Ok seriously, the first ever you-blog pole. Now I'm not sure I'll act upon the result but here's the question....
...I am, as I'm sure you are aware am gettin spliced to the "girl on the sofa."
However, OK magasine have made "the" offer.
Now here's the thing, they will somehow because they have done before, get photos of the happy event anyway and they will appear in the magasine. They won't be as crisp and they won't be as organised but we are getting married in a public church so it won't be difficult. So to a certain extent it will look like we've invited some kind of interest for financial reward.
So how about this, If they are going toget some kind of snaps anyhow, why don't we give them some official access, (only a few pagesworth) and get them to pay a lump of cash to the children's hospice I help from time to time.
Surely that is a win win win situation is it not ?
We have to get some money out of them if we are to be used as some added value to a publication, so why not do it for a good cause. Is this ok with everyone because I think this is what we're going to do ?
CLP 2007
Brill idea Chris. Nice one.
Have a great show tonight and a fab weekend.
Congratulations CLP and the girl-on-the-sofa!!
Before I even got to the end of your blog, I was thinging Do It, Do, Do It .... for charidy!
Like you say, a win-win and no public liability of the paps falling out of trees!
Congrats again ... if you need a bridesmaid or three, I'm sure myself, Hazel, Lindyloo and some of the others blog-tastic regulars will oblige!
Have a fab weekend!
CtD x x x
Congratulations Chris,
I say go for it, why not?
go for your life Christophe! at least you are being honest and doing something goods with the whole affair. Mind you I must have been in a hole recently as didnt know girl on sofa meant fiancee!
OK by me.
Be happy.
YES, do it for the hospice - as long as tgots is happy with it.
Oh at last we can properly congratulate you Chris, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!
I think it would be a good idea to officially sell the photographs. I totally agree with you and it's for a wonderful cause. Just don't pose while both eating any well known brands of chocolate.......
Love Deb x
If the money is going to charity, I think you are right. Congratulations!
Giving the money to charity is cool.
But noooo the pics look so awful!
Just enjoy the day with your loved ones without the intrusion!
Do it!!!
Screw them for as much as you! Send it to a good cause!
We know you spoke to us about it 1st. If anyone else questions your motives, at least you know that the hardcore drive time massive have given you are approval and we know it's nothing suspect or untoward.
Unlike, Cheryl and Ashley and Preston and Chantalle!!!
Excellent idea!!! Beat them and make them pay at the same time. Couldn't have thought of a better idea myself.
That sounds like a ridiculously good idea. As I was reading it I couldn't see where you were going with the post until the end. Great idea and put in the contract that they need to put a big logo of the charity and details of how to donate in the article.
Bravo Christophe.
That sounds like a ridiculously good idea. As I was reading it I couldn't see where you were going with the post until the end. Great idea and put in the contract that they need to put a big logo of the charity and details of how to donate in the article.
Bravo Christophe.
Absolutely fantastic idea Chris. Good to see the money from this type of thing going to such a worthy cause. Congrats to you both.
Go for it!!!
Hi Chris
Firtsly, HUGE Congrats, be happy the pair of you, and Enzo of course.
Re the magazine thing, top notch idea, I could not agree more, they are going to snoop on you anyway, so to turn it into a good thing as you suggest couldn't be better(in my humble opinion)
Have a great weeked all
over and out
ps it's Friday an I'm still in love
Yes, wholeheartedly agree, go for it. As long as it is for a good cause, no-one would disagree, as you say, they would get hold of the photos anyway, whether you say yes or not!
Good for you, I say!
Deffo. do it!
As you say, it'll be a media circus anyway - so enable the childrens hospice to benefit.
And Chris, many, many congratulations and here's wishing you all the best for the future.
I think it's a really good idea. Like you say, they're going to do it anyway...
...but I wonder if you could get the magazine to donate some of the extra cash they are going to make - afterall the sales are bound to go up with you on the front are they not?!
BIG Congratualtions to you and Natasha, I am over the moon for you xxxxxx
Normally I would say a big no no to the OK's, Hello's etc etc however I do agree with your sentiments Chris and think its a great idea to help out those little kiddies - so you get my vote.
Have a great weekend all
Mary xx
I say go for it Chris, It's about time these rich Bds in the media world gave their money to a worthwhile charity.
Good Luck to you and your Lady on the sofa.
Lots of Love
A Dorset Red head.
I wouldn't usually say this about that type of mag - but, Go for it!! For charitieeeee (mate!), why not?
Good luck, BTW.
Not a fan of these OK weddings - all a bit too much.
Suppose I would take the money for the good cause as long as I it did not impose on my (or her) enjoyment of the day.
Sounds good 2 me anything that help's out the kids is a bonus
That is a fantastic idea Chris! :D i think that is a super thought...and you should go ahead with it!
Win win win situation it is indeed! You will be having a great day...and those less fortunate can benefit aswel!:) very very very kind of you chris...and something more celebrities should consider! if only everyone took a leaf out of your booK! :D
Darling Chris if you are gonna sell make it Hello not OK!
I have to say I don't think its very you selling the photos even if you wont keep the money. Your friends and family won't be allowed to take photos, you have to invite all your celeb 'friends' and you have to make sure no one else takes a photo! Too much hassle if you ask me anyway
But Chris, your getting married! At last you admit telling us. How exciting! And can we stop calling her girl on the sofa as I think we all know she isn't sleeping there anymore!
Well lovely people have a wonderful weekend. We are test driving a Rav 4 this weekend so me and the folks are going to go to Southwold tomorrow to give it a test drive!
Talk later, missy xxx
Go for it! The charity will benefit and everyone is a winner!!!
Good idea,
It will give you an even bigger warm glow on the day, knowing that you are helping a worthy cause
Many congratulations by the way.
Get as much as you can out of them ....... and def. give it all to the Hospice.
Had no idea about your imminent "spliceation" ......... WHO is the 'girl on the sofa' ???
All the best from HOT Jamaica
Sounds a great idea to me. Like you say they are likely to get some photos of the event one way or the other and at least this way you get to give some extra support to a cause that means a lot to you.
PS Congratulations!
Why the hell not? Not that I understand why anyone has that kind of interest in wedding pics but seeing as they do, and as you say, pics will be published anyway, why not make it all "official" so to speak? And how about donating the cash to a lovely charideeeee?!
Beat them at their own game Chris. I think it is a fantastic idea to give the money to charity. Get them out of the way and then have a fantastic time with family and friends. Every happiness
Well if they're going to take photos of you anyway, you may aswell charge the scumbags some money! And giving it to chariddy is a great idea. So as long as the good lady agrees and the photographers aren't going to be too intrusive, then go for it.
I agree wholeheartedly.....they will get pics anyway.....get the money for the hospice.....but let the whole world know it
K x
Go for it! It's a good cause and as you say, they'll do it anyway but with rubbish grainy pics... Good luck to CLP and your fiancee.
