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Chris Evans | 05:39 UK time, Tuesday, 8 August 2006

Morning morning. It's 5 41 am, I've just woken up on my sofa, fully clothed. Don't get excited, nothing crazy to report here, it's just that I have two friends staying over and they're in my bed. Their names are Sue and Keith and they're from Manchester. They are lovely and loyal friends and they can have my bed any time, in fact they can have most anything from me any time.

The three of us took in a show last night and then we went for a late night dinner. Far too late really but I have to eat, otherwise for me the day has no meaning. Last night we ended up in my favorite Italian restaurant, I had the Monday night special, a lovely meat pasta, (ITALIAN SAUSAGE IN CREAM AS A STARTER !) followed with some pan fried lamb chops in a provencal, tomato and olive sauce. Scrummy.

More of this restaurant later.

Keith and Sue had a swell time, they usually do, they know how to have a swell time. A happy couple, they are best friends, they've been together over thirty years. I met them in Portugal where they live and we just clicked. Keith is extraordinarily clever and has that very much envied, dry wit. At times he's like a fiesty old Greek sage, frighteningly sharp and quick. A joy to lsiten to and be around.

Keith's retired, I think. What did he used to do? You know I have no idea, I've never asked. I've never needed to know and he's never needed to tell me. It's not something we talk about.

I find this with a lot of people, if you can resist or avoid asking what they do or used to do for a living, or how they make their money, it forces one's friendship to take a whole different direction and then after a while, it's never going to be an issue. So much stall is set up by what someone does for a living, so many pre-judgements are based on it. Let's leave that little rascal alone and base our opinios on the rest of what a person is.

Not talking about what someone does for a lvivng also forces effort of imagination in a relationship and it let's you know if you like each other. I've been out with girls and never known what they did for a living. It's not that I don't care, it's just that there's so much more to talk about, so many better questions to ask. After all we weren't born doing a job, we were jsut born as us and that's who we are.

If you have difficulty discussing other more meaningful aspects of each others lives or personality, then maybe you shouldn't be friends in the first place anyhow and what a blessing that is, to find out sooner rather than later that there's nothing going on here, there is no future.

There's nothing wrong with not getting on with someone or them not getting on with you. I find it almost a relief sometimes.

If you can agree with a person that you're never going to get along, then in many ways you have a better chance of liking each other !

I'm off to put the kettle on. The first cuppa of the day, yum yum and dinner's only fourteen hors away.

Lots of love everyone and have a great Tuesday, I feel a fabulous day coming on and the sun has just peeked it's golden head through the window.



  1. At 06:49 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Minxy wrote:

    Ey up Chris
    I was just turning on the radio on my computer and saw the ad for your blog.
    I heard you were doing this on your show yesterday which I really enjoy by the way when I get to tune in - you're nice and upbeat which cheers me up and unwinds me from work at the end of the day. (I have only recently started listening to Radio 2 as I edge towards the end of my 30s!) Seems very tricky to me to keep this one up though! A daily blog is no small undertaking!
    Are you not worried about your whole life being exposed to the world if you carry on? Not having anything left for yourself? Except the eating of the food that is...
    You sound like a smart-thinking, sweet-hearted person however and I am sure you're tough enough as you've been in the media world long enough by now I believe.
    Good luck with it - I'll be interested to see how it works into the show. Fingers crossed it's worth your effort!

  2. At 08:16 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Sambo wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Its nice to read your brand new blog here. I came across it this very quiet morning at 6:45 in the office. I am an early bird like you and enjoy the quiet time before "the mad rush".

    Being an early office-goer, I also get to go home earlier than others and that is when I get to listen to (most) of your show as its a long 55 mile commute back.

    I have a stressful time at the office on a daily basis but that all changes when I hear that fantastic intro on 大象传媒 radio 2 at 5pm Monday to Friday, which is then followed by your voice which has to be one of the most distinctive in the world!

    The only other thing that cheers me up in that time frame is my lovely wife :-)

    Thank you SOOOO much for your great contribution to radio life and I hope we will have more and more and more and more and moooooooore Chris Evans for years to come.

    Will be checking back hopefully on a daily basis to read up on how you getting on with life.

    Sambo Mambo Jumbo.

  3. At 08:22 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Mel Walker wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I am also impressed with the show. Well done. I checked out your blogg last night when I got in and had a look this morning to see if you were up and about yet.

    I agree with you about the whole job thing. People ask all the time what I do for a living, which is not always relevant - it is just something to say.

    Regarding friends. It sounds like you have a couple of good ones. They are worth their weight in gold. My wife and I (Viv) have been married for 24 years and have moved around the country, we have made some good friends, who although we don't see regularly enough, are always there when we need them.

    We have lots of good friends at the moment and a lot who we have just met when we joined our local am drams. I don't know what most of them do- except Justine who artificially inseminates cows! - If you do something like that for a living it worth talking about!!

    Keep up the good work - and I look forward to todays show.

  4. At 08:30 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Christoph,

    What difference does it make what somebody does for a job? I hate it when the first part of a conversation with a potential new friend (everyone you meet has the potential to be a new friend) is about what you do for a living.

    I never ask anyone what he or she does, because frankly I'm not that interested, the important bit is, do I or will I get on with you? If you ask me what I do for a living and then insist on telling me what you do for a living then the chances are that I won't get on with you.

    I think some of the 'what do you do for a job?' is embarrassment of not wanting to get involved in the 鈥榩ersonal鈥 side of somebody and this is the very thing that makes friendships. If you deal with the material side of somebody then friendship is unlikely to grow and you will miss out on some very interesting people.

    Women seem to have an ability to know every little detail about somebody after the first meeting but I do like the idea that I am still finding out things about friends I have known for 20 years.

    Anyways enough of this rambling I'm off to walk the dog named Borris.


  5. At 08:43 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I think I'm going to enjoy this Blog thing. I think the idea of having a conversation with someone and not asking or being told what they do for a living would be a great challenge. I actually find that in mixed company men will often ask men what they do but tend to avoid asking the females in the group. Wonder what that's about?

    Tuesday's a good day in our office. Today is horoscope day where we purchase Closer magazine and read out everyones horoscope. A good game is to actually guess what your stars will say before it's read out - its surprising how many budding astrologers we have here. We have simple lives!!!

    Love the show



  6. At 08:48 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Cat wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    Great idea to do this blog! Know it's a big thing to take on every day but just want to say it's cheered up my mornings so far this week and it's a nice addition to my early morning office ritual!

    Totally agree about knowing when you won't get along with people and having the mutual knowledge that you won't be lifelong firm friends with someone does make it easier if you do run into them. I always find it strange when people want you to like someone as a best friend and when you say you can't, they don't understand the reasoning behind it. Learning that you won't get on with everyone makes life a whole lot easier!

    As for the point about defining yourself when meeting people by saying what you do for a living, it's mirrored all through life, and equally meaningless - especially when you go to university for the first time and you are constantly asked the 3 standard questions: name, where you're from, and what A-Levels you did. The relevance of that last part is gone after the first week and who really remembers anyway!? It doesn't define a person what exams or jobs they do, but it's the person behind it that matters.

    Continue on the good work, and I suppose I'd better get on with mine!


  7. At 08:49 AM on 08 Aug 2006, cate wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Im listening in Ozzie land and beleive me you are a breath of fresh air (though I have to listen to prerecorded programmes) its almost like being back at home.When I listen to the traffic news though I sadly get confused and think Im going to have a rough time getting to work, however the road kill on the way usually puts me right.
    Thanx for keeping me amused in the land downunder.Oh and yes keep up the blog if u can.

