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Daisy Dares You ft. Chipmunk - 'Number One Enemy'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:06 UK time, Thursday, 25 February 2010

Daisy Dares You

If I could offer one piece of advice to all aspiring young performers, it would probably be "CALM DOWN!". But if I could offer several pieces of advice, and there was a chance my sage wisdom would be heard and acted upon, I would suggest that making an explicit link between the thing you make and the stuff you personally like is probably a bad idea. And here's why.

Daisy Dares You's has a column of photographs, tributes to performers and singers and bands of the past who have played some part in sculpting the band's mental landscape. Jeff Buckley's in there, so is and Debbie Harry and Rage Against The Machine and the Smiths and Robert Johnson and Nick Drake and Smokey Robinson, heroes all. And Mr Hudson.

The implication is that the 'You see themselves as fitting into a lineage of challenging, timeless performers, people who've broken moulds, set standards. It's as if the very act of listening to Nirvana and talking about it will protect them from accusations of making silly pop music. Or worse, accusations or making silly pop music which is aimed as a cash-in on the success of A Certain Other Youthful Blonde Pop Star Of The Moment.

But that's not how it works. I love a bit of Nick Cave as much as anyone, but I can't BE him, or write like him, and I certainly can't wear his reputation as a shield against someone who thinks ChartBlog is just a fourth-rate . Although it would be fun to try...

You make the thing you make, people experience it and make their own minds up.

(. Where've Daisy's top teeth gone?)

'Number One Enemy' is a bubblegum pop-punk sort of a song, not a million miles away from Katy Perry's 'Hot And Cold' in the verses and middle-eight, with an Avril Lavigne sort of chorus. Daisy's got this sullen, half-awake, half-disapproving tone to her voice which, once you mentally scrape the studio effects off, is brilliantly bratty and feral.

Chipmunk's guest rap section is fine, does the job, although it's kind of distracting from the story of the song, especially when he sings "Daisy's 'bout to take off" as if this is the sole reason he agreed to appear in the first place.

He does say one good thing though, Daisy points her finger at a former friend and yells "you're stuck in between what you want and what's the right thing to do" as if she's not doing the exact same thing with all this "I'm a real musician, just like my real musician heroes" silliness. And what does Chipmunk have to add? "Put the past behind you".

That's good advice, is that.

Four starsDownload: Out now
CD Released: March 1st

´óÏó´«Ã½ Music page

(Fraser McAlpine)


  • Comment number 1.

    I can't add anything to the review. As much as it pains me, as i hate a suck-up, this is a perfect and exact review Fraser. Or F Man, King of Skill, Frazzle or whatever it bloody is today...

  • Comment number 2.

    Every time I see the title "Number One Enemy", in my head I'm singing it to the tune of Chemistry by Semisonic (remember them?).

    I realise this is about as relevant as my recent observation that an earlier picture of Daisy made me assume she was Scandinavian. But I don't care.

  • Comment number 3.

    Chipmunk's gues rap section isn't fine. It's out of place and awful. Although it's a bit of a welcome break from the corus. In the sense that repeated slapping in the face might be a welcome break from a red hot poker in the nethers..

  • Comment number 4.

    ^^^^^^ Looks Like Liam is Daisy's NUMBER 1 ENEMY ! ^^^^^^^^^^

  • Comment number 5.

    @ 1

    Come on Jonesy , can't you outrageously argue with THE BIG F'S star rating ?

    It used to be the highlight of my day .

  • Comment number 6.

    I heard this song is about fights she has with her sister. And as for Chart Blog being a fourth rate Popjustice. No way!

    Popjustice is a terrible website. I cannot fathom how it is so successful. It barely talks about music at all, it just has a load of zany humour but doesn't really talk about songs at all, unless there by Lady GaGa or Girls Aloud or some type of gay friendly dance pop music. (Not being homophobic by the way, its just I'd like to hear about other music too).

  • Comment number 7.

    Oh I'd love to spirit, but the F Man is right (if ever so slightly generous) today. Trust me, if it was 5, there'd be a rant...

