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Chris Evans | 15:36 UK time, Tuesday, 3 July 2007

I cannot believe...

... how little furore there's been over the introduction of the smoking ban in England.

Do you remember when it was mooted a few years back, people said it would never be enforcable but look here we are three days in and it doesn't seem to be a problem. I am so happily surprised.

This proves that no one really wants to smoke, no one !

It's like we never could, never wanted to. I don't think anything so big has gone so unnoticed by the great British press.

I am in an acute state of muted shock.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:39 PM on 03 Jul 2007, simon wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Have a great day

    Its great britain is going smoke free it seems to be ok here in frinton on sea

  2. At 03:41 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Have you been to the pub yet CLP? I'm quite intrigued as to what that will be like - all the smokers (my boy included) usually prop up the bar - what will they do now????

    Thee are LOADS of cigarette butts outside my office building too - well outside the boundaries, no-one can smoke within the grounds. The locals are going to be well peeeeeee'd off.


  3. At 03:51 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Little Sue wrote:

    The next thing will be an alcohol ban!

  4. At 03:52 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Scrump wrote:

    Dirty filthy habit any-who. I think idiots like me who really fancy a ciggie only when laruped and surrounded by others smoking, will be the real winners. Hair that doesnt smell when I go home from the pub, yippee!!!

    The hard-core smokers will carry on smoking anyway. It is just so strange how we are all too scared to object to anything.

    More to the point, can I come to the wedding, you dark, mysterious, secretive man?!

  5. At 04:04 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I used to enjoy the odd puff but I could never bear the wretched smell of smoke in my clothes and hair after a night at the pub.

    At home, I would always smoke in the garden and I could never, ever stay in a smoking room in a hotel.

    Maybe alot of smokers act along the same lines, hence the ban isn't really such a big deal?

    I can see a chink of light at the end of audit/accounts tunnel. In fact, I think I can smell a slight whiff of the weekend already.

    Have a good show.

    Much peace & love


    PS Smokin' in the boys room

    PPS Smoke gets in your eyes

    PPPS Smoke on the water

  6. At 04:05 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Have a cig for the shock young man!
    Do you remember the chocolate cigarettes they used to sell, millenia ago......... they were made of cheap chocolate but somehow tasted really good - that was after you took the white paper surround off. Some evil soul told me the paper was edible ...... oh to be naive again. Anyway, must get on with some work. The sun's attempting to shine through some murky clouds here - very strange.
    Happy Day all,
    PS Put that light out!

  7. At 04:15 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Oooh - can I be first, can I, can I? Puuurrrleeaase????

    It would make an awful day a little bit better you know.

    Chris - I know just what you mean about things creeping in unnoticed. What about the extra taxes that have been imposed? What about anti-terrorist legislation that actually we didn't seem to need to deal with the IRA, yet because we have resorted to mere puppets on the world stage, we have to tow the Western Line... Mind you - look at the furore over sending troops to Iraq - incredible support for the anti-war movement and yet, it happened anyway.

    I watched Love Actually (again!) the other day and found myseklf yearning for a Leader that will stand up for this country and not what others want from us.

    Oo-er. It's been a toughies,

    S xx.

  8. At 04:21 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:

    As someone who used to be in the tobacco control business I can't believe it either! It's good though, that there seems to be such general acceptance, bvar the odd few that have to prove a point over and above what could be classed as necessary!

    As for the press, I guess it helps that there has been other more newsworthy events happening recently.

    Hope everyone is well, the sun has just broken through here and things are looking up!

    :o) Jo

  9. At 04:23 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:


    Things haven't gone down so swimmingly in the working mens clubs up here in Northshire. Though after a couple of visits to Scotland earlier this year, I was pleasantly surprised at how much cleaner the whole pub thing feels. I did hear one report of how a night club owner was having to spray scent around to mask the beer and sweat smells which were no longer camoflaged by the smoke.

    Will it ever stop raining?

    Mange tout xx

  10. At 04:37 PM on 03 Jul 2007, uncle wilco wrote:

    Or you can do what is doing.

  11. At 04:38 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:

    The smoking cars from the terrorist attacks may of provided a smokescreen to the introduction of the smoking ban.

  12. At 04:49 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:

    From the land that banned smoking in the workplace, I've seen it all before - and I don't mean to sound conceited or smug there.

    I remember one of the arguments was that people will stand outside having a smoke during the summer, but come the winter when the weather is cold and wet it would be a different story...no such thing happened.

