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Chris Evans | 14:06 UK time, Wednesday, 6 December 2006

Morning everyone, how are you all ? So, a blog from a plane, here we are over the Irish Sea, on our way from Belfast to Cardiff.

The Kanes鈥 house, what a blast, what a family and again what awesome food.

Do we have any listeners that aren鈥檛 nice and what about鈥

鈥onan Keating, the boy is a star, he always turns up for me. This man has it totally sorted. He has a brilliant wife, a lovely family, he鈥檚 good at his job, he鈥檚 nice to his fans and he鈥檚 been sensible with his cash. And boy can he make a speech, I think there鈥檚 a politician in there somewhere.

Day four on the road and the cracks are beginning to show. We now realise tired is the normal modus operandi and whenever one feels a wave of energy one does as much as one can, knowing it will soon have passed. Like now for example.

The best thing about what we鈥檙e doing is a feeling of immense satisfaction, in as much as we haven鈥檛 had time to pause for breath. We鈥檙e either travelling or working or both.

Last night by the time we reached our airport hotel in Belfast, it was almost 11 p.m. and considering we left the Kanes鈥 no more than fifteen minutes after we came off the air, we couldn鈥檛 really have made it there any sooner.

A couple of Guinness and then it was bed and up at 6.30 this morning to begin our journey to the Mays鈥 house in Sebastopol, South Wales.

We鈥檒l arrive at Cardiff shortly and then it鈥檚 meet and greet, re write scripts and research items, shower and change, rehearsal with the family and before we know it we鈥檒l be on the air for show number three.

Tonight should be the best post show night of the tour so far, as with a bit of luck we should be at tomorrow鈥檚 venue sometime before 10 p.m. and seeing as it鈥檚 a pub and we鈥檙e staying there we might get a chance for a bit more of a celebration, or at least a nice meal.

What have I learnt about the team through the touring process ?

JOHNNY SPORTS鈥 A very laid back guy, good humour, definitely a team player with a good heart and a sense of professional perspective.

REBECCA鈥 A strong character with a baby inside her. She鈥檚 putting a brave face on but I can鈥檛 help feeling she should be at home with her hubby and young son. I鈥檓 glad she鈥檚 here though, I think she鈥檚 doing a marvellous job giving local business people the chance to shine in the national spotlight.

HELEN THE PRODUCER鈥 Absolutely barking mad. Brilliant at her job, the best ! But completely whacko once the show is over. One drink and she鈥檚 anyone鈥檚, ask the port authority man at Stranraer ! I wouldn鈥檛 swap her for the world though.

NICK, ASSISTANT PRODUCER鈥 One of the most handsome men on the planet, he hates this but it鈥檚 true. He has a big future ahead of him. A cool head for one so young, the families love him, he鈥檚 brilliant at coaching the kids and mums and dads through what they have to do. He鈥檚 also a bit of a boy, we have a lot of conversations about girls. He innocently thinks I may have some idea what makes them tick, secretly I suspect he鈥檚 the one who should be giving me tips.

JANINE, ASSISTANT PRODUCER鈥 The most caring, concerned member of the gang. JANINE, has no ego and spends every waking moment worrying about the rest of us, we all love her.

BIG KEITH, TECHNICAL GENIUS鈥 Simply, without KEITH none of this would be possible. He has a history of Radio 1 Roadshows, live sessions, outside broadcast from far and wide. You want a show, he can make it happen. He鈥檚 a good geordie lad, 大象传媒 through and through, seven years from Tibet, sorry I mean retirement and when his last day of knob twiddling finally arrives, I want to be there to shake his hand, a fine fine man. I fear he is a dying breed and events like this week may not be possible in the future without wizards like THE MIGHTY KEITH AROUND.

MYSELF鈥 I鈥檓 working with the A TEAM. I have great listeners and I should never take any of this for granted.




  1. At 02:12 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Pistoleros Pedro wrote:

    The roadshow is superb. I think you should broadcast from a listener's home once a month in future.

    Your should have made the Kanes say "power shower" and "how now brown cow" a bit more though in their adorable accent!

  2. At 02:15 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Ben FitzP wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Hope you enjoyed the Derg lastnight. I had a fab conversation with your researcher when Castlederg came out of the tombola. I live about four miles away and offered my services for a round of golf with you. However, having read the blog I can see you're pretty pushed for time!!!

    I won't lie to you though Christophe, I was hurt when you didn't call. After all it's not every day you're just a phone call away from one of your heroes. I'm off for afew holes now before it goes dark....... on my own. Hee hee

    Keep up the good work. This week's show has been awesome......



  3. At 02:23 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Debbie Clark wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    The roadshow is great and I can't wait to hear tonights show from Wales! This week is soooo good.

    I hope you do something like this again one day and you come to my house, you might not get Irish Stew but we have a wicked fish and chip shop around the corner......

    Love Deb x

  4. At 02:31 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Cheryl wrote:

    Happy Hump Day to you too - and all bloggers!

    I was driving home last night while Ronan was having his hissy fit over the McFly posters - I almost had to pull over for laughing sooooo much. Thank you Drivetime team for perking me up before getting home after a dour, hard, long, dark day at the funny farm that is 'where I work' !!

    Looking forward to tonight's show - but will miss the beginning as having an eyebrow wax at 5.15 (ouch!)

    Booked a lovely christmas prezzy for my hubby today - tickets to see Les Miserables on 30th Dec, preceded by lunch at The Ivy - kool or what?!?!? All I have to do now is keep it a secret until 25th December - yikes!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyhooooo all, keep smiling, keep blogging ... only 19 days to go.

    x x x

  5. At 02:33 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Way Hay Christof.
    What lovely things to say about everyone. I think it is lovely to work with people who appreciate you.

    My bosses are very appreciative of me, although they haven't given me a Boat yet, which I keep asking for. However they say nothing when I run in late after dropping the kids off, and they say nothing when I sing at the top of my voice, and I haven't realised there are customers in.

    And of course, they were exceptionally understanding when I came in VERY late having crashed my car....... don't panic. Am all right, but car isn't very well. I'm not sure if it is going to recover. I'm thinking I may move to scooter.

    My darling daughter went straight to school and told music teacher she was the reason we crashed. (It wasn't really it was because I was too close to the car in front).... but wasn't that sweet.

    Have a lovely Day ALl. And Christoph - please look after all those lovely people..... accidents happen.


  6. At 02:36 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    So where's next after Cardiff?

    Are you coming to Gloucester?


  7. At 02:37 PM on 06 Dec 2006, KarenD wrote:

    Am I first.........can't believe it. sorry for muy abscence of late.......been listening but not in the right frame of mind to join in. anyway the dark cloud has passed and I am back to being me.
    Its Wed. and that must meen some sad news for Charleys owners................I am thinking of you..be brave and remebr the good times.
    Littles Hobo..sorry I didn't get to meet up, but I hope you enjoyed your trip to Banff.
    Joannie...will get back in touch...
    OK, lets see if theis gets to number one pop pickers!!!
    Love karen

  8. At 02:51 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Paul K wrote:

    What happened?????????????? :-)

    Come back anytime Chris


  9. At 02:57 PM on 06 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    What a wonderful tribute to the gang.

    Remember Christoph - you reap what you sow in life, so it's no surprise that you have such a great team around you and that you know such nice people, especially in your line of work!

    Another fab show last night and can't wait for the Welsh leg of the journey.

    Bon voyage & mange tout

    jillygoat xx

  10. At 03:00 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    You are all doing a stirling job on the road. I wonder how you would describe each of us if we were locked up in that dormitory on wheels you call home. I'll kick off with the following account of myself:

    JOSEPH MCCRUMBLE: Optimistic, occasionally likeable but deeply flawed character unable to deal with the claustrophobic atmosphere on the bus. Has tried about a billion times to get us all to buy his book, resorting to questions like 'What would it actually take for you to buy it?' His persistence is beginning to annoy people. He may be the first person kicked off the bus, especially if he doesn't stop telling us how great Bucks Fizz were.