  • Comment number 8.

    Hey Randy, I think, without meaning to be rude, that if you're not being homophobic, referring to anything as specifically gay-friendly is probably not a great idea. Soz.

  • Comment number 9.


    Is that the sort of thing you were looking for Spirit?

    P.S: On a more serious note, the songs alright 2 Stars for me. Maybe 3 if it wasn't a thursday (don't see why people hate mondays, thursday is obviously the worst day of the week)

  • Comment number 10.

    This is a typical 3 star song. 4 stars is one too many. (See Frazzle, we´re obsessed with ratings here, we must have some kind of order! And your job is to be spot on...*)

    *)Joking, obviously. :=

  • Comment number 11.

    I think that the space between referring to a genre of music as "gay-friendly" and homophobia is absolutely ENORMOUS. As in not even in the same dimension. As in really, there's no valid reason to link the two (although I know that Randy made the connection first, out of fear of being accused of homophobia - and he's almost been proven right on that).

  • Comment number 12.

    I didn't say he was being homophobic. What I said was it's a good idea not to refer to something in that way if you don't want to be thought of as homophobic.

    You have to admit, it's a pretty damning sentence, and could be taken to imply either that the kind of music which appears on Popjustice is only fit for that audience, or worse, that you can jam the musical taste of people who are gay into an easily-understood lump.

    As I say, if that's not Randy's intention - and he said it's not - it's a good idea not to go there in the first place.

  • Comment number 13.

    This has a solid beat, quite catchy chorus, middle eight isn't bad, pointless rap, nothing special, not four stars. Three.

    "once you mentally scrape the studio effects off..." good point Big F, thing is, why put them on in the first place when they are so annoying? She might have an interesting voice if we could hear it.

    And Randy, you must never ever jam the musical taste of people who are gay into an easily-understood lump. We already have one Elton!

  • Comment number 14.

    Oooh I see I've caused quite a bit of a stir. Yes, I picked a wrong choice of words there. I can't really put what I was supposed to say into proper words so I shouldn't have said anything at all?

    I'm suddenly reminded of the Dani Minogue/Danyl Johnson thing a few months back?

  • Comment number 15.

    I've realised I've used two question marks for no reason. What's wrong with me today.

  • Comment number 16.

    I love Popjustice. In a completely stupid, funny, doesnt take itself seriously kind of way. I don't go there for music knowledge or serious reviews, I go there to have a giggle. Mind you, I love that style of humour. It's camp, bitchy yet very funny.

    Gay friendly dance music? I'd say that's a fair point. Its a pretty camp place, let's be honest. It's not a bad thing, just part of the reason why I love it.

    Its good for tip offs too. Listened to Marina and Hurts there last year way before I heard of them anywhere else.

    When I have 10 mins spare, I check it, textsfromlastnight and lamebook.


    Think my post needs straightening up or something. Daisy will be fit in a few years! She's 16 so I'm allowed to say it right?

    This song? 2 stars. Let's not be silly.

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh and just for the record, I wasn't sterotyping anyone into a group or implying that only one group of people read Popjustice.

  • Comment number 18.

    Random @ 14-15... the question marks. A bit of gay panic, that´s all. ;)

  • Comment number 19.

    I didn't say you were calling Randy homophobic, Fraser. I fully understood your comment.

    My point was that anyone making any link at all between the phrase "gay-friendly" and homophobia would be being unreasonable, and deliberately looking for a reason to be offended, because the phrase itself is completely innocuous. Therefore, you discouraging Randy from using it for fear of that reaction gives the reaction credibility which it doesn't deserve.

    The only thing Randy's comment seemed to be damning was the lack of focus on Popjustice on songs outside of a narrow scope which includes gay-friendly music and little else, not the fact that such music exists (if you believe it does). "Fitness" for audience didn't come into it; and a reference to music which is "gay-friendly" doesn't imply that all gay people like it, any more than calling a song teenpop assumes that all teenagers will like it.

