Who's your favourite Family Guy character?
So let us know your favourite and feel free to tell us your favourite quotes too.

Peter: Just don't forget our deal, Lois. I sit through this and later tonight I get anal.
You hear me? No matter how neat I want the house you have to clean it.
The patriarch of the Griffin family has no idea what the word "patriarch' means. While Peter likes an occasional adult beverage at the Drunken Clam, his real passions are harebrained schemes and public nudity.
Peter: Huh, you know something? I always thought that dogs laid eggs. So, yeah. I learned something today.

Lois: Peter, I'm off to my book club, don't forget you have to go to the PTA meeting.
Peter: Me? Go to a PTA meeting? What are you high?
Lois: Nah, not anymore, I crashed hours ago. By the way, we are out of chips, cookies, and funnybones. Now, I'm going to my book club and you are going to the meeting.
The high-pitched voice of reason in the Griffin house, Lois is the only woman capable of tolerating Peter.
Peter Griffin: We all know that no women anywhere wants to have sex with anyone and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just bogus.
Lois Griffin: Ah, he is so right on. Women are such teases. That's why I went back to men.

Meg: Oh my God, we're gonna die! There's so much of life I haven't experienced. I never even got the chance to be some drunk college guy's last resort.
The most disliked member of the Griffin family, mainly by her parents. Frequently found at home, not getting calls from boys.
Meg: I just want to kill myself I'm gonna go upstairs and eat a whole bowl of peanuts.
(Lois and Peter stare in silence)
Meg: I'm allergic to peanuts.
(Peter and Lois keep staring)
Meg: You dont know anything about me. (runs upstairs)
Peter: Who was that guy?

Stewie: HA! That's so funny I forgot to laugh... excluding that first Ha.
This inventive, wisecracking tot is bent on world domination. And finding the perfect pair of snug jeans.
Stewie: Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you might as well pack it in. Game over.

Chris: My name is Chris, I'm supposed to be on my best behaviour tonight and not mention poo.....
Oh God, what have I done?
Like a typical teen, Chris has a fondness for learning and self, um, discovery. Someday he hopes to be as dumb as his father.
Meg: I miss Uncle Patrick.
Lois: Don't worry kids I promise we can visit him once a month
Chris: We'll be his period.

Brian: Whose leg do you have to hump to get a dry Martini around here?
Peter's best friend and loyal companion. Brian, a die-hard liberal, lives with the Griffins and enjoys drinking Martinis, writing terrible fiction and burying things in the yard.
Brian: "I just spent all morning watching a VH1 special on Gwen Stefani. I don't know what a Hollaback girl is. All I know is that I want her dead."

(Quagmire to a girl)
Quagmire: You must be a parking ticket, cuz you got fine written all over you.
A consummate ladies man, Quagmire is one of the only people to have an STD named after him. Giggety!
Quagmire: Soccer moms, all riiiiight! GIGGITY, GIGGITY,GIGGITY!
Dana Stevens is online content producer for 大象传媒 Three online.
Comment number 1.
At 14th May 2010, dennisjunior1 wrote:Dana:
I can't chose a favourite Family Guy Character since, I like them all....
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Comment number 2.
At 20th May 2010, Sally777 wrote:Everyone is good but Peter Griffin is the best !!
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Comment number 3.
At 22nd May 2010, lois_lover wrote:OMG. If I was a cartoon, Lois would be the one.
Even hotter than Jessica Rabbit.
Not even sure if I need to be a cartoon.
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Comment number 4.
At 27th May 2010, Stewieno1 wrote:Stewie Griffin For Prime minister !!
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Comment number 5.
At 29th May 2010, Darth Infinitum wrote:Stewie is the best but sometimes Brian is as well as Stu. I'd rather like to marry Lois so that I can be dumb, fat and lazy like Peter :-)
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Comment number 6.
At 1st Jun 2010, Melissa Hyde wrote:Stewie and Peter
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Comment number 7.
At 1st Jun 2010, HewYou wrote:Joe - Peter, how do you afford these things!
- There's no fear in the dojo!
- Lets go do some exercise!
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Comment number 8.
