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Chris Evans | 15:14 UK time, Monday, 9 July 2007

Hello everyone and how the devil are you ? The latest from the mad people in media land who haven't yet realised that...

... no one gives a hoot about how we do things here in showbiz land but more what we do.

They, today, have published a list of the 100 most important people in the media !

It's something they do every year, why ?

Well, presumably because they think it's a good idea but moreso because they know certain members of this weird business community will have their weeks ruined should they have slipped a few places from last year, or, dread the thought, disappeared off the list all together.

Having not been in with a shout last year and completely in th wilderness for the five or six years prior to that I am jubilant at entering this years roll at the modest number of 82nd most important person in the media... what the "£$% does this mean ? And how the %$£& did they decide ?

Now of course such trivial lists, galleries and what have you hold no meaning for me whatsoever but I must dash to see who's 81st and 83'd. I have that Gordon Ramsey only managed to sneak in to the nineties (#90 to be precise), I put it down to the fact that his swear word rate per sentence has dropped to just eight words out of every ten.

Oh Gordon, what the F. is all that about ?

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:39 PM on 09 Jul 2007, De Sm wrote:

    If its down to popularity & sheer good personism...

    you should be right up there at the top Mr Lambie Pie

    What do 'they' know,

    D X

  2. At 04:03 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hmmmm what are lists for indeed CLP.

    If they listed the top most influential entertainers you would be in the top 20 at least.

    So how was your day off and the weekend then Chris - what did you get up to - anymore on the flying lessons?

    Life today is very quiet after a very busy weekend - I've even managed to put photos on my facebook entry and considering every time I access this social network it is very slow I count this as an achievement in itself.

    Hazel it was good to read your blog this morning and nice to know it was only piles of boxes not the other kind you were having to deal with.

    Must go not meant to be here so late in the pm

    Phoenix out

  3. At 04:16 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Helen wrote:

    You may be 82nd on that list, but you'll always be number 1 on ours!


  4. At 04:22 PM on 09 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Surely the most important people TO the media are the people who buy it?

    So, not the presenters, but the people who get it out there in the first place would be the most important in the business, else none of us'd know about any of it would we?

    I make sense to myself.

    I can hear my mum again...

    PS..."Christophe," she said sickofanatically, "UR MY NO.1"

  5. At 04:23 PM on 09 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    I didn`t now thier was a war on!

    You have to hand it to the guy - I`ve thought long and hard and if I can come back in another life I know who I want to be... yes, that`s right.

    m xx

  6. At 04:26 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Well, erm, congratulations?

    I've decided to compile a list of the most important people in the office this afternoon.

    So that would be me then. God, I love a power rush. As the most important person here I have made the executive decision to bugger off and play tennis before it starts raining again.

    So, Live Earth was televisual chaos, flitting around while bands were playing, missing songs, trying to avoid the swearing and generally making a pickle of the whole event. The Wimbledon final on the other hand was everything the rest of the tournament wasn't - fab weather and sublime tennis. Shame they didn't let Bjorn present the trophy though.

    Anyway, Monday's virtually done, I have renewed inspiration for my book and we've got a top weekend coming up.

    Happy days all

    Peace & love


    PS Take me back to dear old blighty

    PPS OU812

  7. At 04:37 PM on 09 Jul 2007, michelle wrote:

    However trivial the list, you are in good company – languishing at number 82nd on the 100 most important people of the millennium is EDWIN HUBBLE who discovered the Andromeda nebula which was located beyond the known boundaries of the Milky Way. Hubble also determined that all galaxies are receding from each other-hence, the universe is expanding. The Hubble Space Telescope now searches deep into the galaxies whose existence he proved.

    I wonder if he might have been miffed that GALILEO made it in a number 4.

  8. At 04:42 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Susan wrote:

    Do you think these people have an "importance criteria" that they use for this? Number of viewers? Number of listeners? Best parties given? etc, etc, etc. How ridiculous!

