I have two minutes to write a blog entry before I get picked up to go to Bristol, where I will film for another series of 'Frock Me'... the first one goes out on Sunday btw.. ! Janine (producer /scary big sister/mum) will cause me some damage if I leave the blog without a wee weekend entry.
This week of Brekkie shows has been the usual emotional rollercoaster.. Dizzee got the ball rolling on Monday bringing us his new tune 'Dirtee Disco' exclusively. Westwood's been dropping his bombs with us all week too, coming in everyday to tell us about his heroic missions as part of our 'Local Hero' campaign. On Tuesday I ended up getting roped in & went down to the bank of the River Thames with him and Scott Mills in a pair of toe capped wellington boots and cleared away some mess. Check out the video here! I must say hand on heart I never thought that Westwood would be able to change his dog like ways.. But he's softened up each and every single day, completing his missions with enthusiasm and care.... He didn't even mind when his pants fell down in front of Chipmunk!
I've really got to go now.. argh...
Gem Xx
Repo Man is released in cinemas today, Gemma caught up with Hollywood heavy weights Jude Law & Forest Whitaker to talk about the movie.
Gem's keys..

Trev's keys..

Your bunches!

Thank you everyone.. please let us know your thoughts...
It's a Sunday and my first day of no travelling, no filming, no radio gassing in three whole weeks. But I'm enthused to write a blog about Snowbombing.. A festival I was lucky enough to go to for work last week, it's in the mountains of Mayerhofen, Austria. It was too much fun and very surreal for someone who scowls at any suggestion of Skiing / snowboarding and thinks that they are really afraid of heights! Get yourself up a mountain as soon as possible if you relate to any of the above. Special thanks too Mistajam for providing an off-duty dance-athon one night where he was spinning some tunes (Highlight: Rude Boy remix).
One day we drove two and half hours, took two cable cars 6ft up to watch Annie do her thang.
Picture taken by Danny North.
Back to Breakfast, full of mountain tales and excited about music.
Gem Xxx
Hiya this is Shaz T,
All week Trevor has been questioning whether work is taking over his social life, as he keeps missing out on major social events.
Today I found out that Trevor can't go to see his beloved Chelsea at the FA Cup Semi Final this weekend. Trevor kindly offered the Breakfast team his tickets and I was quick to accept the chance to go to Wembley, despite being a Man U fan. However, Trevor and Producer "Mean" Janine decided that I had to undertake an embarrassing challenge.

So after being a complete traitor to my team (Man U), I got the tickets! I will take lots of pics and report back to you on Monday - that's if Trevor finds the tickets!
Did you play any April fools pranks this year? We did. I know its a week ago, but have a listen to how we stitched Gemma up like a kipper...
Its a classic. Check it;
With Tiger Woods' return to golf at the Masters today, sport guru David Garrido dropped by to give us the skinny on what we should be looking out for. In the way that only two sporting giants can, Trevor and David went head to head in the studio to see who was the best at golf (nothing was broken aside from a grown man's dignity).

To say that the standard on display was poor would be an understatement. Neither managed to get the ball in the coffee cup... although it is important to stress that Trevor felt the floor was far too bumpy to show off his skill (whatever).
Today we heard about a 102 year old woman who has gone back to primary school (talk about being the oldest in class). She always longed for the chance of a proper education and went back to fulfil her ambition. This got us thinking in the studio about what we want to achieve this year and we asked you what you're hoping to tick off the list...
We had suggestions of learning to kite surf; picking up a new language and helping out with a spot of charity work. As for Trevor, he feels he'd like to brush up on his swimming skills. Remarkably, Trevor isn't actually swimming in the photo below - it's actually an artist's impression but he already looks like a seasoned professional (perhaps).

Here's the new Breakfast team, we thought it only proper to introduce them properly.
So, here's the lovely Shazin. This morning she exposed herself when asked about her weekend. Check this out, she supports Man U (I know, I know), and on the weekend of one of the biggest matches for the top two prem sides, she decides to not watch her beloved team, choosing instead to go to..... the boat race with her mate. Boat Race? What is that all about? Rubbing shoulders with posh peeps in straw boaters, when she should have been down the pub with her 3D specs on watching the match! It was as if she knew it was going to be a bad result for the red devils.

Anyways, apart from not supporting her team, Shazin comes from Bristol and her fave colour is pink.

And this, my friends is Will. Or as he is now called Will.He.Is. He comes from South West London and we think he likes mint choc chip ice-cream and running. He used to see himself as the new Craig David, then realised that comedy was far easier and became a stand-up comic - err, actually that last bit was a lie.

Will, in his spare time likes nothing better than to balance water bottles on his head. He believes it helps with digestion. Go Will, go!