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Chris Evans | 16:23 UK time, Monday, 2 July 2007

SLIGHTLY tired yet not...

... JADED...

A whole day at Wembley. Now did you hear it ? Didn't it sound great, fab, so exciting.

Now, would you like to know a secret ?

We were miles away from the stage and didn't see a thing. We were in a small room on the ground floor and weren't allowed anywhere. Ha ha, how funny is that ? Well can we at least see the concert so we know what's going on ?

"Er., no, stay in that room and don't come out otherwise we'll have to ask you to leave."

But the show must go on and it did, we watched it all on the telly just like most of the rest of the planet.

That's the great thing about radio, "you" didn't know how removed we were from anything that was remotely anything to do with anything.

Some of the stars were good enough to come and see us because they were friendly sorts and no doubt felt sorry for lowly Radio 2 banished to the depths of Wembely nowhere'sville. For this we thank them.

Honestly, eleven hours and not a glimpse but as long as it sounded good coming through the speakers that's all that matters.

The "team" were magnificent, they worked like dogs all day and I just about managed to sneak them one warm beer each out of one of the "artists" bar just after we went off the air, though the security guard did give me a filthy look.

Rod Stewart, by the way, was the nuts wasn't he ? And Ricky Gervais, well, he has now proven talent beyond that capable of any normal human being and the big balls to match.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:48 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Yes, forgot to say, i thought Rod was fab (though not as sexy as Mr O), have never really liked him before. Meeting is getting closer and I am getting more and more nervous, will tell you how it went tomorrow.

    Love n hugs all round,

    Em xx

  2. At 05:00 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Avril Mansfield wrote:

    Hi Chris - had a fab time at Wembley yesterday, shame you were kept underground! Was it me or was Johnny Vegas playing guitar behind Tom Jones during his set??????

  3. At 05:49 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Plum wrote:

    Hiya one and all.

    I can't say I was really excited by the Di concert. Why, I wonder why did they not have Chris on TV instead of these extremely boring media ladies. Honest it's like watching Big Bro or the lottery all the time.
    Loved the Andrew Lloyd Webber set wow someone could sing instead of growling down the Mic... mind you what a great sound production. Thank heavens for Elton too.

  4. At 07:45 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Jill Montgomery wrote:

    Hi Chris ,
    I bet the atmosphere was still electric even though you were locked away.
    I was at Wembly for George Michael and sat miles away from the stage but still loved every minute.

  5. At 08:38 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Fair play old chap, I caught a bit of your turn and a bit on the telly. It wasn't really my bag, but you did a corking job. Mind you, Sir Thomas of Jones has gone up in my estimations, fancy him wheeling out the coolest guitarist in the world to jam with him? I salute you, Lord Perry.

    I think that the jet lag has now subsided and my feet are firmly back on terra firma. It is always amazing that within a couple days of being back amongst the nonsense in the office a holiday can seem so far away....

    I'm going to learn Spanish. No particular reason other than I need to stretch myself mentally and have something to focus on. Who knows, if I master it, that beach bar in Baja California may just become a step closer......

    Any road, month end and auditors stand between me and the weekend. I shall fight them on the beaches.....

    Much peace & love


    PS How the west was won and where it got us

    PPS Cabo Wabo

    PPPS I can't drive 55

  6. At 09:16 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Brigusser wrote:

    well Chris pity you having to rely on the TV to "see" the Diana concert - the ´óÏó´«Ã½ coverage was uncharacteristically poor, very disjointed and long periods of silence which completely destroyed any ability to gauge the atmosphere or indeed if there was any.

    Jamie Theakston & Claudia Winkleman were embarrasing and completely out of touch with the running order with Theakston at one point introducing Take That only for Rod Stewart to appear on stage.

    Your right Rod was brilliant and he certainly has great taste in saxophone players!!!!

    As for Fern Cotton she just continually spouted utter drivel.

    And the Prince's and their guests were just so uncool it was bordering on being funny!

    Pity because the ´óÏó´«Ã½ usually get these things right but that was a poor effort

    Sorry to bang on about the TV on your radio blog but the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s self congratulatory coverage today has been cringeworthy and somebody had to say something even if it will be ignored!!!

  7. At 10:53 PM on 02 Jul 2007, wrote:

    oi oi CLP,

    I listened in the car and thought you were a lucky boy being there, at least I had daylight!

    and the traffic warden even popped in to say hello :)

    Gervais, genius! laughed my steering wheel off.