Nooooo don't do it! It's the curse of Hello but by OK! They could make you do an Anthea and have to eat some revolting vegetable fat laden confectionary in the phots! I can recommend a brilliant photographer - he's doing my wedding on New Years Eve! Love and kisses...Mrs G to be! xxx
Go for it
I agree Chris, they will publish any way and the quality will be unflattering. So why not get some great shots and money for your Charity as well!
I love to listen on Fridays, the week-end begins with you and the gang. I work in a Junior School and my head has had it on Friday nights after Y6 recorders on Friday afternoon. What a way to end the week!!
Thanks and good luck
Phillipa xx
What a superb idea Chris and I reckon it's gotta be the first time it's been done (well, that I've heard of anyway)....Good on ya, you go for it.....those lovely kids will benefit
What a wonderful idea, my lovely friend works for that charity as a fundraiser and that would be the most fantastic gift for them. You should go for it!
Got married myself last weekend in Chiddingfold and the bash back in our garden. Hired the most amazing band ever, probably heard it in the pub but check them out on
www.streetlife-disco.co.uk (the ultimate 70's
disco experience). They got all 130 guests dancing throughtout their gig.
All the best for the wedding, may you have much happiness and laughter in your years ahead.
Sam x
Go for it Chris.....As a children's nurse myself i know how the children's hospice will benefit from your generous 'OK' offer....
Congrts to you both x
My vote is Go for it Chris - definitely win win
Yea go for it get the dosh for your charity, as you say they will get foto's anyway. sharpen up on your spelling are you really conducting a pole ? keep up the energy you pump into the show.
But get them to Publicise the Hospice at the same time.
Great show
Sounds a great idea to me. Go for it Christophe. Have a fantastic day whatever you decide to do about the photos. xx
Go for it Chris,
Their money would only otherwise go in the pockets of less selfless celebs.
Congratulations, have fun and make sure you get very drunk and give them somthing to take a picture of.
Muchos love,
chris if you give the money to charity then I think that's ok, after all as yo say they'll get photos anyway. all the best. we're enjoying the show say hello to anita driving on the m6
go for it, good luck, and can you put some photos on the blog for us please
Great idea Chris! Rip as much money as you can from 'em, they've got money to burn!
By the way..... magazine with a 'z', not an 's', apart from that everything's fine.
Carry on
Hello Chris
Yes of course Chrispohe its a great idea - as long as they don't get to take over and spoil it for you - its your day after all.
Its a great way to share the good feelings on your happy day
Loads a love
Absolutely go for it.
The vultures will be at the door anyhow so make the money go to a good cause and make sure they put that in big letters on the page. Not for your ego but so that the Daily mail and others can't accuse you grabbing the money.
It will have to be all the money I'm afraid or the phrase a "proportion of the money went to charity" will mean the papers say "I bet he kept most of it!!!"
Great Idea! I obviouly don't read 'hello!' or other simnsilar mages as I didn't realise you were getting married - congratulations!
Beat them at their own game Chris. I think it is a fantastic idea to give the money to charity. Get them out of the way and then have a fantastic time with family and friends. Every happiness
What a superb idea Chris, and I reckon the first time it's been done (that I've heard of)
You'll have a great day anyway, and the kids will be able to have even more great days
Good on ya, go for it
Jeanette, Aylesbury
I'd say go for it, especially as you would donate the money to the children's hospice, they would get a well deserved mention and it may shame others to do the same.
The major downside to magazine photoshoots is that they try to take over 'your special day' Try to keep some control over your day.
Totally agree with Mary. Rip them off for as much as you can Chris - and then some. But make sure the advantages are all on the side of you and yours. And write some limits into the contract.
Good luck with that, the day and the future.
95% Win win situation! The only loser in this could be your good self (and the girl on the sofa) having to potentially postpone the post ceremony merriment for a while to point some cheesy smiles at the world's press! All for a good cause though! go for it! Good Luck!
A & S
Sounds a grand idea Chris.
Good for you.
Better than them cashing on your good for nothing.
Think it will bring good karma for you both!!!!
take it easy,
of COURSE its ok! how could it not be? turn the potentially negative into a positive. just keep away from the chocolate bars ...
Congratulations Chris.................
Great idea - go for it!!! You are a star.......
ps Cushdie
Many congrats.
Great idea hospices need all the help they can get.
Good luck with it all
Sounds a grand idea Chris.
Good for you.
Better than them cashing on your good for nothing.
Think it will bring good karma for you both!!!!
take it easy,
Funny if you were doing it to pocket the cash it would be a bad idea, but because you are giving it to a good cause its a good idea. Bit like donating a kidney - good idea, selling a kidney - bad idea.
Go for it but keep it quiet they the cynics cannot say you are seeking publicity. Cannot win always. But we all believe you it’s a good cause. Keep doing the great show. Say hello to Swirly who sometimes listens to you coming home at this time from Blackburn to Fylde Coast. (I bet you say that wrong!!) She knows who she is.
All the best for your upcoming nuptials.
I think you should do it Chris its a Win Win Win situation Congratulations on getting married.
Looks like I'm the pig in the pokey once again
Hello Ok magazines make a wedding a carnival . I would prefer a private wedding with perhaps a lone scottish piper no LULU though.
Many congrats.
First of all much love and congratulations,secondly how infuriating are "THE MEDIA they are going to get you anyway so take the money and give it the hospice they struggle to raise money and publicity swallow your pride and smile!!!!!!!!!
Above all have a great day.
This is my first post! I have been a lurker from the very beginning but never felt the urge to post before!!
Congratulations to you both!
I say Do it! The money to charity is great and lets face it they will get thir photos anyway so they may as well pay for them!!
All the very best for the future!
Sue x
Firstly CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!
Your decision is more than ok! It's surely the way to do it! Go for it big man.
Do it, do it, Christophe, so long as it's your way and not theirs. Love and congratulations to you both.
Best wishies for future to you both
ps note to self: must purchase a new sofa and see if my luck changes. That is assuming one can have a 'boy on the sofa'....
pps talking of potential mates.....how is Nic settling (back) in?
Chris as a fellow ginge BIG congrats
and cane them for as much as you can get as for once one of these mags will auctually be doing some good for the community even if it is indirectly.
Keep up the good work
Yes, Yes, Yes
why not, go for it, it can only possibly spoil one day for you both, but bring years of love to many at the hospice.
What`s a few photos in a magazine for a good course. Just make sure you get a decent cut!
Can I request some pics like in Golfpunkonline `Scareful`.
m xx
PS Has she got a sister?
absobloodylutely! per debs though - no chocolate pose please.
PS: i am going to give up watching TV for a week (golf excluded) is this a good plan?
