Llama herders and Real Madrid
- 29 Oct 07, 02:54 PM
Posted from:On the journey to Angostura
We first met our family of llama herders in the dark. Three nights ago we approached a tiny encampment and there, standing in the gloomy light, were the shadows of the family of llama herders that we've spent the last few days with. They greeted us warmly, gave Bruce presents and invited us into their very cosy stone house.
Icka in his home
Immediately the lens on the camera steamed up as inside was very much warmer than the freezing weather outside. This gave me a chance to say a proper hello to the family. An immediate spark came from the daughter Rosemary and the three-year-old son Icka, named proudly after the Real Madrid goalkeeper. Icka finds great pleasure in looking at his reflection in the lens and pushing his sticky fingers against it.
Bruce trekking in the Andes, on the way to Angostura
We camped out in tents while Bruce slept in the house with the family. The nights were freezing cold and it's hard to sleep because of the temperature and the thin air. After several 18-hour filming days we are totally exhausted but we have the sequence in the can. Today we started a long walk with our llama herders, recreating the route that they would have walked generations before. This site was truly magical, as they had dressed the llamas up with traditional flags and colours. It has also started to snow today so it looks even more spectacular.
See the slideshow of the team's journey with Rodolfo and family