- Solange Welch
- 17 Apr 08, 03:37 PM
Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica
This evening Russia went down to the riverbank to meet her daughter who lives in the nearest town, Apui, 80km from the mine. It had been raining heavily the last few days and Russia was anxious because the road was bad and Sasha was already a few hours late.
Continue reading "It's a Dog's Life"
- Raquel Toniolo
- 17 Apr 08, 03:34 PM
Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica
Comfort for me is having a clean toilet to sit on.
Continue reading "She-wee"
- Keith Schofield
- 17 Apr 08, 02:53 PM
Posted from: Gold Mine, Grota Rica
Probably the hardest thing I've ever filmed. Bouncing about on the back of a dilapidated truck on a dirt track oddly described as a highway. We were on our way to a gold mine and filming a conversation between Bruce and Dudu travelling along the Transamazon Highway. Bouncing would be an understatement. Thrown around is probably more accurate. As the viewfinder drilled its way into my head, Bruce was on the ceiling and Dudu somewhere else. You get the idea.
Continue reading "Striking it Rich in Strange Territory"