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Chris Evans | 08:56 UK time, Friday, 19 January 2007

Go to bed last night and outside it looks like the world’s going to end, wake up this morning to absolute calm, clear blue skies and sunshine...“God, are you’ avin’ a laff ? Is ‘ee ‘avin’ a laff ?â€

Guess what Enzo’s doing ?...

He’s doing what only dogs can and he’s just licked my face as well. Dirty German Shepherd.

So, there we are, that was the first week back on the air and tomorrow January’s already well into it’s twenties.

The weeks fly by when you’re doing a drive time show. You see, the thing is you wait all day to do the show and you can’t really do much other than prepare etc. and then when the show comes and goes it’s the night time and the day’s almost gone.

I gave Foxy a lift home last night (no one likes to see a mum to be getting blown away in the wind) and we were discussing the self same thing, we were discussing the difference in existence between drive time people and breakfast show people.

Sure, if you do a breakfast show, you have the rest of the day free but because you get up so dang early, you have this constant feeling of never really being here, especially post four o’clock in the afternoon.

We’ve both worked on breakfast shows before (Foxy on The Today Show - oooooh !) and it’s so easy to forget how getting up at four a.m every day messes with your being.

I’d never done a drive time show before this one but have been more than surprised at how fulfilling it is. You can get so much out of the two hours we have and everyone listening is in a relatively good mood cos’ they’re on their way home…

Never more so of course than on a Friday...Yippee !

Here’s to you lot…

CLP x.

P.S. Du pain, du vin, du boursin xxx


  1. At 09:05 AM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Du Plates :o)

    Morningall - so sorry that people couldn't meet last night, do you think it was the wizards???

    A lady I work with had to pick an old man up yesterday, who had been blown over into the road. Scary stuff.

    We only have one fence panel out of place so got off relatively lightly.

    Am having it off today so may not be around but all hail Harvey, Harvey Wallbanger, my new best friend :o)


  2. At 09:21 AM on 19 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Good morning CLP et al

    Wow, what a dreadful day yesterday. My heart goes out to the families of those who died as a result of the terrible storms.

    Hmm, were the wizards at work yesterday? Strange that .....

    Sparkle - you've taken a huge step by joining the blog - it can't have been easy and I hope you, and your son, can find the strength to get through this. You'll always get a warm welcome on the blog and you're amongst friends xxxx

    jillygoat xx

    PS It was Winnie the Pooh day yesterday - a very blustery day indeed

  3. At 09:25 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Morning Chris et al

    What a difference a day makes.

    After the chaos of yesterday’s weather and the build up to the ‘meet that wasn’t to be’, the relative calm after the storm this morning seems somehow appropriate.

    I suppose our thoughts should turn to any future OAMCs. Do we try again? If so, where and when?

    Answers on a postcard please.

    A few years ago, we stayed at my Grandfather’s place in north Georgia, USA. During the night we were treated to the most spectacular lightning show imaginable, albeit a silent show as the thunder was strangely absent. In the morning, the news told us that a tornado had passed within a whisker of where we were, moved north and torn through Chattanooga, Tennessee (of choo choo fame). We had planned to take a trip up there anyway, so we hopped in the car that morning. When we arrived things looked, well, normal. We had expected armageddon. What became apparent was how localised tornado damage can be. Whereas one side of the street was virtually untouched, not 100 yards away was utter devastation. Rooves removed from houses, cars in trees, sheer carnage. You could literally see the path that the twister had taken, destroying everything it touched yet nearby it was as if a gentle breeze had wafted by.

    Hell hath no fury like Mother Nature scorned.

    So, Friday is upon us. I shall pop my request in for later and settle down with a large bottle of dandelion and burdock (Detox Day 19) this evening.

    Have a wonderful weekend all.

    Much peace and love


    PS The Wind Cries Mary

    PPS That’s not a knife. That’s a knife.

    PPPS Don Van Vliet

  4. At 09:29 AM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all,
    CLP you bring a lot of pleasure in your two hours on air. Last night I was listening to the show whilst cooking tea/dinner/supper (other types of meal are available) for my good lady wife and I (other types of wife are available) whilst bopping around the kitchen to "Whisky in the jar" she walked in and looked totally stunned. She just turned and walked out shaking her head.
    Later she said what the hell were you doing, "Bopping to Chris" says I, "you should have joined me, it's good for you."

    She seemed less than convinced. She said "you sing in the car and bop in the kitchen. When did you get so happy, and what keeps you like it". My reply was, I thought quite profound, "Life is for living, if you feel like singing sing, if you feel like bopping bop, if you feel like sleeping sleep and if you feel like crying cry. It's my life."

    DD out

    PS The holy trinity of food a little bread, a little wine and a little cheese

  5. At 09:39 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    ...Hi fair Krystoffle...and lovely lovely people out there!

    The weather continues fine here also, but there are pieces of tree everywhere! The boy saw about five or six whole trees pulled to the side of various roads on his way to work today!

    Speaking of which...it's the working all day that really gets you!...and don't forget us poor listeners, we work all day, then have to listen to you working in the evening...it's never ending!

    le repas

  6. At 09:39 AM on 19 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Good Morning Chris, yes - here too. Sun is shining, birds are singing in the trees across the road and the dog has managed to snaffle another nappy from the bin. Morale of the story - empty the bin more often!

    The drive time show, how amazing would that job be. You lucky lucky boy.


  7. At 09:40 AM on 19 Jan 2007, sarah wrote:

    on my way in to worknoticed the daffodils and crocus's(i) are all in bloom! Does anyone know if they will flower again at the right time or is that for them ?

  8. At 09:43 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Dan the man in Belfast wrote:

    Have a nice weekend big lad - I'm heading over that way on Sunday to Ricky Gervais' WWF gig in Hammersmith Palais - should be v gd!
    Weather over here really calm this bright fri morn - the birds are actually singing, as they drive to work. I wish they'd quit trying to apply the face in rush-hour traffic . . . anyway, ho-hum . . .

  9. At 09:48 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Good Morning one and all!!

    Well today is my little boy bens birthday! He is 3! I am not there as I had to work. He is with his dad! We have been seperated a while but are still best friends and I know he will give him a great day!!! I hate not being there though! But I do have a weekend of treats planned for him, as well as some adult style celebrations! (well I did go through labour after all!!!!!)

    So how did your meeting go last night? Any gossip? Any photos ect!!!

    The weekend is now so close i can smell it!!!!


  10. At 09:49 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    I know what you mean about working two hours a day, but being a dinner lady's not quite the same as being a DJ is it?!

    Because my hours of work are right in the middle of day, I have to make sure I plan my time or the whole day would disappear and I wouldn't have achieved anything, so I manage to squeeze in a walk, a run, listening to Paul McKenna and typing my as yet unnamed novel. A lot of people ask me when I'm going to get a proper job (including my husband!) but I like the fact I'm there for my kids when they get home, in case they need to talk about anything. I sometimes moan about my job, but it's quite a laugh really, and the kids can be quite cute.

    Have a great weekend everyone, we have Class 2's Barnaby Bear staying with us so I expect we'll have lots of fun! (He's like a class pet only a lot less hard work!).

    Love Em xx

    PS Any luck chasing up Nick Leake for my Queen CD Chris?! xx

  11. At 09:50 AM on 19 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good morning bloggers and schloggers,

    Another fine morning in the South West what a difference the drive into work was this morning. The sun is beating its way through the clouds as I type ;-) Makes you good to be alive ;-)

    You say dirty German shepherd …. I say do you mean you wouldn’t if you could? Jealousy, plain and simple ;-))

    As for the show I have to say that I as a listener pay more attention to the drive time show than any other on the radio. I am sure it is as you say we have fewer distractions at that particular time of day. Mostly because everyone else I work with has already gone home and the office is quiet so I can turn the radio up! ;-))))

    Happy Friday everyone!


    P.S. I see the consultant today at 15:50, can you believe it has been three months since Chris dedicated a show to me for me getting the all clear? I am hoping for the same result today, I am typing with my fingers crossed! ;-)

    P.P.S A large company, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hired a new CEO.
    This new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business! The new CEO walked up to the guy leaning against the wall and asked "How much money do you make a week?" A little surprised, the young fellow looked at him and replied, "I make £300.00 a week. Why?" The CEO then handed the guy £1,200 in cash and screamed, "Here's four weeks' pay, now GET OUT and don't come back."

    Feeling pretty good about himself, the CEO looked around the room and asked, "Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-off did here?

    From across the room came a voice, "Pizza delivery guy from Dominos!"

  12. At 09:50 AM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Good morning dear Chris and I hope you have a wonderful Friday show and then there's the weekend smiling at us all.

    And as for young Enzo - what can I say.

    Friday request - 'I Can See Clearly Now' can't remember just at the moment who it's by, but I love it. I'll have a go at entering onto the Friday Request link as well, just in case doing it this way doesn't count. I'm a comparative newcomer to this blog and so don't know my way around properly yet.

    I'm probably going to miss today's programme as well, but hope to catch some of it.

    Love to all of you

  13. At 09:54 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Jonahwood wrote:

    Hi ya Chris

    I know what you mean about the weather and God (fab!)

    You mentioned wanting a dog expert, well I'M ONE!!! I run a busy canine psychology business and have seen over 1,000 doggies now to help their owners to get their heads around what Fido is doing and why.

    Dealing in all things from destruction to aggression and just general doggy boisterousness, I love em. Off to see a yapping GSD tonight and a little puppy tomorrow (I'm also a qualified puppy instructor).

    Anyway I'd love to speak to you on the show but I appreciate you'll probably get loads of these types of contacts from other doggy experts, but hopefully I've got there first!

    Love your show and you always cheer me up no end. Hope to hear from you, but if not I'll fully understand and still love you forever! Jo Wood xxx

  14. At 10:09 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:


    Both these websites have contact numbers. I really would recommend giving them a call.


    Don't try to tackle him head on as this will only alienate him, and if he is taking it, he'll only deny it and try to hide it even more.

    He may not be taking anything at all, in which case your suspicions will be unfounded, but please ring one of the help lines and they'll be able to go through everything with you, so that you can confirm either way.

    It's nothing for you to be ashamed of. I shouldn't think it is anything you have ever done (or not done) that has caused this to happen.

    If you need to be amongst friends, we are all here. We don't judge, and we'll try to help if we can.

    I don't know how good these helplines will be, but if you ring your local hospital, CAB or library they'll probably be able to give you any information for your local area.


  15. At 10:14 AM on 19 Jan 2007, mystic mog wrote:

    Hope your havin a laugh one and all.

    It's only early... yet I feel I have been up all night.. but then I have. Sometimes you just can't sleep can you. The bonus is being able to watch the re runs of Howards Way. But I must look like Draclia.

    Gaby Prof Plum could be anyone really.

    Off for some serious selling.

    PS All request Friday well I'm too shy to do phone in's but the choices are usually fab says Major Tom in my crystal ball.

    Guten tag

  16. At 10:22 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Lynne wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    Yes where do the weeks get to? This one has flown by. Maybe you make it go quicker Chris.

    Well we had more snow last night and it looks very pretty here. I'm off for a second go on my skis just as soon as I've finished here.

    Tiggy- I too got booted off here last night and all I wanted to do was wish everyone well what with all the storms and the OAMC not happening.