  11. At 03:05 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Karen wrote:

    Have to agree with ya Chris on Ronan, what a true star he is! He comes over so natural and down to earth. You guys certainly seem like you get on well together. Enjoyed the show yesterday will be listening again today.

  12. At 03:06 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    The loneliness of the long distance blogger.

    I feel that today is hump day in more ways than one. Yep, its Wednesday, and but a short skip and jump to another fab weekend, but I鈥檝e also got the worst part of the month out of the way today (accountants of the world, unite and take over 鈥 or at least toss away your calculators and run naked through the high street) meaning that it is, in theory, a downhill ski run all the way to Christmas!

    This weekend is Operation Yule. We have 鈥榯he works do鈥 on Saturday and then the best bit of the whole festive period on Sunday 鈥 putting the tree up! (slight fib, it鈥檚 actually trees as we love it so much we have to do it twice).

    Sports Personality Of The Year? DC for the sheer emotion of the Ryder Cup. One of the boxers for sheer achievement.

    Peace all.

    PS Moose. As I read your post earlier with a PPS of Alan Pardew, he was actually standing in our showroom! Totally true.

  13. At 03:08 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Aw shucks schmucks!

    It's all sounding good from where we are!

    I had a fab time listening to the show last night. Was doing really well right up to Kane Jnr not having to give his blue blanky away...then I lost the signal. I did try to get a passing night creature to hold the aerial up for me, but apparently it's against health and safety.

    VERY much looking forward to tonights Sebastopolish offering. I have ensured that there are enough conductive metals where I am due to be, so that I can fashion a crude interception device. This is not possible with twigs and please don't try this at home.

    The A-Team - You are all doing a superb job. Fine pair of shoulders...show 'em off!

    Irish stew in the name of the law

  14. At 03:10 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Debbie Clark wrote:

    Chris, I am loving this roadshow, this week is great!

    I hope you do this again and come round to me, I'm not a great cook but we have a wicked fish and chip shop around the corner.......

    You are a legend Christophe, looking forward to tonight's show in Wales!

    Love Deb x

  15. At 03:13 PM on 06 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Ooh, inbetween reading the blog & responding, my very first organic vegbox arrived. It contains spuds & odd shaped carrots, still with the earth on 'em, leeks, shallots, white cabbage, curly kale, celeriac and calabrese!

    Now, I'm fine on cooking all of the above except for the celeriac & calabrese - not sure I've even spelt them correctly - so do any of you wise bloggers out there have any suggestions for recipes for these two items? I need to impress 'im indoors and at the moment feel like one of those chefs on Ready, Steady, Cook!!!

    All contributions gratefully received!

    jillygoat xx

    (getting hungrier by the minute - you can actually smell the veggies - yum)

  16. At 03:13 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    In most jobs the team is everything, Its a fact.. The people that fail, don't rely on their team...

    You are lucky to have such a froup of good people around you.. you got to remember, you have always been about the team, you bring them all together..

    Its an impressive think to bring it all together in somones front room, so well done team.

  17. At 03:15 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon friends

    Chris, great blog as usual and it's good of you to keep on blogging while you are on the road : )

    I have been thinking for a while that us 'bloggers' make up a mere small percentage of your total listeners and yet, each day, you manage to find time to keep in touch with us....thanks.

    Blog police are MOST DEFINITELY about. Really, really don't know why my post this morning was zapped. ........

    Susan S.....I can recommend Love Actually - some great scenes. I loved your comment re the laddies coming to my door - I have kept the door open since I read your post....nothing so far : ).....I put something a little saucier than that in my earlier (but conviscated) post

    Mary - hope you had a lovely day yesterday


    ps I should have guessed West Ham

    pps but Moose, didn't you say it was your lower team that lacked in performance : ) ......sorry, I just couldn't resist that.

    I hope this post makes it - not that it's particularly interesting or anything.......

    ppps Keith - see you in the naughty corner by tea time.... : )

    pppps Littlest Hobo - you back yet my Welsh friend?

  18. At 03:15 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy Wednesday to everyone!! don't know where that came from but in for a penny etc......

    For those of you who wish to make one but haven't baked it yet: ...........................
    Vodka & Red Bull Christmas Cake
    1 cup water
    1 cup of brown sugar
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 cup of sugar
    1 tsp salt
    Lemon Juice
    4 large eggs
    1 bottle of Vodka
    1 can of Red Bull
    2 cups dried fruit
    1. Sample the vodka to check the quality.
    2. Take a large bowl, check the vodka again.
    3. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and mix with a little red bull and drink.
    4. Repeat.
    5. Turn on the electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
    6. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
    7. At this point its is best to make sure the vodka is still ok.
    8. Flavour with red bull to taste.
    9. Try another cup - just in case turn off the mixerer.
    10. Break two leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
    11. Pick fruit off floor
    12. Mix on the turner.
    13. If the dried fruit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a drewscriver.
    14. Shample the vodka to check for tonsisticitity, flavour with a little Bed Rull.
    15. Next ssiffft two cups of salt. Or something 鈥 Who giveshz a shi**
    16. Throw a pinch of Bed Rull over your shoulder
    17. Pick up the can, mop the floor
    18. Check the vodka
    19. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
    20. Add one table.
    21. Add a shpoon of shugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.
    22. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
    23. Don't forget to beat off the turner
    24. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the vodka and kick the dog*. - NOT ON THIS BLOG YOU DON'T - change that to bucket*.
    25. Fall into bed, then pick yourself up and try again.
    Be careful with those pot's and pans.

  19. At 03:16 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    All blog police are equal, but some are more equal than others


  20. At 03:16 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Woolfy wrote:

    Chris I never realised that there was so much work that went in to your show, I thought it was all off the cuff, lol

    I am currently working about 40 miles away from the England venue, Thought about popping down for a dirnk but I would imagine the pub will be a bit busy and it sounds like you need the rest

  21. At 03:20 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Thats what I like about you, you do have alot and I cant help but occasionally be jealous of your life, but you really appreciate your lot means that my jealous contains absolutely no malice and even abit of admiration even if you dont reply to your mail!

    My wednesday is been taken up looking forward to being at home cosy as I have a cold that is getting the better of me! I am however, going to see Madeliene Peyroux on friday night in york. I cannot wait.

    I have a broken hearted friend that will be joining me I hope I have the energy to be of assistance!

    love em26xx

  22. At 03:20 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Andrew Mills wrote:

    Have n't laughed so much on the drive home, keep it up Chris and the gang ! The families have been brilliant ! Wot ya gonna come up with next be listening tonite I know I wont be disappointed.

  23. At 03:25 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello dear... bless yer heart.... I read the blog & listen to you everyday & the more I "know" you the more I think you're really very sweet... so clever... an all round good bloke... there really is someone out there just for you... I think you should start thinking about breeding... you'd make a good dad... stay cool... be good.X.

  24. At 03:32 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    another great show last night. hope you are all coping well with the travelling. i think you are doing an amazing job!
    can't wait for tonights show, i hope there are some leeks, minors and a welsh choir involved!!! hehe! xxxxxx
    listen to you later!

  25. At 03:37 PM on 06 Dec 2006, weefieryredhead wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    A late joiner to your blog but I must say I am thoroughly enjoying listening to the tour, Radio Two does seem to have some amazing listeners out there.

    Hope you're all surviving okay and that you're not too tired.


  26. At 03:56 PM on 06 Dec 2006, BrassMonkey wrote:

    Oooh - get you! Blog from a plane, indeed. Very impressive.

