Thanks for all your Halloween requests - it should to be a fun show tonight. I suspect we will have a lot of kids listening which means I might have to skip over some of the 'darker' requests I've had in.
Stephen in Giffnock has just e-mailed with a song about a Russian necrophiliac and Al Casino has asked for Elvis Costello doing 'Pyscho', a brilliant but very disturbing old country songs about a serial killer. Monster mash it ain't!
It's available on the extended version of his Almost Blue album and once heard, it's a track you'll never forget. Don't listen tonight through or it might put you off your pumpkin soup.
Here's the top ten tunes you've been asking for so far, although it's changing all the time. Leave a comment below with your chilling tunes....
The Get It On Top Ten Terrifying Tracks:
1.R.Dean Taylor â Thereâs A Ghost In My House
2.Ghost Town â The Specials
3.Werewolves of London â Warren Zevon
4.Monster Mash â Bobby âBorisâ Pickett
5.Scary Monsters â David Bowie
6.Thriller â Michael Jackson
7.The Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf
8.Spirit In The Sky â Norman Greenbaum
9.Ghosts â Japan
10.Sukie In the Graveyard - Belle and Sebastian