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Chris Evans | 16:37 UK time, Friday, 22 June 2007

Geese Louise what about Damien Hirst then ? £9.5m for his latest pill box. Good...

... luck to him.

I know Damien, he's always very curtious towards me. We used to get hammered together in the nineties, not anymore though. I still see him, in the same place but niether of us are ever drunk anymore, in fact I think Damien may be off the sauce all together. He's often with his mum.

What must it be like to know that whilst you're still alive, stuff you produce for very little outlay is going to sell for ridiculous amounts of cash. He's gone all Andy Warhol on us and what does he really think / Does he think people are stupid to pay all this dosh for his ideas, or is the money really not important to him. I'd love to know. Is he a retail artist, a commercialy driven production house, or does he have to create in order to survivie or stave off some kind of impending madness ?

Hey ho, had fun with a car auction today, far too long a story to go in to but I really was one of those people on the other end of the phone. i could hear the bidding going on in the background. Have you ever been to an auction ? What a buzz. If someone has a plan that works when going to bid by the way, I'd love to hear it.

I love auctions, love 'em.

Been in bed today for a bit, due to a late night at the London foof festival last eve, how can you go to a food festival and leave hungry having to get some chips on the way home. Nothing to do with the food on offer, it was awesome, it's just that i was so busy in awe of my chef heroes that i didn't have time to grab any munch.

I had a forty five minute debate on whether we should slice a scallop beofre cooking it or leave it whole. As usal there was no right or wrong answer.

Hey ho again, gotta go and do the radio thing. Really missed sarah Kennedy this morning, she was at Royal Ascot I do believe. I've come to have to have her show in the morning, sure she's a little obtuse but she sets me up for the day and reads all the papers for us, so we don't have to.

Lots of love. CLP 2007.



  1. At 06:03 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:


    Auctions - just love them. I'e bought so much tat and some real littel gems. I'm sort of ashamed to say that I got into them as a result of 'flog it' on tv. They really are so exciting.

    As for Sarah Kennedy I hear her most mornings as I'm weilding the straighteners and have mixed feelings. some -' shut up you posh snotty cow' and then again ' that's really quite amusing' ho hum. Am enjoying Alex Lester's blog on his cross America trip but miss him in the wee small hours. Us insomniacs need an eccentric to keep us sane.

    Harico Vert xxx

  2. At 06:06 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello gorgeous, been a pretty stressful week and now my son's just shut his finger in the front door. Think he's OK but blimey, i could do without it. Like that Andrew Gold track very much, nice to hear something different on ARF (think I've heard the bloody Nolans enough now!). More First Aid tomorrow so am missing the school fete (not sure if I'm happy or sad about that), then mum and dad over Sunday. What I really need is a weekend away with a good book and a hunky guy! Have a fab time everyone,

    Em xx

  3. At 06:27 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - did you blog in a hurry matey? So many things to think about!

    Damian Hurst - like his stuff :-)

    Auctions - never been to one, but would love it - am considering getting all Christmas pressies this year from Antique auctions.

    Hate leaving anywhere hungry - especially if I expect a big feed! Has happened a couple of times, but if I go to those places (mainly relatives!!!), I just have soup before I go and then don't embarrass myself when my food/alcohol intake ratio is off kilter!

    SK rocks! Slightly eccentric at times, but wonderful!

    Finally to ARF. Must be the BEST radio show around. Just love the mix of music that only the GB public could suggest! Rock on!!!

    Have just heard that evening out has been cancelled, cos my special friends mum has had a fall and been taken to hospital! I do hope she's OK.

    Have a great weekend everyone,

    S xx.

  4. At 06:40 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - how weird, I'm missing my daughter's school fete tomorrow too due to working. Oh well at least I won't make a fool of myself this year in the tug of war - ended up on me 'arris last year!!!

    missy - HC was very sad but I didn't cry - sorry x

    Have a great weekend everyone, kick back, take it easy and see you all Monday.