At 1st Jun 2010, rvn10 wrote:my favourite character is quagmire...just hilarious and unpredictable :D
heh heh allright!
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Comment number 9.
At 1st Jun 2010, Family Guy Addict wrote:Consuela, Bruce, Herbert and Adam West!!!
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Comment number 10.
At 1st Jun 2010, leonard wrote:Quagmire, absolutely quagmire........Giggity giggity..............alriiiiight lets have sex.
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Comment number 11.
At 1st Jun 2010, Joan Taylor wrote:Favourite character? Tough one, they are all great! My favourite is probably Brian.
Favourite quote isn't actually spoken by a main character, but a cheetah who cuts up and snorts Cheetos, cutting himself on a glass table in the process and then turns to camera and says "It ain't easy bein' cheesy".
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Comment number 12.
At 1st Jun 2010, tiki wrote:My fav character is easily stewie!!! He's just genius!! lol
Brian; Is it cold in here
Stewie; Nope, just really cold!!
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Comment number 13.
At 1st Jun 2010, Kloney wrote:My favourite is Louis, simply because shes witty and funny and has the best intentions, my favourite quote from her is
Brian: Do You ever stop and think "Wow i'm married to that guy?"
Lois: Nah, I just repress it.
Brian: Is that Healthy?
Lois: Ahh what's the worst that could happen?
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Comment number 14.
At 1st Jun 2010, JMXVZ wrote:I can only pick 2 of them stewie and brian because all the trips they go on
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Comment number 15.
At 1st Jun 2010, Family Guy Fanatic wrote:Well I actually have 2 fav characters..... Peter and Stewie. Just love em both haha lol. So hilarious they are!! ^_^
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Comment number 16.
At 1st Jun 2010, floryn_armay wrote:We watch family guy everyday .... we record it when we cant see it ... We love all the Characters they all have their special thing.
We would love to see some of the earlier editions / episodes
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Comment number 17.
At 1st Jun 2010, dannybbc3luver wrote:stuwie and brian
are great together and are soo funny
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Comment number 18.
At 1st Jun 2010, famliyguy wrote:i love Brian and Stewie r the best 4 me they r as funny as hell
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Comment number 19.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Stephen Walker-Emflorgo wrote:I have three main favourites overall; first and second are Stewie and Brian because they are a classic double act but on their own they hold out as characters. Thirdly and the most I sympathize with is Meg, I'm personally looking forward to the episode where Meg beats up Peter.
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Comment number 20.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Deedog wrote:Glen Quagmire
(Quagmire to a girl)
Quagmire: You must be a parking ticket, cuz you got fine written all over you.
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Comment number 21.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Deedog wrote:I like peter, stewie and Brain and Quagmire there all funny lol
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Comment number 22.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Jaine Sykes wrote:Thanks for all your comments - just reading some of your quotes back is making me giggle at my desk. Especially being reminded of the cheetah scene @Joan Taylor and Quagmire's chat up lines @Deedog.
Keep em coming!
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Comment number 23.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Lollipop Gurl wrote:Hmm I like all of them but Stewie HAS to be the Best.
But then again, so is Brian? Oh and the Evil Monkey! Hmm, I can't decide!
Some of Mt Favourite Quotes...
"What The Juse?!" - Stewie
"Who's Leg D'you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?" - Brian
"Giggedy Giggedy!" - Quagmire
"I sharpened a pencil in my bum and now I need a band-aid!" - 'Bitch' Brian
"Cool HWhip!" - Stewie
And there's loads more but I don't want to fill up your blog! x
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Comment number 24.
At 2nd Jun 2010, NicolleM93 wrote:Stewie! So cute and hilarious!
Brian & Stewie - "You're drunk.." "You're sexy!"
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Comment number 25.
At 2nd Jun 2010, lee wrote:i like everyone of them apart from meg lol
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Comment number 26.
At 2nd Jun 2010, Rita wrote:i like Stewie because he is funny,evil,and a genies
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Comment number 27.
At 3rd Jun 2010, Mark wrote:Peter, he's the most random and the funniest out of them all 1 random thing i found hilarious was on the new episode of family guy where Joe says that everyone's getting sick of getting kicked in the face thing and peter goes Oh yeah see what my shadowy ghost friends have to say about this nd joe screams lmao.
