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Fraser McAlpine | 10:25 UK time, Tuesday, 15 May 2007


OK, so I'm a day or two late with this...but sometimes you need to mull things over a bit before you commit finger to keypad, and anyway, stuff's happened since...

There's been a load of what your gran would call 'hoo-hah' on the web and in the press about Lily Allen and how she seems to be following Robbie / Britney / Lindsay down the path of becoming too self-conscious to live. She put up a posting on her MySpace blog a couple of days ago, in the midst of having read a bunch of nasty comments about herself on the web (one of which was from Cheryl Tweedy). It wasn't a long posting, but it made for disturbing reading...

In a posting titled 'Fat, Ugly and S***er Than Winehouse', Lily said: "..that is all i am , im on my own in america again . I used to pride myself on being strong minded and not being some stupid girl obsessed with the way I look . I felt like it didnt matter if I was a bit chubby cause , im not a model , I'm a singer . Im afraid I am not strong and have fallen victim to the evil machine . I write to you in a sea of tears from my hotel bed in Seattle , I have spent the past hour researching gastric bypass surgery , and laser lipo suction."

Leaving aside the fact that it's pretty rough to witness anyone being stuck in THAT moment, you have to wonder what's going on when someone in the public eye turns to the high-risk, amoral, uncaring world of internet networking sites to reveal their worst fears about themselves, don't you?

Especially when this meltdown seems to have been brought about by reading a few too many comments on websites in the first place. That's sort of like being bullied, and then going back the next day to see if the bully has changed their mind and you can actually have your lunch money back, isn't it?

And before you all start shouting that I've called everyone on the internet amoral and whatnot, just consider your own experiences of web use. How many of us have put up comments on a site slagging someone famous off? How many have discovered that your own MySpace/Bebo/Facebook page has had nasty comments put on it? Or self-interested comments about some business venture or other? The web, genius communication device though it is, does give every opinion in the world equal weight, even the mad, biased and hateful ones, and that's why it's crazy to pay too much attention to what idle commenters have to say (except ChartBlog commenters, obv...they're all LOVELY!).

lily_allen_130.jpgSure, there's an argument which says that those comments were put up by people who don't like her, and that loads of people DO like her, so why shouldn't she go on her MySpace page and get some of her confidence back in this manner? And in actual fact, what Lily Allen chooses to do when she's in a mood is no business of yours or mine in any case, but still...isn't that entire 'breakdown' something which would be better suited to a series of long phone calls to friends, or family members, or Sir Elton John?

And, more worrying still, it seems that the mass outpouring of affection she received seems to have had a really positive effect. A new posting, put up yesterday, reads: "Hi guys , I'm sorry if I worried anyone with the blog I wrote yesterday . I was feeling pretty sorry for myself , I've been reading all your comments and they have made me realise there is more to life than being thin ! So thank you."

Without meaning to sound rude to anyone who DID post a nice supportive comment, what on Earth would've happened if they'd all said "actually, you are a bit tubby for a pop star. Look at Nelly Furtado, she's MUCH thinner, prettier too...yeah, have the surgery..."? It would be wrong, but it could easily have gone that way.

Actually, thinking about how everyone's self-image works, all it would have taken is for ONE person to have said that. Cos we all know that compliments go in one eye and out the other (she's reading, see), but an insult goes straight to the heart and stains it forever.

Hence the following part of Lily's latest posting, concerning Cheryl Tweedy referring to her as a "chick with a dick". Her response was...well..a bit shouty...

Lily AllenShe said: "I know I've said bad things about people in the past , though the majority of them have been blown wayyyy out of proportion , but this i mean Cheryl if you're reading this, I may not be as pretty as you but at least I write and SING my own songs without the aid of autotune. I must say taking your clothes off , doing sexy dancing and marrying a rich footballer must be very gratifying, your mother must be so proud, stupid b****."

1: Does ANYONE think Lily isn't as pretty as Cheryl Tweedy, and if they do, is it important?
2: What does it matter who Cheryl married? Hardly a point of weakness is it?
3: Lily, putting up another nasty comment about someone famous after being upset by other people putting up nasty comments about you? Way to prove you've learned NOTHING from this whole thing, you big silly.

Thankfully, it looks like everything is going to be OK, Lily's mum flew out to see her, she's feeling better, and she's not going to have surgery. But it's the last line in her posting which, even though it's nice to read, is kind of scary too...

