Can You feel the Forth and Working For The Yangtze Dollar were just two of the great puns that came in for tonight’s ‘river’ theme. There’s some great ones elsewhere on the blog including DC’s outstanding list of Dylan puns. ‘Don’t Think Twice It’s Ericht is still making me smile.

Springsteen’s River was by far and away the most asked for song tonight although I was a bit surprised to hear so many folk getting behind Boney M’s Rivers of Babylon. I did have The Melodian’s version dug out to play but the popular vote was with Boney M tonight. However I was very relived to find out that Ken Dodd doing the The River was a completely different song and not The Diddymen doing Springsteen!
Tomorrow night I’ll be on the banks of the Thames rather than the Clyde so Alison Craig will be looking after the show. As the schools break up and the holiday season kicks off she’ll be asking for the songs that get your holiday started.
When we picked handclaps as a theme I had no idea it was going to be such a controversial show. There were accusations of sampled claps, drum machines masquerading as claps and worst of all we had Miss Babs accuse Prince of having plastic hands! Still I did persuade her that Runrig's live crowd did count as proper musicians so thanks for all your texts and emails on that subject.
After tonight's memorable dip in Loch Lomond we are staying submerged for tomorrow's theme of rivers. It could include songs like Cry me A River as well as tracks that name check famous ones - Ferry 'Cross The Mersey and Song of The Clyde are bound to be in the mix.

Your Wimbledon inspired puns were a joy tonight. As promised here are some of the best ones that came in:
Alicia Keyes - Umpire State of Mind
Anything by Frankie Volley and The Four Seasons
Herbie Hancock - Racket
Patrick Hernandez - Bjorn to Be Alive
Kings of Leon - Sets On Fire
Culture Club - Do You Rally Want To Hurt Me
Elvis - Return To Server
The Who - You Becker You Bet
Marlena Shaw - Wade in the Water
Tomorrow's theme is clapping. Clearly I don't means the applause that comes at the end of a song but rather the handclaps that feature on songs like We Will Rock You and Jack and Diane. Put your hands together and see what you come up with.
A fantastic show tonight and the best bit was just having loads of people enthusing about the music they thought should have been huge. There were some unappreciated artists and some cracking songs that failed to crack the charts - I think if we had been record company bosses we would have lost a fortune by now.
Tomorrow I'll be asking - anyone for Tennis? Wimbledon is the inspiration for our theme and I'll be serving up a selection of tennis inspired tunes at the usual time. Puns are especially welcome...
On Monday night's programme 2 hours of songs that never got anywhere from artists that hardly anyone has heard of. Mmmmmm doesn't sound that appealing when you put it like that but what I'm looking for is you to champion the artists that you thought were going to be huge but for one reason or another never made it big.
My list of songs that should have got to No 1 is topped by Horse and Careful and must also include The Bible with Graceland. There are many examples for instance I always thought Scotland's own Davy Scott could hold his own alongside more successful singer songwriters. Let's have your suggestions of the acts who should have had wider recognition.
On tonight's show we had 'lanky weirdos', 'bottom wigglers' and many other great reasons why your parents thought some acts were unsuitable for your young ears. The theme focussed on the acts who you were stopped from listening to but later loved.
We had a guy whose girlfriend forced him to listen to Frank Zappa on headphones, two girls who hid their father's Brian Wilson album and someone who had to hide the cover of the Sex Pistol's first album from his parents. Some people were put off some artists by mistake. My favourite was the lady who had never listened to Runrig as she thought they were a ska band!
Fridays theme of 'first timers Friday' rules out most of the bloggers suggesting tracks (although it's been so long since Glen Miller's had a request he probably feels like a first timer!) but I do hope we can count on you listening.
How many times have you been told, "Oooh you wouldn't like that"? Have you ever been put off something because it got a bad review? Or did you have controlling parents who stopped you watching The Sex Pistols or maybe listening to Hip-Hop? Whatever the reason you've been put's the time to rebel! Get in touch with the music that they tried to stop you hearing
Tonight's show featured music that sounded like it came from the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and seventies but was actually made decades later. Interestingly we also had acts from the eighties whose music sounds very much of today. It was a really interesting theme and as always a very wide ranging mix. There can't be many places where you can hear Kurt Elling and Joy Division on the same show. Your good taste and eclecticism are much appreciated by me and the production team.
Tomorrow could be lovely or perfect as our theme is 'days'. Wages Day, Yesterday or even Hooray Hooray it's a Holi Holi Day. You decide...
" Well the bloggers will be happy" piped up Kirsten at the end of tonight's show. I hope she's right as I thought the music tonight was fantastic. Maybe it's just the fact that I have been away all week that I appreciated it more. Or maybe it's the fact that I spent several days working on a big event and the only music that we had was a single copy of Now 78. After back to back Jessie J and Katy P then hearing Springsteen, Iris and Tom Waits was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert.
