Tonight we return to one of the most popular and best loved themes. It will be manic though. At 2pm today we had 18 'must play' songs for a 12 song show....and that's before we open up the phones and texts for your forgotten Scottish gems.
Last time around there were some great memories from folk. Listeners talked about long forgotten gigs at venues ranging from the legendary Apollo in glasgow to The Copper Beech pub in Aberdeen. Both venues, like so many of the bans who played there, have long bitten the dust.
There were some great personal memories as well - DC told of the time the Beatstalkers came to stay at his mum's boarding house in Cellardyke.
If you have memories of the Scottish music scene then get in touch by leaving a comment below or e-mail
Just for info, here's a list of the bands we played last time we did this theme.

Title: Where’s The Boy For Me?
Artist: The Revillos
Title: Honey At The Core
Artist: Friends Again
Title: Now We’re Thru
Artist: The Poets
Title: Take A Trip
Artist: The Shakin’ Pyramids
Title: All About You
Artist: Scars
Title: Prospect Street
Artist: The Big Dish
Title: The Answer To Everything
Artist: Chris McClure
Title: You’ve Got The Power
Artist: Win
Title: Independence Day
Artist: The Painted Word
Title: Shoot You Down
Artist: APB
Title: Silver Tree Top School For Boys
Artist: The Beatstalkers
Title: Arrive Alive
Artist: Pallas