  8. At 08:52 AM on 08 Aug 2006, caroline wrote:

    How is it by day two I am addicted to your blog - what a beautiful day.
    You are a wise old bird aren't you - we do judge people by their profession which is silly
    Have a fab day - going to join a gym for my metabolism

  9. At 08:56 AM on 08 Aug 2006, dee wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Just thought that I would tell you really like your show. I'm in British Columbia, Canada, so I "listen again" to the previous days show. Right now it's 12:56am, so I'm listening to Monday's show. Anyway, keep up the good work and have a great day!

  10. At 09:11 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Anne Hunter wrote:

    Morning Chris

    having heard you talk about your blog on last night's show had to check it out this morning & i'm not disappointed! Love your cheery take on the world & wish more people were like that
    Its clearly infectious as I'm now feeling happier with the world despite being sat in front of my PC and the looooong day of work is stretching out ahead of me
    anyway love the show - it makes my 35 minute drive home to Loch Lomond every night after work a joy - mind you am still wracking my brains to find 2 excellent songs for the Gobsmackers
    Anne x

  11. At 09:19 AM on 08 Aug 2006, ODETTE wrote:

    Can I say that my husband Fred and myself were not sure what to expect when you started the drive time slot, we are always on the rush hour tea time slot and pretty much a captive audience!! However, can we just say you are an absolute joy to listen too, and exceptionally good with children. There have been tons of LOL moments which when you are stuck in traffic....
    The journey home is not done in silence now, mmm daydreaming, I know what you mean about driving the usual route and not knowing how you got there..!
    Keep up the brilliance, we just need the other end of the day sorting now..6am to 7.30am....xxx

  12. At 09:44 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi namesake

    Me and the missus (she doesn't really mind that epithet) were having a similar conversation when walking the dogs last night - but mainly the long term nature of friendships and why some last and others don't.
    I seem to have more, what i would call "real" friends from college and school days (almost 30 years ago) than from any other period. No old neighbours or work colleagues.
    Why is that? I think it's because I knew them at a different level - we were all equal then.
    You always seem to be competing with work colleagues and so maybe there's a certain falseness in those relationships. Even with neighbours - you might have borrowed cups of sugar and looked after each others cats and chatted for hours while tinkering on the car - but somehow I don't think I'd call them up years later and invite them to sleep on my sofa.
    Only you know when a person is a true friend.

    Keep up the good work - whatever it is that you do.


  13. At 09:51 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Paul Hinkinson wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I have just got upat 9.37 and went straight to your blog having heard about it whilst listening to the show last night. not been downstairs yet where the kids are (house probably trashed).
    How can you say your day has no meaning without dinner when you bring so much pleasure and happiness to everyone who listens to you.
    I think thats a far better reason for a days meaning. Or what about breakfast, lunch and supper.

    Must dash sort out kids

    keep it up chris you give my journey to work a proper meaning (nightshift)

    Paul (first time blogger ever anywhere)

  14. At 09:58 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Gordon wrote:

    Still a horrendous amount of people singing your praises Mr Evans. Sickening really.

    Anyhoo, you're still and unbelieveably smashing bloke!! ;卢)

    Keep up the good work!


  15. At 10:07 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris,
    My friend and me are avid bloggers, in the geekiest and most fashionable sense I hope and we are most thrilled that you have joined in the blogging community...and are educating the less informed on what it means to blog on.

    But, why are you up at such an unearthly hour ?- you are a child free zone, 5.39am is for yogi's and sages, or maybe you are one. I was wondering - are you doing 'The Morning Pages' - by Julia Cameron...is that the reason..stream of consciousness writing? It's cathartic.

    I hear what you say about the old "so what do you do" - line, it switches me off and basically indicates the limitations of the enquiring person. ie: first they need a label upon which to judge, and then they can relax. But it is a strange phenomeno-menon-menon as, like you say we are far more than our work identity and I think it should be the last question when getting to know someone.But in this materialistic world, thats de rigeur...to me its the same as saying "Hi, are you as successful as me - need I worry?" or " I'm just checking you're not a road sweeper, because if you are goodbye".

    Status eh - its a constant battle. But Chris, have a great day - I luv your programme..especially the intro music where I imagine you galloping into the studio on a horse and leaping off it onto your chair!!

    yeehah x

  16. At 11:23 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    No Job... Yup You have a point. I used to lecture in Economics and Accounting, and when people asked me what I did and I told them...... They would look astounded. How hurtful eh? Especially when they included your mother!

  17. At 11:25 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Jay wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Great blog mate. I don't want to make you feel old, but I remember your beginnings (I think) on the show, Power-Up [Now Now] on BSB's The Power Station. Have you still got that funny cuddly toy thingy you used to smack on the head as you jumped over your desk? You are a funny dude! You're the greatest presenter on the radio. I was saying to my girly how you cheer me up and make me happy. Your Drive Time Show is fantastic. Always listen to it and your podcast. Great Stuff.
    Best wishes, Chris.


  18. At 11:34 AM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Top comment on the job front.

    Almost as bad when a friend asks you how much you earn. I used to be really open about it, but they either take on a "mounting my high horse" if you earn less than them, or a "but I work harder than you" attitude if you earn more. It can be the beginning of the end.

    Now I claim ignorance, its the best policy.

    "We weren't born to a job", yes, and money is a human concept, we need it, but it doesn't have to rule our lives.

    Milo "Ocelot" Digby

  19. At 11:56 AM on 08 Aug 2006, Dee wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Great to read the blog after hearing about it on last night's show. At this time of year its brilliant to be up and about early as the sun is coming up. You are right - its a lovely day.

    I love listening to you in the afternoons - I listen on my way home after visiting my mum who is poorly and has to live in residential care and it really cheers me up! Thanks so much for the programme - its great. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to the next instalment on the blog.



  20. At 12:13 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning -

    Well I am a late riser!

    I do gree with you about what people have done in the past - it is what they are now that matters.

    I do hope you continue to blog and you wont be edited by those in charge. In fact I think all presenters should blog.


  21. At 12:41 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi there, so I looked at yesterdays blog as I heard you talking about it on the 'wireless' last night. You cant eat all that and still keep trim... can you. When you say walking do you mean to the curry house or some real trek, if trek how far or how long do you consider a reasonable distance/time. Great show by the way, can't listen to it all as still at work for first hour but download podcast and then have to find time for you, jonny and chris moyals at the weekend. keep it up, cheers, Ian

  22. At 01:01 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I don't fear people who are different, but sometimes you get a bit wary.

    I spend my life with people wary of me because I'm just that little bit different along with the fact I'm trying to make my way in a male dominated area.

    But hey - keep up the good work and yep - don't fear those who are different!!! try a bit of understanding.

    :) hope you like the music if you get chance to check it out :)

  23. At 01:16 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Lizziec wrote:

    Smiles and laughter are now the order of the evening drive home - so thank you Chris.

    Halleujah - someone who doesn't need to know what I do for a living! Some of my closest friends are those who I probably had no idea what they did until someone else mentioned it. Until about 3 years ago I was living in a South American country and found it incredible that 99% of the foreigners I met would first ask what my husband did (obviously I was nothing without him!) and then what I did. Needless to say - none became friends. My best friend was a native of the country and we had a ball.