    Much love


  5. At 07:28 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Special friends mum is going to be ok. Thank goodness. An altercation with an electric scooter, suspected broken ankle and ribs - but nothing life threatening. On her way to hospital now. Lets hope she's out and shouting at the local yobs soon.

    S xx.

  6. At 08:02 PM on 22 Jun 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris it sounds like you ve been busy again ,the auctions are great i used to go with a mate who bought and sold cars for a living its an education i can tell you .have a nice weekend,me n mrs n son off to gran canaria for a week .

  7. At 08:46 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris LP, always been a fan of your humour. Love reading your blog, you do seem to love your food more these days, and very Kinda Hugh Fearney-whittingstall. Is he an influence at all with your lifestyle now ?

  8. At 11:23 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Jill (back again) wrote:

    Where has everybody got to these days? Gone next door I suppose for the muffins and toasted teacakes.

    Auctions are great, provided they move fast enough. It's awful when the auctioneer keeps on trying for a higher price when no-one is really that interested.

    It's a highlight of Christmas preparations when we go along to the fowl (not foul) auction to buy our turkey and maybe a goose as well. This is at the Tuesday Market where you can get meat from a van every week, and talk down the prices, but they only do the meat auction at Christmas time and a big variety of people come along - butchers, landlords, the green-welly brigade, pensioners and all and sundry like us. There's a great atmosphere and an amazing number of dead birdies exchange hands in a very short space of time. You take your ticket into the caravan sales office to pay your money and stagger home with your weighty Christmas dinner.

    Ebay can be fun too can't it, as long as you're in it to the last 30 secs otherwise you're more than likely to lose the item, which is plain frustrating.

    As for Damien Hirst, can't blame him for taking the money. The ones to criticise are the ones who buy the stuff - there are so many more worthwhile ways to spend those millions which could actually make a difference to the world, but maybe Damien does that bit. My guess is that he gets his thrills by creating the new and amazing ideas that pass as art - can he pull off the trick again or can't he?

    Wish you all a scintillating weekend - long time since that word came into my head!

    Jill xxx000

  9. At 03:09 PM on 23 Jun 2007, Scrummy mummy wrote:

    Know what you mean about about Sarah, HAVE to wake up to her every morning (and prepare supper to you every evening of course!!). Shes a law to herself, and like a slightly batty old aunt, she makes me smile. Keep up the musings, CLP, you sing my tune, baby x

  10. At 04:07 PM on 23 Jun 2007, Victor Meldrew wrote:


    Hope you won the auction!

    Well if the Spice girls reform I am definetely leaving the country. What a load of old tosh. Opps I seem to remember that you Chris ran into her at the Gym.Sorry but she needed it .. She used to look like an overweight school girl in her mini frocks. I bet they would get nowehere on the X factor. Still nice to see Willy Walsh back on the that prog.

    I wanna I wanna zig a zig zag.....

  11. At 04:30 PM on 23 Jun 2007, Eddie M wrote:

    What about Spice Girls the musical ..........

  12. At 10:37 PM on 23 Jun 2007, Lisa wrote:

    London 'what' festival?!

  13. At 12:33 AM on 24 Jun 2007, Matt, Lord Broad wrote:

    Christophe, I travelled 500 miles plus (on a sunday) to purchase a motor at a scotlish auction. Us southereners have a greater desposable cash amount than are friends north of the border and therefore i had it off! Result me thinks! Lesson, want to buy a car cheap go to Scotland and show some wedge,. Ha Ha.

  14. At 07:39 AM on 25 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Mornin all - though it ain't a good en. Pouring down here in the northlands and has been doing all weekend.

    My cat had kittens yesterday - anyone interested?

    Mange tout - have good week one and all. xx

  15. At 07:58 AM on 25 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning friends

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend? It's very gloomy this morning in Norfolk (other counties available) but I have 3 more days off so I'm gonna enjoy whatever the weather.