    Fraser - Frazzle, The Large F, Fraser Ramon - you know I'm a fan, and I agree it's a good thing to be sensitive to the feelings of others. However, I don't think we should be afraid to say something, where the intention is clearly not to offend, just because someone might contrive to eke out some kind of negative inference from it. The very fact of someone not liking something doesn't make it wrong - which is why, I expect, complaining about a blog comment merely gets it referred, rather than summarily removed, for example.

    And Randy, for the reasons above, I don't think you need to explain/justify yourself at all. It was clear what you meant, and there was nothing insulting about it.

  • Comment number 20.

    Ach, you're probably right, Curts.

    Still, at least anyone who IS offended can see by this little pow-wow that no offense was intended. And if Randy is offended that I said what I said, well I'm sorry about that too.

  • Comment number 21.

    Cool. How about you agree to resurrect Fun With Press Releases and we'll call it quits...?

  • Comment number 22.

    I should really shouldn't I? It's been ages...

  • Comment number 23.

    Hell yeah! Wow, I thought you were just going to tell me to get stuffed. I guess if you don't ask, you don't get.

    Double woot.

  • Comment number 24.

    So with the rumoured closer of ´óÏó´«Ã½ Switch .. how's the future of the Blog looking?

  • Comment number 25.

    1. Liam, Yes, and if you shut down 6Music Fraser, - what will I do without the Freak Zone?

    2. Bring back Fun With Press Releases! I love taking the michael out of them. I mean Fraser, all you have to do is copy the press releases, we can do the making fun ourselves!

  • Comment number 26.

    All homophobia aside, this song might not be worth as many stars as Fraser gave it, but it's still a lot better than some of the half-baked punk/pop trash being churned out by Young Money or Dumb-Dubz.

    At least the lyrics make sense (glares at Dappy).
    And at least it hasn't got completely cringe-worthy sexual innuendos (glares at Young Money), as only Lady GaGa gets away with them.

    BUT, it is nice to see someone taking a different route other than electropop or dance, which is where most new acts from 2009/2010 have been going, and there's really only about five good acts in that genre.

    I'd give this song 2 stars, that lyrical structure doeasn't seem to fit the music and the chorus is a bit dullard. And Chipmunk does nothing to help. Video's fun though.

  • Comment number 27.

    All homophobia aside, this song may have been given more stars than it was worth.

    But it's still a lot better than some of the half-baked punk/pop trash being churned out of Ke$ha, Young Money or Dumb-Dubz recently.

    At least the lyrics make sense and don't feature completely cringe-worthy lines about a certain social networking site (glares at Dappy). And at least it doesn't make use of some absolutely awful sexual innuendos like 'glovebox, and 'I can make your bedrock, girl', (glares at Ke$ha and Young Money) as only Lady GaGa can get away with sexual innuendos.

    BUT, it IS nice to see a new act try something other than electropop and/dance, like most of the new acts from 2009/2010 tried, because there's already about four really good artists in that category, and there's not much room for any more.

    But tbh, this is a pretty dire attempt at a debut, those lyrics lines don't seem to fir the music very well and the chorus is a bit dullard and predictable. And Chipmunk does nothing for the song. The video's good though.

    2 stars from me.

  • Comment number 28.

    Woops... ignore the upper comment. Danke.

  • Comment number 29.

    I love this song. She wrote this about her sister when she argued with her, and she's gonna be a big star. major hit.

  • Comment number 30.

    Nein OddOne! Das Schreiben auf Deutsch ist verboten!

  • Comment number 31.

    Mods are hot today.

  • Comment number 32.

    I said "No OddOne! Writing in German is forbidden!", in German of course.

  • Comment number 33.

    Sacre bleu !

  • Comment number 34.

    I can see NUMBER ONE ENEMY being a top 30 hit , and may even crack the top 20 .
    Promotion for it has been fierce , and it also has the Chip Diddy Chip effect .

  • Comment number 35.

    Hedging your bets a bit there with "top 30"...

  • Comment number 36.

    ok top 20 ! But only just. Happy now ?

  • Comment number 37.

