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Chris Evans | 15:32 UK time, Monday, 4 December 2006

Well here we are on the road. We’re actually on the road. The Fox was in tears at the airport…

…She was late caught in traffic and when she finally arrived at HEATHROW terminal 1, she had to be rushed through at such a rate she didn’t have time to say goodbye to her hubby or her two year old little boy. This upset her greatly. It was very, very sweet to see, she really was devastated. It made those of us who don’t have that special someone in our lives feel very envious.

Last night (Sunday) we arrived in Edinburgh to gale force winds and sheet rain, it was hilarious, literally the worst night’s weather they’ve had this year. Jonny and I were the first to get our baggage so we led the exit out of the airport but wandered off the wrong way straight into the gents, little did we know everyone else in our party was mindlessly following right behind us, including the four girls, d’oh!

After we’d checked into the hotel we stole off into the Scottish night and had a lovely meal in a Seafood Restaurant which had been recommended to us by Foxy’s newly abandoned husband.

All good intentions of an early, alcohol-free night swiftly went out of the window as we ordered, chomped, chatted and ended up coiffing several bottles of excellent wine and a sturdy bottle of equally agreeable port. Please note this meal was not a ´óÏó´«Ã½ financed meal.

Every means of transport and accommodation during our trip has been booked with thriftiness in mind. The only person flying anywhere from here on in will be Rebecca as she is pregnant and has come up with some dodgy reason why flying is better for her.

It’s Monday morning and we’ve just boarded the tour bus, an elegant affair, far more chi-chi than down and dirty. A bunk each, a leather-clad relaxation area complete with flat screen Telly and DVD and Playstation, similar to the kind of area I might find aboard a posh motor cruiser. This will be our home until Thursday night, it feels good! Problem number one…

Here are some of the headlines that greeted us this morning…




Our major worry threatening the broadcast ability of tonight’s show in AUCHTERDERRAN is thus…

The Forth Road Bridge is closed to high-sided vehicles, which means we can’t get any of our kit over to Fife, if this continues to be the case we have to click into our emergency, mini-satellite studio mode. We have this backup system which means we can literally broadcast from anywhere if we have to, albeit on a far lesser scale.

No band, no family, nothing really except yours truly and the Saunders and the Pike.

My main concern is for the Murdoch family who have spent the last two weeks preparing for today, we have to get there for them. Today is their big day…
Will we make it…


  1. At 03:40 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Cheryl wrote:

    Go for it CLP!!! Nothing can deny you ... so, Ma Murdoch get the kettle on coz Christoph is coming to town!

    Have fun gang! x x

  2. At 03:41 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    God bless The Fox x

    And don't let the British weather win! I look forawrd to a broadcast of the usual high standard at 5!


  3. At 03:45 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Michaela wrote:

    Oh poor Rebecca. Not only is she spending her working week away from her family, but she couldn't even get a consolation hug to tide her over - and those pregnancy hormones will be kicking in too :-( and to top it all you all quaffed loads of wine and port in front of her. Rebecca - us 'with-child' ladies feel for you ;-) Hope you all make it on air tonight!

  4. At 03:46 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Debs '75 wrote:

    You have to get there...failure is not an option!!!

    Good luck, intrepids!

  5. At 03:51 PM on 04 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon bl;oggers and schloggers,

    WOW, Chris it is only the first day of the UK tour and it is already such and adventure! Please give the fox a hug from me she is so sweet {{{hug}}} x.

    I do hope we get the full show but either way I am sure it will be great and a week not to be missed.

    Meal not paid for by the ´óÏó´«Ã½, noted :-)

    I am sure you are but I have to say I am excited and with all of the bad weather forecasted maybe it will be time for us to hear a lot of Sally Traffic :-) holding the show together form ´óÏó´«Ã½ Towers.

    Happy Monday to you al!


    P.S. just in case the weather is really bad and you feel the need to say a prayer please not the change in some of the words……………….

    "Nescafé manages to arrange a meeting with the Pope at the Vatican.

    After receiving the papal blessing, the Nescafé official whispers, "Your eminence, we have an offer for you. Nescafé is prepared to donate £100 million to the church if you change the Lord's Prayer from Give us this day our daily bread to “Give us this day our daily coffee."

    The Pope responds, "That is impossible. The Prayer is the word of the Lord, It must not be changed."

    Well," says the Nescafé man, "We anticipated your reluctance. For this reason, we will increase our offer to £300 million. All we require is that you change the Lord's Prayer from Give us this day our daily bread to Give us this day our daily coffee."

    Again, the Pope replies, "That, my son is impossible. For the prayer is the word of the Lord and it must not be changed."