    Here is another one of those automatic assumption/need things....when you walk into couple's home - and you see lots of books - thrillers, non-fiction etc - who you do assume has read them?

  24. At 01:25 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I think your spot on here! I have a freind who is a vicar's wife and people always judge her immediately when she tells them this. she often remarks that life would be much easier if people didn't ask her what she does, or what her husband does, because then people would get to know her rather than attach the stereo type.

    I've just set up a support group for women with Post Natal Depression, which is what the website is about (though very basic at the mo, hope to have our own blog soon!) and most of the ladies that come to us for support find the stigma that goes with the illness very difficult to cope with, as if being depressed with a baby wasn't enough! why can't people just take a person for what they are in the here and now? I think there would be far more peace and harmony if we could just accept people as you suggest, they way they came into the world and not with all the baggage they carry!

    Great show, but my daughter keeps trying to get through for the fanfare of the day and hasn't manged it yet! she'll keep trying.



  25. At 01:29 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Matt wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love the blogs. Like you I live for the food side of life. I have never had spaghetti bolognese nag me. Stick to food relationships...much more rewarding.

    Interesting though the you can manage 14 HORS before the eveng meal. That must be a record worthy of the Guiness Book of records. I personally can only manage 2 or 3 HORS before sustenance is required.

    Keep up the good work.


  26. At 01:34 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I caught some of your show while my son was at saxophone lessons yesterday. Otherwise I am on a constant diet of AC/DC, Blink 182 .. and some other bands I've never heard of - the teenagers are on holiday, so my CD players etc are not my own!

    I know what you mean about asking people what they do for a living. I left the Inland Revenue (which was bad enough!) and am now a voiceover artist .. which means that people instantly stop concentrating on WHAT I'm saying and start judging HOW I'm saying it!

  27. At 01:46 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I caught some of your show while my son was at saxophone lessons yesterday. Otherwise I am on a constant diet of AC/DC, Blink 182 .. and some other bands I've never heard of - the teenagers are on holiday, so my CD players etc are not my own!

    I know what you mean about asking people what they do for a living. I left the Inland Revenue (which was bad enough!) and am now a voiceover artist .. which means that people instantly stop concentrating on WHAT I'm saying and start judging HOW I'm saying it!

  28. At 01:46 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Did I post twice? Sorry! Put it down to old age (I've just turned 41!)

  29. At 01:58 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    I just noticed the time you posted your daily blog day 2. Are you an early bird? When the sun is shining surley it makes you happy to be here and ready for a long day before the drive show at 5pm. If you keep waking up early the boss will read your blog and she may offer you the breakfast job when the tog departs the network lol lol ( oh when he feels ready ), but you have done that before so maybe a nice relaxing day before you entertain us the listeners is best.

    Hear you at 5pm.


  30. At 02:01 PM on 08 Aug 2006, banksy wrote:

    Great show.

    On the subject of people asking 'What I do?', I usually reply mountain biking or more recently golf. This has led to far more interesting conversation at weddings and dinner parties and a few invites for a game of golf!
    So, more of your golf tips would be great Chris.

  31. At 02:23 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Charlie wrote:

    Hi Chris, what a brilliant blog! I can't say I've got anything to compare it to, as I've never read one before (and therefore never blogged myself either), but I think I might end up very hooked on this.

    I have until now felt ashamed that I didn't know what my closest friends do in their jobs, so thank you for that great wisdom. It has especially helped me today as I'm going through some very difficult times in my job and I am sitting here reflecting on the unimportance of that after reading your blog.

    After work last night I went to the beach with my daughter (Steph) and our dog (Beau the greyhound) and while paddling in the warm sea on the Cumbrian coast, I forgot all about my work troubles and just enjoyed being there in the moment.

    Back in front of the computer this morning, all the difficult work stuff came back, but I am very lucky and really pleased that I have good friends I can turn to for support, not in dealing with the work stuff, but to get me to snap out of the annoying work stuff being the making of my life. Friends who I trust implicitly and make me feel safe and warm when I spend time with them.

    So with all the difficult work stuff, I'm thinking, how can I go back to just being Happy about my life, without the work affecting my private life and me being a person who just happens to be working to bring in the cash that pays the bills?

    I think it's time for a change Chris, I bet you never thought you would be influencing anyones life choices in this way, but I am determined to start doing more of the enjoyable stuff and less of the not-so enjoyable stuff, all thanks to your blog! I'll let you know how it goes.

    Keep up the blogging, but don't let it feel like too much hard work or the fun will go out of it. We will all be satisfied with a just few lines from you if you are out having fun doing something else instead.

    Charlie from Wigton, Cumbria.

  32. At 02:36 PM on 08 Aug 2006, The ern wrote:

    I think you need to invest in a house with a spare bedroom if you are going to have guests over. I hate roughing it on the couch and I'm not quite 40 yet !! Dont you feel rough all day if you dont get a proper nights sleep?

  33. At 02:52 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Kay wrote:

    Very interesting. I think I'll visit your blog regularly and see what gem you can give me to ponder on for that day. I've been listening to Radio 2 for ... some years now ... and I'm only 43!!! I like you on the radio - I like you better on the radio than the TV and I like you best of all on your drive-time show on Radio 2. Have a great meal tonight Chris.

  34. At 02:57 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Neil Passmore wrote:

    I had never heard of blogging until you mentioned it on Monday's show and so off to the link I did trot. And now I've experienced 2 bloggs. What a great idea! Such wisdom in today's blog - did you have to think about it or was it something that just came into your mind this morning?
    It's great being up early - I should know with 8 kids to look after (well me and my wonderful wife) and 2 of them still babies. It would be great to enjoy the rising sun and its beauty rather than stare at it through glazed and tired eyes as if I'm in the middle of some dreadful hangover (which I am sometimes it has to be said).
    Love the show of course. You have this way of lifting my spirits when I'm trying to be miserable - very annoying!
    Keep up the good work.


  35. At 03:08 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Sue wrote:

    "What Do You Do?"

    Whenever we get asked this pathetic question (particularly on holiday we find !?) we tell them that my husband works for the Inland Revenue and that I'm a Traffic Warden (or if we are feeling particularly outrageous we role reverse!) that usually stops them in their tracks and we can move on to some more more interesting people.

    Was not too sure about you doing the Drivetime Slot Chris - but I'm addicted - particularly loved how excited you were over the 'Rolling Phones' - even though I could never get through! Friday nights 5 - 7 best music on the airwaves.

    Love Virgin Blogger Sue

  36. At 03:08 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris, Well, just got to my pc and always log onto Radio 2 whilst I am working. I write a small community magazine (take a look www.harlequinmag.co.uk) and I have only recently heard the term 'blog'.
    As I have been thinking of writing an article about 'blogging' I thought I would have a look and see what it is all about.

    I found your comments interesting and thought provoking. I always seem to ask a person what they do for a living, it's just one of those things I do when I meet someone new. It doesn't mean that I would feel differently towards them if they did a job I felt unsuitable for me - or would I???

    I normally hate to see spelling mistakes in text but somehow it gave something to the piece. Made it more real, that you were writing it yourself, not having a secretary write it for you, and as if you were speaking not writing.

    Carry on the good work. I love to hear your 'what have you done new today' with the children. In fact all you do is good.

  37. At 03:10 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Don wrote:

    What's wrong with asking someone what they do for a living? It's called building rapport. The majority of our adult life is spent at work (minimum 8 hours per day), so if you want to know about a person and what makes them tick, what's wrong with finding out what it is that takes up the majority of their lives? It's not the only question you ask of course, but there's nothing wrong with asking it.