Love Jennie (from the blog)
I remember going to a friend's wedding and they were away from their friends for hours getting the photos taken.The guests had a great time but the wedding party were v peeved.
I am sure the same will apply to OK magazine. Will you both get the chance to speak with the people that you most want to be there? Will you not need to get a celbrity bridesmaid/best man rather than the people that matter? Whilst you have the best of intentions do you really want to put such a special day at risk?
All the best by the way
Claire, Glasgow
OOOOOOOOOOOOO Can I be a bridesmaid!
Yes, Yes, Yes
why not, go for it, it can only possibly spoil one day for you both, but bring years of love to many at the hospice.
absobloddylutely! per debs though - no chocolate pose please.
PS: i am going to give up watching TV for a week (golf excluded) is this a good plan?
Love Jennie (from the blog)
Christophe Lamb Pie
I can't think of a finer way for the media to celebrate your nuptials than with a donation to a place that does so much good work for those who are so less fortunate than ourselves.
I, sadly, have personal experience of the good work the hospice movement does for those with cancer and terminal illness, so I can't imagine why any right thinking person would object to your suggestion; bless you, your intended and also your Radio 2 drivetime show team. You're the best!
If they are going to get them anyway then why not give them the opportunity to take the 'official' photos for a fee to the hospice. Sounds like a win win situation to me (although maybe not for the other paps).
As long as its just a few Chris ( think Zoe Ball ) goo for ..think happy children ...but keep most of the day for you two and friends .. and have a good one
First off, congratulations to you and the girl on the sofa, here's wishing you both lots of happiness and fun!
Now down to the question: if they're going to go for photos anyway, why not get them to pay for the privilege - as long as you keep as much control as you can and get plenty of publicity for the children's hospice.
I know you two will make up your own minds on this, which is the main thing, as it's your day.
Finally - I have to say a BIG thanks to HL, MfR, CTD, Clodagh, KW and everyone else who keeps me glued to the blog on a daily basis... til the next time: Happy ARF!
As long as it's OK with the two of you it's OK by us Chris, congratulations.
The Jays
This can be a thorny one.
I totally agree that if they are going to get pictures 'legally' then they shoudl pay through the nose and a Hospice is a particularly good place to send the money,
BUT........... and it seems to be a big But......
How much control would they want over your actual wedding. Can you have clauses to restrict what and when they take pictures, and how much freedom your guests have?
What about your guests? Are there restrictions on the pictures they take .. etc. etc. etc....
And following on from everyone else's post... Congratulations!!
Brilliant idea win win situation, your charity gets much needed funds and the press gets to fork out for the pleasure.
Go for it, Chris.
Milk the buggers for every penny you can and put it where it can do some good - bloody scurrilous rag deserves milking.
Nice one Chris.
I've got to go with the flow and give it my vote.
Mrs MfR and I wish you both all the best.
Congratulations to Sam as well.
Is there going to be a special bloggers stag/hen night type thing? After all, we've all been with you for a year or so now and you have entrusted us with our opinion. We'd all love to able to raise a real glass, as opposed to a cyber one, to the happy couple!
Oh, and we're all still hanging on with baited breath for the car news.
Well, this sad git is, anyway.
Best wishes everybody for a fabulous weekend. I hope all your dreams come true.
Peace & love
PS Sorry to sound like a broken record, but this was our wedding song. I suppose if you are going to sound like a broken record, it may as well be this one;
And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.
why not just give the sum of money yourself to the charity?. you know the pics will be tacky,no matter how hard you try to not make them that way?
congrats tho...have a great day
Sounds like a wonderful idea to me. I'm sure the children's hospice will be very grateful.
Live long and prosper, JD
A no brainer!
Screw them to the wall for as much as is possible and give it to a charity of your choice (better still - do a Tom and Katie job, get married secretly first and then let them take the pics!)
I was going off your blogs for a bit but the more recent ones suggest you are back on form. No doubt the girl on the sofa issue has something to do with that. A sad but true fact of life - people are social animals! Far more productive in packs than alone (except for a few statistical rarities of course.)
In my humble opinion a blog is hard work and you should devote your attention to the show - unless of course you have a serious point of order like screwing the parasitic life forms that put the likes of OK or Hello magazine together. Maybe it would be easier to sustain your standards of excellence in a once a week blog.
First of all, congratulations!
Really pleased for you and your loved one.
As long as they don't intrude too much into the day I say go for it. Make sure that they make it clear in the mag where the money is going and that you're not another sell out celeb.
Will you be making use of the Drivetime Dress?
Ditto to the other offers of being a bridesmaid!
yeah go for it im sure the charity could use the extra money you will have great memories of your day and so will others be happy xxx
Taking the dough and passing it on to a worthy cause is a no-brainer.
definatley! Congrats to you and Natasha. Long and happy life to you both
Brilliant idea. I read the first bit and thought "why not get OK to donate dosh to a charity then it's win-win situation - or as least the best possible outcome as you'd be besieged by press anyway" and blige me - that's exactly what you go on to say. I did ask the blog yesterday what was all this about your impending nuptials as I'd been away and missed it and now here it is from the horse's mouth so many congratulations to you both. Are you having a double wedding with Bill! The mags would pay double for that.
Congratulations Christophe. Yes that is an 'OK' idea.What
a good cause. Thought for a minute you were going to
invite us all to the wedding!
K xx
Just had to add I am amazed by these comments. A wedding should be a private affair surely, not a show or a charity cause. The day is about two people committing to a new life. Another time and a place for Charity but not at ones wedding.
Congratulations Christoph and Girl on the sofa!
Go for it!!! If the money is going to charity then yes its a very good idea, heck I would even to out and get a copy of the said publication especially..........
I am going out to get a hat if I am too late to be a bridesmaid!!!!!!!!
Can the bloggers come on the stag night?? If not and if we are all up for it then we should have our own celebratory party.............
Have a great weekend everyone
P.S. McCrumble - Suffolk hey!!!! Welcome to our little corner of the world x
This is my first blog.
I think the answer is a positive YES. Do it for charity. Good Luck.
Dear Mr CLP,
you definately have my support....YES! YES! YES!
I think its a fantabulous idea as there are too few hospices spread throughout the UK, let alone the more specialist childrens hospices.
I am doing a ladies driving day at RMB chivenor on sunday to raise money for the local hospice. This year will be particularly memorable as I lost my mum to cancer in march, so this ones for you mum!
So jollyjolly good luck from this devonshire dumplin to you almost weds!
lovenugs from the lunacy
Fine - but a couple of downsides hit me
1) They overstretch the agreement - you know they well - result, you get angry on what should be a happy day.
2) You appear in a magazine and get tarred with that brush (even if you are giving money to charity) in a way that snatched pictures will not tar you especially if you make it clear beforehand that you wanted a private day.