    Had a lovely weekend - Hampton Court flower show yesterday - thought I'd died and gone to heaven!! All those lovely colours and scents - and lots of floral bargains to be had at the very end - perfect day!

    Happy Monday everyone

  9. At 04:59 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Simon wrote:


    Long time no blog but felt compelled to after reading CLPs reference to Gordon Ramsay and the question of why he swears so much. Allow me to offer a suggested answer - anyone who had spent his formative years in Dennistoun (Glasgow) would be inclined to swear like a trooper too! No real need for it though - especially given the luxury in which he now lives (apart from frying his privates to within an inch of their serviceable life on a daily basis at work in the kitchen that is).

    In fact the Sunday Times magazine made reference to Dennistoun yesterday. One of the photographers that had his work published was explaining why he was drunk upon coming across his subject. He answered that he liked to take a few pints before entering the rougher areas looking for photographic subjects! Amen to that! I must say there must be an ugly gene proliferation going on in Dennistoun because the guy he photographed was only marginally more pleasing on the eye than Gordon Ramsay!


  10. At 05:09 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    lists eh?

    Just compiled a list of importance in my house....

    ...I came bottom!

    Not even a household name in my own house!

    Just got an email to say I've been allocated tickets for England's friendly next month with Germany.... nice one.

    CLP - for what it's worth you are in my top 5 media people of all time. Hope that's a compliment - my adult life seems to have had you in it on tv/radio and I'm glad of that fact.

    martin - hello mate, good to see you x


  11. At 05:36 PM on 09 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Where does the audience rank in this list?

  12. At 06:10 PM on 09 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Well done Chris, congratulations, ( or is it made up) Just read you are to wed your girlfriend Natasha. No doubt not all balls and bunkers lol.

    Say hi to my Hubby Kev and daughter Lauren on way home for few days.
    Lynda in Louth xx

  13. At 06:25 PM on 09 Jul 2007, kazzy wrote:


    Have been so pleased that the tomato plant I have
    lovingly looked after has bore fruit. But yesterday they
    were all gone! Think my dog has ate the lot because he
    was sniffing them the other day!


  14. At 06:39 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Sammie - have only just seen 4 July's blog ..... thank you so much for sending out the alert to let me know that Naughty Nic is back!!!!!!

    NIC NIC NIC NIC - mwah, mwah, mwah to you xx

    Debbie - welcome to/back to the blog. You'll always find a kind word or three on here xx

    jillygoat xx

  15. At 07:14 PM on 09 Jul 2007, lazykev wrote:

    lists are for things to do ...like mine...must cut the grass in my garden ..must have a break after cuttijng the grass...strim the rest of my lawn... i could be here all day hope you had a great weekend like mine so long for now

  16. At 09:49 PM on 09 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    I'm not really A Nony Mouse - it's been so long since I blogged that I've forgotten what to do!!

    jillygoat xx

  17. At 09:58 PM on 09 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Thank you so much for the kind words, proves to me what I already thought and that is that you really are a lovely bunch of people.

    Gingembre, I agree totally! I live in a house full of males, well apart from two dogs and a cat. I am that far down in the pecking order, as the alpha males do their daily battle, I should share a blanket with the dogs sometimes!

    Matt from Rudgwick, I am the only person in my office (recently started new job, so scary). I suppose that does make me the most important person in mine too!

    Thanks again for being so nice. The bad days make us appreciate the good days even more I suppose.

    Ciao for now.

    Deb x

  18. At 09:08 AM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Good morning schmorning. Rain. Again. I went home last night having had a conversation with the boy...(who finally arrived home about 8.15 last eve, safe and totally creamed...couldn't even manage a beer...and I'd got his fave R£d Str1p£...)...and decided to go for a walk darn the local supermarche, with a short (about a mile I reckon) detour along the beach.

