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Chris Evans | 16:26 UK time, Thursday, 3 May 2007

Honestly it's true, everyone's brain who works on the show is officially fried today, if not....


The organisation of the CHILDREN IN NEED FORAGING WEEKEND is taking it's toll, in the best of all possible ways of course.

We have pushed the boat out, as we should have done for these lovely people who've paid all this money but I now think the boat has taken on a momentum of it's own and we're having trouble tethering it back to it's mooring.

If you are coming, you will not be disappointed. I am confident it's going to be a cracking experience for everyone concerned. I was nervous about it but now i am sure we have done all we can to make sure it swings towards a bang, or at least in the right direction.

If you are not coming then I'd love to tell you all about it but I can't until it's happened because I don't want to ruin it for those who are. Tuesday first thing there will be photos a plenty on these very pages.

In the middle of all this there is a show to be done as well. Tonight SALLY is crowned Queen of the Truckfest, Nige dives in to the river to fish us out some lovely trout and we talk to the kingpins of this coming weekend.

Really gotta dash there's an intro to be written and I better check the torches have turned up.


CLP 2007



  1. At 04:43 PM on 03 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    You busy, busy man! We were getting worried!

    Can't wait to hear all about the foraging weekend for CIN, and seeing the pix.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    CtD x x

    PS: baked trout stuffed with lemon and herbs - delishi!

  2. At 04:45 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    I think it's the good weather and a bank holiday weekend that's fried most of our brains today! I'm now thinking that Thursday is actually a "Virtual Friday" and the wind down for the weekend has begun.

    A weekend of foraging sounds interesting, I'm sure the company will make it a good one. I think I prefer to forage down a nice restaurant I know in West Cork...freshest food you'll get. But each to their own!

    Hail Queen Sally and toodle pips for now..
    Tickle :)

  3. At 04:45 PM on 03 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - busy, busy, busy!!

    CIN Foraging sounds great - but where DO you hunt for them?

    Do you visit schools? Youth Clubs? Shopping Malls? Do tell...


    S xx.

  4. At 04:45 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Chris and bloggettes

    I'm sooooo jealous about missing out on the foraging foray - it sounds just great.

    Had a strange week so far - I'm convinced Ricky Gervais has met my boss - surreal meeting yesterday, possibly the most ludicrous morning of my working life!

    Well done Sally and Dr T from yesterday, my thoughts are with you, be strong and live life to the full.

    Choux fleur xxx

  5. At 04:45 PM on 03 May 2007, SCAMP1035 wrote:

    Chris, why the panic, we know you will pull it off, I wish I was comming, but will look forward to seeing the pics on Tuesday.


  6. At 05:18 PM on 03 May 2007, Cyril Bell wrote:

    Hi Chris and the team
    Fantastic show I love it !You so deserve the Personality award mate well done !
    Good luck foraging this weekend it sounds like a riot ! Would love to come but a neighbour, pulled our garden wall down with the ivy that was attached and My husband is going to spend all weekend rebuilding it, with his good mate Richard !! What fun ! Luv C

  7. At 06:01 PM on 03 May 2007, Peni wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I just went foraging in my kitchen cupboard. I found 6 tins of frankfurter sausages, and a small out of date tin of spam spread that I bought in NZ about 5 years ago. Do you think it would still be ok to eat? Do you think that it was ever ok to eat?...................

    No, neither do I. I actually only bought it as a joke, but it seems to have become a family heirloom.

    Have a good evening all
    Ps Congrats on all the awards, btw. Well deserved.

  8. At 06:11 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:


    please could you take a audio recorder with you an record a... Podcast for your scrummy podcast! - then we 'listeners' would get a feel for the CIN event you are having.

    well... May the 3rd be with you (tomorrow it's May the 4th!)

    Now.. go get some sun while you can.. it's a lovely evening..

    Sam in Bristol

  9. At 06:28 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Peni #7 - when my Mum went to the back kitchen in the sky a few years ago I found a tin of beans from 1986! i still have it - not sure why but it seems a shame to throw it out now!

  10. At 07:19 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Happy foraging - should return the brain to an unfried state!

  11. At 07:45 PM on 03 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Just want to say hurrah yippee wa-hey Christophe Lambie Pie, many congratulations upon your well-deserved Sony Awards, hurrah hurrah from the back of beyond in a very sunny Co. Kildare, where the ratio of humans to horses is alarmingly low, and the ratio of horses to awful eejits is spectacularly and wonderfully high.

    Happy foraging, I'm off to do a spot of that meself as we speak, except it's not mushrooms I'm after, but the Gay Best Friend's contact lens, lost somewhere around the winning post at Punchestown Races.

    If I find any truffles I'll let you know, although I won't be eatin' 'em after what they've bin' in contact with. They say you shouldn't wash 'em but I'd be usin' the Swarfega.


  12. At 07:59 PM on 03 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    You're weekend will be swell my friend.

    Having crunched the monthly numbers, I'm looking forward to a low-key day tomorrow, culminating in Star Wars ARF.

    May the 4th......

    Then. A long weekend!

