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大象传媒2 大象传媒2
Raquel Toniolo

Garimpo Hot Pants

Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica
Day three at the gold mine, I'm loving it, but my God I'm so tired.

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James Smith

Gold Fever

Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica
I had thought 'gold rushes', where people flock to an area of wilderness in the hope of striking it rich, were long gone, replaced by large corporations using heavy machinery to dig up the precious ore. But the frenzied search for gold is happening right now in the Brazilian Amazon.

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Bruce Parry

Bruce follows the Gold Rush

Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica

Bruce Parry

Bruce travels the Transamazonica

Bruce travels along the Transamazonica highway

Bruce travels along the Transamazonica Highway, an unfinished 5000km long roadway with only 175 km of tarmac, initiated in 1970 with the aim of opening up the Amazon to development. Read Sol's blog about travelling the highway.

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