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Chris Evans | 16:53 UK time, Monday, 16 July 2007

Sorry late posting today, been sorting out...

... the table plan with the Mrs along with the funding of the new restaurant with my money man and...

Been reading all your lovely, mostly, votes of confidence for the "charadeeee," wedding photo deal.

So, let's see what they're offering eh ?

I'll keep you well, informed freat not dear posters.

Wedding diet day one... One month to go today and counting, amazing what you can do in a month. It;s not so much as looking good for the day, as being able to feel it all. The fitter you are, the more you feel and believ me there's plenty of that going on at the moment.

One minute to five, have to go, great show sorted for tonight.

Manday's pah ! No problem. Comoe on gang.#

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:59 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Wonderful, Chris! Good decision all the way around.

    In my house, we are in full Harry Potter - Frenzy!! My daughter has just come down off of the new HP movie high and is gearing up for an all-nighter this weekend reading the final book. It could be a sad one...I should prepare her for the end of Harry.


  2. At 05:01 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    'Bout time too, CLP!

    OK - so you're starting your wedding diet today - weird, as I was thinking of re-joining a certain well known slimming club this week. I finally got round to doing some ironing yesterday and a pair of trousers that were quite comfy are now a little snug for my liking!

    Let's do it together!

    Chief bridesmaid, over and out (for now!)

    CtD x x

    PS: Can you play something for Hazel Love - she had a prang on Friday and missed ARF !! Ta.

  3. At 05:04 PM on 16 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - well done to you and the girl on the sofa.

    I'm with the majority, I think, that you might as well get some money out of what will undoubtedly be a bunfight for photos and put it to a very good cause. At least your faithful bloggers will be able to see for themselves how the day went!

    Hazel, CtD, Lyndyloo, meself and a few other bloggers I can think of would make a rather fetching band of bridesmaids ..... do we all suit pink taffeta? With Gingembre as pageboy in his sailor suit and long white socks .... ooh, I can see it now! I wonder if Foxy's little boy will get to appear in the pics?!

    Anyhoo, congrats again to you both.

    jillygoat xx

  4. At 05:04 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Hey you! I'm quite excited by your upcoming nuptuals...love all the planning and the pretty things that go with getting spliced. Fun!

    Funnily enough, on principal I buy OK or Hello - but I dooo wish you happiness and peace for your wedding.

    I'm on diet also....(*sad*)..just eating low fat but sensible. two weeks managed 6lbs, so pretty good going. Not too terrible thus far....


  5. At 05:05 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I'm sorry I was one of the only people who said you shouldn't sell your pics, I just think however much you might think you will stay in control, these magazine people are very good at getting you to do what they want; you'll end up with Jordan and Sarah Harding as your bridesmaids before you know it! I'm sure it will be a lovely day whatever you decide, and as long as you love eachother, that's all that matters.

    My lovely son's house won sports day today, he's house captain so it was very special for him. I managed not to cry but not sure how I'll cope on Wednesday at Leavers' Assembly - wish me luck!

    Love and best wishes to the girl on the sofa,

    Em xx

  6. At 05:12 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Louise wrote:

    Glad you have decided to explore the photo shoot thing! I think it'd be great to get some fantastic pictures and help out your favourite charities.

    Have a fab show.....

  7. At 06:10 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    you are fab, u can do no wrong its great about the mag deal... your a good h...evans!!!!! and a good egg!!!!!!

  8. At 06:18 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh chris your getting married! I can't believe it its so exciting, i hope theres a table for Lindy Loo, Gingembre, Em M,Mulbarton boy and me! hehe!

    My holiday diet started to day as I have been naughty the last few weeks and eating too much rubbish and drinking too many wine spritzers so from today I am cutting back!

    hope you are all a okay! missy xx

  9. At 06:30 PM on 16 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    Yes, I agree Chris and Natasha should depart the reception in a golf buggy, but Natasha should arrive in style, as only a bride can, in a vintage car or even a horse and carrage.

    m xx

    PS That`s xx for the bride and groom. Congrats Chris and Natasha.

