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Chris Evans | 14:46 UK time, Friday, 29 June 2007

The theme to Steve Wright, a strange thing when you hear it. primarily it's...

.... very clever. You hear it and you know where you are, you know you're with Steve and his gang. It's also reminiscent of an old eighties super soap, a la DALLAS, THE COLBY'S etc. Twanging at the heart strings of noastalgia as it glides us up to the hourly news bulletin.

Spent the morning with an accountant, they just don't get it do they ? They can't understand why we don't like paying them vast amounts of money just so that we don't end up paying tax we don't owe in the first place, it's just that they're the only ones who know the rules !

I once wrote a check out to the inland revenue for Twelve mill., not an off shore bank account in sight and no fleeing of the country like so many honourable knights of the realm have done in order to save a few bob. I've been payed out, so here's my share of what's due back in. The karma's alrady come back good.

It's A Princess Diana concert weekend for me, interviewing the two princes on Sunday and then we're on the air with all the music and the guests as they pass by our studio on the way to the stage, it all starts at half three, tune in, you might like it.

Tomorrow, I do have some spare time and would love to spen it cooking, s''/;['''ng and maybe a wild game of tennis inspired by the on court antics of the big boys at Wimbledon. Two outnof three will do, any combo, I honestly don't mind, as long as I get excercise of some sort.

Off now to contemplate whether to untuck my shirt or not, I'm looking good but feel a little constrained.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:22 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Untuck, untuck Christophe! And I'd skip the tennis if I were you ;-)

  2. At 03:34 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Arfternoon CLP and friends!

    Hope you've all had a good week. Sounds as if the weekend is going to be a lot of fun for at least one of us. I think I shall be spending some time with my bears as I've been out a bit this week. I have to go and pick my mate up from the airport tonight so I shall not be partaking in the squiffy stuff.

    I've been lurking a lot lately and it seems I'm not on my own. I think it's due to the later posting of the blog these days... must have something better to do in the morning these days eh Chris? Not that I blame you, I'd be doing the same given half a chance.

    Looking forward to ARF as I'll get to hear it all, I'll be making something delish for me tea while having a boogie round the kitchen so make them goodies wontcha?

    &the Bears

    ps we're young but getting old before our time...

  3. At 03:41 PM on 29 Jun 2007, SuzyD wrote:

    Great reading all the blogs again today - still on reception so have time to read them in between answering telephone and people coming and going.

    Leaving at 4 so will be able to listen to my favourite CLP show - the request show!

    Have a great weekend all and try to stay dry!


  4. At 03:45 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Untuck it man - unless it is ridiculously long, in which case keep it tucked in.

    If you had to write out a cheque for 12 mil to the tax man, chances were that you probably wouldn't have missed it. It's always when you have to get rid of pennies and a few pounds that it hurts. Especially if you only had a few quid to start with. Not saying you don't deserve to be fabulously rich though Mr E, just that numbers that big are all so abstract, if you can live comfortable off 1 mil for example, how can anyone possibly imagine what it would be like to have earned enough money to have to pay 12 mil in tax?

    Did your bank ring you up to make sure it was a legitimate transaction?? Mine did recently when i started buying lots of things for the baby's arrival over t'interweb...Nice to know that someone's got your back occasionally.

    I know you have to phone but if anyone is ringing for ARF please could you ask for Just the One by the Levellers for Hazel? I fear all is lost and looking grim and she's unlikely to find a bottle of Christmas Gin as it's probably been packed.

    :o) Jo

    PS Tarpaulins 'r' us

  5. At 03:55 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:


    Untuck it - it's ARF and you know it makes sense!

    I like Steve in the afternoons, although I do wish that sometimes he didn't play as much 80s soul (Luther, George Benson, Shalimar etc). I sent in my oldies the other day - think it was getting my gobsmackers played on your show went to my head! - only time will tell if he lets my choice beef up the airwaves for half an hour.

    Our weeekend? It looks like its gonna be a wet one here so the house might just get that long-overdue clean and dust! Assen MotoGP this weekend - a Saturday race - so I'm off to Waitrose (other retail outlets are available) after work to stock up on croissants etc for a nice GP Breakfast. We're off round to catch up with some friends Saturday night - that'll be nice.

    Oh - and the allotment is over-run with raspberries so there may be a jam making stint in the air very soon.

    Right, have a fab weekend everyone. Let's re-group on Monday all shiny and full of life.

    Love and hugs

    CtD x x

    PS: CLP - good luck with the Diana concert.

  6. At 03:59 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Thank crunchie it's Friday..............
    s''/;['''ng (?) - surely that should be s"/;;"'ng or maybe the first spelling is the way males do it? I would think as long as your two out of three options don't stray into each other you should be safe!
    Your pedantic, peripatetic friend (?)
    PS Happy weekend to all!

