Hello Blog Botherers,Ìý
Joe here. Long time no see! How are you doing? What have you been up to? Really?!?! Why the hell did you do that??? That's insane. Christ.Ìý
Adam and I just wanted to let you know that we'll have the privilege of presenting three shows as part of 6 Music's Glastonbury coverage this year. We're both really excited about being on air together again, and can't wait to serve you with top notch music and piping- hot, ill-prepared waffle. In fact, we're already hard at work ill- preparing the waffle mix. And although Adam did spill a lot of it on the carpet, he's managed to scrape most of it up, and we think it's probably still useable.Ìý
See you at Glastonbury!Ìý
Comment number 1.
At 16th Jun 2010, Ed wrote:Fantastic news! Can't wait for the return of Count Buckules and Dr Sexy! :D
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Comment number 2.
At 16th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:Just knowing you're alive is comfort enough, Joe. Last year's Glastonbury shows were some of the most enjoyable, not least because of the facility to creepily watch you fiddling on the webcam.
SO happy - that's me, dancing in the street.
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Comment number 3.
At 16th Jun 2010, gooseontheloose wrote:DOCTOR SEXY!
hello marvellous, handsome witty man.
i'm awfully excited about this, you've literally just made my week. my days have been long and cold without you and adam together. please, please make sure that it's avialble in podcast form outside the uk!
love you endlessly!
have you heard from boggins recently?
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Comment number 4.
At 16th Jun 2010, kendersrule wrote:So, SO happy right now!
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Comment number 5.
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Comment number 6.
At 16th Jun 2010, Paul Holloway wrote:Good grief. I've just had to put down my sandwich.
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Comment number 7.
At 16th Jun 2010, j0annepsi wrote:Brilliant news! A&J were the highlight of 6music's Glasto coverage last year. I even listened to their show live and I was actually THERE.
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Comment number 8.
At 16th Jun 2010, Si wrote:O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
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Comment number 9.
At 16th Jun 2010, amymergirl wrote:Fabulous news! When are you on? I need to block out my diary and make sure nobody tries to make me do anything else while you're on air.
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Comment number 10.
At 16th Jun 2010, Santos wrote:Finally! Joe's alive!
Really looking forward to the Glastonbury coverage!
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Comment number 11.
At 16th Jun 2010, Rob McDougall wrote:Fantastic news !
Where will you be ? Same as last year ?
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Comment number 12.
At 16th Jun 2010, alex_collier wrote:YES!!!! Woo - HOOOO!
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Comment number 13.
At 16th Jun 2010, monastico wrote:Such wonderful news that you'll be reunited at last! Hoo-rah!!! :)
Welcome back, dear Joe.
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Comment number 14.
At 16th Jun 2010, foxystoat wrote:JOE! IT'S JOE!
Oh my goodness! This news has got me so hot, I'm boiling, I'm going to have to sit down and take off my cardi.
I thought my day couldn't get any better (seeing Keane in Birmingham tonight) but THIS news just tops it all off with a great big glistening cherry. Can't wait for the waffle!
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Comment number 15.
At 16th Jun 2010, nicky brooks wrote:Happinessabounds and leapies for joy,for Buckles&Cornballs:D:D:D
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Comment number 16.
At 16th Jun 2010, Andrew J Smith wrote:I wonder are the ´óÏó´«Ã½ keeping up their "We hate non uk residents and therefore will deny them anything involving Adam Buxton" thing or will they podcast these for the world to enjoy. Why do the bbc want to hide Buxton from the rest of the world???????????
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Comment number 17.
At 16th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:@Andrew J Smith they don't want to, as such. It's a legal thing with clearances for the tracks etc. Poke around the net or the twittersphere for some more info ;)
I demand that this blog entry only contains JOYFUL stuff! (I don't demand, I have no right and I'm not spunky enough to do that anyway)
Still doing a happy dance? I'm exhausted. Is it time yet?
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Comment number 18.
At 16th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:"Cornballs Alive" *said in a Prince Vultan voice*
Hey, how's the movie business Dr Sexy? What was it like meeting Sir Steven of the Spielberg...did you act like a total fanboy?...did you sleep at all the night before?...did you do a little wee wee in your pants? I would!
The Glasto news is so exciting I might do a little wee wee in my pants right now! I wish I was going to Glast-on-berry! meep!
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Comment number 19.
At 16th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Hey...hang on a minute...does this mean you are back in the UK?...*brain ticking over* *sound of cogs whirring*................................. You could be a guest on the Big Mix Tape...oh please say you will...please...please...please. *Fingers crossed*
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Comment number 20.