    Sounds like a fine bunch of people you have there, no wonder the tour is going so well. I'm a little suprised that none of these fine people managed to convince you that this is an insane idea. No wonder you're all tired! It makes for great radio though. The families have been fab so far, and I'm sure that tonight will be no exception.

    The Woodfalls Inn is a fantastic place, you should be able to get some much needed R&R there (or plenty of beers, your choice!). Just watch out for the wildlife as you drive across the forest. Can't wait for tomorrows show in Wiltshire!

  27. At 03:58 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Let them eat cake.

    I've bin gotte. Notte wunce but twyse. I have noe idea why thisse must be.

    I wille be throne into Fleet gaol and tyed by mye hands to a stone for confyscation has hap'ned to me.

    Mye comments are not to be free.....tis too layt...sayve thy selfs!

  28. At 04:00 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Tootie wrote:

    Hello from Scotland

    Your show this week has been a blast that's for sure.

    Just noticed that when I read Chris's post, I read at double the speed I would anything else hahahaha : ) But that's how I think of you Chris, always racing around. Even the image of you opeing your bottle of Cloud Nine and creating a gastronomic delight is done in break neck speed. Mmmmm, not sure why this is.

    Jax~I'll be thinking of you this evening x Hope all goes well (((hugs)))

  29. At 04:01 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:


    The shows whilst you've been on tour have been absolute genius, carry on, never stop. In fact you should aim to do a show from each of your listeners houses! The guys on the show rock.

    Poor Sally having to be all alone back in Londinium, I'm always willing to whip up a nice three or four course feast for her...



  30. At 04:09 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Reading the blog brought on a wave of emotion. think it is my hormones, but it all sounds like a jolly adventure.

    Also my DIVORCE came through today, it's been 5 years (he dragged it out), so maybe that is why I'm welling up. Funny feeling sad and relief at the same time, everybody is talking about cracking open the bubbly, but doesn't feel right.


  31. At 04:11 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hey Blog Police,

    What did we say that was offensive?

    I admitted Liability. I didn't mention the teacher by name......

    And my car is a write off!


  32. At 04:16 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    You get what you give x

  33. At 04:26 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings from Vancouver and good afternoon to all back in Blighty,

    Gaby (#5) Indeed I am back and looking forward to the show from Wales, land of my fathers, proud place of my birth. I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying the early throws of the Christmas season.

    To put it in a nutshell, Banff was enchanting. Mountain walking was awe inspiring, the valley views truly majestic and the serenity of the wide open vistas, a true delight. Evenings spent drinking fine red wine, Oban, watching deer roam the hotel gardens and all in the company of my truly wonderful, beautiful wife...pure bliss, and a time to relish.

    Dog sledding....

    Well, it is impossible to sufficiently explain the experience and convey the true splendour and beauty of the huskies. After a training hour, meeting the puppies and such, my wife tucked into the sled and off we went. Just under 90 minutes, as the lead sled with 7 teams behind us, dashing through the untouched forests in -10 degree temperatures.

    Exhilirating, enchanting, exciting, thrilling and so much more. It is humbling to travel in such a primal form of transport and moves you to see the passion, commitment and contentment of the puppies as they charge through the snow, eager to please and thoroughly loving their run.

    Please, one and all, if you get the chance in the Canadian Rockies or elsewhere: Go dog sledding, you will never forget it.

    Karen in Cowtown (#2): Maybe next time or indeed at any party that may occur within this blog community...am I invited?...

    Enjoy the show from beautiful Wales and I shall raise a festive beverage to you all this evening at my local. Rude not too, really.

    Good day to you all and Merry Christmas.

    Dr T

  34. At 04:26 PM on 06 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Thanks for that...good job I'm only a fair-weather pseudo fan so I'm neither offended nor bovvered...

    I think there must be a Blue & White hoops kind of telepathy thing going on...

    I bumped into our Christof at the cup final - he was leaning against a gate, unable to get in because of his lost ticket, as I strode arrogantly and cruelly straight past him into the stadium...I made some jibe about his wonderful purple suit - not knowing the loss he had suffered.

    Sorry Chris! I would have considered giving you my ticket had I known...not for very long, but I would have considered it.

    Enough football...must kick the addiction.

    Blog seems to be playing up big style today...seems the blog police are having a snooze with the boss away,and then suddenly waking up and indiscriminately confiscating posts...Big'Un's joke was obviously a Good'Un today...better luck next time Keith!

    Only 8 pages written today...the non-autobiographical bits are so much slower to write and work does so get in the way.
    Caroline, I agree with jillygoat, you do yourself down too much. 6 chapters sounds like half way to me...feet on the handlebars from here on in...

    There'll be a welcome in the hillside.....

    Kaffee und Kuchen!

    PS Ian Dowie

  35. At 04:33 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    Hmmm.....posted a message earlier and it's not appeared. Does that mean I've been done by the Blog police?

    All I said was that I liked the photo of Christoph on the Radio 2 home page - very sexy.

    Maybe I wasn't allowed to say it?!

    25 Minutes to go until Sebastopol
    Happy hump day everyone

    J x

  36. At 04:42 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    The loneliness of the long distance blogger.

    I feel that today is hump day in more ways than one. Yep, its Wednesday, and but a short skip and jump to another fab weekend, but I鈥檝e also got the worst part of the month out of the way today (accountants of the world, unite and take over 鈥 or at least toss away your calculators and run naked through the high street) meaning that it is, in theory, a downhill ski run all the way to Christmas!

    This weekend is Operation Yule. We have 鈥榯he works do鈥 on Saturday and then the best bit of the whole festive period on Sunday 鈥 putting the tree up! (slight fib, it鈥檚 actually trees as we love it so much we have to do it twice).

    Sports Personality Of The Year? DC for the sheer emotion of the Ryder Cup. One of the boxers for sheer achievement.

    Peace all.

    PS Moose. As I read your post earlier with a PPS of Alan Pardew, he was actually standing in our showroom! Totally true.

  37. At 04:42 PM on 06 Dec 2006, georgina lawn wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    The more I listen to your show, the more I read your blog - my faith in the human spirit is returning. You, I don't want this to sound sychophantic but it probably will, are one of the best people in broadcasting probably life in general. You are generous of spirit, kind to your friends, even to people you don't know and I am pleased to listen to you (I mean really listen not just background noise as most radio shows are). I am not a religious person, a pagan in fact, but I like what I see and hear of you. Long may you continue enjoying your life and sharing a good deal of it with those of us who are not able to do the things you do.


  38. At 04:44 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    I'm back! Yaaay!! (Not that I was ever away - work work work!)

    Mr E - Glad to hear that the tour is going well! And thanks for some great shows in the past few days - keep up the good work!

    Everyone else, hope you're keeping well!

    Short and sweet

  39. At 04:46 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    Tootie - I'm humbled that you remembered. Thank you. I'm a little anxious - probably because i don't know what to expect.
    I'm not able to blog tomorrow or Friday as I'm on a course but I will be in touch as soon as I can to tell you how it went.
    I'm staying with my parents at the moment (only since last night) because I cannot take the home life just now. The boyf knows why but has been 'on it' again today - so I really don't know what the future will hold for us......
    Still tonight should help me.
    Thank you for your kind words.

    9 minutes till the show - really looking forward to it. I love the smiley feeling it gives me inside.

    Lotsa love

    J x

  40. At 04:52 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    good afternoon friends

    With apologies to poets and lovers of our language everywhere.....

    Ode to the Blog Police

    We do not mean to cause offense
    With posts we send that leave you tense.
    Today we have noticed, 'tween me and you,
    That hardly any are getting through.

    We try to be discreet, and not obtrusive
    And would hope that we were never abusive,
    but still we find our posts don't make it,
    We send it off, but then you take it....