  7. At 04:13 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Call me odd but i prefer tucked in on a man, i think it shows you've got nothing to hide.

    Just become self-employed so have to do my own books, the whole thing scares the life out of me to be honest, i keep putting it off cos I hate financial stuff but i know I've got to confront my fears.

    Your weekend sounds fantastic, wish I could go to the Diana concert and snuggle up next to Harry (ha ha only joking he's young enough to be my son!!)

    Have fun Christophe, and happy s"/;["'g,

    Em xx

  8. At 04:14 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Honey, Christophe, as long as you've not got your shirt tucked into your pants, you should be ok either way. If however you DO have it tucked into your pants and decide to untuck it, pull it out gently else you'll give yourself a wedgie...and they're difficult enough to walk in at the best of times...

    It would seem that your life is charmed at the moment, and I'm so glad you seem to be taking advantage of it and enjoying yourself so much, but having said that...


    Consider yourself told off...again...and be careful Lambkin Lambie Pie...else if you make yourself proper poorly, the girl on the sofa'll do to you what she probably wanted to do to the sheep.

    All that remains for me to say is...


    See you for ARF! YAY!


  9. At 04:22 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I didn't realise that singing counted as exercise Chirs!!! ;-)

    Have a lovely weekend everyone x

  10. At 04:28 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Thank crunchie it's Friday..............
    s''/;['''ng (?) - surely that should be s"/;;"'ng or maybe the first spelling is the way males do it? I would think as long as your two out of three options don't stray into each other you should be safe!
    Your pedantic, peripatetic friend (?)
    PS Happy weekend to all!

  11. At 05:08 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Love the Show Chris.......you are a breath of fresh air! Johnnie Walker was a hard act to follow.Your show is as excellent as his was, but in a very different way.It's wonderful to hear you on "Drivetime" and we still get to hear Johnnie sometimes as well.Fab!!! Sent you an e-mail about "taking an apple on holiday".Just your sort of thing!!!
    Katina Broomhead

  12. At 05:25 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Check out TV footage / gossip mags and see if the Princes go untucked to such events!

  13. At 05:29 PM on 29 Jun 2007, elmlea wrote:

    Cross face :-! Accountants earn their money because they work very hard (at least 45 hours this week and counting) and it takes years and years to qualify! thereason they get paid what they do is that the work is so dull no one in thier right mind would do it!

    Can you guess what i am - the other bug bear is that otherwise fab song by sandi thorn where she says accountants rule the world- they don't but if they did you can gaurente it would work better and the trains would run on time!

    I'm going to a wedding on sunday so ask for nice weather for the couple, about 1pm in Bucks - would that be too much to ask?

    Have a good weekend - I'm going back to the books!


  14. At 07:08 PM on 29 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christophe Lambie Pie.

    To tuck or not to tuck. That is the question.

    I should untuck. Mind you I'm still reelin' from the memory of being at a posh party, thinkin' I was cute as chocolate, posing for all I was worth, wearin' me chic Little Black D&G dress. Tucked in me knickers.

    Now THAT's Karma. Life has a way of slappin' you round the mazzard with a wet fish if you get too up yourself dunnit.

    Hazel. Cheers Ears. Yes it's true. Saint Patrick did for 'em. Mind you there's a few snakes in the grass down at the Dail, givin Bertie the Teflon Taoiseach a hard time.

    Any road up, given the weather forecast, say one for me won't you as I cross the Irish Sea on Sunday, tossed about like last week's washin' and surrounded by pools of vomit. Still, I shouldn't complain. If I thought the Irish Sea could take all the rain and leave Yorkshire alone, I'd grab the lifejacket and strap meself to the mast with gusto.

    Have a good weekend one and all, I'm off to pack the diamante wellies and check me skirt's not tucked in me knickers.


  15. At 08:06 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    CLP, barring a few days we are the same age and whilst once I was an untucked kinda bloke now I'm veering toward tucked. Is it a mid life thing, do ya think? The wife always puts me straight and will not let me out of the house tucked in, so there's the answer, untucked.

    and if yer gonna go half, half start untucked then tuck. That way you don't have a creased midrift!

    good luck with bouncing the balls around the court, oh and with the tennis as well.


  16. At 08:54 PM on 29 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Before I go, can I just say one thing.

    The smoking ban. Don't panic.

    It's not a ban on smoking. It's a ban on smoking INDOORS.

    It's like dieting. If you stress yourself out trying to diet because somebody else has said you're fat, the fact that you're obsessing over your food makes you want to eat continually and it's torture. And you're destined to fail if you're not doing it for yourself. So don't get stressed over not being able to smoke in the pub. Just do it outside instead. There'll be plenty more smokers out there.