    Spent all day yesterday decorating which I'm not a particular fan of. However the end result is always pleasing. Painted the kitchen and then wallpapered one wall in the boudoir (trendy according to MrsW?), whilst my dad put up 6 lights and hung 3 blinds - he's one of those annoying people who's good at anything...... love him for it.

    Will start on the lounge tomorrow, MrsW and kiddies going out so it'll be me, a roller, a weird named paint and Radio 2 having a party together!

    Bonnet de douche


  16. At 10:44 AM on 25 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Morning people!

    Have been away for a while and it seems the blog has been deserted... what happened? I'm sure it's just a blip but can anyone fill me in?


  17. At 10:45 AM on 25 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning lovelies

    CLP, just wanted to say what a fab show on ARF - I love the fact that the music is sooooo off the wall sometimes - and a bit of Sound of Music ALWAYS goes down well in our house!!

    We were down in our static caravan this weekend - nearly floated away it rained so much!!

    Gingembre - good luck with the decorating - I have to do my daughter's room soon - been promising her since Xmas!

  18. At 11:20 AM on 25 Jun 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoff & ALL Blog Friends.

    Bingo Star ere.

    Alwight ere.... I was reading with interest CtD's comments on Fri about going to Donnington Park.
    When I was in the TVR owners club we often used ter meet at the pub by the river at Stanton then we'd all blast off in convoy down ter Donnington to watch the days racing. We used to have the TVR Tuscan championship. That's before TVR did what all great british car manufacturers do- sell themselves for a quick buck. Sad this country at times. Could you imagine Ferrari selling themselves to the russians, for example, then closing the factory in Italy- I don't think so but us silly brits do. Same with Rover & MG.
    Sorry going off on one now- it's not difficult though!!! at times.

    Still I had a great weekend. I was at Oulton Park watching the British Touring Car Championship.
    I watched at my favourite place Old Hall, the outside of the first corner. What mayhem. It was raining on & off. The Seat race first Tom Boardman crash into the barrier heavily. A couple of laps behind the safety car and the race started again then again another slid off right in front of me, badly damaging the barrier. Crazy race!
    Then later the 2nd BTCC race at the start there was a big incident with 4 cars going off again at Old Hall. So the safety car again while they tryed to repair the barriers. I think more laps were done behind the safety car than actual racing. Thankfully everybody uninjured!!!
    I've always wanted to get into racing myself since I was a kid but can't afford it.
    It's about 400k to run a independants T-car just for one season. Never know if I win the lottery or make me millions theres still hope yet!! The oldest driver in the BTCC is 49 and i'm 34 so still got 15years. Mind you yer got to 'ave some driving talent, not just money!!!
    For now i'll stick ter me golf!!! Atleast if yer accidently snap yer club it's only £60 not £60k for a new one- know what am sayin!!

    PS Great the ´óÏó´«Ã½ coverage of Glastonbury. The beeb have been letting new music slip from their tv schedules lately. What with TOTPs being ditched. CH4 have all the best music pros just of late. But what with Jools Holland recently and now the brilliant Glastonbury coverage, thumbs up ter the beeb. I hope were gonna get some more good music on bbc tv.
    The Killers on Sat night, I thought it would only be 15mins shown but we got their full set of an hour and 15mins. WROCKIN great!!!!
    Made my Saturday night.

    Oh well i'm outta ere. C U soon blog dudes.


  19. At 11:24 AM on 25 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Good Monday Christophe!

    Am a tad befuddled with your comment that you've been in bed for a bit today, and yet missed SK on the radio because she was at Ascot? I'd have thought you'd have missed her because you were having a lie in...

    So, I'd say it would depend on the size of the scallope, and what one intends to do with it once it is cooked. I suppose too, you could slice it reeeely reeeeeeely thin and make scallope crisps...if the oil is hot enough?

    We are currently emptying the freezer, as there isn't one in the new house, and whilst the boy got an extremely acceptable dinner together yesterday, we have filo parcels and lemon meringue pie for tea tonight, spaghetti carbonara with baby corn tomorrow, and then 'tupperware box surprise' on Wednesday.