    To the towers of the beeb where naughty posts go
    Where no one can touch them and no one will know
    What happens to them then? We are all agog
    Maybe the beeb'll make a book-of-the-blog.

    How do we solve the problem of the blog police
    How do we make our posts stay in the clear?
    Methinks we just need to ride it out for now
    And hope that when we post, they will re-appear.

    Sorry again - frustrations of a blogger can manifest themselves in strange ways - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


  41. At 04:56 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    SUSIE MAC #17

    Have a darn good boo tonight.

    Get the bubbly out tomorrow when you start your new life as a free Susie!

    Love to all of you. Dunno where everything else has gone.

    Stardate 06122006. We are entering a bloghole.


    See you in TWO, ONE!

  42. At 05:04 PM on 06 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Matt from Rudgwick,
    I know, I saw him on the webcam. But I'm really a Liverpool fan...not!!!!

    Very spooky. What with that and Gaby's psychic powers, I think nothing is safe. The only thing that could save us is all our posts not getting through and revealing too much telepathy...

    Might I ask what he was viewing...
    ...was it a small but fast and gifted wright-winger?
    ...was it something Argentinian and useless?

    Blog Police, please help us. The world is unravelling, and the only thing that can save us is if you put a stop to all the madness...

    Oh, you already have...


  43. At 05:17 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Caroline wrote:

    Hello Chaps and Chapettes and the lovely Chris and his hardworking team

    Chris, what a superb tribute to your team...it's great when you find a dedicated and fun group to work with.

    i'm listening to the Welsh leg of the tour..."perfect monment" by Martine Mc OOH..this makes me feel Christmassy AND she's on Telly tonight in the BRILLIANT Love, Actually....A night for the Jim Jammies eh Chris?

    Christmas started today for me, I started the Christmas card making with hubby and will continue tonight.
    Christmas tree up on saturday PM

    Tracey Ann ...R U OK?

    Happy Humpday everyone

    Love Caroline xx

  44. At 05:18 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hey Christoph
    Thanks a mill for all the craic last night and the bottle - really very kind.
    You asked about my Bermuda blog last week - blog 97 last Wed (Nov 29).
    Hope you have a great rest of the week - lovely gang around you. Keep 'er lit, boy!

  45. At 05:25 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Awwww, Chris, honey .... you are SUCH a nice guy! Can't understand why the lassies aren't beating down your door! You and the team have really pulled off a fantastic set of shows .... the first of many, we hope .... but mind ... your bloggers and blogettes are coming with you next time!

    Think you maybe have to have some of wilsmar's Christmas cake for energy! I can't imagine how knackered you all are! Tell a lie .... I can cos I was up all night with Charis coughing her head off!

    Great opening song again tonight with Catatonia - are they not just amazing?! But Perfect Moment? Hmmmmm ....

    Hope you all have an absolute blast on your second last show-on-the-road! Somehow I can't see you all getting much shut eye if you're staying at a pub tonight! Remember to get everyone to cut down on the smoking for Rebecca's baby's sake!

    Gaby - maybe your previous post was confiscated cos the Blog police are beating a path to your door and don't want anyone else to know with it!

    wilsmar - I LOVED your recipe! We are still laughing ... and we haven't even checked the vodka yet!

    Em 26 - have a nice hot toddy - check one of Chris's past blogs for some great recipes!

    Hazel Love - what on earth did you say!?! I'm really starting to live in fear of the BP!

    Happy listening, bloggers and blogettes!

    Hugs, Susan >

    'A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.'
    Thomas Carlyle

  46. At 05:55 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Kris McDermott wrote:

    Great to have met you at the Belfast hotel Chris - thanks for putting up with a would-be fellow broadcaster ;)

  47. At 06:07 PM on 06 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    I was telling you about my first organic vegbox being delivered today but seems the blog polis have nicked that as well !

    Whilst it might not have been the most interesting item in today's news, it was a big moment for me - big raspberry to 'em!

    Jax - thinking of you xx

    Jo - hope today wasn't the day but if it was, god bless Charley xx

    jillygoat xx

  48. At 06:11 PM on 06 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    So lets see!

    Sorry to say bloggers that I have been blocked in all but one very short post earlier today. Today the blog police won but I have to warn the little Richards that I will be back tomorrow ;-)

    I have no energy left to fight with them today. Today has been no joke so no joke today :-(

    If this does get through (only possibly if there has been a shift change in the police office) I hope you are all well. If not I hope this finds the police well :-)

    Hump day to you all


  49. At 06:35 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Good evening all

    blog police got my last post. No idea why. They are so miserable and invisible. It wouldn't hurt, would it, to put up the rules and regulations. It is our time that is wasted if our posts don't work. grrrr

    J McC

  50. At 06:44 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings from Vancouver and good afternoon to all back in Blighty,

    Gaby (#5) Indeed I am back and looking forward to the show from Wales, land of my fathers, proud place of my birth. I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying the early throws of the Christmas season.

    To put it in a nutshell, Banff was enchanting. Mountain walking was awe inspiring, the valley views truly majestic and the serenity of the wide open vistas, a true delight. Evenings spent drinking fine red wine, Oban, watching deer roam the hotel gardens and all in the company of my truly wonderful, beautiful wife...pure bliss, and a time to relish.

    Dog sledding....

    Well, it is impossible to sufficiently explain the experience and convey the true splendour and beauty of the huskies. After a training hour, meeting the puppies and such, my wife tucked into the sled and off we went. Just under 90 minutes, as the lead sled with 7 teams behind us, dashing through the untouched forests in -10 degree temperatures.

    Exhilirating, enchanting, exciting, thrilling and so much more. It is humbling to travel in such a primal form of transport and moves you to see the passion, commitment and contentment of the puppies as they charge through the snow, eager to please and thoroughly loving their run.

    Please, one and all, if you get the chance in the Canadian Rockies or elsewhere: Go dog sledding, you will never forget it.

    Karen in Cowtown (#2): Maybe next time or indeed at any party that may occur within this blog community...am I invited?...

    Enjoy the show from beautiful Wales and I shall raise a festive beverage to you all this evening at my local. Rude not too, really.

    Good day to you all and Merry Christmas.

    Dr T

  51. At 06:47 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Ali Shephard wrote:

    Hey Chris! Heard about your blog on radio 2.. beleive it or not.. i'm Ali and listen to your show on the way back from school - love it! You are a living legend! And 15 year old guys such as myself don't dish out those sort of comments all the time!

    Sorry if i'm not specifically replying to this topic.. call me a n00b if you will, just wondered if your life is indeed what it seems it is, alot of fun! For example, this all coming from my dad, - you're very rich! And radio presenting must be fun! Especially when you don't have to get up at 5am to do it... so just so i don't drop out of school and become a radio presenter in the hope of turning out like you did, is there anything you dislike about your current life? Like getting up in the morning, or, dare i say it.. a colleague...

    Awseome if you could reply! If not i shall keep posting comments day in day out! Well i probably will anyway.. you make the radio fun!

    From Ali of Ash Vale
    Infact, have an x.. : x!

  52. At 06:53 PM on 06 Dec 2006, cathmel wrote:

    Happy Hump Day oena and all....................

    Been very busy and haven't blgged for a day or two not that anyone has noticed I suppose (sorry if that sounds a little self pitying but reaching the point where something has to go or I'll sink under the pressures in my life!)

    I'm not sure why Chris is so surprised that his listeners are so nice - if he reads the blog it's obvious..........................................

    I'm going through one of my fat periods at the moment and although looking in the mirror disgusts me I don't seem to be able to stop eating ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helppppppppp
    I need the diet police NNNNNNOOOOWWWW!!

    5 weeks since Dad died - can you believe it? I can't ...................................................