    Finally, the Nescafé guy says, "Your Holiness, we at Nescafe respect Your adherence to your faith, but we do have one final offer. We will donate £500 million - that's half a billion quid - to the great Catholic church if you would only change the Lord's Prayer from Give us this day our daily bread to Give us this day our daily coffee. Please consider it." And he leaves.

    The next day the Pope convenes the College of Cardinals. "There is some good news," he announces, "and some bad news. The good news is that the Church will come into £500 million."

    "And the bad news, your Holiness?" asks a Cardinal.

    "We're losing the Hovis Account."

  6. At 03:57 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Feasgar mhath, Christoph! (a wee bit of the local tongue for you there!) I thought you'd been blown away by these gusts!

    Yay! You made it to Edinburgh! Well done!

    Hoping you get to the Murdoch's place! They'll have the kettle on already, the scones and pancakes in the oven, fresh strawberry jam .... need I stress the importance of you getting there! It has cleared up in Inverness, so sending some calmer weather down your way!

    Awwww .... poor Fox! I can relate exactly to how she feels, having watched my emotional hubby, myself in tears, last night, standing on the platform, as the sleeper drew out of Euston station. Never fear, honey, I know that you'll have someone to cry over at an airport or railway station too!!!!

    Hope it wasn't a branch of Itsu you went into!

    So looking forward to the show! Happy travels in the bus!

    Hugs, Susan

  7. At 03:57 PM on 04 Dec 2006, MWK wrote:

    Oh nooo Chris

    They weather has been truly awful, I've been praying it would get better but they haven't quite been answered yet.

    Come on wizard's sort it out for them they have to get to the Murdoch's house!

    It must have been really sad for Rebecca not getting to say a proper goodbye to her little boy and her hubby xx Make sure you all look after her. As well as getting to fly I think she should be getting put up in a nice hotel? :-)

    Take care all xx

    Look forward to the show
    Mary xx

    ps. hope Johnny remember his sea sickness plasters :-)

  8. At 04:03 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Waiting with bated breath for the show tonight. I'm sure it will be swell.

    Looking forward to it. I can feel the excitement all the way over here in Sweden. Not to be missed!

    Lynne x

  9. At 04:09 PM on 04 Dec 2006, becks wrote:

    will malcombe the mountie make it through? sweepstake going in the office says he does!

  10. At 04:12 PM on 04 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Well done on getting there at all Christoph!!! Don't you worry, we'll listen in whatever the weather and wherever you are!

    Hope the Fox is OK - the maternal pull is very, very strong!! Give Foxy a big hug.

    jillygoat xx

  11. At 04:12 PM on 04 Dec 2006, ian from doncaster wrote:


    shame about the weather for you, yesterday in lapland it was perfect - just enough snow for the kids to enjoy, but no cold winds.. lovely warm fire in santa's log cabin...

    didn't get home until 2 am but worth it for the memories...

    hope your bus has opening windows... 4 days (and nights) in close company, whilst eating "out" and drinking a couple of shandies, I shudder to think..


  12. At 04:17 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Mornin' all...
    First of all, there are only six comments??? Am I missing something here?? Is something wrong with the blog puter?? Are the rest of the comments out in cyberspace?

    Fox - awwwwwww :-( My stomach turned when I read what happened, I can completely understand. Take care of her and that babby!! Glad she is flying, she needs some tlc :-)

    Have fun on the bus and in these luvly people's houses you are broadcasting from. Cant wait to hear the show :-)

    Whats a bit of wind??? Character building!! :-)

    Safe and happy travels to you all...
    Joannie xxxx
    Big Un - loved your joke -laughed out loud (as usual).

  13. At 04:22 PM on 04 Dec 2006, sarah wrote:

    Good Luck all.
    Stay safe and pray Mr Saunder's travel plaster works for the ferry trip!
    Rebecca, its horrid leaving your baby at home. I had to do it all the time when my boy was young and it never got easier but it was always so lovely getting home to the huge hugs and loves I used to get.
    Big Un- excellent joke as ever
    Counting down to 5 to see if youve made it!

  14. At 04:26 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Jo wrote:

    Wow - it's a real adventure, did you take a flask, and a pe4n knofe (just in case?) Sally says that the bridges are open now so hopefully you'll be OK :o)

    I love adventures and am very jealous although am about to start a mini adventure of our own as we've just sold our house (took 10 days, what's all this about the market slowing down?) and are having a second viewing of one we really like tonight, then it's off to netball for me. I can't wait.

    :o) Jo

    PS Charley has taken a bit of a turn for the worse and we think that Wednesday might be 'the' day, sad, but done for the right reasons...