    On the way back, I noticed that very locally to our new Sett, there is a Spa. I stopped for a brochure. (We can't really afford it, but it's nice to know what is going on.) In BIG letters 'NO SWIMMING COSTUMES'. Apparently they do supply 'soft white fluffy towels' but...not sure about it at all...it says it is run like a Roman baths...and all I remember from I Clavdivs was a load of nekkid men shaving each others backs...I have an odd idea I may just always continue to carry on walking straight past, but whatever flirts your birt..!

    Anyhoo. A brief list of the most important. A clean pair of underpinnings. Passport. Tickets. Money. That's all you ever really need.

    ...and a holiday...

    ps Phoenix - I am crossing my fingers that you manage to get your test drive with the tiara. I find it is best to remove any headwear before operating the roof mechanism, else you get diamante bits stuck in the cogs.

    pps Gingembre - UR MY PC49

    ppps Martin, hi there. Hope you're doing ok now.

    Oh, and Christophe, for the first time, I actually got to listen to a lot of the show whilst driving. Although because I have moved house, I was trying to find a route home, so completely missed it really! Sorry!

  19. At 09:44 AM on 10 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all. Chris, how can you and Gorgeous Gordon be so far down the list? Must have been compiled by the Green Eyed Monster, that's all I can say, you should be 1 and 2 (in which order though???)! Sigh, oh Gordon, Gordon ... just been reading his autobiography, love him even more now... Simon (#9), the ugly gene is in the eye of the beholder ...

    Debbie, I'm the only person in my office too (in fact the only employee in the company!) - so I guess I'm the most important as well!! The office Christmas Party is going to be interesting though ...


  20. At 09:58 AM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:


    Why's that bloke on his own?

    He's self-employed.

    Wassee gonna do with his cracker then?

    Check please

  21. At 10:53 AM on 10 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hazel, can I just add one thing to your list?

    Snacks. Never go anywhere without snacks.

    Oh, and a tissue.

    So 2 things.


  22. At 10:56 AM on 10 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Groovy Greetings Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP man you mentioned missing Austin Powers, me too, so much the Bingo brain 'as gone inter overdrive, and I don't mean Turner & Overdrive, although i've 'ad a few very near turns- am tellin' yer!!!

    I've been thinking of a new Austin Powers plot.

    How about Austin Powers loses 'is Mojo at Moto services. It's the perfect groovy plot- YEAH BABIE!!!!
    'e's stopped at the services when unsuspectingly a Czech check out assistant, who is actuallly a Czechoslovakian spy working for the Venezuelain goverment, checks out at the check out and steals 'is mojo because viagra is hillegal in Venezuela. (Don't know if it is in real life- only for the plot purposes ere)

    Austin takes 'is beautiful assistant who could be played by Myleene Klass to hunt for 'is mojo.
    'e believes it 'as been taken to the only Moto services in Venezuela but access is very difficult as the services av been built but they forgot ter build errrrr....... the motorway through it!!!

    This could be another excuss for Myleene ter wear a bikini due ter the Venez 'eat & 'ot climate.
    Plus blog friends Austin could turn ter the camera everytime 'e refers ter 'is assistant, Myleene by saying - "Myleene Klass.... she 'as the class" (Like the St.Helens Glass ad)- know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    PS CLP The other day I quoted some Prince lyrics sayin how much I like you but not as much as I like me guitar.
    I'd just like ter take it back in case there's any offence CLP or misunderstandings friend.

    What I were tryin' ter say was I do like you as much as me geetarr but I would'nt want ter plug you inter me amp- too dangerous friend!

    Well thinkin' about it...... errrr...... actually I take that back.
    I would like ter plug you into me amp but your show I mean friend.
    Mind you I could end up getting an hasbo from the local community officers for playing wrock too loud....... Sorry i'm totally confused now. I don't know what the 'eck am talkin' about.
    I'm outta ere before I get blog ploice, sorry police, banned!!!

    PS Debbie- Good ter see a new blogger. Just jump in friend, I did and I ain't got water up me nose yet or lost me armbands yet- am tellin' yer!!!

    PS Chris, any chance of playing Massive Attack, Spying Glass. Most operational on ones ears friend.

    Adios til next time blog friends!!!!