Don't suppose you haven't thought of that though.
Chris, you where talking about OK magazine last time you where about to get married, and then you where also going to give it all to a charity - what happened?
I`ve never seen OK magazine, well once in the doctors surgery. I guess OK will only produce tasteful, quality pictures, which has to be good.
Now, assuming you go ahead with OK, and so far the consensus is YES. Do I
buy Golf Punk or OK?
m xx
just read your blog. my mate blogged you before about going to her mates for the weekend. Weekend started sat in car on drive, listening to you and sharing a big bamboo. Good luck with the new ventur
This is the premier league of ideas Chris!
Maybe you can offer a listener a seat or two at your big day. Get people to bid - the highest bidder goes to the wedding and the money goes to the hospice.
It's a winner!!!
Have a great weekend
wow what a response - never seen so many entries in one evening.
My opinion is that if you do it, make it on your terms not theirs, as the whole searching guests n stuff, banning cameras/phones etc is so not you
- the charity thing is such a great idea.
I'll finally buy one of those mags if you do. I agree with the bloggers pre-wedding drinks too, where n when?
However Prof Plum has a valid point too.
MrsW and me send you all our best wishes to you both, hope you're both very happy for years to come.
Yes Yes Yes!
was thinking the same thing before i got to the end of the blog!
Would love to see some pics - sucker for wedding photos
Congratulations to you both!!!
Have a happy life together!
K xxx
Don't do it Chris, I mean everything! Remember what happened last time...?
Do it, no question - just do it.
I’d say yes & then everyone is happy. You will always get someone criticising you for it - idiots.
Anyway, you have all our email addresses (the bloggers) any chance of an invite to the evening Do’??
Don’t ask - don’t get!!
Take care one & all.
bloggers, just read my blogs - I`m so sorry, I`m rubbish at spelling, sorry.
It`s interesting to read the bloggers views on OK magazine pics. On the whole most people seem to think it`s a good idea and vote yes - go for it. But I thought, if I was to get married, being just a ordinary member of the public, would I want my wedding in a magazine. No way. Then I thought, not being famous few people are going to recognise me from just one magazine spread. And if the money can do good, why not.
Then, I thought if your famous already then the paparatzi are going to be hanging from the trees to get pics. So what have you got to loose!
m xx
PS I sat six feet away from Martina Navratilova on Wimbledon qualifying week at Roehampton. I plucked up the courage to say hello to her - she just blanked me! Is that what being famous does to you!!
As long as you don't let them take over what is YOUR day then great!
Hi Chris
Any chance of an official pic of the girl on the sofa up on this site?
RE: Photos
How about giving them non-exclusive access: i.e let them take proper quality snaps but don't hit you with the exclusive 'hide the bride under a blanket' type clause they always seem to force on people. You may even manage to get 2 payments, one from OK and another from Hello! Especially as it is for charity.
Just my pennyworth.
Hi Chris,
I think go for it, because, as you say, they will use the pictures anyway. A great idea to give the money to a local charity.
All the best for your wedding and future life together.
go 4 it chris and why not get them to print some photos of the hospice as well, to gain publicity for it . as part of the deal???
Go for it Chris - play them at their own game - it is one hell of a shame if it spoils your special day - so take control and make them pay!
Your integrity and warmth shine through and you can do it!!!
dO WHAT you both WANT :-)
Brilliant everyone benefits especially the children
Happy life to you both...:)
OH YEES......:)
Do it . Good idea Mr Lambie Pie....x
Good luck
Congratulations Chris and Natasha!
The British Open, next week, must be the best place to celebrate your impending nuptials - as you are both golf devotees.
I can't think of a track, related to golf, that would send you the best wishes of all your blogger family. I bet someone on your team can come up with something for ARF!
Satisfy the wishes of your and Natasha's day, then make the most of any financial inptut to benefit your chosen charity.
I am lucky - my children and (so far) my grandchildren - do not need additional attention, but I am very aware that many families benefit from the input of charitable organisations.
Can you set up a bloggers donation page, to mark your momentous event, to the benefit of your chosen charity? Just a thought.
I reiterate many of the thoughts of fellow bloggers - make the most your wedding - but not to the detriment of you, Natasha and your families.
Best wishes
Granny Bev
Mr Evans. Well done you.
Of course. let them in. take the cash. donate to worthy cause. Like you say every ones a winner.
I f you refuse they'll only turn up anyway under a tree or a bush and photograph you and your luverly from an unflattering angle.
All the best to you and yours matey by the way.
And if your ever interested in going in to the theatre business. I have just written a brand new show about the Manchester Pals of world war one.
(100 year anniversary comming up real soon.)
Take care matey. Love the show.Give me and my wife and kids a mention
Anthony. Margaret. Hannah 11 Megan 8.
Emily and Lucy. 5 (Twins) Cheers xxxxxxxxxxx
Tinsel ..... was it your text on Thursdays show that referred to the ringing bell and angels getting their wings? If not you, there's someone stolen your identity!!
Night all.
I just wanted to be the last one in bed this morning. Love drive time even though I walk to work. Stay tickety boo and well
Top Cat x
Erm Congratulations Mr E. Perhaps you could get hello and OK or who ever to get into a bidding war with the key prize as a nice feature for the hospice which could perhaps raise even more money. Also minimise the aggrevation to your good self and your party. The big challenge is of course to get the lawyers to act for free he he. You know you can do it. Go for it
JK Nonegreen
Well that was a good response - need I add my own - of course do it.
Much love to you both
Haricot Vert xx
I'm agreeing with Prof Plum on this.
Make sure you agree all the terms and conditions before you sign anything! Have a fab weekend everyone.
blimey Chris 124 posts! you got everyone talking didn't you!! hehe
Missy xxxx
Many congrats on the upcoming nuptuals. Dilemma this. I would not like to go to a wedding where OK or Hello had the rights as I love to take lots of photos at weddings HOWEVER if you are going to donate the money to a good cause then I think that would be ok. Hope you will both be very happy and I absolutely love the show.
PS Do you think you would ever do 'don't forget your toothbrush again?'
wow well that certainly has generated a response.
Interestingly a huge majority in favour. I wonder is this just because all these people want to see the photos?
When I posted yesterday I was in favour but noted the need for the day to still be your own. I am moving against the idea.
Plum - perhaps some sanity amongst the rest!
So a suggestion - say no to Hello/OK so that they do not make any money (no matter how much they donate they will only do this if they can make some money). Have some private photos taken and post them on the blog. We will then all make a donation to the hospice for looking at the photos. Problem solved!!!!!
Many congratulations and hope you will both be very happy.
1. Very good to donate the money to charity. shame other don't.
2. Presuming Billy goes to the wedding, that will be the front cover photo.
do what feels right for you.
Go for it Chris!!