  10. At 06:35 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Congratulations again Chris. Girl did well - and we all thought we were in with a chance! sigh. Amanda #1 - same here although the all nighter will be both me and daughter.

    She can't really kill him off - can she?

    Choux Fleur xx

  11. At 06:57 PM on 16 Jul 2007, m wrote:

    have had ace time this past week, ready to ease back into the real world. Money doesn't grow on trees you know! Back to work on Wednesday so just time enuff left to savour the moment, soul and body replenished (thanks troute) and rearing to go!!!
    Have listened to a lot of arguments about battery farming this week and i have to say that the body which carried out this paper and the people who work there have neve heard chickens purr. show me a battery hen and i'll bet my bottom dollar it ain't content!Encountered intensive pig farming in denmark - didn't sit right with me so left.
    M xx

  12. At 07:21 PM on 16 Jul 2007, m wrote:

    Sorry get carried away sometimes! Good call on the photos, just see they that there prescence takes nothing away from your day
    Re you weight plan, don't deprive yourself just get a pair of spanx!
    Stay safe and enjoy

  13. At 07:32 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jilly goat- can I be a bridesmaid to?

  14. At 07:35 PM on 16 Jul 2007, troute wrote:

    trout here good one mate cu in amsterdam

  15. At 08:01 PM on 16 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    Don`t think about it Chris, you`ve got the majoraty of the bloggers/listeners approval, and we know this is not the sort of thing you would normally entertain. Now with all that in mind - JUST DO IT!

    I want to see the Hospice with a pile of money that will be a life changing amount to the children.

    Plus, I`d quite like to see the pictures of the wedding. Decent pictures, not grainy tele photo lense shots taken by some tabloid hack hanging from a tree almost half a mile away.

    Obviously it`s a very personal thing, and having never been married (I wish!) I`m the last person to give advice. We know only you and Natasha can decide what is best for your wedding.

    What ever you decide, enjoy.

    m xxx

    PS that`s one extra x for for bloggers.

  16. At 09:47 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Congrats CLP - I haven't had the time to pass on my best to you and Miss Sofa....sofa so good then!! Boom boom!!

    Oddly enough, I never did any wedding diet before my big day in Feb, but I felt great all the ways up to it. My ickle bro - aka, best man said he never saw anyone so calm and relaxed on the morning of the wedding - I don't know why, just seemed the right thing to be doing - so when your diet is done, on the morning of the big day - have a nice big breakfast!!

    Enjoyed the show this afternoon, hadn't been able to listen for a while...terrible stuff!!

    Well, back to the summer...pass the wellies....

    Tickle :)

  17. At 09:54 PM on 16 Jul 2007, Martha Longhursts bridesmaid wrote:

    Congratulations All the best vivi tou la blanche

    Can we change the record now

  18. At 12:38 AM on 17 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    Good decision, Mr E heart of gold you have.

    So a Ferrari 308 gts eh with virtual delivery mileage. You clever clever man. Wow they were a lot of money in 1989. One of the few Marannello offerings that still look gorgeous today Now all you need is a body like Tom Selleck. Lol

    JK Nonegreen

  19. At 07:45 AM on 17 Jul 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Congrats CLP!
    Saw in one of the Sunday tabloids last week that you were getting hitched but as you didn't mention it I was thinking it was the usual rubbish they spout!
    Love the idea of getting OK/Hello to pay for pics and donate the proceeds to charity, you really are a living saint! Think you should be beatified but that can't happen til you're dead..........!
    Loving the show as ever
    Tiggy xxx

  20. At 09:16 AM on 17 Jul 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Congrats big lad!!!!!!
    You're getting married on the same day as my little sis - she was with her beau for 8 years before they even mentioned the M word, so fair play to you.
    Good luck, good luck, may the road rise up to meet you . . .

