Title: The Krule
Image by CMDesigner | in art & design, 2d, drawing

I decided to have a go at making The Krulius a spaceship that would not only reflect his looks, but also what I believe to be his personality. I first came up with the idea of a round ship by thinking of animals that would live in or near a swamp, as this is where The Krulius himself came from. What came to mind were dung-beetles and other such creatures that can role themselves up into tight balls in order to protect themselves. The spaceship芒聙聶s special feature is the hands, attached by pipes (also a feature on The Krulius) to the spaceship. They can suck enemy aircraft close to the ship, and then the ship can destroy it by spinning fast and cutting into them with The Krule芒聙聶s 芒聙聹spikes.芒聙聺 I think the ship should be made out of a dark shiny metal, and the visor that The Krulius would look out of should be tinted glass. I think that this ship is appropriate for the target audience as now days children like to see a sequence of events when something is attacked or destroyed. This ship can offer just that, allowing something to be helplessly sucked towards it, and then be destroyed by the ship.
Hey everyone! does anyone know who got chosen as the winners of the competition, or if you know if you were one of the winners? Think all of the entries where apsolutely awesome by the way! ;0)
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