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Frankmusik - 'Confusion Girl'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:16 UK time, Saturday, 18 July 2009

Frankmusic and Holly Valance

Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, Peter Andre and Katie Price, Hulk Hogan and Mrs Hogan. What do these three couples have in common, apart from enough dosh to fill a gold plated indoor pool using £50 notes? Well, if you dangle your celeb relationship out for all to see, it will inevitably end messily, and possibly with a prime time TV slot, being interviewed by a Britain's Got Talent judge.

Frank (or Mr. Musik as I like to call him) may think he's doing something very clever by using Holly Valance - his celeb girlfriend - in his new vid, but he does not know what forces he is unleashing, especially when she looks like she's just come back from a really heavy night out on the town.

(. Watch out for the mobile phone he stole from Zack from Saved by the Bell.)

And to be honest, it would be fine if the most interesting thing about this song was the music, and the celebrity video was an added bonus. Sadly this is not the case. It's not that 'Confusion Girl' does anything particularly wrong or offensive, but it's a country mile off the impact of his last single.

'Better of as Two' is a feelgood dance tune that made me bounce around ferociously with a mammoth grin on my face when I heard it for the first time. 'Confusion Girl' made me sway tamely, expressionless, like I was listening to a remixed nursery rhyme.

There's a structural problem too. The song jumps straight into the catchy chorus, and that's great, but when you realise that the tempo isn't going to change and there's to be no real climax from then on in, you soon get bored.

Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come from Frankmusik. He really does have a knack of producing some great electro-pop dance tunes, and unlike other male artists making the same sound, he really can sing (sorry Calvin). Unfortunately, this song just doesn't convince and its sentiment isn't enough to carry it through.

Two starsDownload: Out now
CD Released: July 20th

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(Grant Black)

"Excellent pop ditty from start to finish."


  • Comment number 1.

    I have the original demo of "Confusion girl " on my I-POD , and it sounded raw , interesting and full of personality .

    When I first heard this finished version , my first reaction was , oh my God , the song has been so polished by a shiny production , that half of the songs bouncy and raw personality has gone.

    We know Vincent is gonna be a star , but the production of this track , has stripped him of his energetic and unpredictable personality.
    Yeah , it's got a tuneful chorus full of melody , but this could and should have been , much , much better .

    Trust me , the original is great.

    "Better off as two " is one of my favourite songs of 2009 , and Vincent will be Ok , because he has much better songs than Confusion girl in his cannon,

    3 little words
    In step
    When you're around
    Vacant heart
    Made her smile

    I just hope that the guy who produced his album , has not glossed over Vince's sheer talent and skill at songwriting, because , let's get this right....
    Vincent Frank will be a star !

    Confusion girl will be a top 30 hit.

  • Comment number 2.

    Vincent and Holly are no longer together .

  • Comment number 3.

    The album " Complete me " is out soon .

  • Comment number 4.

    If comment 1 , was a bit harsh , I should add that Confusion girl is "A" listed at radio 1 , it does sound polished and radio - friendly , and will appeal to a very large audience.

    Personally , I preferred the more leftfield version , that had bags of personality.

    But , hey , I know full well , how this pop machine works !

    Confusion girl will be a hit !

  • Comment number 5.

    I guess they didn't budget much to make this video? It's like a school project!

    Still though, the song's alright I guess. It won't be going on my iPod, but I'll not be turning the radio over if it comes on!

  • Comment number 6.

    yea the demo is awesome.. much better... if you like the more fast paced frankmusik listen to his cover of 'ice box' and 'when your around' uses the stranglers 'golden brown' riff to dancefloor perfection... also 'gotta boyfriend', 'in step' as well as his cover of 'rehab'.. all good stuff

  • Comment number 7.

    I have just spent some cool time in Vince's company in Bristol .

    I chatted to him for a while , before he did an excellent showcase of 4 songs.
    He played:
    3 Little words
    Better off as 2
    It's a sin (Pet shop boys cover .He told me how brilliant it was to support them on tour and felt inspired to record one of their tracks. )
    Confusion girl

    He sang superbly as he played the piano .

    The funniest moment was when he got his famous Blackberry phone out , and I personally got him to read the review above !

    We both had a good laugh , and so here I am Vince , blogging about how brilliant you were , despite the sore throat !

  • Comment number 8.

    Nice to have you back Flatknees .

    Totally agree with your comment on Frankmusik sounding better and more distinguished with a faster pace .

    The case in point is "Confusion girl " , where Vince's original production is far more interesting and lively than the Stuart Price produced , single version , which has a radio friendly sheen , but has stripped the song of a lot of personality.

    Stuart Price is the guy who produced The Killers " Day and Age ".

    After Hot Fuss and Sam's Town , I find Day and age , very underwhelming as an "interesting " album , despite some great songs on there .

