens. Also i have made the ship the colour of him to make relate to him even more. As well i have put the 2 windows red to make it look more scary to the other ships as it looks like he is looking at you. The colours put in the ship make it look scary and match his personality as the colours symbolise evil and mysterious. The special feature will definitly help him as he catches aliens to see how they get defeated by sarah jane so the stench will put them out of action so he can get them and capture them.Also i added this feature because in his description it says hes leaves a foul stench in his way.