"I really am touched and was quite surprised at the reaction the blog received and it definitely has restored my faith in humanity."

Sometimes it's a good idea to switch the computer off and go and play in the sunshine, don't you think?


  1. At 01:28 PM on 15 May 2007, Kat wrote:

    Wow it's almost like famous people are just messed up as regular people, imagine that.

    I don't understand personal blogs at all, regardless of whose it is. Not for stuff like that. You're right if someone feels that bad they should talk to people (possibly in therapy). There's just something very off feeling about someone disclosing all their secrets for anyone who has the mildest curiosity to read.

    I loved the going back to the bully thing. And the sunshine part.. nice work.

  2. At 12:25 PM on 16 May 2007, Sev wrote:

    Does anyone else think this whole thing is just ANOTHER publicity stunt from Ms. Allen? I mean she's the QUEEN of publicity stunts, slagging off other artists each time she has a new single out.
    Word of advice: slagging other people off doesn't make YOU any better, Lily, just in the same way as people who slag you off aren't any better after doing it.
    Double standards, anyone?!

  3. At 01:07 PM on 16 May 2007, chantel wrote:

    Lilly i think she is lovely, sound and down to earth, you are what teenage girls and others shouldn't mind looking like there is nothing a matter with her at all!

  4. At 02:13 PM on 16 May 2007, christina wrote:

    I think that lily is just reacting like any other girl who feels ugly and fat because someone has told them that. im glad that she is okay and im glad that she did show up cherly, because it is true, cherly has to preform the way she does so she can get people to look at her, otherwise her voice wouldnt stand out from the rest of the crowd. and lily is right she can sing and do good songs and she doesnt need to wear a short skirt with a tight small top!!!!!
    But people are right there was no need for her to post all that about the way she felt, she should of talked to her family and friends not the whole world. but shes done wat shes done now. oh well.

  5. At 02:54 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:


  6. At 06:43 PM on 16 May 2007, Frankee wrote:

    I think lily allen is stunning she is one of those people who speaks there mind! and for this the world is a better place! i have met lily allen and she is so nice! people should jus leave her alone she is great the way she is! im a little bit chubby but at least i like my food unlike these size 00 people that look like they should have been put in a coffin 6ft under! at least lilys songs have a meaning and tell the truth and what women should be doing and that is not putting themselves out there too much and becoming slags! unlike girls aloud! "im just a love machine" thats great im sure when you have kids you would want them being a love machine! lol
    at the end of the day u should be happy with yourself! i am and if people dont like it they dont have to know me do they! xxxx

    [Wise words. But can I just add...on what PLANET is Lily Allen overweight? She might think she is, but she's not right about everything, is she? - Fraser]

  7. At 11:31 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    I'm not sure speaking your mind is quite the same as slagging everyone off.

    And she's not overweight, obviously. People are just at the stage these days where anyone with more than a skeletal look is chubby. Ridiculous.

  8. At 03:15 PM on 17 May 2007, martin wrote:

    fone me 079[Sniip! - Fraser]

  9. At 03:49 PM on 17 May 2007, Jay Jay wrote:

    Well i fink lily's great! Love her music, Love her attitude, Course she's a bitch but i love her 4 it! How bout yaz all lay off her.Songs these days r boring, hers all have storys 2 them! Shes class so leave her alone!

  10. At 04:26 PM on 17 May 2007, Emma wrote:

    Lily Allen is screwed up
    Why wouldn't Cheryl's mum be proud and why is it a big problem that Cheryl married Ashely Cole?

    At least Cheryl can sing.....

    and Lily is s* than Winehouse too....she shouldn't be apologising for that blog post, but rather mulling it over and realising most of it is correct and she is annoying.

    But the fat thing shoudn't be an issue - more to point wearing nike air max with a dress us a problem and someone should beat her with a frying pan til she realises it.

  11. At 05:02 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Hey! No talking bad about Nike Air... it's like running on a cloud.. kay?!?

  12. At 05:16 PM on 17 May 2007, lisa wrote:

    i really do admire lily allen, she has an amazing voice, such an unique one,but i think she actually deserved a little comment to knock her of her high horse after the attention she's recieved these past couple of months.
    she should now just continue making great music and be herself and not criticise anyone else and just get on with it basically. x

  13. At 05:53 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    guess what? :P and stop putting goblins up all the time.. makes me look like a crazy!!

