The last Get It On of 2011 has now been put to bed which means I now switch on to Hogmanay mode. Janice and I are on air from 10pm when we will be joined by Jon Richie and That Swing Sensation and our usual ceilidh band, Ceilidh Minogue. ( This will be their third year playing for us and their name still makes me smile!)
There will be just enough time for me to get over the Hogmanay hangover before returning to Get It On for Monday 2nd Jan. I thought we would kick off with a week-long theme and there was a great suggestion that came in from GIO regular Bobdemob and his family.
Their idea is to compile the ultimate band across five nights with each night's show focussing on a particular band role. We will kick off on Monday with your nominations for guitar players then we will move on to other stringed instruments, bass, keys and then finally vocals.
Once 2012 gets underway I would love to get your suggestions of who should get the coveted role of lead guitar in our GIO super-group. Although we will obviously get a lot of rock suggestions, they can be from any genre you like. It would be good to honour some of the funk and soul session men as well as country pickers like Chet Atkins and James Burton.
In the meantime thanks to all of you who have listened, contributed, posted and generally made Get It On part of your daily lives. The team and I really appreciate having you on board.
Have a great new year when it comes.
All the best
Thanks for a swinging evening tonight. Tomorrow will be the last show of the year and as Scotland gets ready to party I'll be asking for your all time party favourites.
What are the tunes that are guaranteed to make our blogger's parties go with swing? What are the never fail floor fillers in your household.
Start the party early and join me on Friday night for what should be a fun evening...
Whether you are peeling the sprouts or ripping the wrapping off your presents, I hope you can join us live on Christmas day at ten. Who knows you might be unwrapping a lovely new Christmas jumper like the ones Jonathan Sutherland and I were sporting on our respective frequencies tonight.
As you might expect I'll be working my way through a selection of seasonal snacks as well as a favourites as chosen by you. It would be great to include a couple of blogger's favourites in there as well so stick a few on here if you like.
If we don't hear from you then let me take this opportunity to wish all our regular listeners and contributors a very Merry Christmas from all of us in the Get It On office.
Thanks for all the stocking fillers suggested tonight. When folk have got so much stuff on at this time of year it's great that so many of you take time to get in touch. I'm sure the last minute shoppers and wrappers were grateful for your choices.
From Little Sister to Big Daddy, tomorrow's show is all about families and if there's a particular song that means a lot to your family at Christmas then do get in touch and let me know what that is.
That was the loveliest show of the year tonight. I am so grateful to the Glasgow Chamber Choir for joining us in the studio for get It On carol concert.
They were as touched as I was to get messages from around the world from people enjoying their music. Thanks to you for all the suggestions as well.
If you missed I, or if you just want to have a nosey to see what they look like then there are some great pics and a couple of video clips on our webpage.
Tomorrow night I'll be asking what you would like to find in your Christmas Stocking. From a Dylan box set to the Military Wives single, I'll be asking what CDs would make the perfect present?
Tomorrow night is the closest I get to being Aled Jones but the angelic sounds coming from the studio will be nothing to do with me!
We are all looking forward to bringing you ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Scotland's interactive carol concert on Wednesday night. If you have not been to an actual carol concert this year then I'd love you to be part of ours.
Members of the Glasgow Chamber Choir will be in the studio and sharing their beautiful voices with us. All you have to do is get in touch and let me know what your favourite carol is.
We will also feature recorded versions throughout the show so if there is a particular version by one of your favourite artists then let me know.
Thanks for all of your suggestions tonight, especially those of you who managed to shoehorn in some festive favourites. Christmas in New Orleans sounded brilliant and was a new one to me. My love for Christmas music knows no bounds so it was a delight to discover a new one to add to the collection.
I was also delighted when I found out that one of our listeners was in the video for Mull of Kintyre. I know it's an overplayed track and not one of McCartney's most cred compositions but it was good to hear it tonight and for me brought back some sweet memories of Christmas 1977.
Tomorrow is the last day of our 12 days of Christmas and it's 12 drummers drumming so I'll be asking for your suggestions about drumming, rhythm and beats.

Thanks for a good week of suggestions. It's been great to hear from so many of you, especially when folk have got so much on at this time of year. If you are not attending carol concerts, going to office parties, shopping or out just joining in the festivities then I hope you can tune in next week and contribute to our week of themes.
Talking of carol concerts, we will be staging the Get It On carol concert on Wednesday night. Members of the Glasgow Chamber Choir will be joining me in the studio and will be standing by to deliver your favourite Christmas song on request. It's the show where you choose the carols!
On Monday we have reached '11 pipers piping' and our theme will be instruments you can blow. Brass, woodwind and reed will all be accepted and I do hope we get some actual pipers on the show.
Have a great weekend and hope it doesn't get too hectic for you.
I hope you all enjoyed tonight's whiz around the dancefloor. There were some good tunes but I am still none the wiser and unable to tell my pogo from my pasa doble.
Tomorrow it's 'ten lords a leaping' and we will be celebrating pop aristocracy. We'll feature songs from actual pop stars who have been knighted, but more interestingly I want to hear your nominations of who should be included in the New Year's honour's list. Get in touch and tell me who and why you think they should get the call up from the Queen.
Tonight you were mainly milking goats, decorating trees, going for a weigh-in, writing with fire, completing your extensions and making wild boar,prune and claret sausages. Just another routine evening for the Get It On family of listeners.