  38. At 03:12 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Jo wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I am so used to meeting people and discussing their jobs, perhaps I have a lot of friends who actually like there job? Maybe it is one of those things like asking a taxi driver what time he is on until or a hairdresser asking where you are off on holiday.

    Maybe later on the show you can enlighten us in regards to the subjects which aid with the getting to know you period. I am off speed dating next week so it would be useful!

    Many thanks

  39. At 03:39 PM on 08 Aug 2006, pat wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Great to be able to communicate with you. Well only if you read the blogs back of course. Have enjoyed your friendliness and humour since the days of the Big Breakfast. Knew you'd make it back to mainstream again cos you're so entertaining. You realise that your prog has now got me cooking as I listen to the radio in the kitchen as I am not actually driving anywhere at the time. So my family are also very appreciative of your return. Keep up the great work. Really enjoy your choice of music.
    Pat x

  40. At 03:44 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Keith wrote:

    Great show Chris.
    After seeing a picture of your thinning hair I reckon that a slow metabolism is the least of your worries!

  41. At 03:49 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    What a wonderful concept this blog thing is! Who would have thought that the world would ever know what you think about when you first wake up!!
    I agree totally about the job thing. Why is so much emphasis placed on your status in life? Why do we not spend as much time being interested in what people do for hobbies rather than jobs? I am sure that this would be much more interesting! My hubby is a priest - he is 37 years old, likes a beer, likes his food, loves me and our dog and also loves God! When he tells folk what he does for a living they automatically turn into "weird people" who say things like "don't swear - the vicar's listening" and that sort of thing! Well he tells them that when he hears something he hasn't heard/said before he will write it down and use it in his next sermon!!
    Come on peeps - take time to get to know a person and form friendships and enjoy their hobbies with them BEFORE we ask them about their jobs!!
    Great show by the way - you and the gang really brighten up my 27 mile commute home from work!
    Best wishes, Joanne

  42. At 03:54 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Rachel ( Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I like the idea of a guy not asking what I do for a living, it shows that he is interested in me the person, not me the person who cannot talk about my work anyway. So many times guys have said, "so babe what do you do?" I say , "I work for the Government".. Oh...... conversation stopper.... It's far better to talk about interesting things; like, why do white van men think it's ok to park on double yellow lines with their hazards on or with two wheels on the pavement? Of course it won't be in the way! Why do folk always stand in a lift, facing the door? Even those glass ones. When I talk to a guy, I want to know his hopes, his fears, his dreams, his drive, what makes him tick, how is the curry, but most importantly, his humour, can he see the funny side of falling into an open sewer on the way to an important appointment or of owning an organic lawnmower that turns out to be a Goat called Maureen in the rooftop garden of a Central London apartment....... I hope so.......

    Keep smiling


  43. At 04:18 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Philippa wrote:

    Lots of love to you too X

  44. At 04:28 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Get a proofreader. I'm not asking with this, I'm telling.

    Other than that, an excellent blog so far - the best kind of blog, for me is one which blends a traditional journal style with a measure of reflective conversation, so well done.

    Very much looking forward to Drivetime in half an hour - I could never listen to the old Drivetime to be frank; I found it rather dull - so it's great to have life-affirming, top-notch, first-rate radio at 5pm on Radio Two, and I'm delighted the show has been a success.

  45. At 04:30 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Phil Eadie wrote:

    I have made a decision that never again will I volunteer my profession and if asked will reinvent myself to suit my mood. One day I might be a bin man and the next a Spy - who knows if I'm feeling particulary daring I might even be a radio presenter.

    Thanks for keeping us entertained Chris - It's great to have another reason to enjoy the journey home and hear the viewpoint of another bloke in the early 40s :-)


  46. At 04:52 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Love your blog - not easy is it?

    Agree with your tip about not asking what people do. I was talking to someone a week ago at Goodwood about this, he turned out to be a very wealthy and successful business man, but after a 20 minute conversation, to me he was just a nice guy who liked hand gliding, had a little 3 year old daughter he doted on and like me had absolutely no interest in horse racing. Only after 20 minutes did we venture into the realms of what we did for a living.

    If you ever get a minute outside your busy schedule, please have a look at my blog (www.myopera.com/dropintheocean) like you, this is a whole new concept for me and I have only just started. I am trying to raise awareness about global warming but don't find the discipline of writing on a regular basis very easy.

    Really good to hear you on the radio again!

  47. At 04:58 PM on 08 Aug 2006, David wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I am sure you are a top bloke.

    However I tried listening to your programme and hated it. It's not personal but it's not a patch on Johnny Walker / Richard Allinson / Stuart Maconnie version.

    Therefore I am one of the 150,000 listeners who do not now listen to Radio2 whilst you are broadcasting.

    You may be aware there have been some lenghty debates on the Radio2 message board about you and the standard of your programmes. I have to say the overwhelming number of correspondence is against your new show. You do have one or two supporters on the message board who deperately try to swim against the tide to support you and Lesley Douglas.


  48. At 05:16 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Ian Corper wrote:

    I reckon over the years, most people have done a bit of everything anyway, unless they fell into their dream job straight out of school. (Some chance).

    So it really doesn't matter what you do now, or have done in the past.

    We all need to accept people as they are, don't expect too much from people, just be there when you are needed.

    Love Life, Live Longer

    Love the Blog

  49. At 05:18 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Good Blog chris, done in the right spirit i reckon, well done. I think it's nice you seem such a normal fella despite the trappings of fame.

  50. At 05:19 PM on 08 Aug 2006, jon wrote:

    Hey Chris.
    When are you going to get more and more wound up and then self implode again?

    Love the show BTW.

  51. At 05:22 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Sheena wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just wanted to say that I whole-heartedly agree with what you've said on your blog so far.....people are people not a profession! As someone who can't work at the moment because of an on-going injury it's nice to know that there are people out there who are willing to see me for me and not for what I can or can't do! Thanks so much for restoring a bit more of my faith in good 'ole mankind!

  52. At 05:23 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Bubalinska wrote:

    Hey ,

    When it comes to new mates,get to to know them not what they do!!!


  53. At 05:30 PM on 08 Aug 2006, debb picariello wrote:

    Hi Chris sweetie
    I love your blog, I love your show and (I hope this won't swell your head too much) I love all you do basically. I remember you when, and people don't believe me here, you had a small time in children's tv presenting on a saturday morning. This must have been about 12 - 13 years ago because me and my son used to lie in bed on a saturday morning and watch you and he was only about 3 or 4 at the time!

    I'm glad you ike Italian food. I am married to an Italian and my son was born there during our time there. I love pasta too and would love to cook for you one day. Do you like Tiramisu? I do a great one!

    Well off to cook tea for 'he who must be obeyed' so I'll love you and leave you and listen to you instead.

    Debb x

  54. At 05:42 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Carolyn wrote:

    Hmm. Why did someone just blog to say that they don't like the show? Are they trying to get to the point where you agree you won't be lifelong friends and make their life easier? Perhaps they are just feared of something different??

    I'm 27 and listen to radio 2 all day and used to switch channels at 5pm unless JW was on holiday. Now I can't wait for 5pm to come and will stay in may car until 7pm even if i get home early so I can hear the whole program.

    I think your loyal fans need a name - how about being a CYRIL - Chris's Youthful Rabble of Intent Listeners?

    Keep up with the giggle factory!!