    Be happy everyone, nearly Christmas and more importantly, nearly next weekend :o)

  15. At 04:32 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    For Rebecca:

    The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh

    She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along. ~Margaret Culkin Banning

    When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren

    One of the very few reasons I had any respect for my mother when I was thirteen was because she would reach into the sink with her bare hands - bare hands - and pick up that lethal gunk and drop it into the garbage. To top that, I saw her reach into the wet garbage bag and fish around in there looking for a lost teaspoon. Bare hands - a kind of mad courage. ~Robert Fulghum

    Give her loads of hugs from your bloggers and blogettes, Chris!

    Love the photos by the way .... the bus looks really comfy! Nice scarf!

    Hugs, Susan >

  16. At 04:34 PM on 04 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    I get the blinis...

    But don't get the bikinis...

    Chris...is there something you're not telling us???

    Only 23 minutes til showtime!!!

  17. At 04:35 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon everyone ..... hope all are feeling hail and hardy.

    Tracey-Ann missed you over the past few days and thinking of you today. Prayers and thoughts ..........

    For those who are commenting re the "missing" Hazel Love can I just print here a portion of her comments from 30Nov06
    "Will be unable to give full report until Tuesday. Plans are such that will not allow typing or any other computer usage. I will try to keep a diary...always assuming I can see to write!"
    I hope she doesn't mind me stepping into her social secretary's shoes for the day.

    Mr E's story re following him & J into the mens loo's reminds me of a holiday years ago with a couple of blind friends. We were in this huge "dance hall" and the ladies toilets were at the very far end from where we were. Chris decides she needs a "visit" - so tags onto my elbow and we set off. We'd only gone a few feet and she starts tugging at my elbow, when I turned around there's a litte fella holding onto the back of her and dancing(ish). I asked him what he was doing and he says "The Conga"! We told him where we were going but he didn't believe us. I thought - he'll realise when we get across the floor and carried on our trek. We arrived at the "ladies" door which I pushed open and stepped back for Chris to go through to see dozens of people tagged on the back of the little fella all doing the Conga.

    Trying to think what the opening tune could be tonight..... still thinking!
    Take care in all this weather folks!

  18. At 04:37 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    ian from doncaster - What a treat ... a trip to Lapland! So jealous! What age are your kids? We are hoping to take Charis next year!

    Only 20 minutes to go .... I cannae stand the suspense!!!! Are you all there yet, Chris!?

  19. At 04:39 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Tracey Bradley wrote:

    Sitting here listening to Dale, makes a pleasant change from Steve. Had to double check I had Radio 2 on.

    Looking forward to listening to the show this evening from Auchterderran with the Murdoch Family. Lets hope the bad weather subsides to unsure a trouble free show for us all. Fingers and toes crossed for you all.

    *huggles* Fox, chin up girl, enjoy your little break.

    Just thinking if your taking the ferry to Northern Ireland, if the weather continues to be so bad, the boats might be off. Have journeyed on numerous occasions on the Cairnryan and Stranraer ferries, bumpy seas eeeek. Might be an idea if you have a back up plan of a quick flight from Prestwick/Glasgow.

    Good luck and God bless with the show

    Tracey xoxox

  20. At 04:48 PM on 04 Dec 2006, marshie wrote:

    Arghhh Christophe!! Hello Bloggers.

    The wild and wonderful weather of Bonnie Scotland. With all that energy blowing around it's likely to be a blinding show tonight, i'm sure you'll make it.

    Have fun in one of the best places in the world.

    Haven't been around for a week or so, glad to be back to hear what everyone has to say. I've just accepted a new job which involves a house move too in the new year.......so excited!!!

    Love to you all.


  21. At 04:57 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Welcome to Scotland Christof!

    Yeah, this is what we've been putting up with for the last 4 weeks. Is another world isn't it?

    I work at a marina and we've never had our storm gate closed as much in the last month, in the last ....well never.

    Still I think the wind has died slightly now.... You would have been diverted to the Kincardine Bridge and gotten into Fife safely. Whether you actually escape from Fife in one piece is another story.

    ha ha I made my escape from there after 18 months.... but it wasn't all bad. I have some lovely memories.

    Anyways. Glad to see you got on to Blog. Sorry that you aint closer to my side of the country, but I'll be listening in in 6 minutes....... hopingg that you have made Mrs Murdoch very happy.

    - Feeling much better now. Hangover / sleep deprivation subsided. Need to get home and eat and sleep some more.

    Have a great show from Scotland.

    See Ya All 2 morro.