    Hazel Love- very well put. I too thought about those that had lost loved ones due to the weather before I went to sleep last night.

    Shirley- thinking of you.

    Sparkle- I cannot offer any advice but my thoughts are with you, it is tough being a mum.

    Have a better day today everyone.

    Lynne x

  17. At 10:24 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Sammy M wrote:

    A wonderful sunny good morning to you all!

    Its official, I've viewed this blog from afar for quite some time, and feel that nows the right time to join you bloggerloggers!!

    Hold my ankles....I'm going in!

    Look forward to reading your antics in the future and maybe sharing some of mine too.

    Off swimming this afternoon with my two year old boy Charlie, after finishing 'stinky' work (as he calls it) at 12.00



  18. At 10:33 AM on 19 Jan 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Hey Chrissie,

    Funny weather we,re having ain,t it (the lion from wizard of oz) what a sage.

    You will have many years of joy from your shepherd, I had one for 14 1/2 years, Garth , he,s long gone now but his picture has pride of place in my living room.

    They are a fantastic breed, a one man/woman dog who worship their beloved master.

    When you have your morning brew, dunk a biccy and give him a bit, he will love it , trust me.

    All request friday, will try and get through tonight, have a good un sunshine.


  19. At 10:42 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Sparkle, I'm so sorry for what you are going through, i hope my little boys never get involved with drugs but I realise it happens such a lot these days there's a good chance they will.
    I just wanted to say that I went completely off the rails in my teens and early twenties, i didn't take drugs but I think that's only because they weren't around so much then. I drank a lot, slept around and generally gave my mum and dad a lot of grief. It took a while but I like to think I've turned out OK; I think my parents are quite proud of me now! I just wanted to let you know that....xx

  20. At 10:51 AM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Derrrrr! How on earth can I ask for a record today, if I'm not sure whether I'll be back home in time to hear the programme or not. So I'll keep it for another Friday.

    Sparkle - thinking of you this morning and lots of love to everyone from

    sallycat xxx

  21. At 11:09 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    CHRIS - £62.?????? for your car. We love the mechanic! Hope he's saved her to fight another day. As I mentioned, mine is off tomorrow, BUT STOP PRESS, a friend might be taking her from me to use for a trans-europe trip later in the year! He can afford to do the necessary work over time, so she may see out her days in sunnier climes hoorah, not so sad to see her go now!

    Lyndyloo - Europe, you sound SO excited, I'm REALLY hoping it's gonna snow for you hon. Will be sending the bears virtual cuddles while you're away xx actually they can have some anyway xx

    Jo - delighted you enjoyed your warvey hallbangers my dear! My voddies were totally palatable...so glad you're having it off today...ahem!

    Em 26 - didn't happen...see yesterday! Too much weather! Happy birthday to Mr I'm THREE now! xx iii xx three candles

    anna - 1, You're supposed to put the nappies in the trees, and 2, they are meant to keep the squirrels away, NOT dogs, 3, there has to be a recipe for mushy and stilton bake surely?

    Dissing - Talking of cheese, apparently since I've had my hair done, I look like a Bay City Roller (other 1970's Scottish bands are available).

    Sarah - the weather is all over the place. Me and Gaby still have gernainganaums. I was SO SAD this morning to see a poor dead badger on the road. Badgers don't hibernate, and I sure wish they did!

    KEEEEEEEEEEITH - love, luck, holding hand, big kisses, XXXXXXXX just because I can! I'm dedicating my cup of tea to you right this minute!

    Sammy M - you've only been and gone and done it now! See you again I'm sure...enjoy your swim.

    ma voiture est mal

    EVERYBODY, please can I ask you to check yesterday's message #134?

  22. At 11:40 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Jax wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Thanks to you and the gang for keeping me company last night during my long drive home from up north to down south in all that wind. It was all very scary what with lorries on their side and my car being blown about. The teams banter made me feel like I had friends in the car.

    Drive time was not the same over the last few weeks, luckily I had new CDs for Christmas so listened to these till you returned on Monday.


  23. At 11:45 AM on 19 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Just a few words of wisdom,

    An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a
    pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in
    it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion
    of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the
    cracked pot arrived only half full.

    For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home
    only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud
    of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own
    imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had
    been made to do.

    After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the
    woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack
    in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

    The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your
    side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I
    have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your
    side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them."
    "For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to
    decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would
    not be this beauty to grace the house."

    Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we
    each have that make our lives together so very interesting and
    look for the good in them.

    SO, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to
    smell the flowers on your side of the path!

  24. At 11:49 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Susie wrote:

    Hey kids,

    It's been ages since I left a note on this bad boy...so how is everyone? Tickety boodles I hope.

    The weather is definitely a bit Ben Stiller today, which is good as it means we don't have to be scared about trees falling down on us anymore. Bonus.

    I had a dream about you the other night Chris - we were at a party and were the only ones sober (i don't know you but I know myself well enough to know that this is fairly unlikely at a party!) anyway, we were there on this little table for two ordering big mugs of tea - it was delicious tea! And then i woke up.

    Right I'm off to do chores.

    Susie x

  25. At 11:51 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Re: #134

    You're not wrong Hazel.

    As I sat cursing in jam after jam trying to get through Guildford last night I just wanted to get home. When I finally got moving I passed a fallen tree in Shalford with a crushed BMW underneath it.

    I can only hope that the car was parked up and empty when that happened.

    Puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?


  26. At 11:51 AM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning everyone!

    My youngest bear decided to roll in a huge smelly mud bath in the woods on our morning wander... Yeeeuuuukkk! It took a severe hosing down on the yard and then a double towelling down to resore her to her former glory but what a stink! Wet dog, not pleasant!

    I won't be around next week as I'll be hurtling down a mountainside in France with planks strapped to my feet and it's forecast snow for Monday/Tuesday Hoorayyy!!!

    Sparkle- my thoughts are with you I've been through it with my mates son... the good news is he seems to be through the other side and now has a lovely girlfriend and is happy in his life again. It's hard but you have friends here who you can unload on if you need to.

    Big-Un I'll be thinking of you later and sending you loads of good vibes {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

    Am also sparing a thought for anyone that lost anyone yesterday... kinda puts the OAMC into perspective.

    Loads of
    & the Bears (even the smelly one)

  27. At 11:52 AM on 19 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Just been listening to Jarvis Cocker track of my years with Ken Bruce!

    I was a huge fan of Pukp in my mis spent youth and a big fan of Jarvis, and listening to him he really didnt dissapoint (as many icons do!!)

    He made a point I loved, he choice some very "un cool songs" and when ken bruce asked him about it he pointed out that music serves many purposes, and like myself he hates music snobs!

    I love music and love profound lyrics clever melodies but also i love the simple uncomplex stuff. The only way I class it is if I like listening to it for whatever reason!!

    I decided to share this as im on my own in the office so you were my only outlet!!!


  28. At 11:54 AM on 19 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Time really does fly by, the two hours listening to the drive time show are the quickest two hours of the day!

    Hazel - re# 134 on yesterday, very well put! How awful for those people!

    Sparkle - I hope you get some comfort from the msgs posted for you xx

    Em26 - Happy 3rd Birthday to Ben and a {{{hug}}} to his lovely Mum xx

    Keith - I can't believe its 3 months! My prayers and thoughts are for you today. Lots of love xx

    Mary xx

  29. At 12:09 PM on 19 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Keith - I really, really hope you get the bestest news today 'cos you're lovely xx big hugs to you {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

    Sammy M - you're very welcome to the nuthouse - it needs more residents! Hope you know what you've let yourself in for!!!!! As for 'stinky' work, I'm with Charlie!

    Em 26 - happy, happy birthday to Ben - I hope you have a wonderful weekend together celebrating xx

    Sallycat - good morning lovey - was it Johnny Nash who sang 'I Can See Clearly Now?'

    Jo - oh, you lucky thing - enjoy Harvey! xx


  30. At 12:10 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning (just!) wonderful Bloggers!

    Chris - I love the weather! Just can't get enough of the contradictory nature of it all.

    Yesterday was indeed as though God was having a tantrum and today He's feeling much better - just goes to show, let it all out - you'll feel better for it afterwards. Enjoy the continuing mildness - there's a cold snap on it's way apparently.

    Did you know that in Medieval times, grapes grew as far north as York?

    Keith - I really do hope all goes well today. Will be thinking of you and awaiting that all important update on the Blog! Best wishes and hugs and kisses to you and your family.

    All - some new words for you all:

    TESTICULATING. Waving your arms around and talking B*ll*cks.

    BLAMESTORMING. Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.

    SEAGULL MANAGER. A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, cr*ps on everything, and then leaves.

    ARSEMOSIS. The process by which people seem to absorb success and advancement by sucking up to the boss rather than working hard.

    SALMON DAY. The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die.

    CUBE FARM. An office filled with cubicles.

    PRAIRIE DOGGING. When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see that's going on.
    (This also applies to applause for a promotion because there may be cake.)

    SITCOM's. Single Income, Two Children and Oppressive Mortgage. What yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids or tart a "home business".

    SINBAD. Single working girls. Single income, no boyfriend and desperate.

    STRESS PUPPY. A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.

    PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE. The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

    ADMINISPHERE. The rarefied organisational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the "adminisphere" are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve. This is often affiliated with the dreaded "administrivia" - needless paperwork and processes.

    404. Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404 Not Found," meaning that the requested document could not be located.

    OHNOSECOND. That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake (e.g. you've hit 'reply all')

    GOING FOR A McPoo. Entering a fast food restaurant with no intention of buying any food, you're just going to the bog. If challenged by a pimply staff member, your declaration to them that you'll buy their food afterwards is known as a McPoo with Lies.

    BEER COAT. The invisible but warm coat worn when walking home after a booze cruise at 3am.

    BEER COMPASS. The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after booze cruise, even though you're too drunk to remember where you live, how you got here, and where you've come from.

    BREAKING THE SEAL. Your first pee in the pub, usually after 2 hours of drinking. After breaking the seal of your bladder, repeat visits to the toilet will be required every 10 or 15 minutes for the rest of the night.

    JOHNNY-NO-STARS. A young man of substandard intelligence, the typical adolescent who works in a burger restaurant. The 'no-stars' comes from the badges displaying stars that staff at fast-food restaurants often wear to show their level of training.

    MILLENNIUM DOMES. The contents of a Wonderbra, i.e. extremely impressive when viewed from the outside, but there's actually naught in there worth seeing.

    MONKEY BATH. A bath so hot, that when lowering yourself in, you go: "Oo!Oo!Oo! Aa!Aa!Aa!".

    MYSTERY BUS. The bus that arrives at the pub on Friday night while you're in the toilet after your 10th pint, and whisks away all the unattractive people so the pub is suddenly packed with stunners when you come back in.

    MYSTERY TAXI. The taxi that arrives at your place on Saturday morning before you wake up, whisks away the stunner you slept with, and leaves a 10-Pinter in your bed instead.

    Have a splendiferous Friday!!

    S xx.

    PS - I edited the very rude ones....

  31. At 12:15 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello! Think I blogged yesterday but can't find it so am blogging again today. Let's see if this one gets through.

    It's Cath here, renamed Tinsel in honour of a little stray cat which crept thruogh my catflap on Xmas eve and hasn't left!