Brill Idea!
And congratulations!
Is the fastest moving blog ever!
Your loyal bloggers say go for it! Make sure that OK state that the money paid is going to charidee!
But whatever, this needs to be OK with Natasha, it is more her day than yours! She needs to justify to her family why they cannot take pictures, if that is what OK insist upon!
If the girl on the sofa is OK with this then crack on mate but remember it is your (as a couple) day!
DD out
PS Bachmann Turner Overdrive
HMM HMM one and all
Loyal bloggers.. well I would like to think myself in with the in crowd, especially as I fought the Chris Evans corner on those ridiculous message boards at the ´óÏó´«Ã½ single handed.
Savills Travels, Are you having a laugh, Draclia, catch my drift .. Maybe not ..
When I saw the word OK I thought Noooo dont do it, your not a sell out, you dont need the money or the press coverage but when I saw the words childrens hospice I help from time to time I though well Im sure they could do with the money and the press coverage so I say go for it. Why dont you see if OK will do a couple of pages on the hospice as well for good measure. A couple of pages goes a long way when your in need of a bit of support from the masses no?
CLP I say do it and give a life changing amount of money to the hospice.
Thomas (from the Valleys)
PS Can I be Bridesmaid?
Congrats CLP! A truly wonderful idea, perhaps you could even swing OK mag to make an equal donation? Now that would really sing my friend,!! Have a great weekend everyone, look forward to the show again Monday
Good for you Christoff, sounds to me like a win win situation, pity more so called celebs thought of others. All the best Bernie.
Congratulaions Chris! Get as much as you can out of them, for the little kiddies in need. Love listening to you and Sally joshing each other on my drive home from work. When I get in, hubbie is listening too, so we sometimes discuss points of interest from the programme x
By all means do it, but for people like me who don't (and won't) buy celeb mags, please allow at least some pics to go into normal newspapers. Otherwise I'm going to have to book a doctor's / dentist's appointment and grub through their pile of magazines in an effort to find your picture!
You've made lots of friends you don't know about through your radio show and we all want to be able to see pics of you on your happy day.
Makes sense to me - they`ll take the piccies anyway. Makes sense that the hospice will at least benefit. Good luck Chris x
Hi everyone
Chris, I say do what you feel most comfortable - I'm guessing you don't need the cash unlike big brother wannabies and if you give it to chairty that will be great - but will it spoil your big day - and more importantly the big day for the girl on the sofa - not that I have ever got married, and especially not with hello paying! PS, if hello (or any othr glossy) want to pay for my wedding that might help my case against the bf!
My and 'im indoors were discussing you last night on the way to the supermarket and we have decided that we wish you the best luck - you have really changed sine the ninties and we like the new improved Chris, and believe me from the bf that is high praise indeed!
Good luck and hi to all the other bloggers - we really are a friendly bunch! :-)
Go for it Chris, I hope you will be happy.
I didn't think I would continue to listen to Drive Time when Johnny left, but I think you are a breath of fresh air, carry on regardless...
Hi Chris,
Fantastic idea! Gets my vote as a 'yes'!
Well. you do want you want Chris. People on ere seem to think you have changed. I liked the old Chris. Does being over 40 mean you have to be different.
Pipe and slippers stuff, marriage and then the kids arrive on the scene to turn your world upside down. Pushing buggies down the park.
Dirty nappies nights without sleep. Wife goes off sex and then it's divorce.
Hey Chrissy Chrissy baby - good on you for doing the gig but giving the cash to 'charidee'....the gutter Hello!/ OK press might actually learn something...or maybe not.
PS If you're going to the Open next week we live in the closest village to carnoustie and you and 'the girl on the sofa' could use our futon if you like? It's made up anyway as we have a 9month old baby and we often need a night away from the marital bed to console her through the night. If you need to do the show from here , I have the bus timetable to Carnoustie and I'm sure we could fit it in.
Just a thought.....ha ha
Love and tee shots
Jen xxxxxx
PS i hear George Clooney has rented out our local next week for an Open party - be there OK! mag.....
When you say "pay a lump of cash to the children's hospice" would that be 100% of their payment for access to your wedding going to the hospice? Or just a portion?
If 100%, sounds good.
Many congratulations Chris.
It's a great guesture. Well done.
Chris, the fact you're asking for comments on this is so sweet, but it's not up to us. It's up to you to do whatever the heck you want. You're famous, of course the magazines are going to be interested. You don't need anyone's validation - but I am seriously delighted that you will be giving the money away. Just have a super day y'hear? Cheers, Jan x
yeah go for it - and get as much money for the hospice as you can
Hi Chris, just thought I'd pick you up on your awful spelling, OK magazine is spelt with a Z - not an S as written in your blog on 13th July. Sorry, but I'm a wee bit anal about bad spelling! Well done for donating money to kids hospice. Wish there were more people like you. Good luck for the big day and I hope the weather holds out for you! Please can you give a mention to all the hard working nurses at the Beatson Oncology centre in Glasgow on your evening show. You make the drive into work something to look forward to!!! Love and best wishes, Fiona x
Go for it Chris, win - win it is, money 4 nothing, and a step forward for the ginger minority!!
I reckon that as long as you're sure they won't spoil your day for you then do it for the hospice.
Go for it Christophe - seems like a fab idea for a wonderful cause.
Congratulations to you both!
What a generous gesture. I think every celebrity wedding should do it. Maybe you will start a new trend.
Great shows.
Fantastic idea Chris!
Go for it!
Many congratulations!
Chris - Congrats on the forthcoming nuptials.
I think its a good idea - as long as you have some control over it - you don't want them taking over and your wedding day revolving around them getting their photos. It's your day after all !!
Good luck.
Go for it Chris, as you said they will get some sort of pics anyway so why not make them good ones and as you say let them pay to a good cause for the priveledge of doing so. All the best to you both.
Absolutely! You go for it.
Children's hospices have to close all the time when lottery funding runs out so every penny helps!
Firstly, Congratulations to you and the girl on the sofa with the skinny thighs, i hope you will be very happy together.
Secondly, i've just asked my husband what he thinks and we say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I feel that you will regret it if you do it (but obviously I'm outnumbered and its up to you anyway!).
Latitude was great when we finally managed to find our way in, i started crying at one point, but it was worth it in the end. The Magic Numbers were fab but the toilets were horrid - I just can't bring myself to describe them, worst ever.
Last week at primary school starts for my son tomorrow, end of an era!
Em xx
Em M - glad you had a great time at Latitude. I went to Southwold and we drove past it on the way and I thought of you. The festival spirit spread to Southwold and some festival goers had come into the town and it was a really nice atmostphere there, and the sun helped! If you go on my blog I got a picture of lots of people waiting to get the bus back to Latitude! Hopefullynext year i will be up for going as it seems silly having it so close and not going!
