Weekend Action
I'm going to the British Asian Sports Awards on Saturday. Can't wait to see who wins Best Passport Sprinter! Should be fun actually. Sitting next to James Caan from Dragon's Den. Any suggestions on conversation starters? Something that doesn't sound like I'm after his cash -Ìý well not in an obvious way anyhow.
Of course its not the biggest awards ceremony this weekend. Even our very own BrumDog Millionaire is going. Here he is calling a Pooch salon in L.A to try and get some treatments:
Listen to Brumdog's call to a pooch salon
Hope you've enjoyed the show this week. I feel like I have had a bit of a rant at times -Ìý Bollywood, Abhishek, girls in clubs, dodgy dates...the list goes on. I am nice really and was just letting off steam. Just to prove I am a nice cute boy at heart I've attached a pic for you.
If you're looking for something portable in an Adil Ray way this weekend, don't forget to download my Podcast. It has all the best bits of the week and will keep the bosses happy.
Download the highlights
Ok, must take my Mum out for some lunch now and find out if my investment/gift of a dual action electric blanket has worked..
Much Love,

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