    By the way. If you have any wild mushrooms left over, stick them on the menu for Monday lunch. I'm taking Mrs MfR over to The M.

    Peace and love, one and all.


    PS The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake.

    As the children of the sun began to awake.

  13. At 09:13 PM on 03 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    'Your weekend'. Of course.

    Pedants R us.


    PS Don't know what I want but

    I know how to get it

    I wanna destroy

    the passer by

    cos I

  14. At 09:57 PM on 03 May 2007, Roni wrote:

    Well Chris, I hope you have a very good forage!

    Will look forward to seeing your photographs.

  15. At 09:58 PM on 03 May 2007, rose wrote:

    You need to calm downmy dear

  16. At 07:56 AM on 04 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    I'm very envious that I won't be foraging with you all this weekend...... have a great time and I'm certain that it'll be a scream.

    Sammie & Hazel love - you're 100% spot on with your comments. Many thanks for taking the time to read and respond. MrsW often points out that also that it's "his loss".

    Not much planned for the weekend at the moment but 3 kddies in the house will probably ensure that plenty occurs.

    Won't do any "May the 4th be with you" gags....

    Have a brill weekend all you bloggers and blogettes

    Bonnet de douche


  17. At 08:17 AM on 04 May 2007, Mo in Twiglees, nr Lockerbie wrote:

    Hi Chris, I am going mad and my husband has gone to work and my dogs aren't saying much, I have got to get this dissertation in by 3pm today (Fri 4/5) I still haven't finished the inroduction to the thing, very important they tell me, but I can't seem to say anything that isn't said in the main body and I haven't done the conclusion, again coz I have concluded each chapter so feel its all been said. I still gotta sort out the title pages and all the 'pretty-ness'of it. Just printed some pages to check the punctuation, (why is it you can only really correct when it is in front of you on part of a tree?) and the printer is printing a shaded blue behind the text and I can't find out why or how to stop it.
    Up untill today it has been printing fine of course. On top of that I have got to get it bound professionally (3 copies!) which means I can't just hand it is at 5mins to go, and it will have to be ready and printed (46 pages) 3 times then taken to the printer. I am old 37 and have no idea why I CHOSE to do this degree. It is in heritage and tourism and I am doing my dissertation on why people visit heritage sites that are considered to have a dissonant heritage, such as Aushwitz or as my diss. uses, Robben Island. Any way, I just needed to have a good moan, so there it is. I didn't want to speak to a person in the real world coz I don't want to hear -there is someone worse off than me and I don't know Im born, coz I know there are and I do. Thanks. Its nice to have a virtual moan. love and stuff, Mo. x

  18. At 08:20 AM on 04 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    morning everyone,

    We were supposed to be camping this weekend but its pretty chilly here today and I think rain is forecast, but the trouble is, the friends we were going with can be pretty intimidating and I'm not looking forward to telling them the news (that we don't want to go) - I know I've got to toughen up and do what I want, rather than trying to please others all the time.

    Also on the subject of friends, my situation is a bit more complicated than that, we haven't drifted apart at all, i just feel a bit frustrated by the way my friend deals with certain situations, that's all. Wish I could say more but you never know who's lurking do you?!

    Happy foraging Chris, happy bank holiday to everyone else, whatever you are doing xxx

    Em xx

  19. At 08:25 AM on 04 May 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Have a great weekend Chris - from the snippets that were revealed yesterday it sounds like it will be a fabulous weekend.


    ps mange tout et piece de resistance

  20. At 09:08 AM on 04 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!


    This time in 59 hours from now....

    Big sigh :-)

    Another action packed weekend planned - only quiet times will be Friday and Saturday night - how have I managed that? Anyhoo, lots on, including visit to hairdressers - lush!!!

    Dull and grey here this morning, but that's OK, 'cos I'm in the office... "On a Friday?" you ask - well, yes, I know, it's unheard of, but there you go. I walked in this morning and many of my colleagues gasped!!! "You're not supposed to be here!" - Hmmm, should have just turned round and gone home again.

    Today is mufty day, which I love. However, this morning, I was supposed to put my boots on (with jeans), but forgot and have come to work in Birkenstocks (other quality flip flop type footwear's available...) - will keep my feet hidden under my desk today, I think.

    Boss is here now (in on a Friday AND before the Boss!), so best get to it.

    Will drop in later to see how all you lovely people are doing!

    S xx.

  21. At 09:57 AM on 04 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em - I know what you mean, mine has more to it too but you never know who's out there.......

    Hope you sort yours


  22. At 10:00 AM on 04 May 2007, J wrote:

    Mo - I believe the intro is suppose to almost be a precis so you can say stuff that's in the body because you kind of say - I will be looking at x by way of y and testing x. Then in the body you go through that in depth and in the conclusion you reflect the intro with what you've found.

    I hope this helps - I did my dissertation 7 years ago and am only now thinking I might go back into learning again. Absolutely draining experience, good luck.

    Em - go, get camping! Even in the chill and rain it's fab fun - just make sure you have lots of warm, water proof clothing and a pot belly stove to have a safe, camp-site friendly fire in the evening!