Chris hope we are helping you with the decision (doubt it though, if anything you are probably even more confused!)
Will catch up with you all tomorrow! xx
Fantastic idea. Everyone's a winner.
"Hello" get the added revenue from sales, You & Yours get some well taken snaps published and not some dodgy photo taken on a poor quality camera and the kids at the hospice benefit from the donation.
Hope it goes well.
Hi Chris and fellow bloggers xx
Excellent response to your blog Chris, great to see it back in fine flow!
I was devastated to hear you will be broadcasting from Carnoustie on Friday :o( I was due to host our Company's corporate day but I am going into hospital so I won't be going to the golf :o(( (very very sad face) I will be tuning into the show and look forward to you keeping me company xx
Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I've been glued to the golf all afternoon - excellent play off!
Mary xx
Hello Chris,
It is the first time I am writing a comment in response to one of your blogs. Congratulations to you and Natasha may you have a long and happy life together along with Enzo.
I hope Mrs E senior is well.
Why not start a Chris and Natasha charitable foundation like Bill and Belinda Gates in America?
For every photo shoot requested or press interview given by you or your new future wife the publication responsible has to donate some money to your foundation then you can dispense the money has you see fit to worthwhile charitable causes.
Have a great week my friend and keep up the good work, I suffer from depression and your show and this blog really help lift my spirits.
Hello Darren - welcome to the blog xx
I don't know where I would have been without this blog, it's got me through some really low points! There is never any pressure to blog, we can just dip in and out when we feel we feel up to it, everyone is so support!
I like your idea re the Chris and Natasha foundation!
Take care
Mary xx
Excellent idea. Maybe then Hello will publish some pics illegally and you can sue like Mike Douglas and that Welsh bird and give the money you win to charity as well.
At last someone in the public eye with a dash of common sense. I agree with your thinking - if someone less fortunate benefits as you say it has to be a win-win.
Well done you.
Absolutely love the show, sweetie.
O Fortuna Imperatrix Monday, and the same to you all!
I missed the ENTIRE show on Friday due to having a car accident. I am totally fine (which was debatable any way) but my wee car is completely ducked. Was taking evasive action to avoid being hit by a white van (no less) and went up the back of a trailer. Fortunately only doing about 15mph, but enough to write off a 17yr old wing...
If anyone knows of an MX6 in good nick that needs a good home, I'd be delighted to take it off their hands...
ANYHOO! CHRISTOPHE, fab news, lovely lovely lovely!
As Dissing Dave says, as long as the rest of your guests are ok to take pics etc and OK don't nick all the little disposable cameras off the tables, then go for it. I have an idea that the hospice is the one where our friends brother goes, and we sent a donation after his funeral a few years ago, so YES YES YES please donate the money!
...and as CtD says, I'd be delighted to be a bridesmaid. Preferably dressed in a little Shepherdess number with a crook and a hoop and your sheep all done up with ribbons etc.
Tinsel and I are still doing a collection for a caddie for you. That would be a tea caddie.
Carry yer own clubs
...and my, doesn't it show how many people actually READ your blog...haven't seen this many comments in ages!
Woo hoo it's out in the open - congratulations CLP and Natasha!
Deffo do it - Chase will be chuffed!!!!!! And this way you can dictate the terms, and get rid of the pap early on so you can have a brill rest of your day.
Haven't had my invitation yet - what's the dress code? Sales are on so I might be able to get a bargain ...
Hi, Christoph,
Yes, yes, you should absolutely take the money from OK and give it to your charity! As you say, they'll get some pics somehow, so you may as well make them pay you instead of someone else. Congratulations on your marriage - she is a very lucky lady!
Wowser! Have not seen this many posts on the blog over one weekend - the power of the (CLP) media! Great stuff.
HL - sorry to hear about your prang but the main thing is that you're ok. Will post you a little something tomorrow to cheer you up - but alas, it's not anything car related!
Monday again. Ho hum.
Went to the Essex Riveria on Saturday with some friends - had a great day even if I was pants at crazy golf! The whelks were fab, we had ice cream and the beer was plentiful. Just what the doctor ordered!
Boss out again all day today too. Life is great!
Will nip back later to catch up, me little fluffy ones!
CtD x x
PS: HL - bo peep outfits - ARE YOU SURE??? I was thinking more rock chic leather and lace ....
.....if HL and CtD are bridesmaids can I be a pageboy? Just promise me no velvet or cheesecloth!!!
Seriously - huge Congrats to you both, I bet Minnie is chuffed to bits. To be honest (fence sitting time) I agree with both sides of the argument. I know I posted on Friday saying yes but I do see the downside to it. I would hate to go to a wedding and have my phone put into a locker, see the bride come in under a blanket etc etc but I feel that you will have it all under control and it will be great.
EmM - Didn't get to Latitude as I had to work all weekend but glad you had a great time, maybe next year we'll make it - along with missy - and have a drink.
HL - hope that you are ok after your RTC, I had a 'head-on' whilst at work last year at highspeed and it was a day or 2 later that the whiplash n varying aches set in. Take it easy, hope you find a new car soon.
On nights for the next few days but will dip in when I can. Great to see so many lurkers finally saying hello.
Bonnet de douche
Hello Mary,
I hope you are well today, thank you very much for your supportive words it is much appreciated. Have a lovely week.
Hi Darren, I too have suffered depression and this blog is an absolute tonic. Good luck and wish you all the best.
Hazel, glad to hear that you are ok after your prang.
Isn't it good to see so much support for CLP here.
Better get on with some work now! Hope everyone has a good week!
Deb x
No problem Chris, brillian idea to get some money for a children's hospice. I help out at one too, so go for it!
They are going to get the pictures anyway - fab idea to donate to the hospice.
If more well known people took a leaf out of your book, so much good could be done.
Hope you have a great wedding even with the press intrusion!!!
Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,
Bingo Star ere....... I think!!!
Yes, just checked it's me ere. Alwight.....YO, let's go!
CLP friend i've got issues ere with all this OK business. I don't think celeb operatives should sell themselves so easily BUT and it's a BIG BUTT, sorry BUT, if it's for charity then I think it's SPIFFINGLY WROCKINGLY..... OK YARRR ter me friend- know what am sayin'!!!!
Dis.... is the opportunity were celebs can do alot of very good for charity - Great Idea CLP & VERY GOOD KARMA for the future!!!!!!!
The only thing iz Chris man i've got questions that are boggling the Bingo brain.
The Girl on the sofa:
1 - Will she remain on the sofa ter the church (Yer could 'ire that motorised sofa that's always in the papers ter 'get to the church on time' - I feel a song coming on)
2 - Will the girl on the sofa remain on the sofa during the ceremonatrimononail ceremonies and hence you join her on the sofa during the cere.... sorry the long c words above.