    Anyway , Confusion girl , will be a hit , and I look forward to the album.

  • Comment number 9.

    Am I the only one who enjoys the finished version???

    I dunno but I find the finished version to be quite melodic and has a sort of an epic feeling at the end!

    I find the demo really messy...maybe it's because I heard the finished version first, I dunno.

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Random..

    Where have you been ?

    Sorely missed , your input is always good.

    And you say Confusion Girl is "an excellent pop ditty from start to finish ! "

    (Vince certainly agrees and he obviously loved your review when I showed it to him ! )

    He read it after reading the Radio 1 review on his blackberry , and he was entertained by the fact that the same song , could cause 2 contrasting opinions.

    He sends his regards , and is happy you enjoyed it .

  • Comment number 11.

    The album " Complete me " is out on August 3rd .

  • Comment number 12.

    I have just come back from a 3 mile run .
    I will be runnin the Bristol Half Marathon in September .

    Don't panic , I am not after sponsor money !

    I just wanted to pass on the secret that I mostly do all my training whilst listening to Vince's music.

    I love it's fast pace and kinetic energy , encouraging me to run faster !

    Vince's demo of Confusion Girl is so much better to run to, than the single version .

    This is probably why I prefer it !

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm a big fan of Frankmusik,
    but of course, I agree that the original Confusion Girl was far better.

    However, I wish Vince every success. He has had to make this release appeal to everyone, just to kick-start and get his name out there.

    I'm hoping that after this release, and an increased fan base, we will find Vince returning to less-commercial productions, similar to his earlier work.

    Unfortunately, I also heard the Tinchy Stryder version. It was certainly a bit of a mess in my view, his vocals are somewhat of a misfit to the track.

  • Comment number 14.

    Well in comment 1 , I said Confusion girl will be a top 30 hit... and here we are 6 days later and said song is NUMBER 29 !

    Just inside the top 30.

    Scary stuff.....

    Well done Vince !

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi again Flatknees , you asked me what my favourite Frankmusik track is...
    A little intro first.

    Well it was Vince's fast beats , vocal effects and the kinetic wander thrust that drew me to him , and stood him out from the crowd.

    The Stuart Price produced Confusion girl does not move me in any way , and has stripped away the qualities that made Frankmusik great. As a huge Frank fan , it pains me to totally understand the Grant Black review above , and the angle it comes from .

    Favourite Frankmusik track...

    Take your pick
    Better off as two - Great melody and rhythm. One of my top ten singles of 2009 , so far .
    3 Little words - The re-release should be the next single in my mind , but it has to be ultra fast , dancy and wild. A fantastic up tempo pop song.
    When your around - Like you say , using The stranglers to perfection. A gain this must be fast paced , and loads of bpm.

    Made her smile - Again , edgy and melodic , with attitude and fast paced.

    The Complete me album .......is one album , I can't wait to buy .

    Vince's songs are best with a really fast pace , interesting arrangements , and that voice , which can sound frosty , emotional , quivering , robotic , despairing , unpredictable .
    Some of his vocal effects are brilliant.
    But this is what we want , great songs , attitude , melody , diversity, fast pace and his personality over the top.

    The boy is great .

  • Comment number 16.

    Flat... what do you think ?
    And what's your fave Frank track ?

    I forgot to say I like In step very much too !

  • Comment number 17.

    Hang on! Vincent Frank, i.e. Frankmusik saw my review!

    That IS brilliance!!!!

    Thanks a million Spiritwarrior!

    Where was I? I died!

    Well, no I didn't really! Just going through a period of writers block!:(

    But maybe this will inspire me to write again!

  • Comment number 18.

    This does cut both ways Random, I'm dreading what will happen when Spirit meets Little Boots and shows her my comments. Probably get the police round. Again!

  • Comment number 19.

    Ha ha Jax , if only you knew...... if only you knew...

    All I will say is you may , or may not have inspired the first line of Victoria's new single Remedy .

    Go and have a listen !

  • Comment number 20.

    Random , your reviews are always good , and I enjoy reading them.

    You clearly have a talent , that you should share with the world .

  • Comment number 21.

    Haha I wouldn't go that far Spirit but thanks anyway!

    Oh and Remedy by Little Boots-what a song!!!

    aybe I'll review that next!

  • Comment number 22.

    well i am certainly confused as to who or even what you are spirit warrior but never-the-less... maybe its your name is your occupation..

    symmetry is another great track off little boot's 'hands' btw.. but im guessin u already knew

    well for me its between 'when your around' and his cover of 'ice box'.. i am almost on my knees praying that the same idea for the album version of confusion girl is not used on the possible singleisation (?) of 3 little words.. if the tempo of that was halfed as confusion girl was... disasterous.. you are dead right in saying that it should be break-neck speed..

    to be fair you can't have an album full of really fast paced tracks.. it could start to feel overly relentless after a while, but confusion girl was certainly the wrong track to slow down..

    btw mate, check out She Wolf by Shakira, accidentally heard it but i think its brilliant.. very CSS-ish..