At 16th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:...feel free to answer my questions when you are a guest on Adams Big Mix Tape!
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Comment number 21.
At 16th Jun 2010, Thomas Oliver wrote:Hooray for the return of Buckles & Cornballs
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Comment number 22.
At 16th Jun 2010, James Rice wrote:GOOD NEWS!
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Comment number 23.
At 16th Jun 2010, Russell WWxx wrote:I spent the last Glasto listening to Adam & Joe whilst decorating my living room.
This year I'll just be listening to Adam and Joe.
What's the theme (or mood) of your Big Mix Tape guest appearance going to be? Music to make friends and influence people could be good...
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Comment number 24.
At 16th Jun 2010, llamarama wrote:Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
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Comment number 25.
At 16th Jun 2010, TheNoonBarrier wrote:I LOVE YOU!
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Comment number 26.
At 16th Jun 2010, JamesProducer wrote:Hi Everyone, I'm glad you are all so happy for the return of A&J! We've all missed them here at 6 Music.
There will be three shows and three subsequent podcasts. They’ll be on between 8 and 10pm on Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th June.
6 Music's coverage from Glastonbury starts on Thursday 24th with Steve Lamacq at 4pm.
Hopefully we'll see some of you down there!
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Comment number 27.
At 16th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:PS I'm just assuming that you met the Spielberg when you were helping to rewrite the Tin Tin script! If indeed you even did can't trust them! Were you even out of the country whilst making Attack the Block? ah...I don't know!...meh!
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Comment number 28.
At 16th Jun 2010, dancintash wrote:Glad to here your back together for this most special of occasions. Hope the movie preparation is going well for you Joe.
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Comment number 29.
At 16th Jun 2010, Noodle wrote:See you there Buckulon and Cornballs! It should be great. And Ill give you guys a stephen!
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Comment number 30.
At 16th Jun 2010, theshooglypeg wrote:HOORAY! This is brilliant news. I am not prepared to admit in a public place just how much I have missed my Adam and Joe podcasts, but rest assured, it is quite a lot.
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Comment number 31.
At 16th Jun 2010, Mattymoomoo wrote:hey JCB its good to have you back!
was glasto really just last year with the made up jokes marathon thing? or maybe that was some other event but i remember it so clearly, well some parts anyway cant wait for the new glastocasts
ilu cornballs takecare bai XXxxOOoo
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Comment number 32.
At 16th Jun 2010, IainB wrote:As long as there isn't the same nonsense as last year. SWMBO and I went to the Caberet Tent to hear some made-up jokes but were told by one of the attendants outside that A&J wouldn't be appearing at Glasto 2009. We were furious to hear, via the podcast, that the evil attendant LIED and a marvellous set of jokes WERE TOLD!
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Comment number 33.
At 16th Jun 2010, 2plus2isjoe wrote:Two things:
2) Does anyone know if The Count and the Doctor will be making a live appearance at Glasto this year?
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Comment number 34.
At 16th Jun 2010, judelton wrote:HI JOE! HI JOE! HI JOE!
I miss you :(
i mean, adams big mix tape really is fantastic, and by far my favorite show in the radio and podcast universe, but i miss cornballs :(
Hurry up and come back to the radio!!
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Comment number 35.
At 16th Jun 2010, Michael wrote:WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPP WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPP that's the sounds of the PodMax Police! YAY! So happy!
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Comment number 36.
At 16th Jun 2010, Julian wrote:Woooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That is all.
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Comment number 37.
At 16th Jun 2010, Spax wrote:This news just made my day!
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Comment number 38.
At 17th Jun 2010, Sam wrote:Happy days. You need to keep us informed of your whereabouts or secret/surprise appearances over the weekend. I'd love a Glasto-squadron command to be issued
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Comment number 39.
At 17th Jun 2010, FruityLexia wrote:Well this is the best news I've heard for just about ever. I certainly hope there will be content floating about the interweb for us colonials to clutch at, longingly...
Great to have you back Mr Cornballs! Be a good boy now. XXOOxxxxoooo
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Comment number 40.
At 17th Jun 2010, Coconutjam wrote:You have absolutely made my day. No make that month no year!
Welcome back fellas
love you bye!
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Comment number 41.
At 17th Jun 2010, gooseontheloose wrote:james, you're marvellous. thankyou for the podcast reassurance. any word on buckles' big mix tape?
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Comment number 42.
At 17th Jun 2010, crumster wrote:Yayyyyyyyyy, I'm extremely excited!!!! The thought of Doctor Sexy back in the studio gets me all hot and bothered, though I'd rather have Buckules MD perform the gynecological exam ;)
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Comment number 43.