    We are aware however that when it comes to the great defrost, we will find several blackened peas stuck together, and one fish finger. It's the law.

    cocky san jacks

    ps Dear Gingembre. As long as the wallpaper is suitably clashing with the rest of the boodwah de-koor, I wouldn't question the good CS Mrs W's taste...possibly ever, akshully...please ensure all air bubbles are removed however, as a minor conflagration could ensue with over-use of candles in an enclosed area containing small pockets of oxygen.

    pps Penguin, with you on SK. She said something snotty beyond belief this morning...but then, if I'd been in the bathroom, I'd have missed it...them's the breaks kid.

  20. At 11:54 AM on 25 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi everyone!
    What a crazy weekend. Went to a friends bbq on saturday. Had a brilliant thunder storm half way through so we all piled inside.
    Yesterday I had a relapse (as predicted) so spent the day in bed. Mum and dad went to Lowestoft. So I had a day watching films and doing knitting until my parents friends came round about 5pm saying that mum and dad were in a crash!
    Dont worry they are fine. For those Norfolk people they were driving down the acle straight and had stopped in a que and some drunk woman didn't see they had stopped and ploughed into the car at 50mph next thing they are in those scary ditches. They were fine just bruising and wet but I never thought I would be so glad to have a relapse!!
    Anyway I must go and have a lay down, have had 5 hours sleep by worrying, the parents slept fine! TYPICAL!
    will post later xxxxx

  21. At 12:11 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good morning everyone

    I get very little time on the machine over the weekends and evenings so pinch some free time during the day only.

    Catching up on items

    car auctions are fun provided if you are interested in buying a car you have a good mechanic with you.

    Antique auctions are more my thing - I get so much fun out of watching and occasionally participating - mind you I used to watch Lovejoy..... enough said.

    Sammie - the double deckers were a bunch of kids who had a group in a red bus in what looked like a scrap yard - they got into lots of scrapes.

    Poole was apparently a bit wet for the Poole Afloat event held over the weekend - personally I went north and in Cheddar had Sunday lunch with a view and no rain - strange when Pilton not far away had lots - we could see lots of black clouds though. Mind you when I got back to Poole on Sunday night it was tipping it down.

    I was pants at my riding lesson on Sat - couldn't get the horse into canter .... so frustrating. Never mind I have another lesson at a different school this coming Sunday and if I am getting better instruction will cease going to the first one.

    I have to be on duty at a fete on Saturday to assist our local lifeboat station so will be busy selling souvenirs and as we will be alongside all the uniform people - enjoying myself.

    Enjoy your week people - pray for sunshine and we might get it by Wed


  22. At 12:22 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Well, I know I said on the previous days blog that I wasn't going to be arrested/go to court - well actually, I am - going to court that is. A particularly nasty specimen attacked me last night and, of course, I have reported it to the local Plod (DCI - is it OK for me to say that, or should I say Peelers or Coppers?)

    Oh dear.

    I did 'the thing' on Saturday :-) My mum is going to be soooooooo cross, but I'm chuffed, so what the hell, I'm 36, I don't need parental consent!

    Special friends mum is OK. Met her Saturday for the first time! She's ace. A real gem. Mad as a hatter and extremely lovely. She'll be in hospital for another 3 weeks yet and will then have to go to a convalescent home. Special friend says she'll be in heaven, being waited on hand and foot!

    DCI - enjoy the decorating - I find it quite therpeutic you know!

    Bingo - spot on re: Glasto. Loved it, absolutely loved it. Also, I LOVE Touring Car! Perhaps you should arrange for one of those special gifts for your b'day or Xmas, to go to a track and drive?

    Peace All,

    S xx.