  8. At 11:35 PM on 02 Jul 2007, Plums wrote:


    It's not easy being green

    Meet the Recycle family. Big Bin, Little Bin and baby paper bin. We rule the streets man. We are neighbourhoodies on the street.

    Big bin eats Bottles plastic and paper.

    Little bin eats everything else

    Baby Paper bag eats anything from the garden.

    Meanwhile me kitchen is a wash with bags for this and that everywhere....

  9. At 08:01 AM on 03 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hi all!

    CLP - apologies for absence, I do have a note from my mum....

    "Dear Christophe Lambie Pie,

    Sammie hasn't been able to log on and contribute to your blog for the last few days, as she hurt her back and has had to spend most of her time laying down.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Sammie's Mum."

    Any quips about chandelier swinging or wardrobes and there'll be bother!!! Oooh, I wish, I mean, how did I hurt my back? I'll tell you - emptying the tumble dryer - that's how! So much for cultivating an image of a glamorous yummy mummy!!!

    Haven't had chance yet to catch up with all the entries from the last few days, but no doubt I will do so, once I've caught up with the 200+ e-mails that is.....


    S xx.

  10. At 08:18 AM on 03 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning folks

    Didn't get to see or hear any of the concert as I was working 3pm-3am, I have been told that Kanye West was very good? I can't believe you were stuck in the depths of Wembley, but heyho It's not all glamour is it? As for the security guy giving you the eye - how very dare he?

    Em M - be strong at your big meet, I'm certain good sense will prevail in the end. Which school is it?

    HL - I know you're not with us this week but hope the move wasn't too bad....come back soon

    We're in the middle of a power cut this morning.....alarms going off outside, my jam eaters are unhappy now cbeebies (other channels available) has gone off and I do need that 2nd caffeine hit - hmph

    Well done to all involved in the various arrests over the weekend following the London/Glasgow stuff, I've had extra duties at lil' ol' Naaarridge airport as it's high alert everywhere......be vigilant folks, be safe and see you all tomorrow x x x


  11. At 08:57 AM on 03 Jul 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Hello Christoph and fellow bloggers/bloggettes

    Hurrah I am back, I have been on a secret mission in the depths of God Knows Where, very dangerous and if I told you about it I would have to kill you afterwards!!!!!! Am so relieved to see you are all still here, keeps me sane..........

    Anyhoo Christoph/´óÏó´«Ã½1/´óÏó´«Ã½2 congratulations on the Diana Concert - it was brilliant, the Princes should be very proud and they have paid their mother a wonderful tribute

    Mange Tout Mange Tout and Chaise Lounge to you all

    Mayhem (Sightly ruffled but still in one piece)

  12. At 10:05 AM on 03 Jul 2007, Scrump wrote:

    Re: Di concert, loved it, fitting tribute, Gervais is hilarious.

    Fearne Cotton should be shot. Another sycophantic, shallow presenter calling everyone "chaps" and pulling bizarre facial expressions while "Can I just say..... loving the hair/song/outfit/dog" we do not need.

    I refer you to Davina and Kate.

    Aaaaaagh, rant over!!! Meanwhile, poor old CLP gets hidden underground.......


  13. At 10:34 AM on 03 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Meeting was very successful although the council didn't make it as they said they were unaware of it until yesterday. Considering there was an article in the paper last week about it (and freaturing a gorgeous (?!) pic of yours truly) which contained a quote from them saying they would try to come along, I think there's a breakdown in communications somewhere. I feel totally drained now and I've got a new little boy to childmind this afternoon and my childminding exam tonight! I really need a holiday, i look like s#@t, the only good thing about all this stress is, I'm eating less!! I'm horribly snappy, at this rate I'll have a divorce to add to my things to do list.

    Sorry to moan!

    Em xx

  14. At 11:21 AM on 03 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I sorry CLP but I missed your presenting of the Diana concert on Sunday.
    I spent the whole day glued to me tv, not realising you were on the radio.
    I only managed ter free meself after 6 hours of being glued ter the tv. That's the LAST time I use bostick and play air guitar while watching a TOP concert.
    Just damn glad I didn't use me real geetarr or me E ter me E strings would be glued solid too.
    Not good for wrock friends- am tellin' yer.