  21. At 09:21 AM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:

    CtD, bless your lovely heart! I don't know if Christophe played a track for me or not, as not having a car makes for a bit of a complicated bus route home and I missed all bar about 1/4 hour of the show last night! However, Chris, I'm sure it was still positively spiffing!

    I think, however, the boys would look at their best in Kilts. Jillygoat and I crashed a wedding reception, quite by accident you understand, where a lot of the chaps were wearing kilts, and I have to say, did look rather fetching. Mind you, I'm a sucker for a man in a smart white shirt (the boy has none, but then he has a tool belt, but that's not for here) and with a kilt as well, and frankly, greasy poles and feather pillows aside, it's a bit of a knockout.

    I was Mollie Sugden's Bridesmaid

    ps £4.83 in the collection for the Caddie. Is there anyone with a screw driver who would be able to fit it to Christophe and Mrs CLP's kitchen wall whilst they are on Honeymoon?

  22. At 09:44 AM on 17 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Missy - of course you can. A celeb wedding can never have too many bridesmaids!!!

    HL - kilts, of course! Absolutely perfect ..... I'd completely forgotten that bit!

    jillygoat x

  23. At 10:37 AM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:

    So, to the point Christophe.

    THE table plan where you can't have Auntie Nora sitting at the same table as Mrs Breadwell because of what she said about our Linda at our Gran'dads funeral...but she can't be anywhere near Uncle Len either, because she'll throw food at him because she's convinced he ran over her yorkshire terrier in 1954...


    The table plan for the new restaurant?

    ...and as Tickle said, what ever diet you've been on (why you need to heaven knows, you seem to be looking mighty fine at the moment, just get the power plate out again, or take the pile of clothes off it and get on there) make sure you have a good brekkie on the day of the wedding!

    Thank you for asking us what we all think about the donation too. Good call.


  24. At 10:44 AM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I did try and offer my congratulations and suggestions for where the money could go, but the blog police must have taken offence at my links to the charity (Stand Up For Africa)

    Well, trying again. Let's see what happens.


    J McC

  25. At 11:21 AM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:


    I always had a sneaking suspicion about that girl on the sofa......

    Hope you have a great day and that some money can go to a good cause.

    Are you having a canine usher?

    Jan x

  26. At 11:29 AM on 17 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    #18 John

    How do you know it`s a 308 GTS? Did I miss something? I`m very suprised at that. Chris had a Ferrari Dino while on the BB. And that in my mind is a prettier car. I`ve always thought of the 308 and 328 as a bit common, nice, as all Ferrari`s are nice, but a bit common especialy in Corsa Roso with cream leather. CLP won`t like me saying that! Ooops! But they where the most reliable of Ferrari`s as they had a decent manufacture run. When it came out I used to have day dreams about owning a Ferrari 355 Spyder in California Azure with Tan interior. But alas the lottery numbers didn`t come up!

    I had a piece of paper left on the Citroen the other week saying if I`d like to dispose of it phone this number! Bl@@dy cheek, it`s only got a bit of moss growing around the windows. OK, I`ll admit it, it`s been off the road for a year and I havn`t cleaned it. That`s not like me, I don`t like dirty cars. Anyway I`m going to clean it this week, weather permitting. Aparantly it`s the rear suspension thing that`s broken, so the rear doesn`t rise up! Ooww er misses.

    m xxx

  27. At 11:44 AM on 17 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hellooooooooooo!!! What happened to the blog yesterday? I tried to post but after that weird one saying "Complain about this post" nothing would go on ...

    Anyway, Congratulations, and YES deffo take the money and give it to Chase Hospice. Also means that you can dictate to the mag what you're prepared to let them do/see, and presumably it's up to them to try and keep everyone else away???

    Re table plans, I don't mind where I sit as long as it's not next to Peter Kay's Uncle Nobby. Haven't had my invite yet - is there a dress code? I might be able to get a bargain in the sales ....