  23. At 01:44 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Plummy Yummy Mildew wrote:

    Howdi all

    What a scream the JV Show. No wonder I crashed me car once listening to him.
    The subject of Breast feeding. One listener haunted everywhere she goes by Breast feeders.
    Actually I am not too keen .. whats wrong with bottles never did me no harm.... What really annoys me is the topless sunbathers that play bat and ball on beach, at the waters edge. Would they go shopping at Tesco half naked.

    Happy Mondays one and all

  24. At 01:48 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Plummy Yummy Mildew wrote:

    Howdi all

    What a scream the JV Show. No wonder I crashed me car once listening to him.
    The subject of Breast feeding. One listener haunted everywhere she goes by Breast feeders.
    Actually I am not too keen .. whats wrong with bottles never did me no harm.... What really annoys me is the topless sunbathers that play bat and ball on beach, at the waters edge. Would they go shopping at Tesco half naked.

    Happy Mondays one and all

  25. At 04:59 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Well, I know I said on the previous days blog that I wasn't going to be arrested/go to court - well actually, I am - going to court that is. A particularly nasty specimen attacked me last night and, of course, I have reported it to the local Plod (DCI - is it OK for me to say that, or should I say Peelers or Coppers?)

    Oh dear.

    I did 'the thing' on Saturday :-) My mum is going to be soooooooo cross, but I'm chuffed, so what the hell, I'm 36, I don't need parental consent!

    Special friends mum is OK. Met her Saturday for the first time! She's ace. A real gem. Mad as a hatter and extremely lovely. She'll be in hospital for another 3 weeks yet and will then have to go to a convalescent home. Special friend says she'll be in heaven, being waited on hand and foot!

    DCI - enjoy the decorating - I find it quite therpeutic you know!

    Bingo - spot on re: Glasto. Loved it, absolutely loved it. Also, I LOVE Touring Car! Perhaps you should arrange for one of those special gifts for your b'day or Xmas, to go to a track and drive?

    Peace All,

    S xx.

  26. At 04:59 PM on 25 Jun 2007, wrote:

    hey, CLP et all

    Damien Hurst is a lucky chap reaping rewards for that 'art' whilst he is still young!

    Took a distillery tour on wednesday and it struck me that those chaps making the whisky will not get a chance to taste the fruits of their labours for at least 12 years!
    mmm, a good large single malt, now that is art in a glass.

    Bid last and fast, a bank full of cash also helps :)


  27. At 04:59 PM on 25 Jun 2007, Hil wrote:

    Hi Chris

    In the 70s, dutch auctions were all the rage and a right rip. You would shoot your hand up in the air before you even knew what was being bid for (could have been the sellers underpants!). I came away with one of those multi-coloured glass fish - lovely!

    You're fab.

  28. At 03:37 PM on 30 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hiya Chris and all,
    I hope that you had a good holiday and are enjoying your time back at the studio. We need that contrast. I've been away (of sorts) too. A few weeks ago a friend asked me to lend a hand at Lost Vagueness at the Glastonbury festival. I nearly bit her hand off. All those special famous people I would meet........there was quite a list.

    No sooner had I said yes than I was drawn into this underworld of tittilatinon and fatasmagoria. It was just like joining the circus. A bloke from the Scissor Sisters commented "This must be what heaven is like". That must give you some idea of where I've been.
    I spent time there pre and post festival and during the festival itself spent most of my time driving acts to and fro carving up the mud in a land rover. Lucky, lucky me! Everyone - punters and performers - wanted a piece of me. I could have made some serious money! I imagine that is what it is like to be famous........people being nice to you when they have no idea who you are but you drive the vehicle and can get them somewhere so they want to be your best friend.

    Today by contrast I am at my office facilitating a seminar on Behaviour Management in the Classroom given by an amazing guy who's been teaching at a young offenders prison and now passing on the skills he has developed over the years. The genuine care and devotion he has for the least popular members of society is highly admirable. He subscribes to no religion nor is he paid that much for what he does. He's one of life's true diamonds and he really does have something to say. The warmth that comes off him would melt Narnia. Now he can get in my vehicle any time!
    A lovely weekend to all,

    Debs xx

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