  23. At 11:27 AM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi y'all!

    Not blogged since Friday, so please accept my profuse apologeees. Bin busy, y'see!

    Phew! I came back to work yesterday for a rest. We didn't stop from getting home on Friday night to work on Monday morning. I've a feeling I'm gonna be mighty tired by about Thursday!

    At the mo I'm knee deep in arranging the works summer bash. Its a wild west them barn dance/hog roast and I'm having great fun - except for the guest list. Being newish here means I don't know everyone so tracking down addresses is a bit of a task. But a task I'm loving, none the less! I got a bootiful pink cowboy hat with fur trim off of eBay and it arrived this morning - divine! I shall wear it with pride like a true Diva. There is one thing I'd like some help from you guys on tho ....

    I've kinda volunteered to burn some compiation CDs for the afternoon background music (the ho-down starts at 7, so I've about 4 hours to kill). My taste is pretty heavy so can anyone on here give me some suggestions of summer/happy/background kinda sounds. I have got broadband at home but don't want to spend a small fortune downloading loads of chart twaddle. Any suggestions will be greatfully received and duly noted in my little black book!

    Allotment: BONKERS!!! We've got more raspberry jam than HL's got piles! Will be starting on the blackcurrant jam very soon, then will be trying to sell some of aforementioned jam at car boot sale - do you think £1.50 a jar is reasonable, for home made organic jam?

    Also gots tons of broad beans still, and the peas are almost ready. Very exciting!

    Righteo, on with a tad of work then I'll pop back in at lunchtime to share my lunch with you all - chicken salad wraps today - my fave.

    Ciao Bella

    CtD x x x

  24. At 11:39 AM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    So Chris I was reading my Grazia just now and it said you and the golf pro were engaged that you propsed in Portugal and getting married in August. Any of this true?

    Anyway I got an invite today for my friends wedding and I really need to take a guest. But who does a single girl take? Its so annoying and its a wedding where I won't really know anyone so I need to take a guest! ARGH! and where has the sun gone!

  25. At 11:43 AM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    So Chris I was reading my Grazia just now and it said you and the golf pro were engaged that you propsed in Portugal and getting married in August. Any of this true?

    Anyway I got an invite today for my friends wedding and I really need to take a guest. But who does a single girl take? Its so annoying and its a wedding where I won't really know anyone so I need to take a guest! ARGH! and where has the sun gone!

  26. At 11:54 AM on 10 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    oooh, CtD, raspberry jam, my fave!!! Are you going to be giving out samples? I recommend it (after seeing the Apprentice!) :-)

    Re music - a barn dance, you're soo lucky - they're the best fun!! Have you got a caller? If so presumably they'll be bringing music/have a live band etc. I would suggest just lots of fab country/folk music (Dixie Chicks, Mavericks, Mary Chapin Carpenter, some ceilidh music etc etc etc) for the rest of the time - good toe tapping stuff!!!

  27. At 12:06 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    CtD - I have some original Libertines posters for you if you would like them? You have my email address...if you wanna send me a non-dodgy address to which to post them, obviously in a plain brown wrapper, I shall do so before they get badgered and end up as catbed or worse...

    £1.50 very reasonable for jam. Sell a spoon for 50p as well, they'll eat it then and there, and come back for more? (Marketing ideas r us)

    Missy - I'll come. I can be relatively well behaved, and was saying only just the other day...we have no weddings to go to (yet) this year!

    Bingo, you are getting far too over-excited for a Tuesday. Mylene is lovely on The One Show...as opposed to the blerk who is probably lovely but has no idea...about much at all really...

    Tinsel...lasterplarst, safety pins, lippy, scara, factor 4...

    My mum's taking me on holiday hoorah!
    Love my mum

    ps...yes I know I could probably sell the posters on e6ay (other auction sites available) but I haven't got a pc at home at the moment, so...

  28. At 12:26 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    HL - many, many thanks! Will email you from home tonight 'off blog'. You are a STAR!