  • Comment number 23.

    Totally agree with your comment 22 Flatknnees.

    A breakneck speed version of 3 Little words is what the Spirit and the Knees are ordering.

    As you are aware I have a lot of respect for Vince's talent , but whoever's idea it was to slow down Confusion Girl paid the price , because it charted lower than Better Off as 2 , this despite Confusion girl , having a high profile video with Holly Valance , an A list at radio 1 and a lot of hard work that Vince did behind the scenes .

    To take away that fast pace and wander thrust took away the thing that stood him out , and thus the quality that would have translated in to C.d sales , a higher chart position , increased radio and video play , and a bigger way to promote the album , resulting in bigger album sales , and then bigger venues to tour the country .

    Everything in music has a domino effect.

    I am so looking forward to the Complete me album .

    Vince's favourite track on the album is "Run away from trouble " which according to some interviews with him , suggests the sounds of further delights to come .

  • Comment number 24.

    Complete Me , the album is out tomorrow !

  • Comment number 25.

    Well , I have given Complete me , a good listen .

    I would strongly advise after listening to the Stuart Price produced tracks , that to get another single into the top 30 , the next release needs to be When Your Around . This sounds the most commercial and most radio friendly .

    I previously wanted a high octane version of 3 Little Words , to be re -released , this could have been a top 10 hit , but unfortunately the album version is a shadow of the version that I heard in my head , and the version I would have remixed .

    Flatknees , I would love to know your opinion , have you or anyone else heard the album ?

  • Comment number 26.

    I must also say , that there are many brilliant moments on the Frankmusik album , it will be the highest new entry and will maybe enter just be inside the top ten.

    Fingers crossed !

    Vince , I know you have worked so hard .

    I wish you every success !

  • Comment number 27.

    i got complete me earlier today.. haven't had the chance to listen to it yet though.. and its late now so it shall have to wait for 2morrow..

  • Comment number 28.

    OK ... my difficulty is that I have had the album for ages but in it's original demo form .

    So I now have to listen to the polished , finished version and judge it on it's own merits , and try to be objective .

  • Comment number 29.

    yea i had the same thing.. pretty much made up the whole album but with demos.. he should have released 2 CD's with the demos on as well lol..

    okay.. in step, better off, done done, boyfriend are pretty much the same but with better production (bass!)

    not sure if complete me and vacant heart have been changed at all, they were 7/10's in the first place.

    the new confusion girl is actually growing on me a bit.. but still not quite there.. do not like what has happened to when your around, the electric harpsicord sounds plasticy and the bass from the beats seems to have disappeared.

    tracks i haven't heard b4: your boy seems okay, and is a good idea to let the pace relent at that point in the album. time will tell seems like a good track after a bunch of listens, fits in well with the album. trouble looks to be a grower, a good note to end the album on with its pace.

    hope he doesn't completely lose hunger for past paced tracks in the future though.

    7.5/10.. not quite an 8 but better than a 7.. great first record though. could have been an 8 if confusion girl and when your around were altered differently.

  • Comment number 30.

    I actually prefer the Stuart Price version of When Your Around , it's built for a dancefloor , and is my tip to be the next single .

    They are waiting to see how the album is received in all quarters before deciding on the next release .

    The new 3 Little Words is growing on me , there is a rock guitar effect employed in the middle 8 , which is superb .

    I much prefer the faster tracks than the ballads , but obviously every album needs balance .

    It's also a 7.5 out of ten from me .

    A very good debut .

    There's a little bit of t.v advertising going on , that should help it forge a top 10 debut .

  • Comment number 31.

    Saw him live in HMV today - met him too. Nice guy.

  • Comment number 32.

    The Frankmusik album is number 13 !

    Well done Vince !

  • Comment number 33.

    i definitely agree with you spirit,
    when you're around really should be the next single release.

    it has the right feel to it,
    and the element of the stranglers 'golden brown' should be helpful because people will recognise it. I'd be very happy if this was Vince's next release because its proper Frankmusik - not the poppy and commercial thing we've just seen with Confusion Girl.

  • Comment number 34.

    hear hear !

  • Comment number 35.

    Vince was in the studio yesterday doing a remix of When Your Around but he is not letting on why.

    Watch this space ... I am determinned to find out !

  • Comment number 36.

    Right , in answer to my message above , his remix of When YOUR Around is a dubstep version .

    He played it at the actor/comedian Mathew Horne's party on Saturday night and many people seemed to like it !

    He's still not telling me what the next single will be though , still undecided .......

  • Comment number 37.

    FRANKMUSIK fans .. the wait is over ...

    Tickets go on sale for a headline tour on Friday !

    Excitement builds....


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