    At least this summer, England doesn't have to worry about that - the weather is already wet and cold!

    I'm surprised that you're so surprised about the ban CLP! After all, it's been in place in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales without any incident - so why should England be different.

    No more smoky clothes! Maybe a bit more unpleasant wiffs - but we all may live longer for it!

  13. At 04:53 PM on 03 Jul 2007, Jainie wrote:

    I'm watching the smoking ban news with interest from here in Dubai, UAE, where a smoking ban is being applied gradually, with a view to a complete ban before the end of year.

    So far, only shopping malls have been made smoke free. There is the same furore in the press here about bars, clubs & restaurants as I remember in the UK a few years ago, so perhaps it will all be smooth sailing here too? The biggest issue here is the 'cultural' aspect of smoking Shisha / Hookah ....

    That all said, I'd much rather be a tad smokey but supersafe here in an Islamic country than at home in the smoke free UK right now, where our emergency services are doing sterling work, again. Big thanks to our boys & girls for putting their lives at stake every day. How about a dedication for their dedication tonight CLP?


  14. At 05:25 PM on 03 Jul 2007, elmlea wrote:

    really glad about the smoking ban! When me and the bf did a tour of the UK we had a stop over in Liverpool that was unplanned and had the last room they had - a smokers room! It really stank and got into our clothes but we had no choice if we wanted to sleep somewhere!

    Glad that has all stopped now and hopefully it will encourage other people to give up!

  15. At 05:54 PM on 03 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Today I did notice that there were a lot more people smoking outside today (when it wasn't raining) but it will be lovely to go to a restaurant or a pub and not have my hair smell of smoke after!
    Sammie, I love Love Actually! I know Richard Curtis films are all a bit the same but don't you feel that sometimes its great to sit down with a glass of wine and watch Notting Hill (my fave) or 4 weddings!
    I could just fancy a white wine spritzer now! I was watching Something for the Weekend on Sunday and the cocktail maker was doing his thing and I thought I would really like to learn how to make these amazing drinks, they look so good. And Norfolk people, why isn't there a great bar in Norwich which do amazing cocktails or is there and I haven't found it yet?!

  16. At 06:29 PM on 03 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Christoph - myself and 'im indoors popped into our local pub ..... we were only in there for 20 mins but when we came out we stank of smoke.

    We popped into the same pub on Sunday on our way home from a walk along the prom, and what a difference. The atmosphere inside was clear and fresh .... it was quite amusing to see the landlord keep nipping outside for a smoke!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude, and actually used to be a 60-a-day smoker and 'im indoors used to do 40-a-day, but I'm personally very glad that the ban is in - sorry folks!!!!

    The most interesting thing I found was that exactly the same people were in there on the Sunday lunchtime as were in there on the Friday night, so in our neck of the woods nothing much seems to have changed.

    jillygoat x

  17. At 07:01 PM on 03 Jul 2007, JuliaB wrote:

    I'm overjoyed about the smoking ban - at last I won't have to go from pub to pub to find one where I can relax and enjoy a drink and be able to breathe at the same time! I'm also longing to go back to Dublin to enjoy the craic in the pubs there - I was disappointed a few years back before their smoking ban by having to carve through the thick smokey atmosphere with a knife. I was dying to see the live bands playing! Here's to fresh smelling hair, clothes, happiness and health!

  18. At 11:42 PM on 03 Jul 2007, harl wrote:

    Hi All,

    I've been away for a few weeks but seem to have come back to yet another national crisis - don't leave your homes, we are under attack, terror lurks around every corner! Rubbish!

    As the events of the weekend in London and Glasgow unfolded I concluded that if these idiots had a brain they would be dangerous. Now it appears that they do have brains, yet they still cannot ignite a gas canister in a blazing car! Brilliant!

    If we all met up in a pub in Norwich next Friday I'm sure we could come up with a more credible campaign of TERRRORRR than this bunch!

    Fear breeds fear, let's leave the police and the security services to round up these criminals, but don't let the media inadvertently elevate the status of the nutters to international super villains

    In case you think this blog is off message, do not fear - having insufficient evidence to substantiate terrorist charges police hold the Glasgow car bombers on suspicion of smoking in a public place.

    Have a good day

  19. At 12:11 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Jennie wrote:

    They have already started on that one (the alcohol ban, see Little Sue below). Apparently we are all drinking too much, well I say bottoms up! We are either going to drown or get blown up! Might as well have a drink while we still can.