    Take a lead from the Irish. I have to say I was amazed by how they embraced the ban; but bless 'em, embrace it they did and simply came up with creative ways round it, hence from day 1 there wasn't a gazebo or a patio heater to be had in any DIY store throughout the country, and the craic inside or outside the pubs is as lively as always.

    There were a few complaints, of course, but actually they never came to anything; the smokers themselves enforced the ban, mindful of the potential burden upon the landlords, and I well remember the chap who rang in to Radio 2FM to give out about the fact that the atmosphere in the pubs wasn't the same without the smell of booze and fags. So he made a suggestion.

    "Sure why don't they invent an air freshener that smells of fags, Gerry?"


    So don't get your knickers in a twist, chaps and chapesses. Smoking is still, as it always was, YOUR choice. And don't get drawn into all that disempowering nonsense about how cravings are going to Get You and Drive You Insane. That's rubbish, and designed to sell you patches or gum or whatever.

    The choice is YOURS. And you've every right to make it in your own time.

    If the ban indoors helps you by giving you a disincentive then that's fantastic. But if not, go ahead and do as you choose.

    And remember my old Granddad. Doctors told him if he didn't give up the fags it would kill him. And it did. Mind you, he was 103 at the time and walked under a bus while he was lighting up.



  17. At 03:28 AM on 30 Jun 2007, John wrote:

    The individuals I have met, including estate agents, accountants and every type of notoriously worthless lifeforms we share the globe with have, invariably on an individual basis been delightful, friendly and full of surprises. The human race however, is largely dissapointing.

    JK Nonegreen

  18. At 09:05 AM on 30 Jun 2007, Sandy wrote:

    TWELVE MILLION SQUID!!! What would you have done with it given the chance of it back? Now there`s a question for you. Truthfully.. Wonder what THEY did with it? Best not to think about it... Did you sleep that night when you wrote the cheque? Gees, I think you should be given it back and ordered to produce and host another prime time tv show before Briton is bored out of its mind. There`s so much crap on - i probably learnt more from your previous shows than i did from the papers, well more truth at least. Please please please can you do it anyway? I`ll do a few cheeky interviews for you if you like ;-D I`m a northerner too so you could count on me for my direct and prying questions he he Anyway, enough of me - time you got back on the box Christoph, WE CAN`T SEE YOU ON THE RADIO! always listen 5-7, Sandy x

  19. At 09:52 AM on 30 Jun 2007, Plum and the lead piping wrote:

    Good day to one and all

    I thought I would be sensible today as I reflect on our beautiful summer weather and other things.

    Steve Wright has always cracked me up. Not only but also, on top of that followed by the great Chris Evans. I reckon Radio2 must be the most listened too station in the World.

    Last night I was out with friends at an Indian Restaurant. Not a huge fan as I find the spices make my lips numb but whatever, you have make an effort. We were approached by a guy somebody knew, although none of us could really recall and he went on to say that he had advanced lung cancer.
    He had smoked heavily for several years. I gave him a hug kiss on the cheek and wished him well as I left knowing that was probably the last time I shall see him in this world.

    Kinda makes you think.....

    Hope the move goes well for HL and anyone else in that situation and happy hols to others.Thank you for making me smile.


  20. At 04:12 PM on 30 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    hey all, saturday is here and the 12 hour nightshift approaches.

    Plum - wow what a night, so sad to read. My ex-wife has terminal cancer, she's littered with tumours. Not sure how long but I think less than 12 months was recently mentioned. We have a daughter between us too. Tough for all. My heart bleeds for anyone battling/watching this disease.
    HL - hope the move is going/went well.
    missy - did I read a letter in the local paper from your parents re their accident? It was very nice of them if it was.
    lyndyloo - good to see you again.

    untucked for me, but only if the shirt is tailored to fit that way.......can't stand flappy shirts that should be tucked in.

    Bonnet de douche


  21. At 05:39 PM on 30 Jun 2007, Plum and Mrs Whites rolling pin wrote:

    Oh, been so nice to have a computer today, brings a whole new meaning to let your fingers do the walking, with my project work etc. Not everyone can boast a kitchen like mine just now..... It could be compared to student accomodation. Anyone want to buy an old sixties tiled fire place by the way... Don't all rush at once.

    Gimgembre. I did read on previous blogs about your wife as I read them all. I don't think me saying the usual stuff of oh I'm sorry helps but my thoughts are with you and your daughter.

    Well, I'm being too normal .. must get back.

  22. At 01:29 PM on 01 Jul 2007, Darren Palmer wrote:

    Hi Chris - emigrated to Australia in May 07. Downunder is great - but the radio is terrible! Just discovered that I can download you so I am no longer homesick - I have the best of both worlds. Please play a record for all the draymen in the UK - [my old job] they do a vital job delivering all the beer to the pubs - keep playing all those great tunes.