  22. At 05:04 PM on 04 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Joannie - I guess I must have lots of character.
    Keith - nice one. Glad to be of service in return occasionally.
    IanG, MWK and Tootie - welcome to the club for Disillusioned Organisation-bound Hopers (Club DOH! for short)
    Matt from Rudgwick - you OK today?

  23. At 05:04 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Did they make it!?


    They made it!!!!

    Well done! Settling back to listen to y'all!

  24. At 05:04 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Glad to hear, Chris, that you are focused on being 'thrifty' as you head into Scotland. Was that a Freudian reference to the stereotypic view of Scottish people that they are a littel reluctant to spend their money on luxury items?

    But then we look at the outfitting of your motor home and we see things like 'playstation' and 'leather clad rest area' and 'posh motor cruise'. Be careful Chris, that you do not develop 'Faux Prudency' - a latent personality syndrome estimated to affect approximately 30% of the population, but which only manifests during visits to Scotland. I've been caught out a few times whilst attempting to demonstrate frugality. It takes years of practice to get it right. One time, during my early years aboard the recycling bandwagon, I told an elderly man in the local village how it was possible to use newspaper to wrap up uneaten food before depositing in the organic recyling bin. He reprimanded me sharply, by stating that only a fool would actually buy a newspaper when they were freely available at the local library. He then went on to describe how to make 15 kinds of soup from left-over carrot peel and an onion.

    You have been warned!


    J McC

  25. At 05:08 PM on 04 Dec 2006, ChrissieS wrote:


    I have only just managed to get your blog today (well, just before 5pm). Wish I could get home early to hear the show (will have to try to Listen Again later in the week). I don't finish work until 6pm so I will be very lucky to rush home and get the last 20 mins or so.

    Have a fabulous week - it sounds like tremendous fun (even with the bad weather) and try to spare a thought for us poor mugs in the real world - you are living the dream, my good man!!

    C xx

  26. At 05:27 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Jacqui terry wrote:

    Welcome to Scotland, You might have brought us a taste of your english weather with you.

  27. At 05:30 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Jennie (from the blog) wrote:

    good luck with the weather over the next few days.

    sorry I didn't see you at the white horse selling christmas trees - I did see you outside YOUR pub wearing a very festive (and dare I say appalling) jumper. I resisted the urge to beep and wave - since you would have just assumed I was a lunatic.

    I hope all goes smoothly for you all this week. As you say (debs 75) - failure is not an option!

    I have been failing myself by postpoing some of the stuff I want to do while I wait for a knight in shining armour to sweep me off my feet. the flaw in that plan is that he wont want to do them too so..
    I am trying to cause chaos in my little world by quitting my job to take a year out to do some of the stuff I want to do before I get too old and responsible to do it. (summer watching the cricket and going sailing anyone??)

    Carpe diem people

    Love Jennie from the blog

  28. At 05:36 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Penny wrote:

    Oh, it look so sad to see your empty chair via the Webcam - couldn't you have put Enzo in it or something?

    Pen xx

    Ps, you're welcome in my living room anytime!

  29. At 06:16 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I'll stick with the bikinis

  30. At 06:17 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Jenny wrote:

    hey Chris (and Jaqui), Its raining and windy in England as well... in fact our fully laden trailer launched itself into the side of our car on Saturday night!

  31. At 06:21 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Hey all! I am enjoying listening to the show on the road in Scotland. What fun!

    Tonight I am going to make the Spag Carbonara ala CE from last week. I have never made it before because am wary of a raw egg...but one must make sacrifices, yes?

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week! It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

  32. At 06:34 PM on 04 Dec 2006, LILLIAS wrote:


  33. At 06:34 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Mungus wrote:

    The show from Scotland is sounding mighty fine Chris, congratulations to all involved, looks like it's going to be a week of classic broadcasting. This is the sort of thing you do really well, I love your inventiveness and imagination. Big kisses. x

  34. At 06:52 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:


    Fantastic show tonight. Hope you enjoyed yourself?

  35. At 07:24 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Weezie wrote:

    Well Hello again all you lovely Bloggers!

    I'm so sorry not been blogging for 2 weeks ish - 1st I was away with work then I had to shoot off to Spain for a week to sort out my apartment that my tenant had left in such a state it needed me to go over to sort out!

    Thats where I have been and in my absense its all been happening! Cant believe CLP and the team are already on the road!! I feel like I havn't a clue whats going on in the world!!!!

    What a fantastic show tonight! Glad the weather didn't stop you! Give that lovely Fox a big hug from me (((((THE FOX))))))). As someone who spends alot of time apart from my hubby due to work, I know how she feels! It dosn't get any easier.