  20. At 03:36 AM on 04 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    Well there are a number of pubs where the smoking ban is being ignored up here in the grim north. It seems the police fear to tread in certain licensed premises and as the clients are all penniless the huge fines become a bit meaningless lol. As smoking caused me to have a heart attack and I have since given up many years ago. I kind of sympathise with the ban, yet In truth I find it, like every aspect of big brother luny left wing eurocrud legislation, is dreary in its execution. I am sooooo happy about not having smelly clothes anymore and I love not having the sore throat from breathing other peoples smoke. However I would gladly defend the rights of smokers to pollute my air. The liberal elite think its disgusting to put carcinogens into our air except of course the 3NBA (most carcinogenic substance known) that comes from bus exhausts.

    JK Nonegreen

  21. At 07:15 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hey y'all

    What another dreary day we have, soooo annoying. Big day today, MrsW goes back to work now her maternity leave has come to an end so I'm left alone with the 2 kiddies (6mths and 2yrs). Tumbletots and weekly shopping to do today.

    Em M - hope the exam went ok and that you have found a dark room to lay down in. Don't fret pet, all will come good. Hang in there.

    missy - at the top of Westlegate (used to be called Chandlers) is a bar that used to do the cocktail thing - haven't been there for a while so you'll have to check it out and report back to us all.

    harl - where n when?

    Have to say that I'm in favour of the smoking ban big time. I hate the way my clothes stink after a night out or after every course at a meal half the table either light up or go and stand at the bar for a quick drag - also a friend of ours died last year of lung cancer having never had a ciggie in her life but loved to go pubbin' and a clubbin'....doc said it was more than likely down to passive smoking!

    Come on Sunshine - where are you


  22. At 07:48 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Mrs. B wrote:

    O say that the star spangled banner.....happy Independence day! We watched the concert for Diana in field in our gorgeous little 2 berth (tardis) caravan. Waddington Air show cancelled so spent the afternoon/evening chilling out with a glass or 2 of cold stuff toasting the lovely, late Princess.

  23. At 09:27 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Time for a rant. Sorry in advance.

    But HOW does Pete Stinky Doherty get off time and time again with drug and driving offences?????????? He is a scum bag of the highest/lowest order ....... and then they put some old lady in prison for not paying some of her council tax???

    It just makes me so mad. Especially as he was over 2 hours late for court as well - he should have been done for contempt, as well as all the other scuzzy things he keeps doing.


    Just had to get that off my chest. Morning all :-)

  24. At 10:24 AM on 04 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Tinsel - I couldn't agree more. If it were anyone else, he would have been in prison months ago. What really pees me off is that he's a complete waste of our (tax-payers) money and there's a really bad message being sent out to others like him.

    I will join you in a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  25. At 10:25 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Sorry Tinsel, I know you will hate me for saying this (and I think we've had this conversation on here before, months ago!), I just feel so sorry for Pete Doherty. On that programme about Britpop the other night, my heart just broke watching him. He's obviously such a bright bloke, but he has an addictive personality and I wonder how long it will be before we wake up and hear the news that he is dead. His mum must be at her wits end, I don't know what I would do if one of my gorgeous boys grew up to be like him.

    On a happier note, as I gave up smoking a couple of years ago, I am delighted about the smoking ban. Ten years ago , though, I would never have believed it would have come about so painlessly. Peope don't fight against things as much as they used to, do they? You don't see many students on marches these days, maybe they're too busy studying!!

    Thanks Gingembre for your kind words, exam was OK, some of the questions were a bit hard to understand but maybe my brain has seized up through lack of use. Got my little boy's singing showcase tonight, should be pretty cute.

    Em xx

  26. At 10:36 AM on 04 Jul 2007, MATT JONES wrote:

    Chris, as a amoker i'm not bothered about the ban in pubs or restaurants, i always used to go outside for a smoke anyway, but now when i'm driving on my own in a company vehicle, i have to pull over if i want to have a smoke, this is ridiculus. If the government really gave a toss about the nations health they'd ban tobacco. Whats next, ban driving in case you have an accident? Ban flying in case a plane crashes, and for gods sake don,t let anyone cross a road. Lets ban Mcdonalds, we all know it's bad for you.
    i could go on, but suffice to say we have a government trying to impose levels of control over it's people not seen since 1930's Germany.
    For gods sake lets get rid of them

  27. At 10:48 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Em, I know where you're coming from, I totally sympathise with his mum. But he plays the system BIG TIME. He is very fortunate in that he could easily afford to hide himself away in some fab place with the best support money could buy to help him overcome this. But he doesn't. And he has no respect for anything or anyone. Having an addictive personality is one thing - my dad was an alcoholic and I know that it wasn't his 'fault' - but being a total ar*e is another.