    [It's such fun though! - Fraser]

  14. At 06:57 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Talk about needing to go out and play in the sunshine for a while.. :P

    [Ha! Yeah, good point! - Fraser]

  15. At 08:36 PM on 17 May 2007, harry wrote:

    ok, lily isnt fat... but yes cheryl is pretty than her if shes wanting to know...

    Haha i'm sure her perants are proud of her dissing others who are clearly leuges appart.

    Maybe if lily sang and wrote a good song her insults wouldnt be so bad...

  16. At 08:42 PM on 17 May 2007, Jasmine wrote:

    Hi Lily,

    I think you are great... I totally love all of your music! I hope you do lots more songs so I can learn all the lyrics to all of them aswell!!!

    Dont listen to other people and they dont like you because you slag people off, i still think you are great!!

    Lots of lovee, Jasmine xx

  17. At 09:35 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    The goblins ate Harry.. quietly now!

  18. At 09:48 PM on 17 May 2007, jason wrote:

    i love you lilly xxxxxxxxxxx

  19. At 09:56 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    There's nothing wrong with being a 'chick with a d***' but there's everything wrong with being a transphobic bigot. Did anyone stop to consider whether or not being used as the ultimate definition of the 'lowest common denominator' might offend, upset and cause injury to transgendered people? Obviously not. Either that or society just doesn't care about the feelings and well-being of transfolk. Besides, I thought that under UK prevention of hate crime legislation it is now illegal to broadcast hate against minority groups. So just why isn't Channel 4 the subject of a Police investigation then? Are they, unlike the rest of us, above the law?

  20. At 11:57 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    I'm confused, what has channel 4 got to do with this?

    you mean the whole Big Brother fiasco, I thought they were investigated? no idea what the outcome was?

  21. At 12:34 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    The 'chick with a d***' comment was made on Gordon Ramsay's Channel 4 show the F-Word.

  22. At 12:36 PM on 18 May 2007, Carl wrote:

    Lily Allen is gorgeous, I don't think she has anything to worry about with her appearence. But I think she's silly to slag people off, it makes her no better than the people that slag her off in the first place.

  23. At 01:56 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Funny guy!!

    Big brother is seriously the worst show ever.. why don't people see this?!

  24. At 03:46 PM on 20 May 2007, Gareth wrote:

    I think lilly is one hot birdo! she shouldnt change at all. she should be proud of who she is and where shes at. All the bad thoughts should go, shes gorgeous!

  25. At 07:41 PM on 26 May 2007, rachel wrote:

    Lily Allen isnt really my sort of artist (i like rock....>;) ) but i like her. she isnt fat. she is pretty. and i dont agree with her kind of slagging people off, but maybe she does it because so many people have done it to her she thinks its alright to do it to other people. i hope she feels better now, because i know how it feels to feel down and no one should ever feel that way. Lily, dont listen. everyone is beautiful and you arent arent arent fat. go out there and amaze everyone with your talent, and your unique style, and well done with your new look range! its really popular in the new look where i live!
    bye everyone!

  26. At 05:41 PM on 01 Jun 2007, emily kitchener wrote:

    I just wanted to say that I love Lily Allen and her music. I think it is so talented when someone is able to write as well as sing their own music.
    That Girls Aloud girl is a liar with the nasty things she has said. Lily Allen, you're gorgeous!! Don't think your not. Watch your Alfie video (my fave) and anyone can see that you are stunning. xx

  27. At 01:20 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Kirsty wrote:

    Cheryl Tweedy is a complete and utter JOKE. Her [problematic] marriage has been in the public eye since forever, and quite honestly, i'm sick to death of seeing her face.She's turning out to be the next Victoria Beckham, and we all know how loved that woman is [NOT].
    Lily seems to be a genuine human being, rather than a superficial WAG. Her music is inspiring, and sport lyrics that everyone can relate to. She doesnt pretend to be someone she's not, and young girls can relate to her. Shes a celebrity, but she doesnt walk around showing off her wealth and bling like Cheryl Tweedy, who loves no more than to be photographed with the very latest high fashion trends.
    Cheryl Tweedy isnt anything special. Her makeup artists, hairdressers, personal trainer, dentist, and wardrobe stylists are the only reason she looks the way she does. Im sure any woman would look fantastic with that amount of money in the pocket.
    What are Girls Aloud famous for [other than getting their legs out and being complete and utter posers]? Uh..Uh... .. . . .Enough said.

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