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Comment number 28.
At 5th Jun 2010, RKW - White Eagle wrote:On a regular basis in the show then Peter, but Joe Swanson makes me laugh when he goes "mental" at any random point.
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Comment number 29.
At 9th Jun 2010, Anil Chohan wrote:i Think my most favourite Family Guy characters are:
They do Family guy for me!
(P.S. im the biggest Family Guy Fan EVER!!!)
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Comment number 30.
At 9th Jun 2010, FamilyGuyOwnzZ wrote:Without Family Guy I would be lost! My favourite character is definatly Brian because of his dry wit and sarcastic manner. However saying this, i enjoy watching it no matter what and now cleveland is gone i find it is almost incomplete which is why i think seasons 2-6 are the best. The "star wars" paradies are also fantastic and other films should be made by Seth Macfarlane and his team!!! If you prefer South Park you obviously dont have any mental abilities!!!!
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Comment number 31.
At 21st Jun 2010, Rita wrote:i like stewie because he is so evil and i like it baby
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Comment number 32.
At 29th Jun 2010, lanabanana17 wrote:ever since quagmire made his reasons for hating brian clear,i've begun to like him waay less.
love stewie ,he is the favourite with me and always has been.
the minor characters are really cool too,mainly consuela and herbert!
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Comment number 33.
At 6th Jul 2010, Ommebike wrote:Lois is so hot she burns, move over Betty Rubble there's a new girl in town
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Comment number 34.
At 6th Jul 2010, CabbageFirMe wrote:What makes Family Guy the greatest show of this style is the collective awsomeness of the cast. Glen, Joe & Cleavland are great sidekicks. The less seen but often funny fighting chicken make a stunning impact. Brian & Stewie have some of the best eppisodes. The Griffin family are all just swell!
Peter would be the greatest of all time if it was'nt for that pesky Eric Cartman. Peter is a hilarious runner up though.
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Comment number 35.
At 6th Jul 2010, CabbageFirMe wrote:Roadhouse!
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Comment number 36.
At 6th Jul 2010, Magnus wrote:I couldn't care less about Family Guy, South Park is far superior, the cut-aways have become rather tedious
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Comment number 37.
At 6th Jul 2010, cartman wrote:theres so many good characters, but mayor west stewie and brian must be up there, also have you heard......about the bird, bird is the word
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Comment number 38.
At 6th Jul 2010, Liam wrote:Love the show and all its characters but if I had to chose one it would be the big man Peter Griffin.
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Comment number 39.
At 6th Jul 2010, mike_pilgrim wrote:My favourite character is Peter vecuase he is the cenral character and has the best quotes, I also like cleveland, and I thin the first second serie were the best!!
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Comment number 40.
At 6th Jul 2010, wondercloak wrote:Meg's gotta be the best to laugh at...
Peter: I gotta go buy hot dogs. We keep running out for some reason...
Meg (sat on her bed in her nightie holding a large pack of jumbo hot dogs): I'm gonna pretend you're the New York Knicks.
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Comment number 41.
At 6th Jul 2010, mm1971 wrote:I think my favourite character is Joe...or possibly Herbert..."That's a nice muscly throwing arm you got there"
I think I feel sorry for Meg...but I do like Meg episode.
Can't stand Brian I'm with Quagmire on that one !!!
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Comment number 42.
At 6th Jul 2010, emabrwn wrote:"STEWIE: Pass me some of that Cool Whip
BRAIN: What?"
My fav is Stewie, obviously.
I love that line, it's kind of an audio joke though so if you haven't seen the episode you won't get it.
BTW i also love the chicken fights.
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Comment number 43.
At 6th Jul 2010, Kykie wrote:Journalist comments about Brian "when they are having sex they just do it me style".
One of my favourite episode;
Peter: Brian, could I see that paper?
Peter: Ah, that鈥檚 odd. I thought that would have been big news?.
Brian: You thought what would have been big news?
Peter: Well, there seems to be an absence of a certain anthological piece. A headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety.
Brian: What are you talking about?!!!
Peter: Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard.!