    Hazel, sorry to hear about your car - hope you're ok - but glad the tea caddy fund is going so well. You got my 27p then ... (been saving those pennies for AGES)


  28. At 11:44 AM on 17 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Oops, re HP, meant to say ...

    I reckon - Harry dies (sorry peeps). Ron and Hermione finally get it on and have a little wizard baby - who amazingly is born with a HP-style mark on his forehead ... and of course Harry comes back as an animagus to protect him. Leaves the door open for more books too ...

    There, no need to read it now.


  29. At 11:50 AM on 17 Jul 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Oops! Was trying to say in #4 that I DON'T buy OK and Hello on principal....not that I do!

    I feel that if I don't participate in putting money into these guys pockets then I'm one less person that is obsessed with 'celebrity' (we could open up the Diana issue here with paparazzi, but it's been done and said and is still sad)

    However, going back to the consensus, CLP & GoTS, happy wedding and if hospice can benefit then good luck...and enjoy

  30. At 11:56 AM on 17 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    #26 Martin

    He played the theme tune to magnum yesterday and then said for all those who had been trying to guess the car here is a clue. Well Magnum drove a 308 gts targa top in, as you say corsa rosso with cream leather, although there is nothing to suggest that Mr E has gone for that particular colour scheme.

    I have just been trying to tax my car online and its failed cos it cant find my mot. Madness. Off to the post office then. Why does everyone support the post office? I hate the places, full of communists taking far too many breaks if you ask me lol

    JK Nonegreen

  31. At 12:06 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Still on Weddings one and all

    Actually talking of sexy ladies on the sofa rather reminds me of the Christine Hamilton chat show.Her hubby transported on the sofa in a pickup truck to various locations.

    Wondering who trout is re message see u in Amsterdam. Could this be the Stag do?

    Hazel love I Always aim to stay top of the hill with my bucket of water.

  32. At 12:17 PM on 17 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Awight CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    This blog, there's so much to talk about & write. I've got a few jokes & want ter get something big off me chest about global warming but I never get the chance to write them as there's always something else interesting ter say
    - know what am sayin'!!

    CLP You've given away what car you've bought playing the Magnum theme time tune- a Ferrari 308 or 328. I think it was a 308 what Magnum drove. I used to love those American shows as a kid. Magnum, The A-Team, Heart To Heart, The Love Boat (ok abit sad this one).
    I remember watching Magnum when I was about say 9ish and used to think i'd like to grow up looking like Tom Selleck. Abit of a role model. But i've never 'ad the moustache, or the mate with a multi-couloured chopper, or the beautiful babes, or the Ferrari, or living in a hot country.

    CLP Did the moustache come with the car? Aye and low miles = low k = more k - know what am sayin'!!!
    Theres something very charasmatic about a Ferrari. I love the sound of them especially the F355 - my dream Ferrari!

    Great show yesterday and abit RISKAY!!!! All the 6.20 slot & opening talk. Not ter mention the Carnoustie Golf!!!!! LOL - sorry Sally!
    That banter at the 5.50 travel - so funny!!

    I've got a theory on the Jezza Vine textin' shannagins. Q - has your producer - Helen been outta the country in the last 6 months? YES.
    I think she might ave been bringing Castlemain XXXX back duty free ter supply the Jezza.
    I'd say 'e was textin' Helen while drunk on 'is 4X sayin' I need more XXXX (4X possoms) - fast!
    Hence the big X and two small xx's.
    Just a therory CLP man!!!! LOL!!!

    OPEN GOLF - CLP man i'm coming ter the Open. Do u need any help interviewing the top golfers. I'm like THAT with most of them.

    Last year at Hoylake, Miguel Jimminez, aka The Mechanic (also inter cars got a Red Ferrari 'imself). I said to 'im how great I thought 'is birdie was. He said "sank you" nearly covering me in cigar ash. What a pleasure dat would ave been!!!! Famous ciger ash!!!

