Title: The Krulius' Spaceship
Image by Ambereen from Derbyshire | in art & design, 2d, drawing

When I was thinking of ideas for my spaceship design, I decided I wanted it to be similar to what the Krulius himself looked like. I believe that I have achieved this by making sure my design had certain elements to it. I made the ship look slightly elegant by making the shape of it simple, but not all straight lines or circles. This reflects the Krulius as his long robes have a slight elegancy to them. I have also made it look sinister by using only the colours red and black. The special feature on the ship is on top of the ship. It is a prison that can store the aliens that the Krulius has captured. I have based the design for the prison on the digital bio-converter and modem on his wrist. I have added this to make the ship look a bit technological, like the Krulius. I think that this spaceship will fit in to the Sarah Jane Adventures world as it is very different to previous spaceships but, as it has some of the conventions of a spaceship; it will be recognised as one very easily.