    BIGUN - Good luck for today - I join Hazel in sending you virtual XXXXXXXX's and lots of good luck - 3 months already, blimey.

    Chris, you jammy so and so - if I take my car in for a new lightbulb it ends up costing me £200 every time! Is it cos you're a boy do you think?

    Can't believe it's Friday already - my first week in my new job has just FLOWN by.

    Much love to everyone and sorry for no personals, just had to skim today's blog.

    Have great weekends all.
    Tinsel (aka Cath)

  32. At 12:17 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Plat Du Jour Tout Leth Mondeth.

    Haff bin at Dentiths thith morning and ath a rethult am dribbling everywheth. Not Happieth Bunny In World.

    I had 4 FOUR Jabth. Not Happy. Faceth ith bumb from nothse down. Have thpilled coffee all down the front of me.

    Have taken picture of my wonky faceth tho that you all can theee it. It will be on my web page tonight.

    Chrithoph you are withzard who prevented OAMC lathst night, I believeth.

    Going away to dribble thome tea now.

    Thee and Sthpeak to you all Later.

    Mange Touthse


  33. At 12:24 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Hi bloggers and schloggers
    Just gone back over last nights entries and was really saddened by Sparkle's entry and then uplifted by Big Un's great response. As other's have said, we're all here to listen and help when we can, I'm sure we all have some expertise in some field somewhere!

    Took me a third longer than normal to get home last night, I usually go A4361 (which was closed owing to a tree being uprooted) and then the A4 which is a very exposed road so I get battered badly in my little Fiesta on a slightly windy day so dread to think what would have happened last night.
    Bad news about the deaths, thoughts and prayers are with all the relatives of the victims
    Good news hear yesterday (Wiltshire) as Thames Water finally lifted a hosepipe ban which has been in place since last April! So far this winter we've had numerous flood warnings, guess it must been the wrong type of water to fill the reservoirs!
    Another rambling today
    TTFN all
    Tiggy xx

  34. At 12:26 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Afternoon All My Friends and Blog/ schloggers

    Your right Chris, What was all that about, Our signs on the showroom blew off, damaged 4 cars and just missed work college.

    Enzo you dirty doggie, makes me go Yuukkkkaaa

    Peeps Ive been so busy last cpl of days not had time to read all blogs.
    How did Moose meeting go?? I see he's not on here as yet today.

    Well My last day at work today, back in on my Birthday 30th.
    Ive booked 6 days that i had left over from last year, so i can relax before and during PANTO shows. I can't believe its here already. Well i got the weekend to just sharpen my song up. I'll be fine, I keep telling myself !!
    Anyone in Huddersfield want a ticket for Thusday night ONLY (none left for others) leave blogg and i'll get in touch somehow.

    All request Friday, Chris if you read this, could you play my panto song PLEASE, Its called "you Two" and its from the film chitty chitty bang bang.

    Ive even moved our office radio so i can hear the whole of the show.

    Well i'll pop back later to check on peeps

    Nurse Molly Coddle

  35. At 12:26 PM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Going out very soon, but just wanted to say hello to everybody and thank you for all the wonderful messages, some amusing and some profound, but all touching different aspects of our lives.

    Keith – As I’m new to the blog I didn’t know the significance of today for you, so I’ll be thinking of you with even more love. I also think your Chinese words of wisdom – how beautiful and those will be saved.

    Hazel Love – I did respond earlier today, but am still very aware of all those who didn’t arrive home and of their grieving families.

    Sparkle – You’re still in my thoughts and I knew that there would be some amazing words of advice for you.

    Em26 – More Happy Birthday greetings for dear little Ben, from a very proud Granny of a 2 year old Ben. Xxx I hope you have a very happy day too. I agree wholeheartedly with your comments #25 and are you on your own in the office all day?

    MfR – we sometimes need to be given such food for thought don’t we.

    Really had better go now, so will give you all a rest from my ramblings, until I get back – hopefully in time to hear Chris’s programme.

    xxx from sallycat

  36. At 12:29 PM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Jillygoat - yes, you dear and clever friend - it was Johnny Nash who recorded 'I Can Clearly Now'. That lovely song always lifts my spirits and makes me feel optimistic and joyful, as though I can keep going for that little bit longer when things are difficult.

    xxx sallycat

  37. At 12:31 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Forgot to say:
    Big Un - hope the news is good {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you!

    Em26 - happy birthday to Ben, they are so cute at that age! I remember when Chloe (my 'granddaughter' - I have no kids of my own, she belongs to my step daughter) was that age, she was so cute, thinking she was all grown up! She's 5 now and definitely a kidult!

    Tracey-Ann - so good to hear you sounding so well, make the most of your grandparents, they are so special

    Moose - hope everything with everything goes well and hope you are able to reschedule the OAMC {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} for you too

    Going now, have to work (boo hiss)

    Tiggy xx

  38. At 12:35 PM on 19 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Keith - I've just caught up with the latest blogs from yesterday and your words about your son made me take a huge gulp. I truly hope you, your son and family find a way through all this. You have such a lot on your plate at the moment xx

    Hazel Love - #134 - well said hon x

    DD - you said it all - keep on boppin' !!

    Sparkle - if you're feeling extra heavy today, it's just us bloggers right there with you xx

    jillygoat xx

  39. At 12:36 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Moose - are u ok???????

  40. At 12:45 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Mr. Evans - your comments about time struck a chord. The whole of 2007 so far has seen me conscious of time and time slipping away (mental image of Dali’s The Persistence of Memory at this point !!)

    Time never used to bother me. It was something I gave freely to anyone and everyone. Running around doing mad and fantastic things with out a care in the world - and I wouldn’t change those days and years for anything.

    However - since hitting 30 its as if I’ve all of a sudden become mortal. I am increasingly aware of things I never was before and have realised that although I have a super duper, very responsible grown up job, I'm not where I want to be. I am sure plenty of people would love to be where I am but I'm not. The shallow circles I used to mix in are all but gone - mainly because as I became older the more that way of life became less appealing. Rather than running around with pop stars now I much prefer to potter on my allotment!

    Not to say I don’t still enjoy the odd jaunt but its taken me a long time to know which were my real friends, which wanted to be my friend just for who I knew and which were my friends only for the duration of another friends "fame". Nice. Still, it means I have the best friends in the world who I love and adore....

    Being conscious of time I have decided that 2007 - all 365 days of it - are, in the words of McFly - All About Me (ok I know it was All About You - but you know what I mean !!!).... I am going to do all of the things I need to do in order to attain my goals and be in the place I actually want to be. I have made a good start and will continue to do so for the rest of the year. Every single positive day of 2007 will see me one step closer to fulfilling my goals. Bring it on !!!

    Blimey - all a bit reflective for a Friday !

    Sparkle - Frank is a great service designed for parents and children alike. You can call them on 0800 77 66 00 or find them on the web at www.talktofrank.com I am afraid I do not have any personal experiences of drugs and no children so can not comment. Many people in my industry do coke to get them through the day - I can’t even begin to say I understand. My thoughts are with you. I really hope you are able to find answers and peace of mind.

    Big Un - GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK !!! I hope it all goes really well for you today :)

    Work to do !

    The weekend brings a spring clean of the potting shed and possibly a new lick of paint, might also meander around some garden centres for the best early potatoes !!

    As always,

    Tracey-Ann x x x

    P.S – Moose – have you had the HR exit strategy meeting yet ??

  41. At 01:01 PM on 19 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Hazel - have dutifully thanked. Re the nappies - so that is where i was going wrong!

    Mushroom and stilton bake - not a complex one and would probably have people climbing the walls because it is neither healthy, nor challenging - but it is darn tasty!!

    Mushrooms, preferably chestnut, as many as you like.
    Stilton, as much as you want depending on how strong you want the sauce to be.
    Single cream, see stilton. Ensure you are covering the mushrooms with the sauce.
    Brown (day old) bread crumbs.

    Melt the stilton in the cream, lightly dry fry mushrooms with a little salt to bring the flavour out. Pour in dish, pour stilton sauce over, cover in breadcrumbs, put in overn (180) for about 25 mins till crumbs are crispy. Serve with roast potatoes, veg of your choice and a glass of red....or white....or water. proper winter food.

    Keith, am crossing fingers, arms and legs. x

    Em 26 - Happy birthday to your little one. and have a large drink for yourself, as you say, you did all the hard work!


  42. At 01:03 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Like the words Sammie.

    One more I'd like to add, indeed, one that I seem to come across on a daily basis;


    Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.

    Where's Moose? Hope you're OK.


  43. At 01:05 PM on 19 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Sallycat - bless you xx

    Louis Armstrong's "Wonderful World" can make me smile and it can make me cry - depending on my mood - but it never fails to move me!!!

    Have a wonderful day, whatever you do

    jillygoat xx

  44. At 01:07 PM on 19 Jan 2007, kidsdad wrote:

    Hello CLP et al

    First go, so gentle with me I'm a Blog Virgin...part time student who was sent home from work yesterday because of the weather and told come back in monday...so in the library reading todays and previous blogs. I must get some work done but can't help reading the brill writings of you all.

    I thought the Father Xmas story was brill, what was the request or did you have to be there!!!

    must get on....Thinking about Enzo...if us men could do that we would never leave the house.

  45. At 01:07 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Howdy people. Today's Friday frivolity :

    A guy wanted to buy a (birthday) gift for
    his new girlfriend. Since they had
    only started dating, after careful
    consideration, he decided a pair of
    gloves would strike the right note:
    personal, but not too personal. Accompanied
    by the girl friend's younger sister, he
    went to Fraser's in Glasgow and bought
    a pair of white gloves. The sister purchased
    a pair of panties for herself. Inevitably,
    during the wrapping, the clerk got the
    items muddled up. The sister got the gloves
    and the girlfriend got the panties. Of
    course events conspired to stop the mux-ip
    being discovered in good time by the sister
    (ie he sent the package 'home' with the sister,
    who "happened to mention it" to the new girlfriend who in turn was very naughty and opened it immediately instead of waiting for her actual birthday)

    Therefore, the guy "sent" the panties
    instead of the gloves to the girlfriend with the
    the following note:

    I chose these because I noticed you are not in
    the habit of wearing any in the evening. If it
    had not been for your sister, I would have chosen
    the long ones with the buttons, but she wears the
    short ones that are easier to remove. The enclosed are a delicate shade, but the sales clerk that helped me has a pair that she assures me she has been wearing for the past three weeks and they are hardly soiled. I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart. I wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt other hands will come into contact with them before I have a chance to see you again. When you take them off, remember to blow in them before putting them away as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing.
    Just think how many times I will kiss them during the coming year. I hope you will wear them for me Friday night.
    I'm assured, by the way, the latest style is to wear them folded down with a little fur showing.

  46. At 01:13 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just beacuse it's Friday!

    Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
    Do you suffer from shyness?
    Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about White Wine (other coloured wines are available).

    White Wine is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. White Wine can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything.

    You will notice the benefits of White Wine almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had.

    Stop hiding and start living, with White Wine. White Wine may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use White Wine. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

    Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth or Dare, and Naked Twister.

    The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
    The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.
    The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
    The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing.
    The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the morning.
    The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
    The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.
    The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.
    The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy.
    The consumption of alcohol may be a major factor in getting your ass kicked!


