Title: game design competition kruilis spaceship
Image by christian from Cheshire | in art & design, design, graphic design

This is my design for the kruilis' new spaceship, it was stolen by the kruilis from the shadow proclamation, the ship, named "the vengance" was bought by the shadow proclamation from the darksmiths as its newest and best flagship to lead its judoon justice fleets but was stolen the day before it was unveiled to the public. "the vengance" has a hull constructed from a composite of dwarf star alloy and proamonium two of the rarest and dense materials in the universe, it has both transmat and hyposlip travel capabilities. it is armed with many conventional fission canons which can be controlled from either the rear plexi-glass gunners window or from the command module at the front of the ship. The ship has a vtol landing system a large main thruster and two conventional chemical fuel thrusters. The command module itself can also be separated from the main body of the ship and its special feature is its retractable digital energy scoops these create a containment and shrinking field around its target and uses continuous-event transmuter technology to store the digitally on a crystal. The arms retract in flight to reduce drag. For the design I thought about the sort of spacecraft from doctor who in the 1970s especially the one from cit of death and from frontier in space