  55. At 06:13 PM on 08 Aug 2006, rob wrote:

    I like the youthfull part in the name for chris' loyal listeners, i think im the youngest one yet to post on the blog at 19. I think the show is great, I listen to radio 2 all day, Unless a lecture gets in the way, from 7.15 till 7 in the evning. I dont think i could ever call myself a cyril though as ill always be a TYG, well untill i become a TOG

  56. At 06:22 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Jane Parnum wrote:

    We love your show. We are listening in Germany. Especially love the traffic reports from Sally. A bit surreal listening to traffic reports from our old area of Bury st Edmunds and the good old A14. Perhaps Sally should give a traffic report for our area sometime?

  57. At 06:33 PM on 08 Aug 2006, marjaneinspain wrote:

    Loving your show from our pool on the Costa Blanca, Spain. The traffic reports make us smile into our evening cocktails.

    We've added your blog to our daily reading list - keep it real!

    Loyal listeners.

  58. At 06:39 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    love the blog.

    The drive time show is great too. You sound like you've never been happier.

    You are a top bloke.

    I keep trying to get on by calling in but no luck yet

    Keep up the good work.


  59. At 06:40 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    So golf makes you get up before 6am?


  60. At 06:42 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    I'm really loving the show and really finding the blog a great inspiration for my own writings! I hope you don't midn if I add you to my blog roll?

    Best Wishes,


  61. At 06:43 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Clanger wrote:

    Hi Chris

    it's great that you are back in radio with us, but please please don't lose it again for at least 20 years anyway! When I won't care. I remember that I was a steward at the Euro Championships at Wembley for that superb 4-1 victory over holland. I saw you come in with Danny Baker, who I also like. I shouted out, hey Danny how are you? He turned round and said Hi great, how are you? You both then took your seats. The girl next to me thought I knew you well. I said that we were old friends!

    Keep up the momentum, and don't burn the midnight oil.


  62. At 06:44 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Donna wrote:

    Hey Chris--
    I listen to you every day live on-line here in the US while I'm at work. It brightens up my early afternoon as it's only 11-1pm for me while you are on.
    I'm amazed that you wrote such an interesting blog that early in the morn. I can hardly see clearly before 6am so Good Work!!!
    Thanks to Elaine Paige that I listen to your show--I started listening to her show because I'm a big fan of hers. Then decided to branch out and listen to Radio2 live on-line. Now you are my second favorite show:) I never miss it--and even listen again if I feel a lull during my day.
    You're terrific--and always make me laugh!
    Thanks for the great entertainment!

  63. At 06:45 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    It was good to read the views of friendships and people. Sometimes, as mentioned on your show the other week - opposites do attract, but i am in the firm belief that opposites only attract when both parties state their case, continuously. Periodical Arguments (telling off) are good because they allow one to realise, adapt to others and one's own behaviour/attitude. This is far better than not/never broaching this issue as we will become complacent and will not regain friendship/relationships until it is too late - if we never talk/argue/complain. However this is not so with my mother:
    I woke up again this morning, which after over thirty years has now become an established habbit. My mother was mopping the floor again, so I had to put my foot down this time and tell her that if she continues with so much bleach on the mop-head, she'll only damage the carpet. She soon disappeared downstairs to polish the bread. The rest of the day was spent putting dust back on the one leaf yuka plant.

  64. At 06:46 PM on 08 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    This show's been another great one, 15 min's left can it get better, appart from the travel report. Its funny i like listening to them even though i don't drive, (i cycle every where) cyder is my favourite drink, although im not a fan of magners. what a great piece.

    Ill say hello to all the fellow Drive Time listeners


  65. At 06:52 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Caron wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Blimey, you hit the nail on the head when you said about your metabolism slowing down with age. Mine seemed to almost stop overnight when I hit 40 last year. At least you men don't have to worry about 'bingo wings' which carry on waving long after you've stopped.

    Great idea to have this blog. I've been listening to you since you did 'Round at Chris's and his Missus' on GLR in 1989, I think.

    Keep up the good work. Great to hear someone so energising at 5pm when everyone seems to be flagging. Sounds like a great team too.

  66. At 06:59 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Allyson wrote:

    I realise that I too never ask what someone does for a living, I really don鈥檛 know what my closet friends do. I gave my job up back in 2002 and have been travelling on and off since then and when asked what I did for a living my reply was always, 鈥淣othing鈥 People just used to drop their jaws surprised by such an honest answer. I realise that it was great to be accepted just for myself and not allocated a slot from my material trappings. I still do 鈥淣othing鈥 for a living but have never been happier.
    Chris I think that your positive attitude is gently rubbing away at the Pessimistic British, you are never negative and always see the good in everything. Adore the show, with Wogan to wake up to and You later in the day 鈥 Pure Heaven!!

  67. At 07:03 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Huge fan of the show and love the blog! How cool that you can post a message for us each day and we can reply (it all feels *very* personal)!

    Very pleased to have you back on the radio - I was a big fan of your breakfast show on BSB Power Station when I was in my very early 20s (living with two women - it was just like "Man About the House") and I loved you when you first pitched up on Radio 1 but I think we drifted apart after that (I used to dip my toe into TFI but I was never really hooked)...

    HOWEVER! You're new show on Radio 2 is essential listening in our house and we have you on every night when we get in from work - even the children listen.

    I wonder if it is an age thing? I look back at all of my 20s and early 30s and feel embarrassed about how much of a prat I was. Very selfish. Very arrogant...

    I like to think that I have calmed down a bit now and from what I have seen of you in 2006 I think that you have too (although that sounds a bit like I am maligning you and calling you arrogant in the 90s!!! I'm not honestly)!!!

    I have actually discussed this with my wife and (after Sport Relief in particular) pointed out that you seem to be a damn nice bloke! I wonder if it is because you are getting older and your audience are getting older with you..?

    *** We still all have a really good laugh but we are a bit more thoughtful and more aware of the world around us... ***

    I'm rambling! To get on topic - my friendships outside work have all been formed through Doctor Who fandom, trainspotting and chicken keeping! I kid you not (and I haven't got a clue what my mates do for a living)!

    Keep up the good work mate.
    Dan (Wolverhampton, West Midlands)

  68. At 07:05 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Huge fan of the show and love the blog! How cool that you can post a message for us each day and we can reply (it all feels *very* personal)!

    Very pleased to have you back on the radio - I was a big fan of your breakfast show on BSB Power Station when I was in my very early 20s (living with two women - it was just like "Man About the House") and I loved you when you first pitched up on Radio 1 but I think we drifted apart after that (I used to dip my toe into TFI but I was never really hooked)...

    HOWEVER! You're new show on Radio 2 is essential listening in our house and we have you on every night when we get in from work - even the children listen.

    I wonder if it is an age thing? I look back at all of my 20s and early 30s and feel embarrassed about how much of a prat I was. Very selfish. Very arrogant...

    I like to think that I have calmed down a bit now and from what I have seen of you in 2006 I think that you have too (although that sounds a bit like I am maligning you and calling you arrogant in the 90s!!! I'm not honestly)!!!

    I have actually discussed this with my wife and (after Sport Relief in particular) pointed out that you seem to be a damn nice bloke! I wonder if it is because you are getting older and your audience are getting older with you..?

    *** We still all have a really good laugh but we are a bit more thoughtful and more aware of the world around us... ***

    I'm rambling! To get on topic - my friendships outside work have all been formed through Doctor Who fandom, trainspotting and chicken keeping! I kid you not (and I haven't got a clue what my mates do for a living)!