    Hope your all ok - will try and cheer up for tomorrow

    Love Catherine

  53. At 06:57 PM on 06 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    This was part of my first missing blog of the day :-(

    Hazel Love 鈥.please to see you back on the blog after your birthday bash鈥.sounded just great :-) unfortunately the gorilla was sent to the wrong location, I hope the lack of gram did not spoil your evening ;-)

    Mooose鈥︹PR! I did not realise just how much you have suffered ;-) Your book will surly be full of emotion if their record of recent years is anything to go by :-)

    Now where did that weezie go this time?

    Happy Wednesday everyone!


  54. At 07:05 PM on 06 Dec 2006, anna wrote:

    Jo - sorry to hear about Charley, ((hugs))

    Susie Mac - look forward with strength and brightness and back with as much fondness and memories as you can muster.
    If the champers doesnt feel right, try a cuppa tea instead and enjoy the warm, secure feeling you will get from it.

    nearly getting through all the blogs. The last time i take a holiday thats for sure. Thank goodness for listen again.


    PS now where is that vodka?

  55. At 07:12 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Hannah Norton wrote:

    Hi Chris only found out about blogging last night when I watched a bbc programme about it. Happened to click on your radio programme information and see that your a blogger if thats the correct word to use. Your worklife sounds hardwork at the moment but how cool that you can still act like your 18 , life is far too short to grow up and act like a boring middle aged happy clapper husband , Im 36 and still dont know what I want to do when I grow up ,life is for living to the full not just going through the motions.
    Keep burning the candel at both ends and hopefully your wick wont burn out too quickly.
    love HANNAH X

  56. At 07:18 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Sean wrote:

    Chris, i have listened to you since the J edger Hoover days on GLR (Didnt Really understand what was going on ! ) and we used to come along and sit in the studio for saturday morning show many moons ago. followed you through the ups and downs. I just got say man, you are back on top. I didnt want that show to finish it tonight, it was blinding. Keep it going son.

  57. At 07:20 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Keith, thank you for your motivation to come back tomorrow with more.........: ) this blog needs you : )

    I , for one, have found it tiring today - so much getting conviscated.

    Dr McCrumble - I agree , it would be nice to have some rules and regulations.

    On a radio 2 message board recently, the posters posed that very same question to the host.....and, she replied ( that last comment of mine probably means this will get conviscated too)


  58. At 07:21 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Susie wrote:

    Today 'Team Sexy' (aka the housemates of Widcombe Parade, Bath) went on a family shopping trip to the garden centre to purchase Malcom (aka our Christmas tree)! It's a silly tradition of mine to name the tree each year...much to the 'cuckoo' looks from my housemates and the garden centre lady!

    Anyway, here I am sat listening to my Campfire playlist with Malcom behind me smelling absolutely wonderful waiting to be decorated...oh and Love Actually (Wine and tissues required!) is on tonight and I've finished my Christmas shopping AND I managed to walk around the Christmas Market with my Dad and his girlfriend - I tell you I'm putting out fires today!

    Much love Mr Evans, I'm sending christmassy vibes this evening x

  59. At 07:54 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Bill Shipton wrote:

    great show cheers me up on drive home thought jonnie would be hard to follow but you have done it with aplomb, really enjoy show keep it going, brillient idea to go on the road, again great show.

  60. At 09:08 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Happy Hump Day

    Well I enjoyed being part of the blog so much last night that I thought I'd come back for more.

    The team sound like a really nice bunch from your description and on the radio - I always think it's really important to have a good team around you.

    Really enjoying the shows x

    I wonder if I can talk to you all about being pregnant as I'm very excited - myself and my husband are expecting our first baby, but I'm only about 6 weeks gone so we're trying to keep it quiet - but planning on telling my family this weekend!!! So excited...

    Kathryn x

  61. At 09:31 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Susan Pritchard wrote:

    Dear Chris
    I am really looking forward to Thurdays show. I have stayed at the Woodfalls a couple of times. nice food and rooms are good, nice and chintzy !
    I heard that August are playing tomorrow night at the pub, I have seem them live twice and they are pretty darn good. Have a great time and don't feed the ponies !

  62. At 09:39 PM on 06 Dec 2006, cate D wrote:

    What a happy show this evening - made me homesick for Wales where I grew up.

    A good team is all at work- once you find a good one appreciate it and hold on to it.

    Chris you are a luck man - enjoy

  63. At 09:44 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:


    Well Done to you and your husband and the bump to be.

    Best time of your life, whether you're sick or not.

    Enjoy it while it lasts... it's hard work allthe way once they've arrived!


  64. At 10:55 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Thanks DWNB

    Looking forward to keeping the blog up to date with goings on in the tummy of Kathryn!

    Loving reading the blog - everyones so friendly!

    Kathryn x

  65. At 11:09 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Just a little comment before I shift myself to the pit......
    #52 Cathmel - I don't know what to say.... nothing makes it better but I think people letting you know they want to "support" is all that can be done. It does get "easier" as time goes on and all the milestones pass - Christmas/birthdays/anniversary etc. Five weeks is still very much "raw time". My husband died Jan05 and it sometimes feels like it was only a few weeks ago. I find music triggers loads of emotional memories of him but I just go with the flow (don't really have any other choice if the truth be known). I think one of the worst aspects of losing anyone; parents or partner is the guilty thought "I wish I'd done/said......or hadn't - etc etc". I think anyone who's been there knows what I'm prattling on about. Please don't feel ignored.

    #52 SusieS Please take care if you try the recipe beware of naked flames etc. Especially with that beautiful bundle Charis toddling about -hope her cough is on the mend soon.

    Apologies for fibbing.... I did think when I started this it was going to be a little comment.
    Night and safe dreams to one and all.

  66. At 12:28 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Granny Bev wrote:

    I'm sorry I've missed the shows this week, they sound to have been great!: - Christmas party for village Senior Citizens, a meeting and the switch-on of the village Christmas tree lights - my excuses and I am sticking to them. I'll try to catch up later in the week.

    Kathryn #60, and DWNB #63, congratulations on your good news! Best wishes to the four of you! My younger daughter told me today (in between ferrying Senior Citizens home from the Christmas Party) that I am to become a Granny again! What great news!

    Big'un and many more, never mind the BP, please keep going.

    Merry Christmas to Chris and the much-valued team, and to addicts of Chris's blog. Thank goodness age is not an issue!

    Granny Bev

  67. At 12:37 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Granny Bev wrote:

    A late thanks to Kit McCallum - When is it Time. My daughter and grandson made the decision today and they are heartbroken.
    I am going to send your poem to them and hope they get some solace from it.
    Granny Bev

  68. At 12:52 AM on 07 Dec 2006, CLaire May wrote:

    Hi Helen,Chris, Nick, Rebecca, Johnny, Justine and Keith.

    I'm sure you are all tucked up nicely in your "little" bunks. (Keith do you realise how annoying your snoring is!!!)

    I really don't want to be a pain to you guys as I realise you have now "moved on", but I had to just write a few words before I retire from what has been the best night of my life so far!

    We thought, and every one of our family and friends commented on what lovely people you were!

    What gentlemen!

    Helen ...........GIRL POWER!!!!! What a show, what an event, what a memory!!!...........come on the ratings!

    Keith............ I wish you were my dad! what a warm and cuddly guy!

    Johnny..........What a star! we never imagined you to be so young, good-looking and talented!

    Rebecca........... Such a cool chic! Best wishes with the new addition to your family!

    Justine.......... You were phenomenal! What a character! you were so bubbly and down to earth that you made us feel so relaxed! We would love to go on a long boat holiday with you and your guy anytime!!! What a shame that you worked so hard and then had to be hidden away!! Have you been such a naughty girl that they are afraid to show you in public????

    Nick................. What can I say? you have been a rock! If it wasn't for all your hard work, we would never have got through it!! I hope Chris realises that you do all the hard work for him to just "pick up " from!! And from myself and all my lovely girlfriends corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what a dish!!!