    Dont know how others feel, but I wouldn't begrudge you all having a meal paid for by the ´óÏó´«Ã½! The pleasure that your show brings to me and thousands of others on a daily basis and the fact that you are willing to try different things in the name of good radio is enough for me. When I think of some of the stuff the beeb does spend my pennies on, this is alright with me! Maybe you can pay for your own port....!!!

    Havn't had chance to read any of the previous weeks blogs so think it might be a late night or two!!!

    Have missed you all and cant wait to catch up on HAZEL LOVE's antics, DR McC and all the BIG UN's jokes. Hope everyones doctors appointments have gone OK and all the pets are doing better?

    Big hugs Weezie xxx

  36. At 08:04 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Evening all

    Late blog today - fellow accounting bloggers will understand - it's that time of the month when we must crunch away to keep those corporate bigwigs in their ivory towers happy.

    It's official. I now feel very Christmassy and Rudgwick has gone barking mad with lights this year. There must be some unspoken competition between houses as it looks like Las Vegas has arrived in this tiny pocket of West Sussex.

    Next Sunday is the alloted time for us to 'get festive'. No outdoor illuminations though, I don't think I could put the neighbours through a three week long version of Close Encounters.

    Moose. Only here could I get that warm tingly feeling when someone asks after me when I haven't blogged for a few hours. Thankyou.

    Finally. Hugely impressed with Mr E. At 12.15 on Sunday lunchtime I drove past and saw him flogging his trees outside the pub. He must have gone straight to the airport from there. Well done that man.

    Peace all.

  37. At 08:20 PM on 04 Dec 2006, Tony Trott wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Great show brings back many a happy memory I have of Scotland and the warm people I met there.
    Listening to you taking about your trip as I think about how I waved my nice Emily Huxtable off as she started he trek to Mongolia today.

    To many not such a major event perhaps but she is only 19yrs old and going on her own

    She is travelling via Frankfurt and Beijing where she is stopping over for a day before going on to Ulaanbaatar to stay with a Mongolian family for her gap year trip learning about the life of the people of the tundra.

    Many of the family are concerned about her safety but all I could feel was extreme pride as she smiled back at me before going through security.

    I cannot believe what a year she has had as she has run in the London marathon gone on a school world challenge helped run a pony camp holiday and worked her socks off to be able to afford this trip. She is such a good ambassador for British youth today


    I will keep you posted on how she gets on


  38. At 09:41 PM on 04 Dec 2006, jean cave wrote:

    you are the kindaguy who makes everything fun!

  39. At 10:02 PM on 04 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Fantastic show guys! You pulled it off fine style! But how did you manage to do it without blowing the fuses in the whole street?!

    So nice hearing strong Fife accents next to your lovely English tones! What a fun family you were with .... but one does wonder just how much uisge-beatha (whiskey) was consumed in the lead up to and during the programme! Especially by Mrs Murdoch! She was a great hoot, wasn't she?! Hope you had a great ceilidh tonight! And that the Fox got to speak to left behind loved ones!

    Looking forward to your visit to our Celitc cousins over the seas tomorrow! Hoping the gales have blown themselves out and that you get a good crossing .... for Johnny's sake!

    I was interested in hearing what the lady was saying about the difference it had made having the smoking ban in Scotland. I have to say I love going into public places now and not choking on other folk's smoke ... especially if the wee one is with me! I took a double take when we went in for something to eat in London and they asked if we wanted non-smoking! Even in non-smoking, we could smell the smoke! And I can't say there's been much difference in the bars and clus in Inverness ... there is just an interesting variety of sights standing outside theses establishments now!

    Sleep well, guys .... should be a hoot sleeping in bunks! Or are you sneaking off to a fine wee hotel on the Neuk of Fife!? Look after Rebecca .... don't make too many smells on the bus! Ladies don't think that's cool, guys!

    Oidhche mhath (good night)! Hugs, Susan >

  40. At 10:41 PM on 04 Dec 2006, sara wrote:

    Hmm first time not sure what to say. Just enjoyed the show really. Just what i needed after mank day teaching year 8's English.

  41. At 08:17 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Poor fox.... heartbreaking.
    Amazing how all good intenions go out of the window when you've had a 'dram or two'!
    Caught the broabcast captain, good on the team for fighting through the weather like troopers, we expect nothing less chris!!

  42. At 08:39 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Susie wrote:

    Chris - I'm sure you have offers everyday from ladies wanting to be your 'someone special'! That in itself must warm your heart.
    Although I know exactly what you mean, this is my second year of being without a man and my mum at Christmas and although I'm a Christmas lover it can throw a different glow on the whole season.