At 17th Jun 2010, petra eujane wrote:Can i come to glasto with you?
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Comment number 44.
At 17th Jun 2010, Stuscrace wrote:Most wonderful news, good to have you back Joe, I think Adam's missed you.
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Comment number 45.
At 17th Jun 2010, kateandjim wrote:Oh Joe, how I've missed you!
I'm unfeasibly excited at the prospect of these three shows. Thank goodness you're back, even if it is just for a limited period. I wish you weren't so busy having another career and all that.
Still, I'm so so so happy that Dr Sexy's surgery is open once more, clear a space in the appointment book and pop my name down.
Kisses and cuddles, Kate x
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Comment number 46.
At 17th Jun 2010, Adam wrote:Just when I thought Glasto couldn't get any better! I'll be listening to the podcasts when I get back and re-living some great memories.
Will you be appearing anywhere during the festival like last year?
Big love for A&J!
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Comment number 47.
At 17th Jun 2010, James Heal wrote:Excellent news! How about making the podcasts full shows (for those of us who will be at the festival), Kermode and Mayo style (with the music cut out for obvious legal reasons)?!
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Comment number 48.
At 18th Jun 2010, Eh Watt wrote:Heyyy Joe, where you goin' with that cam in your hand..?
"A luxurious la-di-da life in sun-kissed LA sipping Pina Coladas on the Sunset Strip with all the Follywood glitterati."
Oh, I see. Anyway, how are you, old fiend?
Look forward to the getting of the Glasto waffle on. A ridiculous amount of Tesco crunchy peanut butter on mine, and make it snappy s'il vous plait.
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Comment number 49.
At 18th Jun 2010, sweetsweetboggins wrote:YAY!
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Comment number 50.
At 18th Jun 2010, JulieSpritz wrote:Joseph Murray Cornish! Positively delighted you are back on the blog!
You have been very missed and I cannot wait for the Glasto coverage. Please endeavour to get a little tooty on cider and have a fabulous time. Sloppy kisses and fruity cuddles x
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Comment number 51.
At 18th Jun 2010, gkemp wrote:Woo hoo! Dr Sexy is reunited with Dr Buckles - the dream team! Nurse Totties will stick the kettle on for you x x x
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Comment number 52.
At 18th Jun 2010, doc auch wrote:Surely a special podcast is called for. How about a video diary?
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Comment number 53.
At 19th Jun 2010, Jamie wrote:Why does everyone think that Joe is in L.A schmoozing by the pool with Steven Spielberg? He's not; he's in London filming 'Attack the Block' - you know; the film he's directing.
Anyway, this news is great. I'm hoping for a moving and very tearful reunion.
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Comment number 54.
At 19th Jun 2010, Pali wrote:I'm so happy. I was starting to think we'd never hear A&J on the radio together ever again.
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Comment number 55.
At 19th Jun 2010, Dafydd_Brown wrote:This is a good thing.
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Comment number 56.
At 19th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:@Jamie I've just made crazy assumptions based on stuff I've read etc...
I knew about Attack the Block, but would love for Joe to confirm or deny the Tin Tin script just sounded so perfect, I hope it's true.
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Comment number 57.
At 19th Jun 2010, Jamie wrote:@Marge - yeah, Joe did work on the Tin Tin script, along with Edgar Wright, but I think their work finished ages ago - the movie's in post production. I wonder how much of Joe's life experiences will come through in the movie....will Tin Tin's dog Snowy do a poo on the floor and constantly try to lick people's faces in a divisively annoying yet very sweet fashion? We'll have to wait and see.
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Comment number 58.
At 20th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:@MargeGunderson (& @Jamie) Joe was working on TinTin when he got the shivery tingles & when he did the HotFuzz Rally. Fortunately, I believe he had long since handed over the script before Boggins popped into their lives.
A little bit about Ant Man (with Edgar) popped up on the net this week & you can read it .
I think I'm right in saying that principal photography on Attack the Block is complete and the editing process has begun. It was shot in Sarf London & in a London studio. People just like to joke that Joe's gone 'all Hollywood' but that's not always intended to imply that he's physically in California. It's just a state of mind ;)
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Comment number 59.
At 20th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:I feel like a ponce writing all that. What am I? His flippin' mother? There's no delete button. Ignore me.
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Comment number 60.
At 20th Jun 2010, Jayde Broadway wrote::D I'm a lucky Kat! I'm off to Glastonbury tomorrow (I'm staff, megayays), and finding this out just makes this year complete. I LOVE YOU DR SEXY! Me and my pet Bear shall hunt for thee!