    Christoph Lammy Pie!!!.....................What can we say!!! Mange tout, chez longue!!!! What a hero!!! I can only comment on what you mean to "the man in the street"!
    I have never met such a celebrity before! You are such a nice man!!! Maybe you don't realise, but we need people like you to get through life! Everyone commented on what fun they had and how great you were! You didn't need to spend all that time with us after the show but you were so gracious. Thank you so much on behalf of everyone, we will never forget tonight. It may be impossible to suggest but we would love to stay in touch! Hopefully we can take Nick up on his offer for Thomas to spend the day at the studios with you some time ( and I would love to spend the day with Nick!!!)

    Anyway, for now my famous friend, Au Revoir, until next time,

    A very tired, but happy, Mummy May, Claire,

    Good night, God bless xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    If you want any feedback for Amy Winehouuses' guys......... she was absolutely brilliant!! Amazing with the kids and not at all what we were expecting! We are all converted!!!

    Good luck for tomorrow, we will be listening!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  69. At 07:58 AM on 07 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning blogglers

    A bit of catching up to do if the BP will allow?

    Yesterday鈥檚 blog was in my opinion policed far too strictly and for me at least ruined the whole experience of contributing. So thanks BP for saving us from ourselves and I do hope that in your world you slept well at least.

    I have however found the energy to read all of the post :-)

    Gaby, you are welcome keep going and do not let the fatherless people win. Xx

    Kathryn, WOW! Congratulation to your and yours :-)

    Granny Bev, rest assured we will not be beaten ;-)

    Claire May, great show from your place :-) you should be truly proud of your family and friends and all of that followed by a great post, bless you x

    Back later

    Happy thirsty Thursday one and all!


  70. At 08:12 AM on 07 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Morning Everyone!

    It's been a busy week... George was amazing, birthday was fab, (hope yours was as well Mary) and yesterday I was take out to dinner by one of our agents and her husband in London after a long day.

    I'm looking forward to listening to last night's show on the net in the office later, it sounds like it was a crazy one again. I think Christophe and the gang will need the weekend to chill out and recover by the sounds of it. I hope foxy will get pampered by Mr Fox, she needs loads of TLC.

    OK, off to face the blustery day with the bears...

    Mange Tout


  71. At 08:48 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    good morning you lovely people,

    Jax - I know you can't post today or tomorrow - but I'm thinking of you.

    Cathmel - we most definitely have missed you. Sending you love

    DWNB - I hope you are feeling a little better today after your distressing day yesterday.

    Claire May - it was lovely to read your post

    Kathryn #60 - congratulations!!! - and what a lovely weekend you have coming up, when you share your lovely news. I remember that exact same time when I was expecting my first. I remember (as if it was yesterday) coming home from the docs, sitting down and thinking 'I must look aftermyself and eat lots!! lol (of the right thing!!). My eldest is now 15!!

    Keith - congratulations on getting through with your first post - perhaps they have had the equivalent of a cabinet re-shuffle up there in BP HQ.



  72. At 09:06 AM on 07 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Just wanted to echo everyone else - what a fantastic show last night.

    Mammy May - your son Tom is a complete natural on the radio - what a boy. You must be very, very proud of your family and rightly so - your lives will never be the same again but oh, how I envy you meeting Christoph and the team.

    Well done to Chris and the team on the great shows so far this week.

    Chris - hope you enjoyed a bit more sleep last night and maybe even a weeny lie-in today.

    Rebecca - you're almost home & dry and will soon back with your family.

    To: Jax, Tracey-Anne and Jo - hope you are all OK?

    jillygoat xx

  73. At 09:07 AM on 07 Dec 2006, marc searston wrote:

    now you've done the uk tour,how about an ex pats tour in Spain or Florida or at least somewhere hot.thanx for a brill show all of you .

  74. At 09:25 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Robert wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Loving the wandering show.. you should do more of these.

    I should have done this earlier, but here is a wee game a friend sent me..It's all part of a good cause, but very addictive.. maybe it will help pass a few minutes for the team (or cause a bit of competition).

    i still haven't got 25/25.. www.scotchmedia.com/santa

    Keep up the good work.. great show.


  75. At 09:33 AM on 07 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Madainn mhath, Chris, team, and fellow bloggers and blogettes!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday to you all!!! Only one more day til the weekend - YAY! Only one show left on-the-road - BOO!

    鈥淎nd God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected.鈥 Spike Milligan

    Fantastic show guys, though I lost you all on the web at one point and had to go make the dinner so I could continue listening to you! Spag bol ..... there was tons of it cos I was just throwing everything in, so intent on listening to you all!

    So ... be truthful .... how much sleep didn't you get at the Woodfalls Inn in Wiltshire?! And I hope you kept the smoking to a minimum for Rebecca's little bundle! I look forward to hearing a full account of all the shenanigens! And where are our photos!? If you need a hand downloading, just give me a shout!

    Looking forward to a riotous episode in the last installment of Show-on-the-Road tonight! Have a great day .... and I know you must all be worn out by now, but thank you all SO much for bringing these shows to us so faithfully each night! You guys don't get paid enough and I will be putting my reccommendations to the Board that you all have your saleries doubled!

    jillygoat - enjoy your box! I remember the first time we got jerusalem artichokes .... hadn't the scoobiest how to cook it! How about celeriac adn apple mash?

    1lrg Apple, peeled and quartered
    1lrg Celeriac, peeled and quartered
    1lrg Potato, peeled and quartered
    3tbl Double cream
    1oz Unsalted butter
    Salt and ground black pepper

    Boil the celeriac and potatoes in salted water until tender. In a separate saucepan, reduce the apple with a little water to a lumpy consistency.
    Drain the celeriac and potatoes and mix with the apple. Pass through a vegetable moule and add the cream, butter and seasoning.


    Gaby - missed Love Actually last night on TV cos I took my pal out to sample the 'nightlife' of Inverness (well ... we went to a pub and watched the Celtic / Copenhagan match!).

    weefieryredhead - welcome!

    Tootie - whereaboots in Alba are ye?

    Susie Mac - onwards and upwards ma dear!

    Littlest Hobo - was that Oban, Canada, or Oban, Scotland? The latter is my town of birth! Sounds like you had an absolutely fabulous time!

    Jax - we'll all be thinking of you whilst you're away from us. Have a good long think about what your needs are, honey, about how you would like to see your life in 5 years time.

    Jo - how did things go?

    {{{{{{{{{Catherine}}}}}}}}} You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hannah Norton - welcome!

    Kathryn - CONGRATULATIONS! Parenthood is a blast!

    Granny Bev - CONGRATULATIONS! Grannyhood is even more of a blast!

    CLaire May - thanks for letting them all into your home! Bet the aftershow party went on til yon time! Great to 'meet' the May family!

    {{{{{TheBigUn}}}}} Hope today is a happier day all in blogland!

    Have a great day y'all! Hugs, Susan

    鈥淒on't count the days- make the days count.鈥

  76. At 09:40 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    guys n gals

    If you get a couple of minutes (and are interested) then hop over to the Radio 2 Message Boards. Click on the News and Current Affairs Message Board. It seems like we were let off quite lightly by the blog police yesterday in comparison to our cybercomrades over on the MB. The beeb are CLOSING that particular MB - it has caused a furore, and some of the comments are well worth a butchers.


  77. At 09:41 AM on 07 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Dear Blog Police,
    I fear we may all have been a little hasty in our criticism yesterday. In hindsight, it would appear that technical difficulties were delaying posts rather than you confiscating them (although we still missed Keith's joke - but that could just have been rude!)

    Humble apologies from the Moose...

    Posts make a lot more sense when you go back and read yesterday in full NOW...

