
Mix tapes part 2...


Maria Nimo's mixtape was broadcast on New Year's Day. For anyone who missed it ( still hungover at 6pm????) here's the full list of songs with Maria's reasons for choosing them.

I cannot begin to tell you how difficult this has been. I have woken in the middle of the night thinking "oh my God, I haven't put any Bowie on the list" and such strange behaviour!
It has probably been very testing for my hubby Donald who has put up with such random comments as "how can I NOT put Freeze AEIOU in there?" whilst he is innocently sitting watching TV...

Anyway, I have tried to pick some classics and some personal favourites whilst keeping in mind that this might be broadcast and not everyone wants to hear a six minute classic from Lambchop (even though I think you would!) and even though I have not chosen to please the listeners I hope everyone might enjoy the songs I have picked.

I had to leave out alot of good stuff, here are just a few who didn't make it; Hobotalk, Aberfeldy, Angus & Julia Stone, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Bjork, The The, Doors, Blur, Depeche Mode, Fleetwood Mac, Madonna (early years), REM, Roxy Music, Delgados, Pipettes, Faith No More, Johnny Cash, Belle & Sebastian.

If I don't become one of the very lucky 4 to be chosen I hope you enjoy reading my list and thanks for making me think about and listen to some of my favourite songs ever.

Maria Nimmo, Stirling, aged 35!

So here goes............

Cher - Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves
What an unmistakable intro and just such a great track, a real old fashioned story telling song. I was only born in 72 so missed this the first time around, not even sure how I came across this record but I
absolutely love it and it brings a huge smile to my face when I hear it. If I ever went on Stars In Their Eyes this would have to be my song!!

Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Hit Me With You Rhythm Stick
When I was young my sister Ali would tape the charts for me on a Sunday night (I know, I know, home taping was killing music etc etc) and this was one of my favourites.
I was only 6 when it was released but I was so proud of myself learning all the words and remember my first German language lesson aged 12 thinking, I know how
to say "ich liebe dich" because I learned it from this song!

Beach Boys - Tears In The Morning
I sometimes feel alot of people might be put off the Beach Boys as all they know are the big songs like California Girls etc. However, I was lucky enough to work for an infamous Scottish independent record chain (Fopp) for some years and I was introduced to a rich back catalogue by my colleagues. This is such as sad track when you listen to the lyrics and the whole mood of the song is pure melancholy, it has been known to make me well up when by myself in the car....I would encourage everyone to explore the Beach Boys further if they think Surfin USA is all there is to them.

Eurythmics - You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart (Acoustic Version if poss!)
I am proud to say I am a Eurythmics fan and sometimes when hanging out with more pretentious and less honest folk discussing music this can be frowned upon! I remember the first time I saw Annie Lennox with really short hair and a gents jacket and thought "hurray! A girl who dresses like a boy and looks and acts so cool with it, I want to be like her!!" Sadly I have never written such a great track as this or any of her songs although I did wear my hair short and bleached for years! I finally saw Annie and Dave live at Wembley in 1999 on the Peace tour and they were amazing. I was gobsmacked with her voice and realised why I had fallen in love with her all those years before.

Michael Jackson - Burn This Disco Out
I got my first Walkman for Christmas when I was around 8 or 9 and in their wisdom my Mum and Dad forgot to buy me any tapes to listen to! So I chose Off The Wall out of their collection and listened to it non stop for about the next year! I think I know every Jackson style squeak and squeal on this album and I openly admit to loving every single track. (Even Shes Out Of My Life!) I know everyone rates Thriller as probably the highlight of his career but I think OTW really shows what an amazing star he was and what a master of music production Quincy Jones is.

Richard Hawley - Coles Corner
What a man!! He is an amazing songwriter and performer and I think this is one of the most beautiful songs of the last 15 years. I was lucky enough to go to the last gig in Glasgow and what an effortless and perfect performance. For anyone wavering whether to get tickets for Feb 08, just do it! You will have a great night.

Beyonce - Crazy In Love
What can I say?! Guaranteed to get me on the dancefloor and a track I could listen to over and over again, just brilliant!!! Oh, and genius sampling too ;-)

Neil Diamond - Forever In Blue Jeans
My Mum was a big ND fan and it truly rubbed off on me! I love the sentiments of this track and the cheesiness! I asked Donald if we could have this as the first dance at our wedding this Summer and for some reason he refused....spoil sport! Battled between this and Hello Again which is my other favourite.

Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
I distinctly remember hearing this on the radio and seeing Kate on TOTP doing all those mad moves etc. This track inspired me to read the novel and I now count it in my top 5 books of all time.
This song is guaranteed to get me "singing" along in the car and still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as it begins. I hope other people know more of Kate Bush's catalogue than this and The Man With The Child in His Eyes; although they are both great songs there are lots more of equal and better quality!

Morrissey - Every Day Is Like Sunday
Bryan I am ashamed to say to you of all people I was a relatively late starter with The Smiths. I steered away from them for some time due to all the people I knew who loved them and thought themselves so cool for loving Morrissey. Anyway, I have since made up for it and try and see Morrissey every tour. Great gig at Stirling Albert Halls last year and looking forward to Edinburgh in February. I know its not very PC to say but I love this track for the real "englishness" and the Sunday feeling. No one else captures it quite like he does. This was up against Irish Blood English Heart!

Soft Cell - Tainted Love
This reminds me of being young (8) but loving this song and singing it in the street with friends whilst playing out (do kids still do this?!) I was completely unaware of the Gloria Jones version until I was much older and although I do love the original it is the Soft Cell version that holds a special place in my heart. Some fond memories of growing up in Birmingham and I am now thinking everything was just alot simpler when you were that age!!

Proclaimers - Sunshine On Leith
One of the best things about meeting Donald and subsequently moving to Scotland has been learning to love the Proclaimers! Before I learned more about the twins I thought they were a bit of a novelty act but like one of your listeners said a couple of months ago, once you have seen them live you really appreciate what brilliant musicians and performers they are. I am really excited about the gig December 23rd at the Barrowlands which I am sure will be brilliant. Donald and I chose this for our first dance at our wedding in August and there was nothing else I would rather have heard. I have to thank him for educating me to the ways of the Proclaimers and their great albums.

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