    I'm always free if you want someone to roast chesnuts with this year ;-)

    Enjoy the wet, windy and wintry weather my dear.

    S x

  43. At 09:13 AM on 05 Dec 2006, carole, oxford wrote:

    Oh my god, had the weirdest dream last night (I might have to repost this later today just in case you've all stopped reading yesterday's post!).

    I dreamt that I was a researcher on the show and that Chris had decided that it would be great to get Kate Garraway to do some kind of challenge or dare - it was something like walking on coals or squelching barefoot over grapes.

    I then thought it would be great to get Kate Humble to join in, so I was ringing round trying to get them on board with the challenge.

    Worrying that I'm dreaming about the show for one thing. But just as worrying that I'm dreaming about dares and chellenges, as that's directly related to work - a new website that I'm doing some work for. Maybe I'll suggest it to the guys developing the website.....!

  44. At 09:20 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good morning schmorning,

    Chris, great show - only YOU could pull that off. I can't begin to imagine the amount of preparation that would have to go into such a show - well done!!!


    Hope you have a really great day xxxx

    Mary, yes, I think the blog police/shop security were tailing me as soon as I pushed the post button!! - I thought I might get away with it as it was a sunday, I thought I might catch them having 40 winks after a nice big roast dinner : )

    Weezie - great to have you back : )



    Anyone for a game of cricket?

  45. At 09:24 AM on 05 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Jo - I'm so, so sorry that Charley's not well. Please give him a big hug ((((((hug)))))) from me. I know you will be strong when the time comes - you only want the best for Charley.

    Thinking of you all - the bloggers are with you xx

    jillygoat xx

  46. At 09:53 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hello Bloggers!

    For anyone still to see George Michael and anyone else that can manage to get a ticket..... HE'S AWESOME!!!!!!

    The best gig in ages...what a start!


  47. At 10:41 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Thanks Gaby!

    It started well and intend to carry on that way all day. Lunch with Ma & Pa then out to the outdoor ice rink that's been put up in Centenary sqaure in Birmingham for a skate (weather permitting) with a load of mates for a giggle.

    Have fun whatever you do today


  48. At 10:55 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Gilly Samouelle wrote:

    Hi Chris and gang,

    Last night's show with the Murdoch's was fantastic, made my journey home great.

    Hope the crossing wasn't too windy otherwise you won't be able to enjoy those Irish delicasies!

    You and the team are the greatest...keep on making me smile


  49. At 10:58 AM on 05 Dec 2006, cath wrote:

    Hello all.

    Loved the show last night Chris - what a lovely bunch of people!!

    Looking forward to another giggle tonight.

    (((Foxy))) hormones are awful eh??


  50. At 11:22 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Gillian wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Glad you made it to the Murdoch's in one piece. Listen to the show every night and looking forward to hearing it from Castlederg. Hope the crossing from Stranraer wasnt totally horrific or was it a case of "if your not bobbing up your bobbing down". LOL.

    Hope you's all have a blast.

  51. At 11:32 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Tessa Creasy wrote:

    Hi Chris, it's Tessa Creasy here from Newport in Essex (near Saffron Walden) and I was gutted when I didn't win Bob Murdochs slippers last night on your show. I had great plans for the slippers - they were to dress my Christmas tree throughout the festive season and then come New Year I was going to soak them in whiskey and serve hot porridge from them to all my friends. Anyway, just to let you know that I have posted off my hair first class today to Bob and Mary and I think there maybe a few breadcrumbs in there too along with a dead fly. Obviously, I want them to receive my offering as soon as possible so I wrote on the outside of the envelope 'HAIRMAIL'! Thanks for a great show, Tessa. X

  52. At 11:38 AM on 05 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good morning bloggers and schloggers!

    Weezie welcome back ;-) x

    Mary and Lyndyloo…….HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! :-))

    I also thought the show was great last night. Such energy and really gave the feel that we were in the house with them!

    I can hardly wait until tonight’s show as long as they get there OK! ;-) I bet the sea crossing was ruff :-(

    Happy Tuesday everyone


    P>S as this festive season is upon us…….know thy enemy………

    A police officer pulls over speeding car, The officer says,' I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir',
    The driver says, 'Gee officer I had it on cruise control at 60, perhaps your radar needs recalibrating'.
    Not looking up from her knitting, his wife says, 'Now don't be silly dear, you know this car doesn't have cruise control',
    As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over as his wife and growls, 'Can't you keep your mouth shut for once'.
    The wife smiles demurely and says, 'You should be thankful your radar detector went off went it did'.
    As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit, the man glowers and says through clenched teeth, 'Darn it, woman can't you keep your mouth shut?'
    The officer frowns and says, 'And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt sir'. That's an automatic $75 fine'.
    The driver says, 'Yea, well you see officer, I had it on, but took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket'.
    The wife says, 'Now dear, your know very well that your didn't have your seat belt on .. you never wear your seat belt when you're driving.'
    And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket, the driver turns to his wife and barks, 'WHY DON'T YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?'
    The officer looks over at the woman and asks, 'Does your husband always talk to you this way, M'am?'
    The best line....