    Fellow bloggers,
    Missed the show completely last night. I have to admit to being a bit dejected by the whole blog thing yesterday and thought about going on a listening strike from 5 to 7.
    I then decided instead to launch myself into another chapter and get writing. The total immersion strategy was so successful that I ended up staying in the office until 6.55pm and didn't even notice the time go by... But I do have most of another chapter under my belt...

    So Chris and everyone, forgive my absence from the listening public...the last 2 minutes did sound wild! I hope you didn't miss me too much. I shall attempt to be in the car at 5.05 tonight to make up for it - even though you are not coming to Sutton...

    I once read that book on Emotional Intelligence. About the only thing I remember is that it is emotionally intelligent to think of all the possible reasons for someone else's actions, and assume the best one applies.

    For example, someone crashes into the back of your car...assume they were having a bad day, were distracted by trying to get their kids to school on time, and worried about upsetting the music teacher...DWNB - hope you feel better today!

    For example, your blog posts go missing, and everyone else's seem to as well...assume their are technical difficulties and chill, be patient, and definitely don't go on strike!...Keith - keep the jokes coming. Hazel Love - great posts when they eventually arrived!

    One of the great things about this blog, I think inspired by Christof himself as he does it too, is that people always seem to ASSUME THE BEST...showing great emotional intelligence.

    This seems to me to be in stark contradiction to most of our everyday experiences where people often appear to ASSUME THE WORST...showing a lack of emotional intelligence.

    You guys help me to break the negative cycle and start assuming the best again.
    I have to admit that the other day, I "posted" about 4 times, but on preview decided I was just too negative and it was a bad idea, and deleted them all instead.

    Sorry for the long ramble...
    And thanks.

    PS Javier Mascherano

  78. At 09:49 AM on 07 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Jill - just read your post on 06 Dec 2006. Jill wrote:

    I'm only sad that PC fear reduces the number of Christmas cards and decorations that actually show angels and other things that truly remind us of the meaning of Christmas, i.e. God's love for us, new life and hope. We tended to be reduced to a selection of snowflakes, snowmen, snowdrops, robins and stars which are very beautiful but rather less relevant!

    Couldn't agree more!

  79. At 09:59 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Just to put you out of your misery, we don't sell goal-machines. AP was mulling over the purchase of a German-owned, British muscle-machine. More than that I cannot divulge.

    I too fell victim to the gremlins yesterday, hence my post appearing twice - reposted in anger.

    Will post later when the gospel according to Mr E appears.


  80. At 10:03 AM on 07 Dec 2006, wrote:


  81. At 10:16 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Kato wrote:

    Chris, you appear to have the best job in the world and also to be surrounded by lovely people. How lucky are you..!
    listened to bits of last nights show, it sounded great, i am going to listen again in a minute, help to get through a lonely day in the office on my own.
    Claire May - you wrote a lovely post and i imagine everyone is so jealous of you: for having the show in your house and for your obviously wonderful family.
    have a great day everyone

  82. At 10:24 AM on 07 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    It is later already :-)

    Ok so the first part went so well today I thought I would try again.

    As many of you would be aware I have been under a lot of pressure at work recently and after a long hard look at life and what is important to me I have decided to resign today. I am fed up with the rat race and although I have had my resignation letter ready for some time today is the day! I do not have a job (and a mortgage to pay) to go to I am sure of finding something to keep the food on the table in the New Year anyway I have to give two months notice so I have a bit of time.

    So any job offer considered (as long as they are legal) from anyone looking for a BigUn as a work college ;-)

    P.S. as it Christmas and we are all thinking of Santa I thought I would remind you of the stages we all go through鈥.well men anyway ;-)

    1) You believe in Santa Claus.
    2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
    3) You are Santa Claus.
    4) You look like Santa Claus.



    1) Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.
    2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
    3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
    4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
    5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
    6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fibre, not the toy.

  83. At 10:26 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris and all,

    Couldn't listen to you Tuesday or Wednesday, but definitely plan to tune in tonight.

    It's great working with lovely people isn't it? I serve lunches to schoolkids which isn't the greatest job in the world (minimum wage and no pay in the school hols), but I work with the loveliest person in the world. Her name is Mandy and she has become such a great friend to me , and every day we have such a laugh. Some of the kids are little horrors, but some are lovely and i just love their honesty, you don't get any bull from 5 year olds do you?

    Susan S - I don't think you need to worry about Chris being left on the shelf, from what I've heard/read lately, he's pretty loved up!

    Had a scary time last night, my little boy had an allergic reaction to something he ate and we had to run to Boots to get some Piriton (I had his Epipen but I'd rather not use that unless I really need to - the needle's massive). He was very brave but really upset, he said why should he have I higher chance of dying than all his friends? What do you say to that? Do any of you have children with allergies?

    Hope the rest of the week is a success Chris,

    Em xx

  84. At 10:40 AM on 07 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    The time delay on this blog means that nothing I've said makes sense - so, no change there then!! What I mean is, some of my blogs didn't appear for yonks and then when they did arrive, we'd all moved on ... ho hum

    Jo - I'm so sorry about Charley. Thank you for sharing him with us. I hope he's also found my Enoch and that with his Auntie Ellie all three of them are tearing up doggie heaven!

    Hazel Love - sorry I missed you x


  85. At 10:42 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Jo wrote:

    Morning all, bit blowy out isn't it?

    well, we cried like hell but were grateful to the vet and nurse for their kindness and compassion and in the end I felt relief that the C wasn't in pain anymore. He died very peacefully on a fluffy rug that the vet had put down for him, resting his head on my knee.

    Now it's on with life and catching up with all the housework and stuff that we havn't been bothering to do!

    I'm really enjoying the show on it's travels and it has brightened a few dark days for us! Christmas is coming now though and we will be out to get our tree on Saturday or Sunday and then will be back in action!

    Moose - I always try to assume the best whereas my husband always assumes the worst - it's quite frustrating but I feel that I am an all round happier and better person for it!

    Thanks again everyone for the kind words.

    :o) Jo

    PS. I saw this on t'interweb and it made me laugh, particularly considering the old cricket mess we've gotten ourselves into!

    Definition of Boomerange - The safe distance from which you can taunt and Australian (Example: It's OK to yell profanities at Australians, as long as we're out of boomerange!)

  86. At 11:10 AM on 07 Dec 2006, IanG wrote:

    Robert #74 - you've started something now!
    22/25 at my first attempt - gotta try harder.

  87. At 11:28 AM on 07 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Nathan #16 tried to post a comment on your blog but it wouldn't let me, don't get stressed with Christmas shopping!! Just relax

  88. At 11:43 AM on 07 Dec 2006, marshie wrote:

    Hello Christope and bloggers,

    I'm inclined to share an event from times gone by....

    Rushing across London late as usual for something 3 friends and I were hot footing it through China Town when I spotted Christophe outside a restaurant chatting on his phone.

    Whooaaah i cried out to the girls, it's CE, he's my hero, I want to say hello to him and tell him how special he is..... The girls skidded to a halt, and not wanting to be rude I said I must wait until he's finished his conversation, I can't interrupt. This was followed by a debate where everyone sided against me and said he'll be awful to you like he is to people on the radio (one as it was at this time), you'll be upset and it will ruin our night. Chirs is still on the phone, the girls are tugging at my arm and I'm sad to say I gave in to peer pressure and we continued on our way. I have never stopped being a fan and have always been sad I never stopped to say what I had to say. So hopefully this is my chance to put that right and ditto all the comments from this week.

    My motto now is.... It's better to regret the things you did than the ones you didn't.

    Susan S, sorry for late blog have been christmas shopping, my punctuation was taking a leave of absence the other day, what I meant to say was...I have "The Notebook" to watch, a great love story.