    I've 'ad a conversation with Ernie Els at Wentworth about 'ow I was watching him for tips but I might learn more watching the Ladies on the adjacent Edinburgh course - he took it well and laughed!!!

    As for Tiger - I gave 'im the BIG Bingo thumbs up as 'e walked ter the next tee past me and said "Good Luck Tiger Man". I think I frightened him. He looked abit startled. Just glad 'is heavies didn't jump me.
    I noticed when 'e got ter the tee while he was waiting for 'is turn to play he looked over at me and gave me A LOOK!!!! I've never seen him look at anyone like that before. It was just a look. I couldn't tell if he was amused or annoyed but it was definately A LOOK!!!

    Good, bad....... I ain't know...... I AIN''T know!!!!!

    Sergoi Garcia - He was 'aving a spiffa of a round so I said "Serge.... surging round!!!!" He laughed.

    But as for Monty. He frightens me christoof! He's often given me a look at The Open and at Wentworth. I'm a big fan but the 'e needs ter calm down on the fairways of 'appiness. Monty man i'm err ter 'elp if you need me.
    I daren't approach him though.

    Vijay Singh - Very, very nice man. VERY laid back. He'll talk on yer show. Although he reminds me of a very friendly doctor!!! Once got 'is graph and followed him around Wenworth on a practice day. Only 6 people following him. It was great- very intermate, intermittant, sorry intimate, that's the one... and friendly. Just when I got 'is graph I thought he was gonna give me a prescription aswell!!!!!!

    Sometimes I feel I need a shrink - abit like me local dry cleaners!!!!

    Chris - If yer need Tiger ter talk I can do it friend. - Vee vill mayke hum turlk!!!!
    All I have ter do is threaten him that i'll follow him around a round telling 'im me jokes. He'll talk FAST ter get outta that one!!!!
    - am tellin yer!!!!

    I notice this year mobiles are banned totally from the course. It's after last year at Royal Liverpool at Hoylake.
    I don't think they all knew what 'it them aving scousers following all the top players.
    There was definately a unique atmosphere at that Open!!!!

    Aye & Tiger did do it and sadly after the death of his father

    PS Will The Wild Thing - John 'it it into any fairway Daly be at this years event. I really hope so.
    Very funny ter watch. He just takes his driver out and 'it's it 372+ and wherever it lands, it lands even if it's on the roof of Peter Alis's Plywood Penthouse ´óÏó´«Ã½ Abode!!!!!!

    Sorry is my blog abit long and mad terday. Sorry i'm outta ere for a lye, sorry lie down.
    I get carried away on golf!!!!

    Shall I mention Nick Faldo - wot, no shut up... ok, ok!


    PS Any chance of playing Yellow Dart and The Opening Day or Funkadelic and Hit It And Quit It. Both spiifa tunes blog friends.

  33. At 12:24 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Tinsel #28,
    Are you suggesting that before Harry dies, Harry and Hermione bump uglies and an offspring ensues! Poor old Ron, picking up the pieces!!!

    I have to say, I think that we have to have an Albus Dumbledore voice from beyond moment (a la Obi Wan Kenobe "Use the Force, Luke") for completeness and to prolong the theory that the entire HP series is ripped off from other sources! (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.)

    I'm going with the Harry suicide theory, because Voldemort is partly re-made with Harry's blood, if Harry dies Voldemort dies, and therein lies the prophecy!

    DD out

  34. At 12:26 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    ok, fine by me, let's hope it's not too windy tho'

    Dieting for the big day eh? Well if the powerplate is now redundant (ooh, can I have it please?) then the only advise I can throw into the hat is - less in the mouth and more on the feet. Healthy eating and exercise. I've out on a stone and a half since my ops and can't shift it no matter what, so I'll take the PP of you, if it's going.....

    martin - great to see you back and on top form mate x

    To everyone else who regularly blogs - great to see you all on such good form, you make me smile everyday and I just want you all to know that I really look forward to my daily read.
    To all you newcomers/lurkers - Bonjour, nice to meet you, pull up a chair and join in the fun



  35. At 12:37 PM on 17 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    I wasn't going to blog today - but just had to say thank you to Bingo - a marvellous blog!