    'Only when he's been drinking'.

  53. At 11:53 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hmmm life on the road - how I remember that from my days touring with bands!

    As for the weather - where we live in South Somerset we are very exposed to bad weather and the storms have been battering us for best part of a week now!

    Good luck with the on-the-road shows Chris!

    Ross Hemsworth
    Net Talk Radio

  54. At 01:05 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Ian in Grimsby wrote:

    Power to your elbow with respect to the 'no fly' policy, more of an effort should be made to transport people around in a way where it reflects the effort required to travel.......wondering what I mean?

    Well, people talk about travel nowadays in such a way where distance isn't taken into account, they talk 'time'. How far is it to London? Oh, a couple of hours! They don't say 120 miles, they don't say a long way.....I think this contributes to the ever quickening pace of life. We should all take the time to travel by road, rail and ferry and take back our own pace of life. Get rid of this idea that I can be in Paris in 1 hr by air, you might be, but you'll be stressed when you are delayed at the airport, delayed in getting a cab at the other end and have you luggage go missing...solution? Take the Eurostar, or take a ferry....tell your French friend/colleague that you will be there 'soon' and enjoy the experience of getting there. Time to read a book properly, time to talk to somebody you haven't met before and generally time to experience travel, not just 'do' travel. I'd love to go to Australia by booking a 'passage' like they used to do in the 50's and 60's, taking 6 weeks via the Suez Canal and India.....travel shouldn't be a means to an end, it should be part of lifes journey to be appreciated. Would you have seen the Forth Rail Bridge if you had flown to Glasgow? Would you have travelled through the borders and seen the fantastic countryside? Doubt it........bet you can't wait for the Irish Sea next........if its rough, and you are ill....instant anecdote for the show!

    Cheery bye

  55. At 01:23 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Happy Tuesday Krystoff, you crazee Gaelic fool!

    Hope the journey across to the Emerald Isle isn't too rough for you all...Missed the Scottish play, but am hoping to catch a lot of tonights show as I have to be somewhere later...

    Further to Friday and yesterday. Love Advent. Love Christmas (but usually celebrate the New Year)

    And three cheers for MWK and LYNDYLOO!!!!

    -----------!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!-------------

    Mine was AWESOME. Girlies round for fab Chinese meal and wine (With the meal I was also delivered a rather exhuberant Bordeaux by said restaurant...very nice of them indeed). Yes I went to bed at 7am Friday morning. I have a note from the Birthday Police to say that was ok. Friday, friend came to stay - we went out and met LOADS more lovely friends, and I have to say that went on a bit too, but the boy was home when we got back so that was FAB. Saturday, hmmm - loads more friends came down and visited and most of them had left again by about 7.30 Sunday evening - we do it in shifts...then yesterday, I had LOADS to do, but didn't manage to quite do all of it...quelle suprise je pense...

    It was also four years since the boy and I met on my birthday, and he wasn't there when I got home, but he'd left me an ENORMOUS bouquet sur le table, and it made me cry...love 'im!

    I'd sent him a text earlier. Will have to ensure expend more than 50p on Christmas present for him now...

    A BIG THANK YOU again to everyone for all your messages. I'm such a lucky girl!

    LAWKS A MERCY - IS THAT WEEZIE! Golly hon, have you grown? Haven't seen you for such a long etc etc

    Hope you all a great Tuesday (having said that, I'll possibly be back later as the boss has left me with the ultrasonic key fob and lorimer chain again...)


    PS JO - so sad, so sorry. Big kiss and cuddles for all of you xxxxxx

  56. At 01:29 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    oooh and WILSMAR - thank you babe.

    I shall have to see about getting you an office of your own! You can temp while my ever-faithful and vigilant friend is on leave (so good not to have the face of doom frowning at me through the two-way mirror all day!)

  57. At 01:30 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Chris and the gang!

    Take heart! Be strong! Weather? Pah! What Weather! Bring it on Scotland! Let's see what you've got Wales! Don't make me laugh England!