    I'm never happy! Wont let me post the HTML for heart :(

  • Comment number 38.

    Trying something..

  • Comment number 39.


  • Comment number 40.

  • Comment number 41.

    Well ok so only bold and italics works of the tags I tried.

  • Comment number 42.

    What is it you do for that? Something like /b/this?/b/. I'm not very savvy with all that HTML webby stuff.

  • Comment number 43.

    Hang on.

    My name is [b]RandomEnigma[/b].

  • Comment number 44.

    Dammit, it didn't work.

  • Comment number 45.

    ^^^^^Wahey, so excited. I am totally using this more from now on.

  • Comment number 46.

    How how how????

  • Comment number 47.

    Use the pointy brackets.

    Type a b inside the pointy brackets at the start of the sentence you want to make bold and then at the end of the bold sentence, type these again with a /b inside of the brackets. For italics, type an i and an /i in the brackets.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • Comment number 48.

  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry this might make more sense:

  • Comment number 50.

    {blike this/b}

    or [blike this/b]

  • Comment number 51.

    There has been a problem...
    Your comment contains some HTML that has been mistyped.

    '>' is an unexpected token on line 1


  • Comment number 52.

    Im glad Im not the only one excited!.

  • Comment number 53.

    Liam help!

  • Comment number 54.

    I want royalties on everything now Ive spiced the formatting up a bit.

    To make something bold, you need to type the less than or equals sign, b, the greater than ir equals sign. I cant type them because it doesnt work unless you format correctly. Then type the text you want and then close it with the same and a "/" in front of the b.

    The first "tag" opens the bold. You then need to close it.

    Its been a very long time since I played with HTML lol.

    I found this out by trying to do the symbol for a heart. A 3 and a less than or equals sign.

  • Comment number 55.

    its not working. :(

  • Comment number 56.

    "Jeff Buckley's in there, so is Buster Keaton and Debbie Harry and Rage Against The Machine and the Smiths and Robert Johnson and Nick Drake and Smokey Robinson, heroes all."
    Honest to God I can't see the link to any of these artists in any way. The majority of the artists listed above didn't play safe and make boring begrudgingly catchy pop tunes the tried to push the boundaries of music, I see more Hannah Montana, Disney influence here, and that in no way is a compliment.

  • Comment number 57.

    Jonesy, this is probably the best way of teaching you. Everytime I write bold in brackets, you replace it with b. Everytime I write italic in brackets, you replace it with an i.

    To write in bold:

    To write in italics:

    To write in bold italics:

  • Comment number 58.

    You didnt add anything in brackets Randy?

    Do you know what I mean by the symbols "greater than" and "less than"? They are shift , and shift . on the keyboard normally. These two together make up a HTML tag. You put this before what you want to edit with HTML. "b" is bold, it goes inside the two symbols. "em" is italics and goes inside them alternatively.

    You also need to close the tags, or it will think you want to make ev erything bold/italics. So you repeat the tag, but with a "/" infront of the "b" or the "em".

    So in this, replace { with the less than sign, and } with the more than sign -

    {b}Hi this is bold {/b}

    and it will be bold.

    You cant type the symbols, or it thinks you are opening a HTML tag.

  • Comment number 59.

    like this??

  • Comment number 60.


    Randy is the most amazing person ever in the whole World and I'm going to pay him for this teaching excercise


    Cheers guys, i was actually puttin one pointy bracket at the start of the sentence and the subsequent closing one at the end, which is where i went wrong, but its all good now... :D

  • Comment number 61.

    I did add brackets @ 57. They just didn't show up when I posted.

  • Comment number 62.

    I´ll have a go.

  • Comment number 63.


  • Comment number 64.


  • Comment number 65.

    At 36 , there you go LIAM , Daisy has a top 20 hit , in at 13 !

    That is what happens , when u dare me !

  • Comment number 66.

    Heh. Was just having a dig about what a shockingly wide prediction it was :p

  • Comment number 67.

    Just to check...

  • Comment number 68.

    And too?

  • Comment number 69.

    Not so much. Never mind.


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