It turned out to be a fantastic theme tonight. I loved the range of things of things our listeners were getting up to during the show and it was great to hear from so many people in the midst of their Christmas preparations.
Tomorrow night it's '9 ladies dancing' for us so it's songs with dances in them. That could include everything from Waltz Across Texas to never Tango With an Eskimo. I hope all our bloggers are prepared to take the floor tomorrow night.
Frazey Ford, Mickey Mewbury and CSNY provided some lovely chilled out moments tonight. There was fun from Rolf Harris and Santa's A Scotsman then a wonderful swinging version of Winter Wonderland to finish. That's what I call a good show.
Tomorrow its '8 maids a milking' and while most of you will probably just go the fridge to get your milk, I want to know what you will be doing during the show and what songs best describes it. Is it Drive or relax? Put me in the picture tomorrow night...
We were swamped by birds tonight which was terrible news for Jane in Blanefield who texted in to tell us that she had a bird phobia so was struggling a bit with the theme. There were some lovely tunes tonight which could cure anyone who was bird-phobic. Dolly's Little Sparrow, The Guillemots and Vera Lyn's White Cliffs of Dover were real standouts.
From Rock n Roll to Sweet Soul Music, our theme for Tuesday is alliteration. It's been inspired by the seven swans a swimming that my true love has just left under my tree. We will include alliteration in the song as well as the artist's name, so this could be a night for Billy Bragg...or even Bryan Burnett!
Thanks very much for all of your suggestions this week. There have been some cracking songs suggested and as always we do appreciate the effort everyone goes to.
We'll have more from our 12 days of Christmas next week and unbelievably there's even more birds. It's 'six geese a laying' so we'll do birds as a theme. We will welcome suggestions of everything from the 'little sparrow' to The Eagles.
There were some very good misheard lyrics submitted tonight and along with all the old favourites like 'Sue Lawley' there were some very amusing new ones. I am now convinced Coldplay are singing 'pair of tights' over the words of Paradise!
After a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens and four calling birds I am glad to see the back of our feathered friends this week. Our 12 days of Christmas theme continues on Friday and it's five gold rings! Someone suggested that it should be bigamy as a theme but I think we'll stick with plain old marriage.
That was an incredibly busy show tonight with some good authentic French sounds alongside some very funny puns and clever puns. I'm not quite sure what some of French listeners would have made of some of the suggestions thought. Bob on Facebook wondered what French station would play on Scottish night.
Tomorrow our 12 days of Christmas theme continues with '4 calling birds'. Problem is that they are not calling birds they were originally colly birds and it was clearly an early example of misheard lyrics. So tomorrow we will return to the theme of the ones you got wrong and the bands you mixed up.
Tonight you were enjoying vegan chilli, steak pie and home grown tatties, curried quinoa, peas & paneer, sausage casserole, fish fingers and mealie pudding and 'my wife's rib sticking soup'. Is it any wonder I was starving by the end of the show? As I write this I am on the verge of abandoning my still to be cooked tea and have a pizza on the way home instead. I really enjoy hearing what you are up to while listening to the show but tonight was not a show to do on an empty belly!
Tomorrow it's 'three French hens' so we will welcome all things French for the theme. From Piaf to Paris, there should be no shortage of songs to request.
Tonight's musical families included The Unthanks, The Staples,The Nolans, and even The Von Traps. Do-Re-Mi was maybe not what you might expect to hear but I hope it brought a smile to those folk who were struggling to get home in the snow. The standout tracks for me were Angus and Julia Stone and the brilliant Avett Brothers.
If you have ever felt you couldn't do War and Peace in one sitting then fear not as tomorrow I will rattle through it in two hours.
It's the second of our '12 days of Christmas' themes and we take our inspiration from the 2 turtle doves mentioned in the song. The dove is the international symbol of peace so we will do war and peace as a theme. Given the time of year though, I am hoping that we get more songs about peace than songs about war. And remember, it's never too early to hear Bing and Bowie do Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth
Thanks to Vic for looking after the show over the past week. It’s good to get a break but I am looking forward to being back in the studio, especially as the festive season is now well underway. We begin our countdown to the 25th with our 12 days of Christmas theme. We’ll do a different theme every night using the famous song as inspiration.
As well as coming up with great lists of tunes every night, Patrick McCafferty is pretty handy with theme ideas. The concept is all his so I’m expecting some even bigger lists in the next 12 days.
The first day sees a member of The Partridge family hanging out in our pear tree so the focus will be on musical families. There are no shortage of possibilities - in fact we could fill an entire show with the Cash dynasty. I’m sure Dylan, Paul Simon and Kate McGarrigle will all have their famous offspring suggested and let’s not forget Scotland’s musical families.
Well, Thursday's theme was as satisfying and thirst-quenching as I'd imagined, so thanks again for all those tunes about Coffee, Juice, Water, Whisky and Wine. What a fun show! Today the alliteration ends with 'Freeplay Friday'... There are no rules or restrictions so you can ask for whatever you want!
By the way, how has your week been? Has it been a goodie or a baddie? What's been the highlight? Have you celebrated a birthday or an anniversary? Have you started a new job? What have you done for the first time this week? And most importantly, what's the song you want to hear to sum up your week?
Perhaps you want to hear a track from your favourite classic album; maybe a song by a new artist you've just discovered; or just a great party tune to get your weekend off to a flying start! No theme, just whatever you want... And as it's my last night before Bryan returns, let's have a party!