  47. At 01:20 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    wilsmar - you gorgeous girl! Your best wishes will be passed on to the boy in due course...and (at the risk of being BP'd) as Tuesday is a skool nite I'm looking forward to, ahem, er, 'celebrating' with him this eve as we've got frenz over tomorrow and Sunday! A short while ago I purchased a very nice pair of black patent stilly boots (other types of footwear are available) so I may have to put these on at some point. I ain't walkin' anywhere!

    So anyway...

    Susie - what chores? Mine's a gin and tonic, thank you very much!

    MfR - you couldn't be righter. It makes me cross sometimes when you hear all the horns blaring in a jam on the motorway - it's sometimes because something dreadful has happened further on. Those people should be glad they're still fine!

    Sammie - love the 'testiculating' and the 'ohnosecond'. Did do larfin and larfin! (I had heard a completely different definition of 'Prairie Dogging' though which did certainly not include cake.)(Other types of baked goods are available)

    sallycat and jillygoat - now I'm singing 'I can see clearly now Lorraine has gone'. Mind you, it makes a change from 'Bye Bye Baby' (see previous post). I've really gotta get a radio in here. (other types of entertainment are available)

    TAG - d'you know some famous people then? Don't forget to take some time off just for YOU!...and about these parsnips.

    Em 26 - Pukp. Love it!

    Well, time marcheth on and all that...

    tempus fugit

    ps yes I know there'll be more later!

    pps my mind is like a plastic bag

    ppps my boss is wearing his friday pants again. Gawd 'elp us. Apparently now I look like David Bowie on 'Pin-ups'. (Other mega-stars who I am passionately in love with are available)

  48. At 01:20 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Dogwithnobrain -

    You poor thing! but your blog did make me laugh!!


  49. At 01:22 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Serves me right for chuckling at DWNB - have just cut my lip licking an envelope! Karma at its fastest!!

  50. At 01:23 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hallo Again Folks... Feeling my face again now.

    I just popped back in to say to Sparkle, be strong.....Is hard I know, but I don't think any of us would be able to cope any better than any of the rest.

    My son (bless) is only 15 and has just split from his girlfriend. He won't discuss it, and says he is fine. The closest we got to talking about it was over MSN... and he told me, "mum, there are some things in life I have to handle by myself, and I know you want to handle them for me, but I'm big enough to take them on and learn from my mistakes"..... oh boy....... some girl is gonna be lucky when she gets him.

    Take Care of Everyone's Wee Ones Out there..... We were all one once.


  51. At 01:26 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Debs '75 wrote:

    'nyang' is the saccharin sweetness to be found on this blog nowadays. I don't think it was how you envisioned it, Chris.

    It started off really well, with people responding randomly to your thoughts of the day, but now it's just a chatroom and, frankly, not much fun to witness.

    No doubt I'll be vilified for expressing my opinion (if this gets through!), but express I felt I must!

  52. At 01:36 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey sally cat im not in the office on my own all day but my assistant is very young and probably doesnt know who jarvis cocker is!!!


  53. At 01:49 PM on 19 Jan 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    Blogging early today as might not get a chance to later. Also doing it from work (first time) - so whispering - scared the IT police here will get me. Justifying it on the basis that I'm on my lunch.

    Just want to say all you on the blog are great - I'm so enjoying being a part of this.

    And Chris - the drivetime show is just FAB!!!!!!


  54. At 01:54 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Was hiding away (doing some work). Makes a change! I hear you all cry....

    God having a laugh? I don't think so. Just allowing some of us to suffer the natural consequences for what we're doing to His planet, I guess...I'm just thankful that He spares most of us from natural consequences. I for one would be in big trouble.

    Never had dogs and have never quite understood the attraction of them licking your face... now a moose licking your face is an entirely different thing.

    I guess those of us who work "normal" office hours never quite understand what it's like for others who do shifts or strange times. I used to work with a guy whose cousin had made some dosh in property development. His normal day looked like this:
    - breakfast at home with the family
    - take kids to school
    - visit current project sites to tell workmen what needs doing today
    - turn up at golf course for about 11am
    - play golf
    - collect kids from school
    - visit current project sites to check they did what they were told
    - go home
    I always thought that sounded pretty close to the perfect working day! Although I think 3 rounds of golf a week would do me. What to do on the other 2 days? Oh what a dilemma.

    My hours, the weather and a lack of decent FM reception (even at the top of electricity pylons...) have conspired to mean I've missed most of the shows this week. Friday is my dread day, also because I rarely get to listen. Hope I can fix it a bit tonight.

    Have a great weekend everyone.


    PS Tracey-Ann - Thanks for the concern! I think they are being entirely reasonable, but will find that out when we talk numbers on Monday.

  55. At 01:54 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    DWNB - I think you need the thoup de jour my darlin! Don't think you sound as though you could manage a plat!

    ah moi

    ps Where is CAKE! Cath, is now Tinsel. cathmel signing herself Catherine (must mean BIZNISS!) Missing you Cake!

    pps Mystic Mog if you know the whereabouts of Le Plum, could you please make sure she is fed and watered.

    ppps Q I think may be real, but M...one day we shall find you!

    pppps cathmel, try next door xx

    ppppps Littlest Hobo, wot no snow?

  56. At 02:00 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Deds 75 Can't agree more the blog is turning into a lonely hearts club or agony aunt type of thang.

    It is the Chris Evans blog after all.
    Hey just a bit of fun.

  57. At 02:00 PM on 19 Jan 2007, kidsdad wrote:

    Debs' 75

    Totally agree.... you can find chat rooms else where and the get together the other day won't help matters.

    CLP hope foxy wipped her feet before getting in your car...unlike mine where people wipe their feet when they get out ...thats what I get with 3 kids to taxi around.....must clean it later.

    It's Friday every smile and be happy

  58. At 02:01 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ms. Love - I still have a very healthy crop of Gladiator F1`s, happily get those parsnips crisps sorted out !!!

    Some of my friends, and indeed family members, are in the public eye. By todays standards of fame I don`t think its anything to aspire too. Its too easy and much too notorious. To me they are just my friends, they just do a different type of job to me thats all !

    x x x

  59. At 02:09 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    "What am I supposed to do with this?" grumbled a motorist as the policeman handed him a speeding ticket.

    "Keep it," the cop said, "when you collect four of them you get a bicycle."

  60. At 02:15 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Maggie wrote:

    While Chris was on holiday there was a quiz involving identifying the speakers. Who were the two people where the lady, sounded to me like Lesley Garratt, said something about catching sheep! I missed the answer, damn!!

  61. At 02:17 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Debs 75 - Each to their own I say. That’s your opinion and you have every right to it.

    Personally I like the blog but as it seems 90% of posts come from the same people everyday it has become more of a virtual community than pure observations of Chris' musings. Is this what Chris wants ? Who knows ?

    I love reading his every day thoughts and yes, it probably has changed a lot since it was started. I am sure there are a lot of lurkers who read rather than post every day and enjoy reading Chris' thoughts. I guess its an individual choice to read the comments that then follow.

    I would hate to see Chris withdraw this part of his show but have a funny feeling he might. I really hope I’m wrong !

  62. At 02:54 PM on 19 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    I have just popped into read the post before I go to the hospital. There are far too many of you to mention in person at this time (as time is short) I will try later but I could not leave without saying thanks for the support. I really only mentioned it because I could not believe it had been thee months (doesn’t time fly when you are having fun).

    Well you special bunch I will be back later, maybe tonight as I will not be coming back into the office this afternoon.

    I go now with a tear in my eye and t is your entire fault ;-))

    Bless you all,


    P.S. Sparkle, thinking of you! xx

  63. At 03:02 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    And I forget to say
    PS That's tea tonight sorted then! I assume other types of cheese are equally acceptable?


  64. At 03:09 PM on 19 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Right, I am trying AGAIN to get through!

    Have been zapped all day? What's wrong guys?!

    C xx

  65. At 03:12 PM on 19 Jan 2007, AS wrote:

    Would like to echo EG (Scotland) comments on #53

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though or in the words of Hazel Love (other opinions are available)!

    Thinking of you all whether in good times or bad, good health or ill - you are a super bunch of people to correspond with - either by lurking or posting. Keep on blogging.

    AS x

    PS- An elderly couple were on a cruise and it was really stormy. They were standing on the back of the boat watching the moon, when a wave came up and washed the old woman overboard. They searched for days and couldn't find her, so the captain sent the old man back to shore with the promise that he would notify him as soon as hey found something. Three weeks went by and finally the old man got a fax from the boat. It read: "Sir, sorry to inform you, we found your wife dead at the bottom of the ocean. We hauled her up to the deck and attached to her butt was an oyster and in it was a pearl worth
    $50,000 . please advise." The old man faxed back: "Send me the pearl and re-bait the trap."

  66. At 03:16 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Good afternoon one and all.

    I have just flown back from my grass skiing hoilday. Is everyone well?

    What's been happening. Thank heavens Chris is back.

    I'm afraid I can't stop as tonight is the Home for Retired Entertainers darts match. We have a speed boat donated by river motor boat cruises as the major prize.
    good day all

  67. At 03:23 PM on 19 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Tracy-Ann - i m with you on that one. Oh well, i am sure there are plenty more blogs in the blogging sea should that occur.

    Would be a shame though.

    Debs 75, the reason we all started discussing love, life and the universe was because CLP started it with his musings, feelings, learnings and teachings, sometimes even he has made me feel sickly in alrighty, we get you are in a better place now.

    But, he also has more day to day stuff going on and that is for me atleast, is a welcome diversion from some of the heavier stuff. At the end of the day the direction the blog takes is down to everyone concerned and that includes CLP.

    Like everything in life, we all have a choice about what we have in our lives.

    For the most part, its just a bit of fun!

  68. At 03:27 PM on 19 Jan 2007, anna wrote:


    Agony Aunt? maybe, sometimes we all need to offload, and i happen to be interested to know that my virtual friends are ok!

    re lonely hearts, i think if you read closely you will find that most people are very open about the fact they are with somebody and those who arent use other more appropriate methods.

    There are some things this blog can be accused of. Lonely hearts is not one of them.

  69. At 03:53 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thank goodness for prof plum. Finally someone to put an end to all the madness. If i had known i could have donated his and hers gold plated jewellery.

    Good luck


    PS look at what you could have won.

  70. At 03:56 PM on 19 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Have been trying to send a message through all day - really frustrating!

    Chris - I want to say to you that I totally understand the "shift work" thing. I alternate one week early and one week late. On my early week, I hear you ... and you can guess the rest! At least, when you finish the show at 7pm, the rest of the evening is yours and even if you go to bed REALLY late, there is a very good chance you'll get to work on time the next day!!
    The breakfast show must be like constant jet-lag. How DOES Terry Wogan do it?!

    If you have read this far today and indeed read the preceding comments, you will see that the natives are getting restless. Some of us are fine and want things to continue as is. Some of us are jumping on the bandwagon that you were not entirely convinced of the comment-type people of this blog getting together. As things turned out, Mother Nature had other ideas and the meeting was cancelled.

    I cannot agree (entirely) that this blog is too sickly. I have read lots of posts where people have shared things that have really bothered them, the latest being Sparkle who has discovered her son his doing cocaine. Can anyone honestly object to BigUn's response to this? It was utterly breathtaking. There is so little compansion these days and almost no honesty. I think both these things are to be found in abundance on this blog. Yes, sometimes we do GO ON a bit, but hey, bite me!