    And absolutely spot on about Vijay - I knew he reminded me of someone and it is, it's my doctor! Sad news about Sevi though, I hope we don't miss him too much at the Ryder Cup!


  36. At 12:52 PM on 17 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    It`s a late 328 GTB or GTS

  37. At 01:29 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I'm going to take a silver star 'not bad, must try harder' commendation for at least narrowing it down to the 328 GTS or the mad Jaguar XJ220, even if I did plump for the wrong one due to your previous experiences with Ferraris and ditches.

    Just make sure that you are a bit more careful with this one.

    Any road - preferably one without hazardous ditches either side - my busy week has not panned out to be that busy so far due to feeling a tad under the weather, although my meet up with old pal at The M on Thursday is still on and our trip to London in Saturday is going ahead. Not being able to rely on the weather from one minute to the next, we are putting plans A, B & C into place. Whatever happens during the day, we'll end up at our favourite Covent Garden theatre-lovey-types restaurant.

    As for your big day diet, as I said before, get in the pool and do some serious laps. Tumble-turns sort the abs out and mixing the strokes up get all your muscles working.

    I think I may take my own advice this evening as it is currently persisting.

    Peace & love


    PS Don't do the Magnum 'tache to go with the car. Selleck was truly a one-off in getting away with that look.

  38. At 01:31 PM on 17 Jul 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    Hi. i honestly dont think that us bloggers will get too many invites to the big day - except that is the girlies among us prepared to design and wear a suitable badger type uniform so what about..............STREET PARTIES !
    a CLP and girl on the sofa theme could be fun ?

    Timed and co-ordinated around the country to ensure maximum frivolity and japes. oh and beer as well. What do you think ? is it a goer?


    ps on the off-chance the girlies do wear the badger uniforms we will require photos. x

  39. At 01:36 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Sue wrote:

    oooh Chris I ain't so sure about the photos - gut feeling - feels like you're selling out. I just don't have any truck with the way our society is worshipping celebrity but I'm sure like all things this will eventually pass.

    Good luck with the diet - although you can't have much to lose can you?

  40. At 01:37 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    PS - I hope you whispered the name of the dreaded V ...

  41. At 01:42 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    oooooh Dave, I bet you're right about the Dumbledore voice ...

    No to Harry and Hermione having 'rudes' - honestly Dave, take your mind out of that gutter and perish the thought! No I think it will be a little bit of magic ... perhaps Paul Daniels will make a cameo appearance ...


  42. At 01:48 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I was just thinking about Wedding music.

    What about Gabriels Oboe/Morricone

    Lyrics Plum

    One day I will see will see you walking home back to me
    Will see you walking home
    to where you really should be

    I’ll fly above the crowd fly high above the clouds
    To the end of time and you will always be mine
    Yes I know, I know.

    One day I shall see your smiling eyes looking back at me
    I know we shall meet again in paradise

    I’ll fly above the crowd, fly high above the clouds
    To the end of time and you will always be mine
    Yes I know, I know, that was always meant
    Always meant to be.

  43. At 01:58 PM on 17 Jul 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Holy Mother of God I'm back less than 24 hours and sittin' deletin' 300 e-mails from various eejits tryin' to sell me summat to enlarge me organ when I can't even play the piano, and I've the news on TV showin' Victoria Beckham exhaustin' herself bein' fabulous.

    She wants to watch it.

    I well remember my feeble attempts at irony in Boston, Massachusettes, when 2 Homer Simpson lookalikes stopped to comment on the hats on display behind me, and boomed, "Gee. So Preeedy."