Tomorrow it's artists who sound like they belong in a different era. That could cover everyone from Gillian Welch to Michael Buble... and I bet that's the first time those two have been mentioned in the same sentence! You are welcome to suggest acts from today who sound like they could have come from the sixties or seventies as well as the bands from back then who were way ahead of their time.
Thanks to Alison Craig for looking after things while I was on holiday. I'm looking forward to getting back on the show and also taking a sneaky peek at last week's playlists to see what was played last week. If you want to catch up with the playlist at anypoint then just check out our programme page elsewhere on the website.
On Monday I'll be in your neighbourhood for two hours of songs about the folks who live on your street. It's a pretty wide ranging theme so we can include songs about actual neighbourhoods and the folk who live there as well as the many tracks about falling in love with with the girl next door. That could be Living next Door to Alice, Our House or the theme from Neighbours - although clearly I am hoping the last one does not get asked for. Oh, and if we don't get asked for the Tom Waits song, then I'm moving!
After a night of keeping it real, and discovering which musicians are remembering their humble roots, we are closing our week of themes with a bit of Friday fun.
Kiss....marry or avoid! Easy! Tell us which musician you'd be quite happy to share a kiss with (even just a wee peck!), who you think would make the perfect life partner, and which musician you would do all you could to avoid!
Whose socks would you wash....Kate Bush, Billy Bragg, Debbie Harry..... would you make the dinner for Morrissey or Gaga? And who would send you to the other side of the road to avoid! We'll play one of your trio.....can't promise which, but make a convincing case and we'll be generous!
We were in a very friendly mood tonight....from the Stranglers and Go Buddy Go to Slade and My Friend Stan....and of course you can
catch up with the show or check out the playlist to see what you missed.
Tomorrow night we want to hear from the artists who are keeping it real...who still has their celebrity twinkle toes on the ground and sings about situations and people that we can all relate to?
We could play Pulp's celebration of 'Common People', Deacon Blue singing about 'Wages Day' or maybe Jennifer Lopez claiming to still be 'Jenny From The Block'.
So no songs about private jets, champagne on ice or designer shoes allowed!
Well we certainly gave the men a voice on tonight's show! I don't think anyone could argue that the Stones and I Wanna Be Your Man could only be sung by a man....but there were many more interesting choices which you can of course
catch up with on the website . And if you want to find out more about what men are talking about, writing about or indeed how well some father's know their children it's all part of the
Men Like Us season.
Tomorrow it's all about friends and friendship. I'm sure reading thro some of the comments here that this blog has encouraged a few friendships to be formed. I wonder if there are any songs which highlight a cyber friendship..... However, more traditionally The Beatles got a little help from their friends, and Lloyd Cole found a brand new one, so let's have your songs about girlfriends, boyfriends, chums, pals, best mates, old and new friends
All this week on
´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Scotland we're talking about men. Earlier today Fred and his team were trying to find out what men talk about....and tomorrow on the show, we're looking at what men sing about.
It's the songs that only men can sing....from I Kissed the Bride to I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow and Father and Son might feature. I'm sure you'll come up with some inspired and interesting songs.
Remember ladies, you are welcome to suggest the songs....but for one night only it's all about the men!!
In preparation for playing out a healthy chunk of Paolo's headline set in the second half of tonight's Get It On, here's a taster from ´óÏó´«Ã½ Scotland's web coverage of RockNess.
There are plenty more videos to watch too - from to a full 25 minutes of Kasabian's Friday night set.
I challenge you to resist tapping your toes (or indeed your pencil) to this one.
We had the man who almost ran his tractor over Paul McCartney, the women who sold Annie Lennox her butteries and the bloke who prosecuted one of The View! Your celebrity connections made for a very amusing show so thanks to everyone who shared their stories.
I'm taking a week off the show so Alison Craig will be looking after things next week. She's got a cracking show on Monday as the theme will be live music. The reason is we'll be broadcasting some highlights of Paulo Nutini's performance at this weekend's Rockness festival. There will also be some more highlights on Vic's show and they will also be following a ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Scotland family to get their guide to surviving this highland fling.
Just as everyone has a different Cole Porter classic it seems we all have our own way of enjoying cheesy beanos. When Lorenzo texted in during the show to say he was wolfing down some cheese, toast and beans little did he know what kind of response he would provoke on the text.
First of all, Gavin from Glasgow got in touch to say his preference was for cheesy tuna beanos then Carolyn said she liked a poached egg on top. Lorenzo then got back in touch to 'disclose' that he has, oregano, black pepper and bit of olive oil with his cheesy beans.
Lopez in Largs was on next to share his recipe for " the best cheesy beans". He suggests you fry chopped onions till golden brown, add red peppers, fry them then add beans and grated cheese.