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Comment number 61.
At 20th Jun 2010, Bloofs wrote:Have to say the number of staff the ´óÏó´«Ã½ sends to cover Glastonbury is way over the top - but I suppose sending both Adam AND Joe is OK. For now.
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Comment number 62.
At 20th Jun 2010, a_man_possessed wrote:Cannot wait for this. My earworm since the world cup started has been The Footie Song. Any chance of a live renditon?
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Comment number 63.
At 20th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:@YourNameHere...Your back!
Thanks for the Joe Biog...I'm guessing he did meet Spielberg when he did the Tin Tin script though????
Antman will be so cool! All leading up to Avengers too...oh dear I have let on that I'm a bit of a geek there haven't I? Oh well!
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Comment number 64.
At 20th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Also looking forward to Scott Pilgrim ...NICE!
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Comment number 65.
At 21st Jun 2010, Rachel Grundy wrote:Oh happy day! Very much looking forward to vicarious Glast-on-berry goodness via Buckles and Cornballs. We missed you muchly, Dr. Sexy!
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Comment number 66.
At 21st Jun 2010, nicelittlebitofcake wrote:Here's a pathetic thing I thought you may like. I was looking on my flour shelf the other day, and I was sort of thinking about the types of flour, the various names, you know: plain, wholemeal, self raising, buckwheat and cornflour and I thought, hey, the last two there sound a bit familiar...what does that remind me of? And of course it was Adam Buckwheat and Joe Cornflour! Is that a new one??
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Comment number 67.
At 21st Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Hey "blogger formally known as Bolly Knickers" - I love your flour names they are genius!!!
...and of course they fit in with your new name too ;)
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Comment number 68.
At 22nd Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:" Adam Buckwheat and Joe Cornflour" - I love it AND they're both gluten-free!
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Comment number 69.
At 22nd Jun 2010, Anouk wrote:I've just been on holiday, listening to your podcasts every night to drown out the sounds of a noisy hostel, wondering when you guys would return and then I come home and read this brilliant news. YAY! :D
*does happy post-holiday suntanned A&J jig*
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Comment number 70.
At 25th Jun 2010, SomePerson wrote:YAY!
Joseph Cornballs, we love you very much. Kindly stop playing around with silly cameras and famous directors and get back to the bearded one and accompanying microphones, where you belong!
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Comment number 71.
At 26th Jun 2010, spyramy wrote:In case you were interested, i just heard an egg-corn:
Dog Eat Dog World
Doggy Dog World
... I think the latter sounds more sinister, personally.
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Comment number 72.
At 27th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:I'm enjoying the Glastonbury shows...just wondering is anyone else having a problem downloading and keeping the podcasts. I could only "Save the link" but after playing it in itunes the file disappears. Should we be able to download and keep them??? I'm probably doing something wrong knowing me!!!
Also does anyone know where the frontroom festival photos are gonna be put? Ad & Joe said that they would post some of the best ones...I can't find them anywhere! :(
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Comment number 73.
At 27th Jun 2010, chee-ki wrote:Been enjoying Adam's Big mix tape-Always fun to listen to.
But I've really missed you guys together *sigh*
Excited to hear you two together here.
Hugs xx
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Comment number 74.
At 27th Jun 2010, Coconutjam wrote:Boys- that was brilliant! Great Glasto shows, great times...great's what extreme summer is made for!
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Comment number 75.
At 28th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:Thank you both/all for a wonderful weekend.
Throw us a bone or two over the next few months before you return properly. You have no idea how greatly it lifts the spirits of an aimless bunch of souls.
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Comment number 76.
At 28th Jun 2010, YourNameHere wrote:Marge - I'm guessing the entire team are packing all their special tools, ready for the journey back to London.
I'm sure they'll sort out all the Squadron photos and they're bound to link them in a post here when they get a moment.
That last sentence didn't seem too pointed, did it? xx
No idea what's crook with your iTunes. If you go to the Podcast page you can right-click to save the file as an mp3 to be played in any of your musical apps or devices.
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Comment number 77.
At 28th Jun 2010, MargeGunderson wrote:Thanks YournameHere (it feels weird calling you that!) the podcasts seem to be working now and have downloaded properly into my itunes! YAY!
I have relented and joined Twitter simply so I can see any updates. Hope to see you all on there...
How do you join or indeed can you even join a #tag group?
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Comment number 78.
At 28th Jun 2010, Willy Pullar wrote:Babafubaba!!!
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