    Keep up the good work mate.
    Dan (Wolverhampton, West Midlands)

  69. At 07:05 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Alison Woodfinden wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Love the show and now the shlog. I am afraid that you have just lost a fan though. My dog! She will have a later walk each morning after I have read the blog. Agree that shlog sounds better than blow!

  70. At 07:06 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Jan wrote:

    So, there I was, driving home after another day at the coalface, and you played Mott the Hoople!!!! Excellent!!! Made me smile and feel young again!

    Who needs pro-biotics when you play such great music?

  71. At 07:06 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    So golf makes you get up before 6am?


  72. At 07:17 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Stewpot wrote:

    Waking up on the Sofa fully Clothed they were the Days especially when You come round & can't remember why or how You got there & someimes what Day it is!!!!

    Not so long ago I met two of My American Friends from the Internet who came over to Visit, there was a voice in the back of My Head saying what happens if the Two Gals I was going to Meet turned out to be Judge Judy Rodeos!!!!.......Everything was cool, although they thought Windsor Castle was quaint!!!, The London Underground wasa bit of an Eye Opener & in the Comedy Club all the Routines were about them!!!

    Had to push & shove in Maddam Tussards & explaining that Legoland wasn't a real Place!!!

    The diwn & outs didn't quite know what to make of Quarters, Nickels 7 Dimes that were thrown in there begging Bowls!!!

    I don't think I ever saw a Negative point of view from them the whole time they were here unlike My own frame of Mind most of the time.

    We've gone back to our own Worlds again but I gave them a leaving Present, a Salt & Pepper Shaker I removed without permission from TGI Fridays!!!!!!!!

    Sarah Kennedy.......The perfect Sunrise to a Day of Hard Work!!!

  73. At 07:19 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Paul wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Totally hooked on the Blog now, thought that was a really interesting point today and agree that it is nice to meet people and not venture onto their jobs although sometimes just makes initial conversation a bit easier. Going to make a conscious effort to avoid such questions in the future. Love reading all the replies to the blog also.

    Would like to say how much I enjoy listening to the show - my mum has had a rough year on the health front and always enjoys listening as it cheers her up hearing you being so positive/chirpy so thanking you kindly, you have really made a difference here.


  74. At 07:30 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Chris Knall wrote:

    I don't suppose this will ever get posted in a million years, but I'm going to say what I think.

    I don't know whose idea this was Chris, but I see it as a poor attempt to ingratiate yourself with the Radio 2 listeners who are still leaving Radio2 at 5pm, despite deperate attempts to turn the listening figures around.

    I'm gonna be nice to you Chris and say that your new show is not working for a lot of people and you simply are not Radio 2 material. Just calm down and try and be normal instead of what you were all those years ago as this is the reason why you're not wanted at Radio 2. There were so many other presenters who were more deserving of this appointment and we, the Great British public feel let down as our pleas were not listened to.

    I wish you no malice Chris and it would be nice to see you back on TV where you really shine but not on my radio which is the only thing I have all day for company.

    In my opinion the only entry you should be making in your blog is:

    "Well, I woke up this morning and wondered to myself again, 'How much longer have I got in this job?' ".

  75. At 07:36 PM on 08 Aug 2006, chris miskin wrote:

    Hi Chris it's Chris from Kings Norton again-remember I txt you the day we collected our new golden retriever puppy 'Willow'.I have not heard you mention your dog recently-you used to mention him all the time-have I missed something?
    Love listening to your show,
    Chris x

  76. At 07:46 PM on 08 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    Just reading the previous but one comment, and think its very unjustified. Many people i know thought that Johnny left some big boots to fill and prejudged Chris as never being able to fill them, but all of them have admitted that they were wrong.

    Chris gives the evening that feel good feeling that is needed after a stressful day, working, revising studying, what ever people do during the day.

    I would say that this chap is speaking for a small majority of people


  77. At 07:50 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Mo wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I met my best friend at work, (so didn't need to ask the question).
    Great show, we now have dinner listening to the radio at the table instead of having dinner on our laps watching tv.

  78. At 08:22 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Esther wrote:

    Just wanted to point out that the reference to 'the great British public' in the post a few above this doesn't include me. I never used to listen to Radio 2 during the drive home and now don't listen to anything else.

    Chris - thank you for a great show and an interesting blog.

    Esther (first time blogger)

  79. At 08:23 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Richard Blackman wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I met my wife through work I sold her a bed!.
    The weather here was good at 5.45am Iwas out walking my Black Labrador (jake0 who thought it would be fun to chase deer. Anyway so this is a blog is it? good must go and take out the hound enjoyed the show tonight I enjoyed the item about cider to man. Cider has less calories than Beer I believe.
    Cheers M'dears
    Rich B
    P.S. Whats happened to Zig & Zag

  80. At 08:24 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Sugar Kane wrote:

    大象传媒 Radio 2, lifting the spirits of our nation!! - Terry Wogan in the morning, what a hoot! Jonathon Ross on a Saturday morning, what wit! And Chris Evans drivetime cheering you up on the way home, perfect!!

    I love you guys!!

  81. At 08:27 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Kate, Immingham wrote:

    Hello Chris and all in Radio2 land.

    Isn't this show wonderful? I was never a listener to Radio 1 so this is a revelation for me... real fun And a Blow Shlog thing too ! What more could we want ?

    Be happy every day everyone x

  82. At 08:41 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Maggie Bean wrote:

    How good are you? you are like a breath of fresh air, so normal (I hope) so many interesting trips home from work everynight, thanks to you

    lots of love x

  83. At 09:01 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Alun wrote:

    Listened to your show again today and wanted to tell you about some friends of mine who solved the jet lag problem.
    They set their clocks a little bit different every day for a few weeks before they left.
    The result being that they were acclimatised to the new time when they boarded the plane.
    Neat huh and they did not loos any valuable holiday time.
    I have to say I did not think you could follow Johnny Walker but you've proved me wrong.
    Great show I listen most days on the M6 from Spaghetti to Sandbach.

  84. At 09:04 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Julie wrote:

    Enjoy your show on way home from work, then I pick my 2 year old son up from nursery and he actually lets me keep the radio on and listen to you rather than having to listen to the Old McDonald had a Farm CD! We think you're fab!

    I'm sending you a hug even though I don't know you, but feel like I do just a little bit from tuning in every night to your show!

    Thanks Chris

  85. At 09:26 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Betty Boop wrote:

    Love your show, makes me smile everyday on my way home from work, I'm the one with all the windows down singing my heart out to the music and shouting out answers in womens minute (if only they could hear me!) sorry should the exclamation mark be inside or outside the brackets?
    Enjoyed reading the blog, looking forward to tomorrow's.
    My husband enjoys listening to you aswell,especially fox the fox and gives us topics for discussion when we get home.
    Thanks for making me smile.

  86. At 09:41 PM on 08 Aug 2006, ukscooter wrote:

    Okay so stuck on the M25 today after the terrible accident I listend to the whole show - and chuckled at the many references to your new concept or SHLOG...I can see it has merit but feel I must make the point that you are skirting disaster - you see one wrong typed letter and you could end up with SCHLONG...if you were to GOOGLE this and read the Urban Dictionary link...well you get my point - good interview with The Mac!!!

  87. At 09:49 PM on 08 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris, welcome to the world of blogging! now I've been blogging for a while and must admit that some days there is not alot to say, hope you never have one of those days it's a bitch.