    I really enjoyed the concert. I think how Prince William & Harry seem very pleasant and down to earth members of the royal family, very much like Diana. Something tells me were gonna see alot more big concerts in the future, organised by William & Harry.
    I think it would be a great idea ter make July the 1st a national bank holiday and have a big concert every year on this day. It could raise money for charity and become an event that all the worlds music stars would want to play.
    It could happen blog friends.

    It's almost like it's strangely fate the way Diana's birthday was on the halfway point of the year and the middle of the summer. There's something about the date July the 1st. It's a positive sounding date in itself!
    It's such a sad thing what happened to Diana, but they say the good die young- nothing more true than in Diana's case!

    Bye for now blog friends.

  15. At 12:18 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    I too watched avidly waiting to see our leader, not realising he was on the radio all the time!

    I did enjoy the concert, but I thought the sound quality was really off until the Feeling came on, maybe they woke the engineers up!

    But other than that I thought it was great, and it was smashing to see William and Harry enjoying themselves. All in all a really special day and an ideal way to remember a really special lady. Oh well thats all for now, will try to pop back later.
    Take care

  16. At 12:18 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Well that wasn't very good Chris, don't they know who you are?! The bits I listened to on the radio, I wouldn't have guessed you couldnt see it!
    I loved the concert, the ballet was amazing Lee singing with Donny and Jason! Brilliant. Tom Jones was great especially with Joe thingy from Aerosmith on guitar, oh I love him!
    And how funny was William and Harry, booging on down weren't they! hehe

    Well its 3rd July and the sun is trying to get out! Come on summer where are you? I'm going to Ladies day at Newmarket next thursday and if it rains I'll be so upset. Although the hat I am wearing is huge so it'll be ok.

    Well I better go and have a rest then meeting my cousin and her baby boy at the forum in Norwich for a coffee!
    Love to you all,missy xx

  17. At 12:19 PM on 03 Jul 2007, elmlea wrote:

    watched some of the Diana concert, it was okay but there were silences and technical issues which was annoying.

    Also, swan lake is a ballet and therefore you need to be able to see whats going on - a close up of their faces is not helpful when you need and want to see their feet! pointless close ups and scene cutting ruins a great performance as you cannot work out whats going on - what you want is a camera on the centre of the stage, long shot so you can see everything and then left alone! :-(

    back to work now and still very busy - accountants rule ok!

    Elm x

  18. At 12:51 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Derek wrote:

    Chris heard you on the radio for the Diana concert thought you were great kept it all together and even if the Prince`s were trying to wind you up saying Radio 1 rocked and so does Chris Moyles well they dont understad quality Chris Evans Rocks and has turned the drivetime show into a must listen to show

    So are there any truths in the Wedding bells story are you about to Wed again???

  19. At 01:47 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Brett Archer wrote:

    It's nothing to do with the Wembley gig but a friend of mine has just sent me a link to a website that I thought Chris and all his Ginga listeners might be interested in www.gingamafia.co.uk

    No better patron than Mr.E! Perhaps whoever runs it should get him signed up.



  20. At 06:12 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Andrew wrote:

    In regards to the Diana concert. The sound was poor, there were long silences.

    Rod Stewert, he should of gone down with the ark... and that lame excuse for comedy by Ricky Gervais was cringe worthy.

    other than that, it was good!

  21. At 07:20 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Louisa Beardshall wrote:

    Hi Chris! I heard you talking about facebook today, why don't you set up your own page (www.facebook.com) and join my group: 'He may be on Radio 2 but Chris Evans is great!'

    Thanks, love the show!

  22. At 08:26 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Louisa B wrote:

    Now i think about it, I'm not sure that you did mention facebook...I think that was Steve! Even so you should get on there, I'm sure Steve & the team will have all the info for you later this week!!

  23. At 01:58 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Jojo wrote:

    Hoorah for Andrew! Was beginning to think that I was the only one who found Ricky Gervais to be a complete waste of space!

    Have to admit I recorded the concert and managed to condense 5 hours recorded into one hours watching.

    Was nice to see the Royals chilled and enjoying themselves and after all, why shouldnt they.

    As for the technical hiccups - well the ´óÏó´«Ã½ should be ashamed - Live Aid was so much smoother and that was twenty years ago in the dark ages!!!!!!

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