    Immediately, the hand to the back of the neck, right knee forward and pouting coquettishly, I batted the eyelashes and squeaked, "Why, THANKyou boys!"

    Whereupon they looked me up and down like a prize red mullet, looked at each other and replied, "Why, no, mam, we meant the hat."

    Don't get irony, see. And I myself slinked off to the Washroom to cry and slash me wrists.



  44. At 02:07 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Prof that is beautiful, I was just about to post my own wedding song on her but think it will come 2nd to yours.
    It's Luther Vandross "Here & Now".....

    ...One look in your eyes and there I see
    Just what you mean to me
    Here in my heart I believe
    Your love is all I’ll ever need
    Holdin’ you close through the night
    I need you

    I look in your eyes and there I see
    What happiness really means
    The love that we share makes life so sweet
    Together we’ll always be
    This pledge of love feels so right
    And, ooh, I need you

    Here and now
    I promise to love faithfully
    You’re all I need
    Here and now
    I vow to be one with thee
    Your love is all I need

    When I look in your eyes, there I’ll see
    All that a love should really be
    And I need you more and more each day
    Nothin’ can take your love away
    More than I dare to dream
    I need you


  45. At 02:25 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:


    No way Luther V Great song.

    My words were really inspired by a chance meeting in New York on memorial day with a Marine. I think of them and of our own soldiers who have lost their life in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  46. At 02:42 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    ...I second that, I cannot imagine what they and their families go thro' each day.

    To lose your life in the line of duty for your country is so brave. I salute them all.


  47. At 03:20 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon friends and how lovely to tune in,

    I must have been watching some dodgy video-versions of Magnum (in my youth!) as he drove a Renault 5 in the episodes I saw. (Just like the one I used to own, incidentally).....

    ......So I am still going with my old bit of va-va voom as the odds on favourite.



    ps Littlest Hobo - if you are there, very best wishes to you, our special welsh friend in Vancouver

  48. At 04:19 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Amanda wrote:


    Voldemort loses - there are things worse than death

    Harry wins and lives to tell about it- of course he lives! We have not suffered through 7 books and over 8,000 pages for him to die in the end! Hello!! He is the boy who LIVES!!

    Chris marries his sweetheart and they live happily ever after.


  49. At 04:37 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Simon wrote:


    A somewhat belated response to Martin James' question about the effects of fame - I don;t think Martina Navratilova's response should be seen as typical.

    In a former life I used to have to go to ´óÏó´«Ã½ broadcasting house reasonably frequently. On one such visit, as I was getting out of the lift, Terry Wogan was getting in. Now I don't know Terry Wogan and he doesn't know me. However, in the same way that most people react when they're unexpectedly confronted with a familiar face, I said "oh hi there", to which Terry responded with "hello" and a familiar chuckle. As you can imagine, I felt a bit of a prat but it was a spontaneous reaction and Terry was the model of good manners. Martina Navratilova should remember how she made her living and show some respect for people who have given her recognition.

    Rant over.


  50. At 06:02 PM on 17 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    #49 Simon

    I tend to agree with you.

    m xxx

  51. At 06:20 PM on 19 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Chris -

    have you booked the DJ yet? if NOT then please book me! UR Producer Helen has my contacts!

    Sam D in Bristol

  52. At 02:09 PM on 21 Jul 2007, julie newlands wrote:

    glad you`ve decided to go for it . the hospice will get some much needed cash and we mere mortals get to have a good look at your beautiful bride oh and you of course. good luck with the diet and i hope the sun shines for you on your big day . im so excited now i cant wait to see the pics i bet they`ll be fantastic.

  53. At 02:14 PM on 21 Jul 2007, julie newlands wrote:

    glad you`ve decided to go for it . the hospice will get some much needed cash and we mere mortals get to have a good look at your beautiful bride oh and you of course. good luck with the diet and i hope the sun shines for you on your big day . im so excited now i cant wait to see the pics i bet the`ll be fantastic.

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