    Chris, you're broadcasting for the greater good so stand tall, head up, upper lip stiff and proclaim to one and all:

    "I laugh in the face of adverse weather conditions...this is for the beloved Radio 2 Drivetime audience!"


    Looking forward to the show tonight

  58. At 02:04 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Mark S wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Just read your blog for the first time, good luck!

    I'm reading your blog as I was in the pub at the weekend discussing the best radio shows we'd all listened to over the past 15 years (I'm 26.)

    I was reminded of a time when I was a paper boy in my younger years and you used to host the breakfast show on radio 1.

    quite honestly that was the best radio show ive ever listened to, but you got two votes around the table for your current show on radio 2!

    keep up the good work, i'll be listening tonight on the way home from work, via the manchester traffic jams!


  59. At 02:11 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    I think I have been arrested earlier by the Polizia, so here goes again...so good they named it twice etc

    Happy Tuesday Krystoff, you crazee Gaelic fool!

    Hope the journey across to the Emerald Isle isn't too rough for you all...Missed the Scottish play, but am hoping to catch a lot of tonights show as I have to be somewhere later...

    And three cheers for MWK and LYNDYLOO!!!!

    -----------!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!-------------

    Mine was AWESOME. Girlies round for fab Chinese meal and wine (With the meal I was also delivered a rather exhuberant Bordeaux by said restaurant...very nice of them indeed). Yes I went to bed at 7am Friday morning. I have a note from the Birthday Police to say that was ok. Friday, friend came to stay - we went out and met LOADS more lovely friends, and I have to say that went on a bit too, but the boy was home when we got back so that was FAB. Saturday, hmmm - loads more friends came down and visited and most of them had left again by about 7.30 Sunday evening - we do it in shifts...then yesterday, I had LOADS to do, but didn't manage to quite do all of it...whadda surprise...

    It was also four years since the boy and I met on my birthday, and he wasn't there when I got home, but he'd left me an ENORMOUS bouquet, and it made me cry...love 'im!

    I'd sent him a text earlier. Will have to ensure expend more than 50p on Christmas present for him now...

    A BIG THANK YOU again to everyone for all your messages. I'm such a lucky girl!

    LAWKS A MERCY - IS THAT WEEZIE! Golly hon, have you grown? Haven't seen you for such a long etc etc

    Hope you all a great Tuesday (having said that, I'll possibly be back later as the boss has left me with the ultrasonic key fob and lorimer chain again...)


    PS JO - so sad, so sorry. Big kiss and cuddles for all of you xxxxxx

    oooh and WILSMAR - thank you babe.

    I shall have to see about getting you an office of your own! You can temp while the ever-faithful friend is on leave (so good not to have the face of doom frowning at me through the two-way mirror all day!)

  60. At 02:23 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    how brlillant was the show last night, can't wait for tonights. Thanks for the message DrJ I love getting them. Will read everyones comments soon. love you all

  61. At 02:32 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    What a fantastic show. How lovely are the Murdoch's. Cool of them to invite the nation into their home. Thanks guys.

    Last time I was in Scotland there was a blizzard. It was brilliant! Griters and ploughs out in seconds, everyone driving sensibly. We (in England) could learn a lot from our friends in the North. Whatever happened to proper british weather? Walking home from school in the wind rain and snow then stripping off sitting by the fire and Mum hading out Jam on Toast and Hot Chocolate those were the days.

    Can't wait to meet tonights family.

    Love the show Chris

    KEZA xxx

  62. At 04:57 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    Joannie (Toronto) - thanks for your messages on Friday (I think it was Friday). I did reply but don't know if you've seen it. I also got so many lovely messages from others too - all wishing me well.

    You're all fabby.

    Lotsa love

    J x

  63. At 07:56 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Dear Chris could you help me I have lost the address book I had on hoiliday . I am trying to get in touch with two super people we met while on holiday in Portde pollenca on the Isle of Mjorca. There names are Winnie and Geof , I dont know there surname but I do know they live in Chichister.
    If there is any way of letting them know I am sure they will be in touch. I know this is a wide shot but I have to try. They do have a computer so this could be a way of contacting me. Thank you so much Gloria.

  64. At 12:57 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Stuie wrote:

    Hello Mr Chris Evans this might seem a strange way to contact you but it the only way I could find, I have an idea for a show that I think would suit you down to the ground its nothing like you have ever done before I think ,I cannot go in to any details as there is nothing like out there at the min and I think its something we could all do with, so hopefully you will be interested and reply I have no idea about protecting the idea and as you have your head screwed on I thought you would be the best person so maybe share it with.Really hope to here from you soon Stuart

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