If that wasn't off the wall enough for you then Steve and Kiera prefer "cheese onion and corned beef beanie on toast finished off with a splash of Lea and Perrins", Paula puts chicken under her beans and Graham from Peebles offers the following; "Cheesy beans - cook the beans and cheese in a frying pan so mixed up , add piri piri sauce to taste and leave for while until mushy and pour over hot buttered toast - heaven !"
If that's not sent you off to the fridge looking for cheese then have a think about tomorrow's show which is a chance for you to show off your celebrity connections. If you have met the artist then get them on tomorrow night.
This was the summery scene outside our windows today which was captured in this very dramatic fashion by our web team. I love it but don't imagine that Visit Scotland will be trying to secure the rights for this one.
Thanks to all who submitted suggestions for tonight's theme of 'secret love and super injunctions'. I thought Imogen by John Lennon was clever and we had a few folk asking for Pink Floyd's great Giggs In The Sky.
Tomorrow night we will be dipping into the great American songbook in celebration of what would have been Cole Porter's
120th birthday. Let's have your suggestions of the classics alongside the best versions done by contemporary artists.

Bling Crosby was the most pun-tastic suggestion we received tonight in the popular jewellery theme. Thanks to Scotch for the idea and for suggesting Gretchen Wilson – despite my reservations over her output I did enjoy the track. I think I would have enjoyed it even more performed in a broad Glasgow accent.
By the way if you haven’t read Henri’s excellent kd Lang review then do take a look on the previous blog post. He’s really captured kd’s appeal and his thoughts on the rather subdued Glasgow audience echo her own. If Henri’s review has made you wonder what the fuss is about then tune in on Friday night when she is Ricky’s guest. Her interview with Janice a few weeks back was described by fans as one of kd’s best so no pressure Ricky!!
Tomorrow will be a night of Secret Love as Morag Keith has suggested ‘super injunctions’ as a theme. Her suggestions include I Fought the Law, Billie Jean and Our Lips Our Sealed. We’ll lift our injunction for two hours and allow you to post your musical suggestions. However, please, please don’t post anything that may be the subject of an actual injunction. I warn you, facing the wrath of Miss Babs is far worse than anything the courts might impose on you!
Tonight's theme worked well, despite reservations on the blog, but I take your point that a better idea would be 'the bands you predicted would be huge but never were'. It's kind of the opposite of tonight's theme but I think it would work equally well and it's always nice to hear people enthusing about the underdog.
There some very honest responses tonight with our listeners admitting that they thought Genesis, George Michael and U2 would never amount to much. Maybe a lesson there for anyone who has ever been given a knock back by a prospective employer.
A bit of Dutch rock from Golden Earring or something by The Bangles could well feature in Tuesday night's theme. 'Jewellery' was suggested on the blog so I am expecting a big input from you guys. I suspect it's a theme that could lead to a few clever puns as well.
Not only do we play your favourite pop stars on Get It On, some of the team even come to work dressed up as them. This is a pic of Emma answering your calls tonight dressed as Amy Winehouse. In her defence she had come straight off a float in the Govan fair.
Doesn't she look fab though? It's not a bad idea and maybe I'll ask the team to dress up as their favourite star once a week. Mind you, Miss Babs has been dressing like Cher for years and nobody has batted an eyelid!
Monday's programme is inspired by Dick Rowe who died on June 6th 1986. As a producer he produced many hit records ranging from Gloria to (How Much Is) That Doggie In the Window. As an A and R man he signed The Stones, The Animals and Tom Jones.
Despite all of that he's rather better known as the man who turned down The Beatles. He allegedly told their manager that ""Guitar groups are on their way out, Mr. Epstein"!
So in honour of his biggest mistake I'll be asking for your suggestions of the artists you knocked back. It's time to fess up about those you initially dismissed who went on to be global superstars.
Did you veto the Velvets? Turn down the Tull? Or did you think there was no way Robbie could entertain us?
Let me know if you would make it as a record company talent scout...
We were not short of good advice on tonight's show. Mrs Worthington was told not to put her daughter on the stage and we pleaded with Jenny not to be hasty. Despite all the positive shouts to Smile and Don't Give Up, my fave text came from a guy who suggested that if it all becomes too much then follow Van Halen's advice and 'Jump'!
Hope the bloggers liked the Jonelle Monae cover of Smile - have to say it didn't go down too well elsewhere. "I'll never smile again after hearing that" said one texter!
Tomorrow see's the return of misheard lyrics. I know it's a theme we've done a few times but we still get a lot of folk asking for it. Thanks for all of your contributions to the show this week.
Tonight's ' '3 minute wonders' theme was really popular and although some of the cuts on the longer songs were a bit brutal I don't know how much we actually lost from those that were over the time limit. I quite liked the idea of playing the last three minutes of the Who doing Won't Get Fooled Again. Perhaps there is a future theme in that idea?
Tomorrow is a chance to get your life sorted. Forget writing to Marj Proops, Anne Widdecombe and Joan Burnie as I'll be asking which pop songs offer up the best advice for life.