    Darren Palmer - Gold Coast Australia

  23. At 01:46 PM on 01 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Ginembre- yes it was their letter in the paper. We have had so many phone calls from friends who didn't nkwo about it and read the letter in the paper! I never knew so many people read the letters page!

  24. At 07:15 PM on 01 Jul 2007, Abaca wrote:

    Have big stadium concerts had their day? I have to say the Diana concert was totally media driven .. Fern Cotton just embarrasssing to listen too.

    Give me a local venue with real musicians any day.

    As for Joss Stone total rubbish.

  25. At 10:16 AM on 02 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Getting married??? In Portugal???????? I need to book my flight, and buy my hat and ... oh so many things - Hazel, get the collection going for that tea caddy!!!

  26. At 10:42 AM on 02 Jul 2007, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    looks like "girl on the sofa" is getting upgraded:-)

  27. At 10:49 AM on 02 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere,

    I agree with you Chris on the Wrightie's BIG show. Just hope it doesn't get too big or it'll end up 'avin' ter go on a diet- know what am sayin' Christoof!!!!
    I love Wrightie's show, been listening to him since I was a kid. Like Wrightie was sayin' the other day 'sometimes tuning in is very educational'. That was my excuse everytime I got picked up for truancy at me school. I said ter the headmaster "'ead mate, i'm 'aving ter listen ter Wrightie- 2 til 5, i'm learning more being tuned in ter The Steve Wright BIG Show, It is musical, informative, passionate and full of educational emotion, alot more than i'm learning in this joint- know what am mean 'ead errr master mate"
    The Headmaster, I just couldn't get through to him. He was blind to Wrightie's genius.

    CLP, my only complaint about The Big Show is when is Mr Angry coming back? Surely his time in the asylum is due ter end soon and e'll be let out. Ravin' mad mate!!!!
    Mr Angry and Sid The Manager were class comedy. They used to have me crying with laughter. Sometimes the simple stuff is funniest- it hits the funny bone harder!!!!!


    Aye I enjoyed the Diana concert yesterday. I particuarly liked The Feeling, The Furtado goodlooker and aye awesome Orson were WROCKIN.
    Only complaint they only did a couple of tunes each, but understandable when so many names are performing.

    CLP Here's ma Bright Idea!!!!!!! (Orson tune) anychance of playin' some say Happiness - great tune- appropriate for your Wrightie comments or my fav Orson tune - Tryin' To Help.
    Have you heard this tune? The chorus is brilliant.
    Strong guitar and lyrics.- only tryin ter help, only tryin ter help, only tryin ter help- brill tune. Surely they are going to release this tune as a single soon.

    Aye i'm outta ere for know. Remember CLP and blog friends- keep it real and if yer can't errrr I don't know? errrrrr..... no sorry forgotten what am on about!!!!!

    Auf Wierinsane...... jaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

  28. At 12:01 PM on 02 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Time to put the mateus rose on ice and light the BBQ for the fresh sardines .....

    Anyone see the Dian concert yesterday? I went into hormone overdrive at Duran Duran - I felt like I was 15 again!! Must say, John Taylor has aged remarkably well ....


    A Diva can dream ..............

  29. At 12:48 PM on 02 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Chrissie LP

    If the weekends reports are true you have broken my heart!

    Mange tout

  30. At 01:50 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Hmmm, been away for a week - camping in Cornwall. Fantastic week - only two days were really bad - we watched the Padstow lifeboat try to get back into lifeboat station. weather was so bad, the guys couldn't manage it.

    Oh, but come back to a veggie patch that has no veggies left (the slugs have had it away with everything) and a builder that hasn't been there for 3 weeks...(*sigh*). I garden organically - but I've been driven to go get slug pelletts - can't stand that all my purple sprouting broccolli is but filigree lace!

    Great to be back.

    I really enjoyed the Diana concert yesterday....chill out you misogs...the princes' were enjoying the sort of day their mum would have also enjoyed. Life's too short.

  31. At 02:06 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Loved Diana concert especially Take That - Jason Orange is scrummy!!

    Big meeting tonight with the council about whether the route to our local high school is safe to walk and bike, feeling a bit stressed, just hope it will be a success.

    Hope you and Girl on the Sofa will be very happy for many years to come,

    Em xx

  32. At 03:37 PM on 02 Jul 2007, SuzyD wrote:

    Have you got pond Bodminbabe? Get some toads and frogs - they eat slugs also worms which is pretty disgusting to watch.

    I too enjoyed the Diana concert although the end was a bit odd I thought.


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