Brian: Heard what?!!!!!!!!!!!
Stewie: Brian don鈥檛!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter: (singing and dancing) well ah bird bird bird...................
Absolute classic.
Favourite character: Stewie - everyone would want an intelligent child like that, may be not with a head of an American football.
And just to clear the air... Meg is not Peter's child! It (not she) is Lois child from a previous marriage that she brought home one day and Peter did not realised, and nurture "it" as his.. but he will find out..
(well this is my theory at least)... I love the way Peter farts Meg up...
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Comment number 44.
At 6th Jul 2010, Dave wrote:My favorite character & voice has to be Bruce. The slightly Gay guy with the tache. Mu favorite quote is from the episode "Blue Harvest" when the giant Bee has Bruce's voice....
Bee: "Oh, hey. Y'all best be careful or I'm gonna sting you with my stinger. Oh, nooo! But then I gon' die if I sting you. You know what? I'm not gonna sting y'all after all, and that's my choice. Y'all ain't worth it. I'm just gonna head on over to that flower and suck on that stamen like there's no tomorrow."
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Comment number 45.
At 6th Jul 2010, professor plum wrote:They're all brilliant, best show on the box!
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Comment number 46.
At 6th Jul 2010, rees wrote:Favourite (non-main) character has to be the greased up deaf guy!
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Comment number 47.
At 6th Jul 2010, Morganville_18 wrote:Stewie no doubt about it, he is so funny I love it when he says Cool Whhipp to wind up Brian
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Comment number 48.
At 6th Jul 2010, HailNewPuritan wrote:If you guys don't say Peter, then you are petarded.
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Comment number 49.
At 6th Jul 2010, Andrew wrote:鈥淵ou're a Phony, a Big Fat Phony! Hey Everybody, He's a Phony!鈥
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Comment number 50.
At 6th Jul 2010, U14532624 wrote:To me Peter is the most annoying especially when I see that Bird Is The Word scene. Stewie and Brian are the best so far but the others like Meg are good too
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Comment number 51.
At 6th Jul 2010, ayousaf wrote:Stewie! One of the best cartoon characters ever. Who would have thought a talking baby would be so funny lol!
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Comment number 52.
At 7th Jul 2010, Oleksey wrote:Stewie is my favorite! Because he is funny )
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Comment number 53.
At 8th Jul 2010, Rachel wrote:Brian is my favourite family guy character and then stewie but together they are absoloutly hillarious! long live family guy! ;)
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Comment number 54.
At 10th Jul 2010, Tanis wrote:Got to be stewie. i just love the fact that he can say anything he wants do what ever he wants and gets away with it looool
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Comment number 55.
At 14th Jul 2010, Tomy wrote:Everyone rocks except meg
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Comment number 56.
At 18th Jul 2010, Hannah wrote:Stewie.
'nuff said.
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Comment number 57.
At 23rd Jul 2010, Damon Valencia wrote:Stewie... and if you're on the fence at all about it, just watch this episode and you'll understand.
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Comment number 58.
At 15th Aug 2010, churchy1310 wrote:Stewart Gilligan Griffin. possibly the best comic creation of all time. the i've got a little list song from "lois kills Stewie" is the pinnacle of genius, evil genius.
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Comment number 59.
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Comment number 60.
At 5th Sep 2010, harper wrote:come on stewieee!!!
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Comment number 61.
At 23rd Oct 2010, djminime wrote:Glen Quagmire coz he could do any girl he goes past gigidy gigidy gigidy goo all riiiiight!
Stewie Griffin coz he want to rule the world and kill uuuu
Peter Griffin coz he's fat,funny and crazilly mental
Joel swanson coz he's in a machine(stewies word(wheel chair)) and coz a said so
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Comment number 62.
At 22nd Dec 2010, sinnerman pfank wrote:Late yesterday evening, sat drinking tea
We found Family Guy, over on 大象传媒3
鈥淥h, this is so clever鈥 purred my wife
鈥淎 sly subversion of American life,
A smorgasbord of pop-cultural fare,
Bold juxtaposition and Batman as mayor!
