Ceremony at the Source
- 28 Oct 07, 03:31 PM
Posted from:Mismi Base Camp
After our acclimatization walks the whole team went on another walk two days ago - slightly easier this time - to head for the source. The landscape on the way up was quite amazing - almost lunar - and definitely had the feel that not many people had been up to this place, as if people were not meant to be there.
Zubin, hard at work among a herd of alpaca
There were no trees, plants, birds, animals, and hardly any oxygen, just endless ridges of sand; it was a desert in the sky. The cars could only go so far so we had to trek the final couple of hours. Again this was tough, the headaches would return and I occasionally wondered how far I could push myself before my body would say 'enough'.
Arriving at the source was a very special moment, crystal clear water seeping - almost gushing - out of a rock face, beginning its journey to become one of the most awesome creations of nature. One of our guides David performed a ceremony, which he involved us (the crew) in. It was very emotional for him and his emotion was infectious - we all knew we were very privileged to be at this place, it was a very uplifting experience and made all the pain of getting there worthwhile.
David's ceremony at the source of the Amazon
Yesterday we returned to the source to complete our filming there - this time we all felt super human - no headaches, no breathlessness, and we were at last able to really enjoy the place and take in all it offered. Again a fantastic day, and at last after eight or nine days we were acclimatized.
Bruce at the source of the Amazon