    Love to you all, happy thirsty thurs


  89. At 11:56 AM on 07 Dec 2006, SteveFarry wrote:

    Great show from Sebast last night, Chris. My brother and sister-in-law with my little niece Rachel. They had a fantastic time and were in awe of just how nice you and all your crew are. Work commitments meant I couldn't gatecrash until the show was over. You posed endlessly for pics, signed..anything! - even my Amy Winehouse cd and proved what I'd always suspected. You are a grat guy and seem a lot more sussed and humble. Well more power to you - as you made a lot of people in the valleys feel very special last night, and THAT Christoff is your gift, You're a people person!!

  90. At 11:57 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Chris Goodall-Short wrote:

    How did you get on with all the Welsh roadsigns or did you not get out much? Bizarre fact for you: Fish & Chips in Welsh is "pysgodyn ac sglodion" ... my favoutite Welsh words (sad eh). By the way, do you think that you could incorporate your "Cooking On The Pavement" experiment into your Radio 2 show (or is that copyright)... maybe the next time you're out on tour and it's extremely hot... usual for here in Spain but not so usual for the UK.
    Anyway, great show, even though I have to listen to it a day late as you start when I finish work and unfortunately I don't have Internet in the car! ;) Cheers. Chris.

  91. At 12:12 PM on 07 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Hi guys,
    Still waiting for today's blog to appear...probably a late night with much ale was had in Wiltshire last night...

    Just feel the need to share how nice it feels to be wanted...

    Have felt unwanted by my current company for a while...have been shifted sideways, others taking credit for my work, and feeling more and more marginalised.

    Anyway, I now have TWO other large corporates fawning over me. One I've already mentioned the interviews...well I've just had a call with a concrete offer from another one that's been 'keeping me warm' for a month or so.

    My boss has also got wind of me being fawned over, and all of a sudden, I appear to be becoming flavour of the month here!

    Life is funny, isn't it? And to think, all I've done over the last three weeks is blog on here and write my book!!! If only they all knew...

    Fickle is the word that comes to mind. It's amazing that truth and reality have little part to play in the machinations of a large company. Image is everything. Perception is king!

    What I don't understand, is why I feel good about being wanted when I know it's all just a silly game. Can anyone help? Am I really just shallow and easily flattered?


    PS Matt from Rudgwick. Oh for the days of my youth, playing football for UPR (corny huh...do you think that's where the QPR thing started?) against teams like Cloparcro, EMH and BENTLEY Rovers...

    PPS Johnnie Moncur

  92. At 12:16 PM on 07 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:


    It would seem the reshuffle has been switched back again :-( I am being blocked again and am totally fed up!

    If they wish me to conform to some very silly rules then the very least they (the Blog police) can do is inform me/us what exactly was wrong in with the post in the first place!

    I simply do not have the time to spend on posts that may or may not get through.

    Moose, I keep posting and they keep blocking!

    Susan S, sadly it looks like they are still after me :-(

    Rest assured they are saving you from me :-(

    Thirsty Thursday鈥..I need a drink!

  93. At 12:56 PM on 07 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Patience my friend. I do believe your posts are all there now?...the gremlins have obviously not all been thrown into the swimming pool.

    Well, big news from TheBigUn. Congratulations. Being an accountant, in my meagre experience, brings a double-edged sword with it. We are usually risk-averse, especially about quitting jobs we don't like, and yet we are always in demand, so it's unlikely we will starve if we do quit. It feels good when we shake off the shackles of our risk aversion though, so enjoy the moment...

    Hope the job-hunting goes well. Let me know if you are interested in any of the big corporates that I may or may not have a small amount of influence in, either now or in the future. Although I guess I can't name them on here for a real fear of being got by the BP (or my real identity being uncovered...), they might include high street banks and retailers...

    Thinking of you...and if you get at all down about the job thing, remember to count your blessings that you are neither a QPR nor a West Ham fan!!!

    PS John Gregory

  94. At 01:01 PM on 07 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon friends and boy am I looking forward to tuning in : )

    I have a few technical difficulties myself today - pressed my 'post' button so many times a few hours ago - and am quite relieved not to see my missive - because I was worried there would be 15 of them duplicated!! (once is bad enough, I hear you cry) - thankfully, they all seem to have got lost in my pc....

    Keith - congrats on your decision - a crossroads -very exciting. I made a similar decision back in July. Good luck, my virtual friend : )

    Jo....lots and lots of lovexxx

    Moose. Congrats on your status : ). In answer to your question, it is not shallow at all. I have heard it say that it is a basic need for us humans - to feel needed/wanted. You are being human and normal : ) Always nice when the boss starts behaving as he/she always should have done...........

    ..........I was born in Sutton! - used to work in Sutton, and shopped there or Croydon every saturday - spending hard-earned wages on something to wear for the saturday night disco (aged 17!!). Never bumped into the lovely Matthew Wright on my visits to the Whitgift Centre though : (

    Littlest Hobo....wow! - what a beautiful time you and Mrs T had. Your description of the sledding was lovely - sounded so romantic and special.

    vin de table


    ps Carlos Tevez

  95. At 01:36 PM on 07 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Gaby - different Sutton...I was talking about the one in Bedfordshire that narrowly missed out in the English Tombola...
    Thanks for the encouragement of being normal, I think...


  96. At 02:06 PM on 07 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Can't stop...not got long so hope this sneaks under the wire...ssssssssh!

    Keep it down everyone...didn't get to hear the show at all last night bar the very start, and I like the fact that mum had drunk two glasses of champagne beforehand! Good girl!

    Am having to small-child-sit today - perils of being on your own, sometimes people think it isn't gonna disturb any one - obviously not taking myself into consideration.

    I am disturbed. I am now covered in cheese.

    I wonder what is going on.

    but then I wonder that a lot of the time....

    TICKLE good to have you back xx

    GABY fab pome darlin'. I thought of some rhymes too, but it was more rhyming slang...

    Will check in once am home...as will hopefully be later, but can't wait to read...

    le grande escape

  97. At 02:14 PM on 07 Dec 2006, caroline wrote:

    Hello everyone

    I have been BP'd... my first time!

    I'll not bore you will details, but I included first time hugs to {{{moose}}} and {{{Keith}}}

    I'm all harressed today, and head is in a spin, and I bet Mr E will set up a new topic any moment

    Anyway..Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone !
    I'm here in virtual body, but not in virtual mind!

    Bonne Weekend also

    Caroline x

  98. At 04:18 PM on 07 Dec 2006, anna wrote:

    Moose, it isnt about being shallow. its definately human nature to feel better when you are appreciated - so long as you always remember that the grass isnt necessarily greener on the otherside, but sometimes the other side is brighter.
    I sometimes think that being appreciated wouldnt matter so much if i got myself from me rather than others.... does that make sense? If i was happy and self accepting - it wouldnt matter a jot what anyone else thought or did.... tho i suppose even then i would appreciate being appreciated.

    got the decorations out the loft today, started to ease christmas in to our home and get the tree on Saturday, cant wait to smell the tree, decorate it whilst listening to christmas tunes and wrap the man cubs pressies - he will really start to 'get it' this year!

    hope you are all good.


  99. At 04:55 PM on 07 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Now fully fortified with a chocolate chip COOKIE, I can now say that my brain and my Wikipedia are both working again and I'm there. I do get a bit slow in the afternoons, especially if it's been a while since lunch.



    PS Jimmy Hill

  100. At 04:33 PM on 11 Dec 2006, GREG FITCHETT wrote:

    Chris, Christams is 2 weeks away, how about inviting kids into the show with their parents. A great present for ALL parties. They can help with the weather, travel etc.
    Excellent show............

  101. At 03:16 PM on 07 Feb 2007, MARK HISTED wrote:

    i got lost today in my own village i had a blonde moment!!! HELP me!!! I really enjoy listening to your show!!! thanks you great DJ

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