Deadly Planet powers
If you missed one of the secret codes we revealed on the show, fear not, they are all here:
Night Vision of Aye-Aye
Paw, Scorpion, Skull, Bat
Stealth of Leopard
Skull, Track, Centipede, Spider
Strength of Bear
Snake, Scorpion, Boot, Spider
Sight of Bald Eagle
Centipede, Spider, Boot, Scorpion
Aqua-Batics of Otter
Paw, Track, Croc, Skull
Power of Great White Shark
Scorpion, Boot, Paw, Snake
Aim of Chameleon
Croc, Skull, Centipede, Spider
Camouflage of Rattlesnake
Spider, Boot, Bat, Croc
Reflex of Spear Mantis Shrimp
Croc, Snake, Paw, Scorpion
Deadliness of Honey Badger
Bat, Centipede, Croc, Skull
There are also other codes you can get from completing Deadly ScrambleÌýand the first 2 levels of Deadly Dash 1 and Deadly Dash 2. You would have also received one if you came to a Deadly Day Out or did a DSI.
So what's your favourite part of Deadly Planet?