    Chris - it's your blog. Are we making a hash of it?

    Love to all (even Debs 75!!)

    C xx

  71. At 04:09 PM on 19 Jan 2007, The Debstaer wrote:

    Ahhh Chris! I used to love waking up to you and now I love to drive home with you. I'm just grateful that you're not on during work hours as I'd miss you altogether.
    Do you feel the positive zing in the air today? I've got the spring surge rushing through me and it's only mid Jan! A tad ealy n'est ce pas? I feel like the first one at a party! I can't deny it - if I were a daffodil I swear that my buds would be ready to pop!
    A good weekend to one and all,

    Debs xxx

  72. At 04:11 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey BigUn.

    hope you are back safe and sound......

    Will be thinking on the road back home...


  73. At 04:19 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Susie Mac wrote:

    Well thats me for the weekend, jut finished the last job of the week cleaning the toilets! Supposed to take in turns but no-one else does it - the joys of being a company director.


  74. At 04:21 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Janice wrote:

    Re Debs'75 comments - I absolutely concur. I have schlogged before on this blogg - only ever on this blogg but this will be my last posting as I feel the blogg has lost its direction and purpose. Also, it is so very cliche that there's no fun left for those of us not in the loop. It may be that the community here is very supportive of one another, but only those perceived by a select few as belonging to that community.

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

  75. At 04:29 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Hust a quickie today (ooo er misses)

    Thanks to Gaby, Anna, Sallycat and all that wished me well with second interview, I think I whant it (does whant have an h I'm never sure, but it has a certain poshness to it with one) apparently I will know on Tuesday.

    Big Un - hope all good news coming your way.

    Tinsel - landed on you paws this time me thinks.

    Take care all
    It's the WEEEEEEEKEND Yipee!!!

  76. At 04:32 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Sorry for tardiness. I got up late after having to spend a long time yesterday and yester-night repairing bits of the Institute that had fallen off/ blown away etc. Ravel was with me the whole time, and we were most certainly comrades in arms against the elements.

    So, no OAMC for you all. Sorry about that. Dr Booth was despondent, as he was hoping very much to stop lurking and actually meet some new people (I don't think he gets out much)

    Like Moose, I've spent the day working. Lecture course coming up, and I've got a week to prepare a dozen lectures. Should just about make it.

    I didn't win the laptop, but I've had another pop at the prize. Read this week's story, if you like. All I ask, if you enjoy it, is that you VOTE FOR ME


    Big 'Un: I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well.

    PLum: I thought you were dead!

    Lyndy Loo: what are the benefits of red wine?

    Moose: How do you blog from a gym? Methinks you are not taking your workout seriously enough.

    Chris: Have you de-wormed Enzo recently?


    J McC

  77. At 04:38 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Ashley Hyne wrote:


    Heard you going on about dog experts and all that ... I don't know much about that but I do know that Sarah Fisher does something called T Touch and saw her at the Dog and Bone show and she was fab. Get her on; she's married to someone really famous too. Bet you'll never guess. But I'll give you a big clue: VAMPIRES!

    Oooh, spookey!

    All the Georgie Best,

    Ashley Hyne

  78. At 04:47 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and a good evening to all back in Blighty...


    "You always pass failure on the way to success"

    It may be a tad later, but I hope that your afternoon was indeed successful and that you returned with a spring in your step. You have my warmest regards.

    Friday always lurks in the shadows but before one knows it, the day is upon us. What a shame that the weather curtailed the inaugural gathering of the BCC. But think on:

    "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans"

    So on to another weekend. In a strange twist of events, it appears I have inadvertently offered my services for a curling match. Oh dear. I am a rank amateur at best and playing with mainly Canadians who are curiously adept at this intriguing sport. Oh well, I hear there will be a suitably rewarding post-match libations session so that confirms my attendance.

    To one and all, I wish to you a fine weekend positively littered with happiness and auspicious happenings.

    Only a few hours until my lunchtime tipple and with the show to carry me within striking distance of the aforementioned libation, it'll be here in a jiffy.

    Good day to you

    Dr. T

  79. At 04:54 PM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Home in time to listen to the entire prog. Yippeeeeee! Must have a cup of tea and enjoy the next couple of hours. Catching up with the days comments too. Delish.


  80. At 05:35 PM on 19 Jan 2007, annie wrote:

    My baby (OK she is 23!) leaves home in the next day or two (when Dad has finished doing up her flat!!) It's all good and i am trying NOT to be upset!!

  81. At 05:48 PM on 19 Jan 2007, bunty bombshell wrote:

    Christophe lambpie.

    Oh no there's two Vals from Wigan. Tell you what, I'll be Clodagh instead. Hurrah!

    Welcome back anyway you big Ginga Hunk of Gorgeousness.

    Don't ask me for a snog though, I'm a bit nervous of where Enzo's bin and I'd rather be shot than poisoned.


  82. At 05:52 PM on 19 Jan 2007, kerry m wrote:

    I have to say this is my final post as well, have posted a few times here, and when I have mentioned any trials and tribulations, they have gone un-noticed as i havent been in the loop.
    As much as I feel for what others are going through, i think it is more about the bloggers daily dairy and not about what chris is saying.
    So I will always read what Chris has to say, and ponder on it during the day.

    All the best to all, i hope things get better or are at least resloved for all who are suffering at the moment, as i do for myself and faimily

    kerry m

  83. At 05:56 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Great to have you back, whats happened to du Humous, a wonderful fridge grabber, thou I am fond of the old boursin especially on Hovis biscuits with a slither of smoked Salmon on top.



  84. At 06:05 PM on 19 Jan 2007, M wrote:

    Hi chris. For the first time in my 41st year i dont know "who i am" thanks to your blog. You see, im up and working through both the breakfast show and yours.tell me?Where do i belong! Both make my days jourey enjoyable. Its good to have the company.
    Got home and boogied my way t hrough a bit of housework Thanx!
    Off on an adventure on Sunday, can't wait, Won't get You's and tel where im going- Bummer!
    have a good one all

  85. At 06:06 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    What a great show! Hi to all. Not viewed the Blog before but heard The Man talking about it lots, so thought I'd better take a look at last - great community you've got going!
    Proud to be one of the listeners - fab show!!

  86. At 06:13 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I am shocked. The prize for the darts match for the winner at the home for retired artists was only an hour in a motor boat, with number 666 on the side. Not quite a sunseeker is it.

    Oh well, nice to be back, not dead just yet Crumble.

    Anna love you too lollipop.

    Big Un hope all goes well with you.

  87. At 06:16 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Janice - I hope you may read this, but if you don't it's a shame.

    Even though you perceive it thus, there really is no clique on here. There aren't really any 'in' jokes, except those usually relating to football, and I can't be doing with that anyway.

    People use this forum following on from something that Chris has said, and although it always ends up like embroidery rather than a thread, there is usually a common theme.

    We swap recipes, because Chris lists his sometimes. We discuss love life because Chris does sometimes. We discuss animals because Chris does sometimes. We discuss work because that is where most of us are during the day, and that is what is relevant.

    I go on here because I really enjoy the show, and I really enjoying 'meeting' everyone on here.

    I try not to put 'saccharine sweetness' on here, I do try to be sincere, and please accept my apologies if my sincerity comes across as the aforementioned sweetness.

    I'd have been totally lost last week without the people on here for reasons I'm not going to go into now, suffice to say that once I'd been on here, I felt so much better.

    Maybe the idea of the OAMC is a bad one, maybe not, we shall probably find out in the fullness of time, but in my opinion, anything, like this blog, which helps anyone maybe have a bit of a better time of it can't be all bad surely.

    I don't even know if this will get through.

    Enjoy the show

  88. At 06:38 PM on 19 Jan 2007, chris m wrote:

    hi chris lovely to hear you again-did i miss something on the blog???why do you sign CLP-Can someone tell me???

  89. At 07:07 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Monica-ca-ca-ca wrote:

    What a gent you are Chris escorting Foxy home in the yukky weather - Quite right. I know what you mean about working funny hours but I love the fact that there's an intense burst of CLP and posse squeezed into the end of my day. Your prep is worthwhile for us listeners and I love the way it seems sometimes like you just think of an idea and then do it. It makes the shows really fresh.

    Deb 75, I kind of know what you mean but you can't control the content or frequency of schloggers. Good luck to the daily regulars and if by sharing, people support and help one another then surely thats what its all about.

    We've all got stories to tell and I think you have to find support from wherever you can these days. Its a community like any other and I'm going to try not to feel excluded just because I'm not able to join in the chat every day.

    Have a fab weekend one and all, folks.

    They say it might snow over t'weekend!



  90. At 07:42 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    OK - so someone called Jax posted today. It wasn't me and I want to say welcome to whoever it was but......it means I shall have to change my name.

    After a lot of consideration (hence the lack of posts from me today - I was thinking) I've decided you may call me Tinkerbell.....Don't know why, don't know where I came up with it but that's what I've decided.

    Feeling very poorly today. I had a bad cold over Christmas and I just can't seem to shift it. I now have the worst dry, hacking cough in the world ever....think I must have really annoyed all my work colleagues today. Everyone left early - I was the only one in my team still there at 5:00. (Either that or it due to it being POETS day.)

    Sparkle - I'm sorry to hear that things are a bit tough right now. Thinking of you and sending {{{{{hugs}}}}} and the strength to get through everything thrown at you.

    Hazel Love - looked back at post #134 yesterday. Very true and poignant.

    Gotta go and to dose up with Benylin (other cough medicines are available).

    J'ai mal a la tete!

    TinkerBell (formerly Jax)

    PS I didn't make it to belly dancing as was still trying to get home at 9:00 last night!! Typical.

  91. At 07:43 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Jackie S. wrote:

    Well i have not been able to listen since you got back from a rather extend christmas, cos i have been working and my drive time has shifted. But i will be back next week.
    i was very grateful for not having to drive home last night due to the rotten weather. Althought driving to the hotel was rather scary as ti was down country lanes and the wind was howing, the trees were blowing and things were flying around only very nearly missing the car.Oh i am still at work and must get on if I want to go home at all.

    Just been readings Em's entry, i agree , (I now sound really old and I'm not honest) i styayed at home when my kiddi winkle were small and i loved it, the things we did, I was never board and they learnt far mor than if i had stuck them with a child minder or in an annoymous nursery. I will get of my soap box now sorry.

    Have a great weekend.

  92. At 07:56 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Debs '75, kerry m & Janice

    Sorry to read that you have tired of the blog.

    Yes, it has changed. But then it keeps changing, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse because it is a living thing.

    I don't agree with every post here, indeed, some are a little too 'sugary' for my taste, but then isn't that what it is all about? I don't believe for a second that everyone enjoys my posts, I just hope that some days I might post something that interests someone. If I don't, sorry, scroll on until you find something you do like.

    At the end of the day this is a place where Chris airs the first thoughts that come into his head in the morning and anyone, anywhere is free to do the same. Over time some of us have built a certain rapport, but that is human nature.

    There is no clique. An idea was aired that anyone who fancied it, or lived close enough, could attend a gathering. Chris voiced his disapproval, some of us were tempted, but the weather put paid to it. So what?