    Interesting point of view about not asking peoples occupation nice to see someone who takes people for who they are and not what rank they hold in a company.

    Happy times ;)

    Oh and better register "SHLOG" as someone will and probably make millions out of it, SHLOG on !!

  88. At 09:56 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Daz (Manchester) wrote:

    Hi chris
    This is the first time i've looked at ablog let alone replied on one.
    All this is a bit new to me, i used to love listening to you on the other BBc show you used to do. I listen to your show every afternoon while driving my truck round the country and you and your team have me in stitches with laughter, when i heard you talking about this on your show this week i felt i needed to have a look to see if it had any clues as to what makes you tick. Still none the wiser. keep it up Chris you got some big boots to fill after jonny moving on, but your doing a cracking job.

  89. At 10:09 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Isis wrote:

    Hi Chris, enjoyed your debut blog!

    Like you I'm up at 5.30a.m but only because I leave for work at 6.15. I spend the week longing for Saturdays when I can have an extra few hours in bed!

    I agree with you that a person's job is not relevant to a good friendship. Because I know exactly what kind of response I'm going to get I never tell people what I do for a living- sorry Chris, I'm not going to tell you either! My job is incredibly stressful with very long hours & the last thing I want to do is talk about it. We have a tendency to make hasty judgments based on what someone does for a living. We need to remember that our jobs do not define who we are - 'I work to live, I don't live to work'.

    I'm enjoying the radio show, although I don't get to listen all the time.

    Live a good life & enjoy it.


  90. At 10:25 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Jacqui wrote:

    ah - loved your blog, was really quite thoughful, made me reflect. Very refreshing and honest. who cares what people do for a living its the person that counts. Was pleasantly surprised by what you said.
    The bit about being over 40 was so true. I also work out now in an attempt to stay healthy and keep old age at bay. Keep the writing up.
    PS I think your hair colour is pretty cool

  91. At 10:28 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Monica wrote:

    Dear Chris

    1st time blogger too, and a late entrant to this one by the looks of things. I read your blog from this morning all the answers. I hope you are heartened by people's responses because it makes me realise that there really are so many nice people in this country (and the world)!

    I think the occupation obsession is just a cultural habit and to be honest we all probably say it without thinking too much. I would love to know how else one starts to get to know a new friend?

    I have listened avidly since you started the Saturday afternoon slot and now every evening on my 40-mile trip home. Love the music and chatter/giggles. I even managed to scoop the woman's minute prizes in April - Thank you!

    Keep up the stupendous job and good luck with the 'blog.

    Monica, Leeds x

    p.s. love the way the typos were left in the blog - proof you really wrote it yourself at 5.40 this monring!

  92. At 10:45 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi Chris

    just had to mention one of your bloggers not sure thats correct termology I think your fine on radio 2 and its great to hear someone whos on the same wave length. I work from home and listen to the radio all day and think you fit on the sofa nice and snug, but in a fun sort of way, the sort when at a rubbish party would bring some joy and life and not be a bore like one of the bloggers earlier.

    P.s do you really play golf that early every morning

    Love Jane

  93. At 11:10 PM on 08 Aug 2006, dtrc1969 wrote:

    I have to disagree with Chris Knall's post - I am chuffed to have you on Radio 2 and as I stated earlier; your show is essential listening!!!

    It's funny actually reading those comments though, becuase I have just dropped a strong email to my local 大象传媒 station (WM) who have bought back a dreadful Baggies fan presenter and then they had the cheek to have him commentate on the Wolves match tonight! AGGGHHHH!!!

    So it's all down to taste!

    Anyway Chris, just wait for the "word of mouth" to kick in - I've been telling my mates for the last couple of weeks now that you are back on Radio 2 and you are great again!!!


  94. At 11:44 PM on 08 Aug 2006, Myra Morris wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Missed all the blog thing (think I must have been at the traffic lights and not paying attention). Just to say that when Johnny Walker left, I was concerned about his replacement - but I am sooo pleased that you're there now, as when I drive home from 9 hours at the office, you just make me giggle and smile as I pass the traffic. All these people driving along and never smiling. They can't be listening to you. Keep up the good work and don't worry about being 40 - it just gets better. I'm a little bit over 40 (o.k. 7 years), been married to my lovely hubby for 28 years and happy as a sandgirl. Usual money worries, but hey you can't buy happiness - priceless. All the best - Myra from Anglesey.

  95. At 12:04 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Listen to the show every night on the way home from Leeds to Huddersfield on the M62.
    Its a great show, I thought you might want to take a look at my little blog I used it to recover from being an alcoholic and on 30th August I will be 2 years sober.
    Give us a mention on your show that would be great I listen from 5pm till 6pm takes ages on M62.
    Good luck blogging and welcome to blogdom

  96. At 12:17 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Anne wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Love the blog (what does it stand for?)
    First Blog I have ever read!
    Heard you going on about it during the show and thought - got to look that up.
    Love the show - it really cheers me up
    Have a great wednesday!

  97. At 12:39 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Mark Harris wrote:

    Enjoyed listening to your show while I decorate. Had to laugh when you called it a Shlog (the alternative didn't seem to fit!). I've a few more walls to paint and shelves to fix so my holiday is taken care of for the next few days. However, I will continue to listen to your show and enjoy the items and guests while I admire my handy work. Also I too play golf early in the morning (usually to avoid having to pay tee fees) and also it means I play at least 9 holes before 9am when I come home and do all the things I can't do when I'm at work. Carry on with your shlog and thank your team for a great show!!

  98. At 01:51 AM on 09 Aug 2006, ian wrote:

    hi chris,
    was a bit dubious about your show at first or was i dubious about you?.but hey now love it and never miss it .
    just like to point out that when someone complains about someone or something its normally 'we' never 'i' as in "we the great british public".just who does he think he is to presume how the great british public feels without asking them all.but when we brag about something its normally "i" never "we".
    in my opinion great show and shlog and remember "you can please some of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time".

  99. At 04:08 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Bev Cardwell wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    Great blog!

    Great show!

    Great topics!

    Great music!

    What a pity you're not in my neck of the woods (New Zealand)!

    You really are a breath of fresh air! I've never known 2 hours pass so quickly and whist we are waiting for you, we can read your blog!

    Keep up the good work - all of you!!!!


  100. At 09:23 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Paul Quirke wrote:

    Morning Chris, Your so right about that extra hour in bed after the initial P Wake ..... Love the show and a great team with you good to have you back on a daily basis. Like you turned 40 in July but what a great year so far my wife gave birth to our Daughter Erin Rose, had a 40th Party (I Think) my wifes names is Paula she was 39 same day as I was 40 4 july( Paul&Paula same b/day how corny and yes we had the song Hey Paula as she walked down the aisle) Helicopter lesson next week, cricket going well, footy starts soon, weather been good, lifes great. Have a fantastic day hear you later ....
    Regards Paul
    ps: why not follow Wogans TOG's and have your own follwers COG's

  101. At 11:31 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Emily Reynolds wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I've been enjoying reading about your insights and your daily routines. The title quote definately speaks to my heart. If people in the world didn't fear "those who are different" so much, who knows what could be learnt?

    I hope you are well and enjoying the summer.

    Emily x
    P.S Can you play Jackie DeShannon's "What the world needs now is love", for us to be reminded.