Fearless comment on the land of the free
Horatian satire, revealed in 2D鈥
鈥淕reek tragedy set as morality tale
Metaphorical photographs written in Braille
The dog as super-ego, ego and id
The idiot savant as the somatic quid
Coruscating irony in every form
Challenging any societal norm
The maxim of Syrus, so beautifully knitted;
鈥淭he judge is condemned when the guilty鈥檚 acquitted鈥濃
鈥- Analysis鈥 I jumped in 鈥渃an be tricky鈥
.......let's look together, tomorrow, on wiki?.....鈥
鈥淪hhh, darling鈥 she said, dashing my hopes
As my will to live bounced hard off the ropes-
鈥淭he meta-physicality reminds me of Nietzsche
The 鈥淕riffin鈥 as a mythical guardian creature
Protecting the treasure - freedom of expression
Allegorical inversion through use of digression
Wanton non-sequiturs, confound the unwary
With a cadence and rhythm, wilfully contrary
And I think I noticed, but can鈥檛 quite tell
An allusion to Dante鈥檚 nine circles of Hell......
The piece that I鈥檓 missing - and I鈥檝e racked my wits
I can鈥檛 quite see where the paedophile fits........鈥
As her voice trailed off, I took this as my cue
To offer my own, alternative, view
鈥淭he writing is snappy, the animation is quaint
But let鈥檚 be honest, The Simpsons, it ain鈥檛!
And if what you say were actually true
Why haven鈥檛 we seen it on Newsnight Review?
鈥淵ou鈥檙e probably right鈥 she said with a smile
鈥淚 really thought I had something there, for a while.....鈥
She kissed me that kiss, my heart sang that song
鈥淚鈥檓 off to bed darling.... don鈥檛 be too long鈥
In the quiet now, I finished my tea
(Again, wondering why, she married me.....)
.... Oh, and I鈥檓 no genius, but I think that, maybe
It鈥檚 just a cartoon with a very strange baby
(But I rather liked it!)
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Comment number 63.
At 10th Jan 2011, libby wrote:stewie and brian are the best.x
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Comment number 64.
At 23rd Jan 2011, bobbill wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 65.
At 23rd Jan 2011, bobbill wrote:its hard to decide who your favourite character is, yhey are all so good and im sure i know someone like most of them, quagmire lives just down the street from me but weighing it all up well haven't you heard its got to be peter
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Comment number 66.
At 24th Jan 2011, bobbill wrote:although all the characters are classic my favourite has to be peter he is just the best, best peter moment there are so many to mention but one classic is when Lois tells Brian he should join peta to which peter gets more confused as the family try to explain they mean peta not peter
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Comment number 67.
At 3rd Feb 2011, phkk wrote:I have three main favourites overall; first and second are Stewie and Brian because they are a classic double act but on their own they hold out as characters Thirdly and the most I sympathize with is Meg, I'm personally looking forward to the episode where Meg beats up Peter.
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Comment number 68.
At 1st Apr 2011, Dipz112 wrote:Sorry but I think the funniest ever scene is when they are all in the courthouse and Peter gets done for something or another, the camera pans to a few people and they all go 'Oh Noooo', but then the Cool Aid guy just jumps in and goes 'oh yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh' - legendary stuff ;)
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Comment number 69.
At 4th Apr 2011, Imogen wrote:Stewie and Brian all the way!!!!!!
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Comment number 70.
At 6th Apr 2011, snadge wrote:Peter: "Ground zero....where the first man got Aids"
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Comment number 71.
At 6th Apr 2011, snadge wrote:ROCK LOBSTER!!
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Comment number 72.
At 15th Apr 2011, macjakedom wrote:SHAPOOPI
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Comment number 73.
At 24th Apr 2011, medina wrote:Favourite character: Stewie.
But favourite lines are when they make digs that refers to the fact it's a TV show. Such as when they ran into Cleveland in search of who makes the worlds dirty jokes and Peter say: 'Cleveland! Who knew that we'd run into you here? Except everyone because Fox ruined it in the trailer.'
Or in the second Star Wars one when Meg says 'how come I never get any lines in these?', or when they're going through the asteroid field and Peter says 'I'm sure we'll be fine, there's five main characters on this ship'.
Ahhh, too many!
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