    Tinsel - music suggestions gratefully received. Looks like a trip to the library as my CD collection doesn't extend to such 'delights'. I've only ever been to one barn dance and almost needed Tena Lady to hold it all in!


    CtD x x

  29. At 12:56 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Summery/jingly-jangly toons that I would recommend would be

    The Byrds - Mr Tambourine Man & Eight Miles High

    The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds. The best. Period.

    The La's is quite good even if it is all about drugs.

    The Stone Roses first album is stunning even if (or indeed because) it was record whilst on drugs (alledgedly)

    The Thrills are fairly inoffensive in an Irish-poppy-rocky-summery kind of way - Try Let's Bottle Bohemia

    See how you get on with that lot and I'll have a skim through my pod later for more ideas.


  30. At 01:36 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Yawning one and all

    Did not sleep a wink last night. Just dropping off to hear a buzzing noise around my head. I switched on the light to see the biggest Mosquito I have ever seen and spent the next half hour huntin it down. The seagulls then started squawking and laughing followed by the Dawn Chorus.
    I read that Will Young narrowly escaped an attack from a jealous Gorilla whose mate had taken a fancy to him. Actually on close inspection Will does look a bit like a monkey....

    Pheonix,I did comment on a previous blog. I
    too have seen the Guggi band with their Bee like costumes and drums on wheels .. great stuff.
    That one must have been banned.

    Not read about Chris getting married but if true and you have kid's you can save £20 a week tax. Good call.

    Buenos Noches.

  31. At 03:11 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Blimey guv'na, it has just come to me...

    Mika's new single (all about big girls being beautiful too...I think we should all bow down whether 'big' or 'small' to his startling and not at all patronising or un-PC observation) is really (in my opinion) '9-5' by Dolly Parton

    Gowarn, sing it to yourselves...you know you can't resist it. In the meantime, my radio is turned down for about 3mins...

    Odd how you couldn't say that to a female of a larger persuasion without being sued (these days...or punched in the face come to that) but some boy (girl? - still not entirely sure) can sing about it on the radio.

    And they said Einstein was mad

    I'm just feisty!
    Yes Christophe, they do all sound the same...x

  32. At 03:46 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Prof Plum - in the bedroom, with a flip flop.

    Who needs Cluedo?

    Anyhoo, Plumette, if you get bit by the vilest flying insect known to man, getchorself darn to your local health food shop, and purchase some Vitamin B1 - Thiamin (this is opposed to a theramin which is some kind of weird musical instrument).

    Any of the vitamin that doesn't get used by the body ends up being passed and also gets secreted through your skin, causing you to smell 'vegetable' to most biting or stinging insects, including, you will be pleased to hear, the mosquito, so you don't get stung or bit.

    Take 1 tablet morn and eve if the weather is high, or there are a lot of skeeters about, or just one in the morn if it ain't too bad. If on hols, you can take up to 3 a day.

    If in any doubt, check with the doctor...and your p may be a bit yellower/greener...but there isn't really anything in B1 that can do the average body any harm. You do have to take it every day though.

    I ent bin bit for 3 years, and I used to be a mozzie magnet!

  33. At 11:28 PM on 15 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi, Chris I live in warrington cheshire and can remeber you from years ago.I know you wont remeber me but thats ok. You used to be a kissogram and I dont no if you remember a man called Jeremy we all went ice skating together and you kicked me off my seat in a pub. I am looking for a kissogram if you fancy coming down to warrington email me.

    Good luck Chris
    'erm not that you need it'


  34. At 09:59 AM on 18 Jul 2007, Mallory wrote:

    Heya..NOOOOOOOOO do not be so tacky as to sell your wedding to any magazine.The really cool thing about you is that you keep your private life pretty private.Keep it that way.Not as if you need the money.Luv ya the way you are.Will lose some respect if you get tacky

  35. At 08:30 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    was interested in your guest talking about the Millenium Flower yestreday,12 Sept.
    I missed the website that the flower can be seen,can you help?
    Good show by the way!

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