3 - If the above 'apens will 'the rev' taking the service be issued with 'is own sofa as 'e could end up with serious back problems if 'aving ter bend down too long. (PS Me grandad was a rev. I think 'e joined the church as the only way to regain sanity after the birth of his grandson)
4 - If all of the above 'appens will DFS also be involved with their 'Wedding special DFS discount sale'. Perhaps too riskay CLP & too commercial friend BUT possible more charity possibilities!
Just a few things that ave been bothering me all weekend CLP. I need answersfriend & ter the car you've bought.
PS Sorry Chris I didn't pop into the tower of pop & wrock - Broadcasting 'ouse on Friday for a brew up.
I suddenly realised Friday 13th - not a good omen for getting past security!!!!!
PS CLP Any chance of playing Hokus Pick and Sofa Logic. Material wrock in all areas this tune - am tellin' yer CLP!!!!
Go for it!!! How refreshing to hear that any money will go to a deserving cause rather than to help fund some uber lavish part of the wedding. And we'd all love to see your happy grin in a nice crisp photo!!
I would say go for it.
I have always loved reading wbout other peoples Weddings in these magazines.
Weddings are such a happy occasions and having just got married myself (7 weeks now) lets share the love!
I just wish that all the other celebrities were as generous as you and would donate the proceeds to a worth while charity.
Best wishes to you both
It's your day and you are right, they will snap photos from afar so I think you should take their offer and make even more people happy. You really are a sweetie. Enjoy the day.
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go for it! It's better to have them there taking great pictures rather than in a "cloak & dagger" manner with dodgey shots!
Make sure that you both dictate, not the other way round, after all it's your day!
Congraulations to the both of you!
Leb x
Think I'd better leave right now one and all.
I have read most of the lovies comments.
Away from the point however,
I am reminded of Requests on Sunday Love Songs..... Jack and I have been married for 40 years and I still love him as much as the day we met...... How can that be? Maybe Jacks other half has run up debt on her credit card and thought the request would soften the blow....
Just an old romantic.
I didn't know you were getting married.Congrarulations.
They'll take photos anyway .so I reckon you should get a few bob for the hospice out of it.
love Sinead xxxxxx
Catching up with your blog today. Heard some of Friday's show - great as always. Congratulations to you both and hope you both will be very happy. Wonderful idea - squeeze the buggers for all you can get out of them - after all it is for a good cause. I am sure your well known negotiating skills will come to the fore.
Lots of love and happiness.
Prof - hope that doesn't mean you're leaving for good?
I agree re: Jack and his partner - how can you love someone the same all those years later? Unless you didn't love them on day one and you don't now??? Ooops, perhaps that's what she really meant?
Still no news on my knee and it's impending treatment (or not?) all I can tell you is that today it hurts like F....
...lippin 'eck the sun's come out again
Grab the cash Chris.
PS Will you marry me next time? No-one's ever asked me, not even once..... :'o(
Thank you I am sure to pop in if I don't get barred.
Hope you knee improves....
Meanwhile, I hear Kerry Katona was burgled on Saturday however, theives failed to get away with her deep freeze, containing Iceland party nibbles. thats why Mams Shop at Iceland.
Hi Chris,
I think it is a great idea and the hospice movement do great work. get the cash for the kids.
Take care,
Sounds admirable to me - no doubt there will be some detracters but you don't strike me as a shrinking violet but maybe fiancee should have the last word.
Certainly - go for it Christophe.
Get as much as you can out of the hideous bottom-feeders, then get Danny Baker to get in the way of all of the shots for a giggle!
You're a prince among men.
Can the bloggers make some suggestions for a wedding car?
My thoughts are: 1935 Auburn 851; 1930 Bentley 4½ Litre Supercharged; 1909 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost; 1914 Rolls Royce Alpine Eagle; 1928 Hispano-Suiza 32CV H6b or Hispano-Suiza 1924 H6B Million-Guiet Dual-Cowl Phæton.
m xx
Hi Chris,
I think in this day and age, you're absolutely right - they'll show the photos in some form, whether you agree or not. Your idea would work.
Personally, i hate them type of magazines, but if they really want to pay X amount for the photos, then the hospice may as well benefit from it!
Didn't Johnny Vegas sell his wedding photos to Viz for £1!?!
All the best,
Chris B
I agree Chris
Go for it - just make sure that they say that your payment is going to the hospice, in great big letters on the cover!!
Congratulations to you both xxxxxx
Oh it IS Chase. I thought so. In which case, even more please donate to them!
..CtD, slightly worrying! PLEEEEEEEEEEASE don't panic. Didden wanna scare 'im luv...you're imagining all pastelles and white lacey bits aren't you...just go with the theme...am sure you'll manage to find where I'm headed...certainly not pastels...not even fruity ones...
...and dear DCI Zingiber, you, of course, are perfectly correct in your assumption that aches and pains come on a few days later...I went for a four mile walk on Sat to loosen up (broken in half with some dolmades, ciabatta and a can of cider because I'm nothing if not classy, sitting on the beach getting blown six ways to Sunday), and then a two mile walk yesterday...getting the bus back as I think I may have overdone it on Saturday, and now, although feeling most virtuous, am stiff as the proverbial.
...and Prof, lovely Plummet, Jack's other half, I think you'll find, is at the top of the hill. Not tumbling. And probably with a full bucket.
LOVE the show
ps Bingo Starr, in the orangery, with a Dobber.
martin - surely the ONLY wedding car worth considering for the happy couple is a ...
... golf buggy!
CtD x x x
That is a truely generous gesture and should be commended, good on you both. Shame all those other celeb's that cash in on such events dont do the same. Lets face it they dont need the money, the WAG wifes only spend the extra money clothes shopping!!
Where's today's blog then, CLP?
Have you gone for a suit fitting?
CtD x x
Congratulations to both of you on this great news heres wishing you and the future Mrs Evans all the best for the future together.
Very good idea to have the photo's taken and used in the magazine and very good news for the children's hospice, also all us lot who won't be on the invite list can have a look at how good you look on the day.
You're absoloutley right - the 's will only wreck the day by pouncing out from bushes in the graveyard!
So let them get the sots and make a few lives alittle easier in the process.
Congrats & lo.xx
Christophe you are a lovely chap. What a great idea and the people who would appreciate it the most get to benefit, rather than wasting it on shallow things for the day.
We get spliced in Mauritius in September and you've prompted me to make a dontaion even tho Ok won't be interested in being there.
Dunders - welcome to the blog and good luck with your nuptials!
CtD x x
Congratulations Chris and Natasha!
Am sure you will both come up with the right decision - after all it is the 2 of you that are the most important on your day.
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
A x
CtD - loved the golf buggy suggestion :o)
Mary xx
That sounds like a FAB IDEA. Make them pay for the pics they would have anyway. And for a good cause.