    Re friends - moved to Devon 9 months ago and still not really made any new friends yet! My oldest friend and I have moved in and out of closeness through various times but I know she'll always be there if I need her.

    Happy forth day, ARF ARF!!

  23. At 10:55 AM on 04 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hip Hip Hooray - its a holi-fri-de-day!!!

    Nearing the end of week 2 in new job and I still love it to bits - hurrah!!

    Mr Diva is going to the Lake District this weekend on a chaps-only walking/beer weekend - they go every year and he really looks forward to it. It means I'll have time to myself - got my 20 mile training walk this weekend so I'm going to set the alarm for 5am Saturday and get out and get it over with!! Then got a whole loada 'me' time Sunday and a spa day booked on Monday. Bliss! As daft as it sounds it'll be nice to watch 'me' telly without Himself bemoaning my lack of tv taste (I see nothing wrong with the Jospeh programme at all - come on Lee!!!!)

    Right, will dip in again later!

    ARF Rocks!

    CtD x x

    PS: did anyone read about Lemmy of Motorhead collecting Kinder Egg toys - how bizarre!!!

  24. At 11:06 AM on 04 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Where have all the people gone?

    Needing some mid morning inspiration, I come here and.... there's no-one else here, here, here, here (that's an echo...)

    Are you all celebrating local elections?

    Have you all fallen off the face of the earth?

    Or, worse, have you been BP'd???

    S xx.

  25. At 11:48 AM on 04 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good morning Jedi friends.
    Sammie ... heard your echo and can only say - do you think there could be road blocks set up around Norwich if not the whole of East Anglia. Not only that Ms Love is off on her interview trip - safe journey HL; or could it be that folk have stretched the weekend and started without us?
    PS One of the idiots is still here in the asylum.
    PPS Does Mr E mean that the unfried brains belong to the people he works with who don't have a working brain?

  26. At 01:39 PM on 04 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    I think they started the Friday partay without us!!!

    What did Darth Vader say to Luke Skywalker at Christmas?

    I can feel your presents!!!!

    Yeth, I know, but May the 4th ith very, very funny and maketh me feel thilly!!

    OR could be the bucket of coffee I drank at lunchtime!

    CtD - glad the new job hasn't lost is nice shiny newness - mine still has!!

    S xx.

    P.S. Tigger-like 'til midnight

    P.P.S. He means faggots...

  27. At 02:14 PM on 04 May 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Just heard on RA's show that Sally likes a bit of ginger in the morning! CLP Wahey!

    DD out

  28. At 02:29 PM on 04 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    How're you getting on?

    Hope it's all OK for you and that you've been able to hand in 3 beautifully printed and bound copies of the dissertation. I remember doing mine and it was hell!

    Have a glass of something you like tonight, listen to ARF and relax!

    S xx.

  29. At 02:41 PM on 04 May 2007, John wrote:

    Wilsmar Are you a Jedi too? I wonder if we could get a lottery grant to build a Jedi temple and centre of excellence? After all we are no longer a minority with some 25000 Jedi on the last census.

    JK Nonegreen

  30. At 02:58 PM on 04 May 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Lots of fried and scrambled brains in Scotland today! Been following the results of the local and national elections. SNP have got my area for the first time and have gained loads of seats for the Scottish Parliament. Lots of spoiled voting papers - what is wrong with people?

    If the SNP got control, would we need passports to get into England do you think (and vice versa)?


  31. At 03:17 PM on 04 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    John, not only a Jedi but part Trekkie - possibly Klingon - a smidgeon (sic) Goaul'd and a bit Timelord/lady. Love 'em all, not quite to a religious/worshipping state but am completely to blame for my youngest sibling and now his offspring being all things sci fi addicts.
    At least it keeps us off the streets - that's when we're allowed out of the Home.
    PS Master Bra'tac - yes
    PPS The Master - no

  32. At 03:28 PM on 04 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    My son has a hooded dressing gown and light sabres and plays at being a Jedi quite frequently. When I do that mum thing (eyes in back of head, etc), he always asks how I know and I say "Because the Force is with me..."

    Great fun!!

    S xx.

  33. At 03:45 PM on 04 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    I always think that people who wear Bluetooth headsets look like part of the Borg Collective.

    Is it just me?

    CtD x x

    PS: Mr Diva had the hots for 7 of 9: how am I meant to compete with that, for gawd's sake!?!?

  34. At 05:14 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    Well I have finally checked out your blog and loving it. My boyf (the wonderful Paul) has been on at me to visit for weeks now. I am a daily listener to the show and really looking forward to my Friday night drive home tonight with you, the gang and the rest of the listeners as company.

    Paul mentioned you being in search of your hill –I hope you have found it. I’m still looking, which is kinda ironic as I am in the business of helping others find theirs (I have a little healthy living blog)

    Whoops secret’s out now – a healthy living editor still in search of happiness, but maybe that’s the secret – the happiness is the search for the hill...

    Have a great weekend – and I agree trout paté is the very best


    If you are curious and want to read my hill-search adventures, here’s my blog

    Yay – just remembered it’s Saturday Kitchen tomorrow too!

    Take it easy Chris and I'll be in the car listening to you in about 17 minutes....

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