    I don't think the blog is about to implode. People will always come and go. Perhaps the ill-fated OAMC and these subsequent debates have been good as the air needed clearing?

    Whatever anyone else does, I'll keep blogging when the mood takes me until Chris decides to pull the plug.

    Be happy everyone.



  93. At 08:08 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Couldn't agree more...

  94. At 08:13 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big'un -really hope hospital went ok


  95. At 08:51 PM on 19 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Mfr - Very well put!

    Sorry for being quiet the last couple of days, I've not been feeling great, but I have read all your msgs, thanks for keeping me company.

    Have a good weekend all xx

    Take care
    Mary xx

  96. At 09:08 PM on 19 Jan 2007, fillybay wrote:

    Im only a part time blogger full time slogger. I still love to drop in and share my thoughts,sometimes when inspired by Chris and sometimes cause I feel like it.

    Hey isnt that what blogging is all about?
    And if a few folks find solace here,advice,love or fun so what!!!!

    You get out of life what you put in.....................
    Dont expect of others what you expect of yourself and dont forget to laugh,laugh,laugh.............

    Chris.........can we have a "eco eating advice" wednesday? How we can have a minimum enviromental impact eating habit.Idea inspired by info read that lettuce is 1 of the most energy costing foods to grow when out of season!!!

    Wishing all a fab weekend,abck nxt week,lv fb

  97. At 09:53 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    debs 75 janice and kerry m

    Sorry you feel this way. I personally read all the blog entries and not just thoses of my 'blogging friends' and I respond and comment as I'm moved to do so. I am sorry if this makes you feel not included. To be honest you get what you put in and if you blog once and wait for us all to make friends it's no wonder you feel disapointed. The rest of us blog and comment regularly and that is how the connection starts - it feels like a safe place to share. I believe that this blog is organic and constantly evolving and a very exciting thing to be part of!

    Evening Tinkerbell


  98. At 09:59 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Forgive me - I have speed-read - not a good idea when one is 'discussing' something as important as what's been happening on here.

    For the last 5 months, (that includes people who have just joined and is not exclusive, it is just a statement of time) the positivity on these pages have been it's essence.



  99. At 10:14 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    ps when I said 'positivity' in my last post - I didn't mean that we shouldn't discuss sad events (far from it)...I just meant it has saddened me that there has been negative energy today - which I feel has been the opposite of what has been helping to keep us here. Oh, I don't know - am tired now.

  100. At 10:26 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Keith - you know I am thinking about you.

    Hazel Love - these pages have been an enormous inspiration and motivation to me


  101. At 10:35 PM on 19 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    At least I was able to catch the programme this evening and enjoyed it.

    All the posts have been interesting and thought provoking and I'll be thinkiing about them all.

    Sugary? Maybe occasionally - but we can't have bitterness all the time. People have many different situations, emotions and experiences to deal with, often from one moment to another and surely there's a place for silliness, wit, serious discussion, compassion and everything in between.

    For example to read, late at night and after several amusing comments, a heartfelt plea for a caring listener - does one make light of the problem?

    Having only recently started to comment, I picked up the atmosphere that was generated by all the contributors. Is that wrong?

    Better say goodnight.

    all the best from sallycat

  102. At 10:48 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ok peeps!

    Have a great time while I'm gone. I'm sure that CLP (ChrissieLambiePie for those who were wondering) will have loads of good stuff for you while I fly down the piste.

    Sorry there are a few of you who feel allianated by the blog but I think it's probably the fact that Chris was off air for 3 weeks and some of us decided to carry on blogging in his absence, during that time we had to create our own things to talk about and this became a bit more like a chat room than the normal blog. Now that Chris has returned we have gone back to commenting on the show, his comments and the generality of the blog. I'm sorry if some of us have built up a bit of a friendship but I thought that was the whole idea, that we get to feel a part of the show, blog, shlog! For one, I love the whole idea of the shlog and I will continue on my return to contribute.

    Have fun and carry on shlogging!!!

    Mange tout!

    Sur la montagne!

    sans le Bears

  103. At 11:20 PM on 19 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Okay everyone,

    I've been reading back all the comments today.

    Lets stop playing here... Lets move over to Mooses, Give the Moose a Muffin..... and leave them to it for a while. We'll come back when they need us.


    i'll be over on mine.

  104. At 11:25 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    Yes and no

    Yes, as Chris says, whether you work morning, afternoon, evening or all three, where does the day go?

    Yes and no
    I agree but also disagree with comments about the blog comments.

    Yes, I feel it has got a bit sickly/like a chat room, with a small number of people evidently posting comments the whole day long. We don't all have the inclination or the time. But then again, if you do, why not?

    And also a resounding no. It was heartening to come home late yesterday, read through the entries and find what a positive attitude people had about the wizards conspiring against the OAMC get-together. Those who had never planned to go were so supportive of the others, and those who had planned to go were so OK about not being able to get there - making so light of it that it was hilarious (thank you Moose!)

    Communities of all kinds evolve over time. Some of us will like it some of the time, it won't be the case that all of us will like it all of the itme.

    Good times everyone!

    Jill xxx

  105. At 11:28 PM on 19 Jan 2007, T McLennan wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    If you're after a dog expert get Sarah Fisher. She's fab - just amazing with dogs.

    Tracey xx

  106. At 12:00 AM on 20 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Gaby, you sound a bit down? Hope the weekend lifts you and the Royals do you proud.
    As Scarlet O'Hara said.... tomorrow is another day.
    Have a safe and happy weekend - everyone.
    Night and God bless.

  107. At 12:15 AM on 20 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Hazel ....... we know what you're doing.
    Have a great weekend.

  108. At 09:25 AM on 20 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    I must say when you read the blog and someone acknowledges one of your messages it's a real pick-me-up - I usually smile from ear to ear. So yes, if you write something and it goes ignored you can feel left out, but as someone said you have to chip in regularly and you will get noticed.

    I have recently started a new job, the job was created for me following a temporary contract, others resent me and haven't welcomed me, yet. They don't know me so I have to let them know who I am and what I'm about, by making an effort - and that's what I'll do as although I go to work to do a job, I have to make friends to keep sane, and do need to feel respected.

    I haven't 'connected' with anyone in particular on this blog, but I do like to follow Moose and BigUn as I have interest in what they are going through. I like to laugh and I empathise with those going through difficult times. Some have stronger connections with each other, but again it's because of common 'virtual' ground. I'll keep chipping in and hope that someone is interested in what I say, or has a chuckle and maybe says something back to make my day!

    JoJo x

    PS Have a good weekend everyone.

  109. At 09:28 AM on 20 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    I must say when you read the blog and someone acknowledges one of your messages it's a real pick-me-up - I usually smile from ear to ear. So yes, if you write something and it goes ignored you can feel left out, but as someone said you have to chip in regularly and you will get noticed.

    I have recently started a new job, the job was created for me following a temporary contract, others resent me and haven't welcomed me, yet. They don't know me so I have to let them know who I am and what I'm about, by making an effort - and that's what I'll do as although I go to work to do a job, I have to make friends to keep sane, and do need to feel respected.

    I haven't 'connected' with anyone in particular on this blog, but I do like to follow Moose and BigUn as I have interest in what they are going through. I like to laugh and I empathise with those going through difficult times. Some have stronger connections with each other, but again it's because of common 'virtual' ground. I'll keep chipping in and hope that someone is interested in what I say, or has a chuckle and maybe says something back to make my day!

    JoJo x

    PS Have a good weekend everyone.

  110. At 09:29 AM on 20 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    I must say when you read the blog and someone acknowledges one of your messages it's a real pick-me-up - I usually smile from ear to ear. So yes, if you write something and it goes ignored you can feel left out, but as someone said you have to chip in regularly and you will get noticed.

    I have recently started a new job, the job was created for me following a temporary contract, others resent me and haven't welcomed me, yet. They don't know me so I have to let them know who I am and what I'm about, by making an effort - and that's what I'll do as although I go to work to do a job, I have to make friends to keep sane, and do need to feel respected.

    I haven't 'connected' with anyone in particular on this blog, but I do like to follow Moose and BigUn as I have interest in what they are going through. I like to laugh and I empathise with those going through difficult times. Somes have stronger connections with each other, but again it's because of common 'virtual' ground. I'll keep chipping in when I fancy and hope that someone is interested in what I say, or has a chuckle and maybe says something back to make my day!

    JoJo x

    PS Have a good weekend everyone.

  111. At 10:14 AM on 20 Jan 2007, The BigUN wrote:

    Happy Saturday bloggers,

    Update you asked for and update you will get! I am pleased to announce that the doctor gave me the all clear (with the small exception of one thing (no not that small thing) that I will have to be followed up) so I do not have to go back for another three months ;-))))) As the nurse should be able to deal with the follow up.

    All in all I do not suppose it could have gone better really. ;-))

    It is at this point I would like to thank everyone who cared for my well being on this blog yesterday it really did help me through what I have to say is a stressful time going to the doctor with so much at stake.

    I will return later after I have collected my car from the pub car park (the reason I did not post last night) and go and give my mum a hug.

    Keith the schlogger,

    P.S. I Love the blog warts and all ;-))))

  112. At 10:16 AM on 20 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    Do I keep repeating myself?

    Do I keep repeating myself?

    Do I keep repeating myself?

    You'd think I was trying to get myself noticed?

    Lovin' the show....

    JoJo x

  113. At 10:34 AM on 20 Jan 2007, BW wrote:


    I had a bit of a bad week this week. Was all set to do the London Marathon in April, training going well, when a huge dog ran into me and wrecked my knee. (It was huge, honestly!)

    Anyway, I've been off work all week and your shows have cheered me up. Long may you reign, my friend.

    By the way, you said last night (Fri) that you'd be on air "until March at least." You're not going anywhere, are you? Come on, just when things were looking up!

    Have a great weekend.


  114. At 10:55 AM on 20 Jan 2007, wrote:

    So pleased for you.
    Keep your chin up BigUn.

  115. At 11:22 AM on 20 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Good morning friends xx

    Keith - Really pleased to hear your good news xx
    thanks for letting us know xx

    Jojo - I'm sure things will be fine once you get to know everyone, sometimes it can take a wee while to settle down.

    Have a good day all.

    Mary xx

  116. At 11:45 AM on 20 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Great news - thank you for letting us know.


  117. At 12:21 PM on 20 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Happy Saturday all

    Great news Keith. I never usually come back to the blog at the weekend but made a point of looking today to see if things had gone well.

    Jojo - consider yourself noticed!

    Have a great weekend one and all.

    ciao x

  118. At 12:58 PM on 20 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    TheBigUn - I'm so pleased at hearing your news. Brilliant.

    JoJo - I'm sure the job will settle down and it won't be long before you feel as though you've been there ages.

    Love to everyone and have a great weekend.


  119. At 02:10 PM on 20 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Brilliant news Keith!! {{{{{{{mwoah}}}}}}}}}}

    Welcome JOJO, and JOJO and also I'd like to welcome JOJO

    C xxxxxxxxx

  120. At 03:31 PM on 20 Jan 2007, Lynne wrote:


    Great news Keith, you must feel chuffed to bits. Did wonder where you were last night.

    Jax, you little tink, I did wonder at the earlier 'Jax' as there was no mention of belly dancing.

    Gaby #99, I concur with what you say. What I think makes this blog so good is that there is rarely if any negativity.