  102. At 09:55 PM on 09 Aug 2006, annette firth wrote:

    Thought I would look up your Blog having heard about it on your Drivetime show. You are inspirational in your comments and are certainly thinking up some innovative features for your programme. You make me laugh and chuckle so much during your show. I too thought no one could replace Johnnie Walker, but I was wrong. You have a great sense of humour and are most endearing when you are speaking to both young and old. I listen every day while I am getting the dinner ready. Like how the music links with the topics you are featuring. Hope you stay for a long time on the show. You are really cool!

  103. At 10:00 PM on 09 Aug 2006, shelly cook wrote:

    Hi chris,
    just logged on and read your blog, first time ever for me, and thought hey here is a guy with the right kinda attitude to life, you know we only get one shot at this and you really make one sit up and pay attention. just thought i would say YOU MAKE SENSE!!!!
    Thanx fo a wonderful show, listen everyday as there i nothing that makes me laugh out loud so much! EXCEPT MAYBE TERRY????
    cheers shelly

  104. At 11:46 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Love the BLOG,
    Why does no one ever play Stiltskin on radio, have tried all presenters, no luck, give it a try mate "She" is a brill track. Thanks for the show it lightens my journey big time.

  105. At 02:07 AM on 11 Aug 2006, midnight mystery wrote:

    I had a very similar relationship with a friend I met through a support group. We bonded immediately over silly insignificant things, mutual encouragement and simple conversation. We knew more about each others hopes, dreams and fears and favourite pot-noodle flavour than anything as specific or mundane like occupation. Then I ruined it by asking one day. The relationship fizzled out faster than you can say "great blog!"

  106. At 02:50 PM on 11 Aug 2006, karen shaw wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Don't worry about being least fancied man - personality and sense of humour is what counts - and you have got that in buckets. You always make me laugh when I'm driving home and most of what you say makes sense to me (should I be getting worried now?!)

    Great show - keep it up.


  107. At 06:07 AM on 12 Aug 2006, teejay wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Do you know that blog is an anagram for glob? I find that reaaly worring, don't you?

  108. At 11:51 AM on 09 Dec 2006, Sgtella Van der Geyten wrote:

    Dear Chris

    I wish to express in the strongest possible terms, my total disgust with the 大象传媒 over the decision, quoted below, to close the Radio 2 News and Current Affairs message board and the Radio 2 Coffee Bar. Without any prior warning, the 鈥楬ost鈥 posted this message on Tuesday this week, giving us just one week鈥檚 notice of this closure. The notification read as follows:

    鈥淥n Tuesday 12 December this topic of the Radio 2 message board will be closing. This follows a review by Audio & Music Interactive of our message boards across 大象传媒 Radio, in particular how they relate to programmes on the air and whether they represent value for money. As a result of this review we will be launching a new more focussed Radio 2 message board concentrating on music.

    At the 大象传媒, we are constantly working to ensure that licence-fee payers鈥 money is used to provide distinctive, innovative services with a high public value. In the last year at Radio 2 Interactive we have made improvements to the Radio Player, introduced blogs and podcasts to the site and offered live music via the red button and online.

    It is important for us to focus interactivity to make the best possible use of the resources available to us. The majority of Radio 2鈥檚 programmes welcome audience interaction on air via phone, email and text message and all of our programmes can be contacted via email. Links to every show page are here:

    We still want to know what you think about Radio 2 - the 大象传媒 has a strong commitment to audience feedback, but the message board format makes it difficult for staff to readily pick out specific queries and deal with them properly. We can better respond to individuals鈥 questions and feedback if they are emailed to us via

    Why close News & Current Affairs?

    From 12 December the Jeremy Vine show page will accept comments for publication about the topics discussed on the programme. Since Radio 2 is not primarily a news and current affairs station and that discussion areas such as Have Your Say [news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/...] already exist on the 大象传媒 website we no longer believe this message board is an appropriate place to have these kinds of conversations.鈥濃︹.

    There appear to be no plans afoot to remove the Jeremy Vine Show from its regular 12 noon 鈥 2pm slot. It is this show that generates many of the discussions on the NACA board. The Radio 2 News and Current Affairs Board is evidently now deemed to be an inappropriate placed to discuss News and Current Affairs, quote : 鈥淲e no longer believe this message board is an appropriate place to have these kinds of conversations鈥 鈥 and yet the 大象传媒 did believe this until very recently. Indeed, may I ask why the 大象传媒 went to all the effort and cost of upgrading their servers, redesigning the Message Board and then twice rewriting software to change the way the Message Boards work - only to subsequently pull the plug? Surely this is a profligate waste of Licence Payers money, and this sort of financial management would never be justified in the commercial world?

    It would appear that the 大象传媒 is determined to force people into selected pigeonholes to discuss only those subjects that IT deems to be worthy. This is a gross disservice to all those people who contribute daily to the NACA board. The Host said that links for regular posters seeking an alternative forum would be allowed to be posted - and promptly reneged on that promise as posters struggling to find a new home to maintain their community found that suggested links were removed. This unprofessional display of incompetence is a total, unforgivable disgrace.

    The News and Current Affairs board brings together people from all races, all political, all religious, cultural and financial backgrounds, and from all age-groups, at a time where those very differences are being seen as an increased danger to our society. The 大象传媒 should actually be celebrating having something worthwhile in the '大象传媒 pot' , rather than closing boards such as this. Displaying this very spirit of community, many regular contributors clubbed together once again to support the 大象传媒 Children in Need Appeal again this year and raised over 拢400 鈥 a feat which Jeremy Vine recognized and mentioned on his show.

    I urge you and your colleagues please to take all action possible to reinstate the Radio 2 News and Current Affairs board.

    Thank you for reading this e-mail,
    Your devoted listener,

  109. At 11:38 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Tracey beesley wrote:

    hello Chris, saw you at George Michael after-show party last night - was too much of a scaredy-bear to go and say hello but if I had done, i would have said, love your show, love you and asked you if it was a Good or a Bad day for George Michael - I would say it was a fantastic day wouldn't you!!!?????
    next time I see you can I say hello? 2 weeks ago, i was driving back from Harrogate and it was cold and raining, and your show came on and cheered me up and kept me motivated all the way to London. it was truly a case of a DJ saved my life!


  110. At 08:36 AM on 10 Feb 2007, Lindsay Milne wrote:

    Chris is a really fine person - doess masses for charity and good causes - but everyone I talk to recognises that the Drivetime show is not right. Can Johnny W come back temporarily until a better solution is found.

  111. At 06:46 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Angela Stott wrote:

    Chris wanted to tell you about the milk float that wrote off my car and another, we were both parked at the time, the milk float reversed into my car and got hooked up, then managed to bash into the side of another car trying to unhook from mine ! The driver then drove off without saying anything! Good neighbourhood watch though let me know who the culprit was, so I had actually reported him before he arrived in the depot.

  112. At 08:15 AM on 26 Oct 2007, ann devaney wrote:

    Three comments.
    1 News about Russell Watson the Alexandra Hospital is in GREATER MANCHESTER not CHESHIRE.
    2. I wish News Readers, weather reporters etc. would pronounce Shrewsbury coccectly no-one calls a shrew a shrow. Sp please for all Salopians lets have it pronounced correctly.
    3. Sarha reads all the paper headlines between 6.40. and 7.00. Then the news. This is new, and my husband leaves for work at 6.30. and we always listen to Radio Two, him on his journey me in bed until 7.15. and know that we are listening to the music together, we relate to the words as specilto us, romantic I know but after 41 yrs of marriage its still romantic.

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