I wish you BOTH much love and happiness.
Love Flo xx
And tied onto the back of the Golf Buggy will be a Tee (pot), a driver (steering Wheel), a Wood (branch), An Iron (steam iron), (a packet of) chips, a Sand (Wedge) wich, and a packet of polo's (collection of holes).
Watch out for the Buggy, Hazel!
DD out
PS Swing Low watch it go!
PPS Eva Longoria (Sp?)
If you want to do it, go for it! Have fun and enjoy yourself.
If you want to do it, go for it! Have fun and enjoy yourself.
Jeayzus it's back I am after bein' expelled from Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork, for pokin' the Mayor of Cork with me brolly, and look what's happenin'.
Christorphe Lambie Pie is gettin' hitched. Hurrah! Congratulations to you and the lovely lady, CLP. And yes that's a top idea to squeeze some dosh out of the rhodedendron snipers and pass it on to those who need it. Excellent. And if I may say so, par for the course for you, Lambie Pie. Fair play to you.
Anyway enough of bein' nice. Howya Bloggers.
What's with Victoria Beckham. "Ooo It's Fabulous Being Hard Work."
Bless her. Well now if it's Hard Work she's after I'll send her my brand new Ikea UpJours 3-way mirror, together with allen keys, plugs and de-fibrulator to assemble. That way she'll get to excercise the brain and then be able to spot that she's forgotten 'er skirt.
Hows that.
I think that is a brilliant idea to raise money for an excellent cause, I hope it will make up for the intrusion you are obviously going to suffer at the hands of the press!
How come I listen to you most nights on my way home and didnt realise you were leaping head first into marriage again. But I am a woman of a certain age and my consentration does lapse, sorry.
Hope your sheep and other wildlife are ok. We are thinking of teaching our small flock of Ryeland sheep to swim!!
If the money is going to charity then a big fat yes to the magazine photos!! Like you say they will only get hold of some anyway so some-one might as well benefit from it!!
Congratulations by the way.
What a great idea - Hospices rely so much on donations - i've only recently become a fan of yours after listening to your 'Drive Time' show - love it.
Congratulations to both of you.
Not a fan of the magazine spread wedding photos myself, Chris, but if they've made an approach, like you say, they'll endeavour to take and print some anyway, so it's a good thing to raise some money for the hospice - I'm sure they'll welcome it.
I'd just say, cut the best deal you can, not only in terms of the cash, but on the access, how and when the photos will be taken, and make sure you have some time for friends and family to enjoy the occasion with you, without too much intrusion or dictation of what happens.
Make sure you get your own private photos too!
go for it if the money will be used for a good cause
just make sure the photos reflect you and the Mrs, not what OK want to make you out to be
Hi Chris,
delighted to hear your news. an accident (self-inflicted!) to my foot has kept me off the road for the last 5 weeks and your show is just not the same if I'm not in the car! Love it.
As many people on here have said, the magazines will get photos and publish them anyway - as you say a wedding in church is a public event - so if they want to pay you, take it for your good cause. Just make sure they do not take over the event and spoil it for you and your fiancee and families.
My very warmest congratulations to you both - have a great day and a great life together.
chris its good to see that you are paying for the wedding and it will probably mean a sight more to you and your bride to be.
as for giving ok a few snaps for their mag in return for a few bob for your charity go for it .
yes why not
what a great thought
yes why not
what a great thought
hi chris
go for it
Definitely go for it. As you say, they will get the photos anyway and at least you will get to vet the published shots and make (hopefully) a mint for the children's hospital. People understand its not something you would normally do, but a few photos of your big day are a small sacrifice for such a worthy cause. DO IT!!! x
Fab idea! Shame a few more celeb's have not thought of donating there fee.
Good luck on your big day
go 4 it! if you want to send the the money i wont refuse!
Definitely Chris - they're gonna pay mad money to people to sell their magazine so why not let them pay it to the hospice?
You lead by example and maybe others will follow.
Best of luck on your Big Day
Pam in Dublin
don't do it - the reasons for agreeing to have pics taken are understandable - but chris protect yourself and your new wife from such media manipulation - let them take their sneaky photographs - but its your special day, the hospice will survive -
absolutely - hospices need all the money and support they can get - wish more "celebs" had your generosity
Congrats Chris. Yes go for the OK mag offer and give the money to the Hospice. As you say a win win situation. Perhaps other celebs will follow your fantastic example.
i think the deal with OK is great. anything that makes money for chariy goes down well with me.
good luck on your marrage alwyn
Hi Chris......don't know if u remember me but it's Ellie from Wick ............it's u'r special day so u should decide together......i wish u both "A Lifetime of Happiness" you deserve it
all the best
It's a no-brainer really .... GO FOR IT!
Hi Chris
I think that if you are happy for them to invade your day officially (like you said they somehow get the photos and print them anyway!) then go for it - why not really push your luck though and get a lump sum from the photos and 50p from each copy sold for your charity??! If on the other hand you just want it to be you and your family etc (is this likely considering your status!) then I respect your decision either way! - still think you should milk them for all it is worth though!
wishing you and the future wife the best of luck lots of love and happiness and hope what ever happens you have a fantastic day - oh yes will only by a copy of ok for your wedding if they agree to 50p per copy!
Hi Chris - I think this is a fab idea and would definitely buy that issue just to see pics of you and your lovely lady!!!
Well sure why not? Why would you pass up the money? It's not the getting paid for it that matters and people should take issue with anyway, it's what you do with it that counts and warrants scrutiny. Since you're making it known that it's going to a good cause, I'd say you're good to go!
Pick the charitable organisation you want to donate the money too. Give them the single rights to the pictures. Arrange for someone sensible to do the deal with them and OK magazine. That eliminates you from the loop and the curse.
Hey Chris
Great idea. Go for it!!
Why don't more celebs do this???
first of all heaps and heaps of good wishes to you and your bride to be . second of all i think the idea of giving money to GOOD causes is always a good idea so i say go for it chris xxx
Yes! Yes! Yes! You have so many fans Chris and we would love to see your wedding pictures.
At the same time you can help support what is important too. How great is that. I would love to be in that position.
Love the idea!
Do it!
hey there Chris
First CONGRATULATIONS to you both.
You go for it boy and sell to whoever gives the highest bid, I work with young people and I know they deserve and will appreciate all that they get.
Hope that you had a great weekend in Carnoustie, I live 5 miles away from there so I know that the buzz was electrifing
Lovvers Morag xx
Hi to Chris and everyone posting here!
Around 2000/1 I remember Chris making a pledge to giveaway 1/2 his fortune to charity!
Chris, did you do it?
Does anyone posting here know wether he did?
And, I'm a tad skint and it's nr Christmas... hows about a long term loan???
Dave Dempsey