    JoJo #108, you make a lot of sense. Good luck with the job too.

    Happy weekend everyone. We're expecting a lot of snow here tonight, so although I didn't get my skis out today, I should tomorrow. I wonder how Joannie is in Torronto?

    Lynne x

  121. At 06:13 PM on 20 Jan 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    just wanted to check if Big Un was ok . He is.
    thats great news! chuffed for you.

    like BW i was down for the London Marathon this year - but have suffered a very severe case of "joggers nipples" so have had to pull out......

    for what its worth i hope that the OAMC meets up soon. its a great idea and not compulsory - so only those who want to (for whatever reason) need turn up. isn't life about choices and individual opinions? go for it Moose !

    have a great rest of the weekend folks.

  122. At 12:45 AM on 21 Jan 2007, Granny Bev wrote:

    I have to confess!
    I checked in VERY LATE/EARLY to see how Keith (Big'Un) got on. I am so pleased to read the good news!
    lol (that's lot's of love - not laugh out loud!!)
    Granny Bev

  123. At 01:06 AM on 21 Jan 2007, mackie wrote:

    feel i have to write to agree with deb'75........comments now seem to bear little relation to chris's post.
    we used to remember things....tartan flasks and the like prompted by the "great one's" ramblings!

    i know that change is good ....but on this occassion i'm not so sure.

    sorry had to say it.

    roll on monday and chris's next entry!


  124. At 11:42 AM on 21 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I don't think there was an awful lot on Chris' entry to blog back about.... we blogged about yesterday's blog plenty. He leads... if he don't we do our own thing.


  125. At 11:45 AM on 21 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    It's interesting reading the recent comments; I certainly think the blog has changed a lot since I first started reading it (early summer I think when Chris first bought his beetle and went to see the house he's just moved into). I think this change was inevitable, as people's relationships have grown as they would have done if they had met face to face. I am interested to know how people are doing (Great news Big Un), but I have no desire to meet up as I think it might change things on here. However i think its great if the rest of you want to get to know eachother better, and I look forward to hearing how you all get on. What i think is lovely on the blog is that no-one is ever nasty to anyone else, and if you ever look at the R2 messageboards, people can be pretty horrible. I do tend to respond to Chris's comments, but if someone says something I feel needs a response I will give one (ie Sparkle's recent message). The main reason I come on here is to read what Chris has to say, but I'm interested in what the rest of you guys are up to, and if i have time I will read your words of wisdom too. If people can support eachother through difficult times, then I think that can only be a good thing.

    Love Em xx

  126. At 12:34 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Happy Sunday All!!!

    Keith - just read your update - I am so pleased for you and your family - great to hear some good news!

    S xx.

  127. At 01:41 PM on 21 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hello all

    I justed popped in to ask a question but thought I would add my own thoughts. As for the OAMC (what does it stand for?) Hugh at gaping void, who is one of the most successful bloggers around - it was he who started the Threshers madness before Christmas, often organises pub crawls, nights out, geek dinners etc. In fact i think they are meeting in London today for a geek cultural day out, going to a museum then to a pub. So they can be very successful. See As I'm in the wilds of North Yorkshire I can't really get to them but would make the effort if I was visiting London.

    Right the reason I came here was to ask if anyone took a note of the smoothie recipies the chap on Monday did - particularly the veggie ones? Yes it's that time in January! I know I could listen to the show again, but it would be easier if someone had written them down.

    Ciao x

  128. At 01:49 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Hey where is everybody. Ok, the meeting went wrong. Reminded me of that comedy show "One foot in the grave". poor old Victor shows up but noboby there.
    But hey maybe tomorrow .

    Stay cool dudes.

  129. At 02:09 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Sars wrote:

    Hello all!

    The recent negative comments on the blog have saddened me, and prompted me to respond with my thoughts. Sorry if this goes on a bit, it is written with feeling.

    I have read every comment since the day the blog began, and although I have plenty to say I rarely comment, simply because I do not have time at work. This does not reduce my enjoyment of the blog one bit. Neither do I feel excluded, it does not matter that no-one ‘knows’ me. I do admit it was great when my posts responded to, but it is not essential. The blog is inspirational, supportive and positive and those that contribute to it appear genuine, caring people who do not deserve to be upset by certain harsh comments. From my point of view whether the comments are funny, sad, moving or just off-the-wall they make me think and feel more in touch with life.

    I am genuinely interested in all that the ‘regulars’ and one-off contributors have to say. I care about what is happening to everyone, I may not have time to post ‘hope your meeting/doctor’s appointment/relationship/situation goes well/improves’ but I think it and mentally send good wishes none the less, and am relieved when good news comes through. No-one should feel like an outsider as many of the comments on the blog include good wishes to everyone anyway.

    Surely it is up to each individual to get what they want out of the blog? Some want to interact only with Chris, others with everyone, this should not cause a problem. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but sometimes if you haven’t got something nice to say, it is better off unsaid. Certainly don’t let a few people spoil it for the majority. The inspiration came from Chris and its success is a compliment to him.

    Personally the blog has lightened my life, particularly at work, and I would feel quite lost without it. If it, or indeed the ‘regulars’ disappear I would feel the need to participate on the alternative ‘next door’. I have read and agree with the recent comments on there. If the OAMC were nearer I would attend, and though perhaps I ought to feel like an intruder for the reasons given above, I doubt I would be treated like one. In fact I would now definitely come as a matter of principle and solidarity!

    I hope this is objective, it is not my intention to niggle anyone!

    Go on everyone, take a deep breath, smile, and keep this blog going – please!!


  130. At 04:12 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Over the past few days I too have been saddened by what has been happening here. I have tried to put my point across, but you have put it perfectly. I hope everyone takes time to read what you have said.

    As a 'regular' here I would be lost without the blog. I find it theraputic to pop my thoughts down each day, and as I said before, I do it for me, not to impress anyone or make friends.

    I am a fan of Chris' and a fan of the blog. May both continue for many a day!

    Cheers Sars


  131. At 05:53 PM on 21 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    BigUn - Good news!

    Mwk, Penguin, Cathmel, Lynne, Sallycat - thanks for the comments.

    Sars - nicely put.

    JoJo x

    PS Let's carry on regardless...

  132. At 08:11 PM on 21 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thank goodness there will be a new post tomorrow. Maybe some normality can return, reassuring to read that more people appear to be in support of the way it is evolving. Those people that dont wish to contribute anymore - sorry you feel that way.

    Annie - dont be sad. She will be back....... with her washing! ;o)

    Jackie S - cant see where your comment came from initially, but all i want to say to you is that some people have no choice but to work, and others (myself included) are better for working and offer their babies much more of themselves for being able to 'feed' themselves as well. Everyone chooses what is right for them and their children, nobody should judge them for it. You may well not have intended it appear judgemental and if i have misread your message, please accept my apologies, it is just a subject that i think gets a little imbalanced sometimes. x

    BigUn - yippee, i am so chuffed for you and your family. [HUGS] A toast of vin rouge to a healthy and happy future. xxx [hugs]


  133. At 08:48 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Your post was beautifully put - thank you.

    To be very honest, I was going to post tomorrow saying a very big thank you to the wonderful people on here, (of course including Chris) whose posts I have read since day 1 - every single comment. I was also going to say that I would still read (probably) Chris' blog because I have always been a fan of his and also because I find it an inspiration. I was also going to say that I was not going to 'be me' on these pages anymore. The negative comments made over the last few days have made me lose confidence to 'be me' here. The positivity and ease with which we could be ourselves on here has been so lovely. Having been, to a certain extent, ridiculed I have just lost the confidence to be myself. I know I should be stronger but....well....it's a very long story.

    Don't worry friends, I am not about to go into it.

    All I will say is that when I started to read this blog back in August - I was just emerging from a very difficult time for me - I am talking decades. I am not after sympathy, I am just stating fact that is relevant to what follows. I was starting to pick myself up, and then I discovered this blog. I have always been a fan of Chris' - and I feel saddened when he is patronised by people telling him not to go back to his 'old ways'. Haven't we all got 'old ways' ?? Anyway, yes, I discovered this and it has helped me in more ways than I can describe. I cannot thank Chris and my fellow bloggers for the massive part you have played in helping me on my road to self-respect and therefore happiness.


    For those of you who think this is 'saccharin sweet' .....believe me, after decades of sadness, I am not going to hold back from my thanks to my new friends when they have done so much for me.

    Anway, before i read your post Sars I was going to sign off - having thanked Chris and fellow bloggers. Maybe just contributing now and again, and only in relevance to Chris' post.

    You have made me feel more confident - thank you.

    The whole point of the above is to get my thank-yous in. It is heartfelt.

    I would like to suggest that it is Chris' positive attitude to life and the fact that he is himself that are two of his qualities that appeal so much to us? Two qualities, indeed, of this blog that have appealed to many of us?

  134. At 08:56 PM on 21 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Here Here Sars I agree completely with your post

  135. At 09:35 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    OH NO

    Before everyone packs there toys up and goes home. I must say this

    This blog has been very interesting with some very eleqeuent posters.

    The posts are great fun to read except when they enter the domestic routine too much.

    I too have been here since day 1 and know most posters.

    Sometimes we have to laugh at ourselves. Don't we?

  136. At 09:40 PM on 21 Jan 2007, ashy wrote:

    Sars and Gaby thank you so much for saying so eloquently what a lot of us feel but probably don't know how to say it!!As the great Togmeister would say there is always an off button should you be offended.Have spent most of today trying to catch up with you all. We have had no electricity from Thursday about 11.00 a.m until Saturday 1.00 p.m because of the terrible storms in North Wales.Having said that we are all safe and warm so I'm not complaining.I think we can at times take things for granted be it the everyday things like light and heat etc. and I feel that as individuals we get many different pleasures from this blog. I shall probably never be in the position to meet Big Un , Moose, Hazel Love, DWNB, and so many more that I can't mention, but does that mean that I can't be some how interested in what is happening to them please believe me I'm no agony Aunt but there are so many of you giving good,real advice, and sometimes to know that maybe there is someone out there listening makes all the difference. We are living in a great BIG world and life isn't always easy or happy but we all need FRIENDS and I am not a regular contributor to this blog but [and I'm trying not to sound too corny] just to be a very small part of this blog makes me feel better. I don't think that last bit sounds quite right but I know what I mean. Nos Da [Good Night] XXXXAshy

  137. At 09:52 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    oops, typo on my part ("not for the first time". I hear you cry)

    ....my post should have read 'I cannot thank Chris and my fellow bloggers enough'....not 'I cannot thank them' !!

    bonne nuit

  138. At 10:55 PM on 21 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    I’ll vote for that! Well said, Sars, Gaby, MfR and all other positive blog buddies.

    Inspiring news from you Big ‘Un, as we had from Tracey-Anne, and evidence from Gaby and so many others shows how beneficial it is to have lots of people, whether on-line or in-person, sending good wishes and good vibes. Petits pois et des grands arbres…..

    I’m looking forward to sunshine tomorrow, inside me even if not in the sky.

    Jill xxooo

  139. At 08:00 AM on 22 Jan 2007, wrote:

    To the disgruntled few! Sorry! But that is what free speech is all about! It was logical that the blog would change, I prefer evolve, as more people became aware of it's existence, and plucked up the courage to leap into the murky pool that is public speech! It was also logical that eventually people would start to build virtual relationships across the blog as their characters came out within their scrawlings.
    If people are being honest, something that can always be hidden in the written word, then people will be drawn towards the traits that they like in others, and that is how "the regulars" form into the "in-crowd" (perception).
    Chris' blog is the most open format that I have come across, the supportive nature of the bloggers is why it is the way it is, and that is down to the people who contribute.
    I' m sorry that certain people feel that the evolution is in the wrong direction for them, but it is apparent from the nature of the blog that the main contributors are content with the way the blog develops, if you're not then you can either change the direction by contributing, or (other blogs are available).
    CLP has at times commented that the blog can become a bit twee for his tastes but he is also amazed that at times the caring nature of the contributors is so strong. With so much ugliness in the world, the bloggers and schloggers restore my faith in people. That to me is very powerful!

    DD out

  140. At 08:09 AM on 22 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Morning and Happy Monday to all!
    Sars/Gaby/Matt, you said exactly what I was thinking but could probably not get across in my comments, thank you all {{{hugs}}}

    Keith - fantastic news! So glad you've got the all clear xx

    Getting ready for the big freeze, really cold in Swindon this morning but no frost yet. Supposed to be cold all day though, good job I don't need to leave the office until home-time!

    Have a great day all, hope CLP's words set us off on another good day today


  141. At 08:33 AM on 22 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    well said DD

    Tiggy xx

  142. At 08:35 AM on 22 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I would just like to qualify something I said yesterday eve - am not exactly sure why I feel the need to do this - I think it is that I just want to be honest and I don't want to have committed a hyperbole!! ....also, or maybe mainly, I didn't want to have given the wrong impression about myself.

    When I said I had all that '......sadness', I meant more that my soul was sad - that I didn't have self-worth...not that I have outwardly appeared sad (not that there is anything wrong with that), nor have I struggled to bring up my beautiful children. I think I felt that I had given the impression that I hadn't functioned for all that time. That certainly wasn't the case outwardly.

    What I was clumsily trying to emphasis was how much this blog has helped me, and it was difficult to do that without mentioning what had gone before.

    Thank you to the people who have posted such kind words on here over the last few days.

    Today is a new day. According to the Togmeister, it is the most depressing day of the year!! - let's change that : )

    Toujours le blog


  143. At 08:42 AM on 22 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good mroning bloggers,

    I trust you all had a good weekend, I know I did!

    So a new day and a new start another, week with a fresh heart so come on now join me in three deep breaths….ready ….steady …go………..one……..two………three!
    There I bet you feel better now?

    Right now to the business of the blog!

    As I see it three or four people stated that the blog in its current form was no longer for them. Well for me that is fine. I would like to thank them for their honesty. They showed good moral courage by posting their thoughts on here instead of just leaving with no word, and I respect that.

    This of course leaves me to think why so many of still do contribute to the blog in such great numbers? Of course the answer is the leadership we have from one certain Christopher Evens. He started this blog and we dutifully followed by responding to his ramblings. I think it was inevitable that online relationships would start as it is human nature and the fact that Chris has used real life example in his blog enabling us to relate these to our own lives. It is the fallout of our own lives that put the meat on the bone so to speak.

    This blog is a community and in my opinion a very good one. We have people from every walk of life with valuable experiences and wise heads. We span generations and gender without prejudice. I think this is typified with the contribution of Sars, anna, ashy, Gaby, MfR, jill, cathmel, Prof Plum in support of this blog.

    I really do hope you all return today in even greater numbers and support this blog and continue its move from strength to strength!

    Keith the schlogger,

    P.S. Gaby ("not for the first time". I hear you cry) your application to blog less is declined by the BigUn and I fear I may not be alone so come on…….the blog needs you! ;-)))

  144. At 08:49 AM on 22 Jan 2007, AS wrote:

    Am so pleased for you Keith.

    Have a great week everyone!

    Carry on blogging guys!

    AS x

  145. At 09:15 AM on 22 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    Glad to read that some of the unease has, well been eased over the weekend. It's always difficult when you come across something that seems already established, I don't think there is an established 'core' of schloggers on here although there are people who do comment regularly and repeatedly throughout the day. Surely it's human nature to be curious about others, even though it may be a fleeting contact, such as on the blog. The good thing about the blog is that it enables you to be open and honest about things which you normally wouldn't as people on here don't know you, or your family.

    Neither are they likely be judgmental, more likely they will be objective about whatever it is you throw into the mix.

    I know the blog can be sweet sometimes but surely that is a good thing when you consider what is out there (shudders at the thought of 'real' people)!

    I for one look forward to the blog and the interactions that go on here daily and will keep coming back to get my daily fix.

    :o) Jo

    *wanders around room retrieving toys and replacing in pram*

  146. At 09:22 AM on 22 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Good morning everyone!

    I fully echo Tiggy # 140 - well said peeps!

    I try to read Chris's blog every day and although I can't always respond, I always enjoy reading the comments. There are times when I feel moved to respond and times when I don't, but choice is exactly what we have here, so we may as well use it!

    Hope you're all in the warm right now - my office isn't heated over the weekend and it doesn't get warm until at least 3pm and by then I'm getting ready to go home!!!!

    Keith - what brilliant news - well done and continued good health xx

    jillygoat xx

  147. At 10:06 AM on 22 Jan 2007, emma wrote:

    On the subject, as one who "lurks" a lot and contributes a little (a very little lately) just thought I'd throw my thoughts in - I am one of those irritating types who can happily sit on the fence and watch the comments being slung back and forth...and typically, I do find my self agreeing with all sides.....I think the blog/shlog has become too difficult to contribute to at times as it is dominated by people who seem to have so much time to not only contribute, but read all the comments too!(what DO you guys do for a living???!) but I also find that I am more than happy to follow these stories (apart from when people write huge chunks - can't be bothered to read too long ramblings..) I often enjoy following the comments more than Chris's original entry. Many are very funny. I know too that if I wanted to partake I'd be welcomed in like so many newcomers are.......the bit that makes me want to throw up (the "nyang") bit for me is how sychophantic (sorry about spelling) it sometimes gets when Chris says something and a whole load of outpouring of how great he writes/thinks follows! (yuk) and winnie the pooh - ugh - but that's just my personal take on it and on such occasions I log off early! So that's my opinion for what it's worth -the point of the exercise is to take out of the blog what you want/need - and if you want to make it less "cliquey" then post a controversial comment of your own taste and see if you can start a new direction.....or just switch off! x

  148. At 10:16 AM on 22 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Just checking in to say I have now managed to catch up with all the comments since Friday evening.

    First - to BigUn, great to hear your news. I am so happy for you and your family. The more we are all getting to "know" you, the more we can see what a tough time you have had. I hope you know that I posted a message on Friday to say how wonderful your reply to Sparkle was.

    Second - to everyone else. There is no reason for any of us to leave the blog or to feel it's not the same. I think it's fair to say that we have survived our first "blip" and I think we should carry on as normal.

    I wish I could get the words out quite as eloquently as Hazel Love, Sars, Gaby, Ashy, MfR, DD, Jo and of course BigUn! If their words can't inspire us to continue, nothing can!

    Last, love to Moose - think he had a really hard time of it last week.

    C xx

  149. At 10:59 AM on 22 Jan 2007, Lynne wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    I seem to be having trouble logging on here this morning so I'll keep it short. I'm not sure how to paste a word document into here.

    I think the blog means different things to different people. For me it means I have a sense of being 'connected' to the UK after recently and for the time being moved abroad. I also welcome a blog that is generally so welcoming and supportive of everyone. It makes a change in this busy stressed life that so many people lead these days.

    Gaby- I do hope you continue to comment. I enjoy reading what you have to say.

    Well I'll see if this one makes it through!

    Lynne x

  150. At 11:17 AM on 22 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I don't think I'm having a hard time, but maybe I'm better at hiding it from myself than I am at hiding it from you guys?

    PS Come on CLP, where are you? We need you...

  151. At 11:27 AM on 22 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi everyone.

    Ok, I've caught up with all since I did mine on Friday, and of course, I immediately thought of a load of other stuff I could have written, but hey, never mind, pretty much everyone else seems to have it covered!

    There are way too many people these days who don't have the courage to put their feelings into actual words, so I admire those who have listed their reasons for not wanting to be part of this blog anymore, but like some of the others say, don't read the posts you don't want to read.

    emma - I totally agree with your 'nyang' bit, (if that's not being too sycophantic...). On your other point, surprisingly enough I do work for a living, and given the nature of my work, am in quite a responsible position. I am fortunate in that although I can be EXTREMELY busy at times, when I'm not, I really have very little to do. I'm usually on my own, so I go on here, sometimes I do the crossword, sometimes I read or sometimes I sit and look outside at the birds, sky etc...(other methods of entertainment are available)

    ChrissieS - Thank you.

    Gaby - the 'clumsily' bit, I'm right up there with

    and finally, just because I can, BigUn, the next three months will be a breeze, and not only because you get to see the nurse heh heh heh...you'd better make sure you leave your 'M-S' off that day!

    Belle Lundi a tout

  152. At 12:06 PM on 22 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Merry Monday All!

    What a lovely bright morning...

    Friday's date.... Hmmm - there won't be a second with him. I do however have another lined up for Thursday!

    Fancy Dress - categories are: Nursery Rhyme characters, Pop Stars or Bad Taste. I'm too late to join up with one of the other party goers, so will have to be solo - please help!!! No idea - am going to Fancy Dress shop today for a look....


    S xx.

  153. At 12:38 PM on 22 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello guys. Blogging here cos CLP seems to have mucked up his blog for today and I can't get into it!

    Please leave the blog alone. I think it's fab - it can be funny, thought provoking, you can get support if you need it (and sometimes it's easier to ask strangers than those closest to us for support) - it's just like being among friends every day. I know that some of us (me included) don't blog as much as others, but so what?

    The whole point though, I would have thought, is that if you have something you want to talk about - then go for it! Apart from the Blog Police, no-one else is going to stop you!!

    Peace and love my friends!


  154. At 12:39 PM on 22 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    I have tried to open the new blog and no can do!

    Anyone else getting a 404 page not found error?


  155. At 12:44 PM on 22 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    OH NO!

    404 - Today's page is unavailable!!!


    S xx.

  156. At 12:52 PM on 22 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thanks for putting up todays blog, if only I could read more than the title and the first 3 lines!

    Having problems mate, could you sort it out!

    DD out

  157. At 01:46 AM on 26 Jan 2007, Cat wrote:

    Hi bloggers. I've tried to get on before but no luck, so having another go. I'm usually so busy that I barely have time to breathe, let alone spend ages blogging, but I've been reading all your comments lately, and it's a great way of unwinding. I think it's great that people who have something in common, i.e. being fans of the wonderful Chris, can share their thoughts and feelings, so long live the blog. As many of you have said before, no-one forces you to read it, so if it really is that bad, do something else. I hope my comments get through this time, as I would like to feel part of the blogging community- you are all so different, and all have lots to say. So hi to everyone. Love from Cat xx

  158. At 12:45 PM on 01 May 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris, Woke up this morning to hear you have won the awards... Well done. The only thing that worries me is that we are havin a charity bash at your pub tonight and hope you will not be too hung over to come.
    well done again mate. Angie From EDEN HAIR

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