    Sorry, I'm really cross about it - don't know why really, just seems that he gets away with it time and time again, when he'd be better off if the courts were much harsher with him. It always seems to be the good, normal people who get punished hardest if they do ANYTHING wrong, and the ones who constantly break the rules just seem to get away with it ...

    Deep breaths ............

  28. At 10:55 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I couldn't stand Pete Doherty either, but I saw him interviewed for the first time on Jonathon Ross last week and I was really surprised at how he came across.

    He seems to be quite intelligent and doesn't sound at all as he looks, if you know what I mean.

    Rather than be disgusted at him I started to feel very sorry for him. He obviously needs a lot of help but you can't help someone who doesn't want it.

    I'm all for the smoking in public places ban. Hated the way my hair and clothes smelt after a night out. Even the pillow stinks in the morning. Yuk.

    Chris please play Mr Blue Sky tonight, let him know we want him back!


  29. At 11:09 AM on 04 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Guten Tagga CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Aye CLP if your gonna get top F1 drivers on the show in the build up to this weekends British GP.
    PLEASE, PLEASE get Giancarlo Fisichella on the Drivetime Show.
    He's my favourite driver, why? you ask.

    Well since I was a child i've always been very big on F1, Mansell being my hero as a child. I myself always had a boyhood dream of being a racing driver but couldn't afford it, or prob don't have the driving talent.

    Then by big coincidence along comes Fisi as he's affectionately know to his fans. I share my birthday with him, not just the date, but exactly the same age, born on the same day. So since I found that out i've always been a big fan of his.

    He's a very nice bloke, abit shy maybe, but an excellent driver.(Although sometimes doesn't seem ter give interviews on tv i've noticed). But he always has beaten his team mate at every team except when he was Alonso's.

    Christoof man, the big Q to ask Fisi would be why as an itallian why doesn't he get a drive with Ferrari. If he won races he'd be a national hero there and if he became World Champ for Ferrari, well he'd be mobed in Italy, being italian.

    Mind you though maybe too much pressure driving for Ferrari and I know he's good friends with itallian Flavio Briatorie, head of the Renault F1 team, so he's probally comfortable at Renault.
    Anyway I could write 5 pages of BLOG about Fisi, better shut up know.

    Yesterday's interview with Robert Kubica was classic. I was roaring with laughter when you were asking him does he want a plane or yacht, great interview!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP Thanks for the little mention yesterday and ter Sally too for her mention too. Made my day BIG time Chris.

    In the words of Symbol-

    What a damn good new tune this is by Prince. Love it- WROCKIN!!!!
    I've got alot of 'is albums but I think this could be my all time fav by Prince. Clever idea too, ter write about playing a guitar and then an excuse to demonsrate it operational capabilities in a tune. Bit like The Beatles or Eric Clapton with My Guitat Gently Weeps except Prince's tune is WROCKIN BAYBAAAAA!!!!!!

    Chow F1 & Blog friends!!!

  30. At 11:09 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Tinsel, you say he gets away with it, but who would want his life?

  31. At 11:31 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning folks!

    Trying to be in a lighter mood today - but am stuck in spreadsheet hell!

    Have decided to take a career break after this project is complete, to assess my life, spend more time with my kids and try to decide what I REALLY want to do - cos this just ain't it!

    Of course, should I be made redundant in the meantime, I will re-train to become a midwife. Seems like a dream though at present...

    S xx.

    P.S. I saw Pete Doherty too on Rossie and though he seemed very niaive and actually quite a gentle soul. Shame he can't sort himself out, I fear Em may be right.

    P.P.S Matt - so right!

  32. At 11:38 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    OK, last comment on this one (I feel like that Guardian woman last night, I want to apologise and make everyone like me!!!!) -

    I wouldn't want his life - but he is choosing that path. Yes he may be talented and quite sweet, but he's also had lots of opportunities which he keeps throwing away. It's not as if the help isn't there for him or the support network if he chose to use it.

    I suppose he's just not strong enough which is quite sad.

    But still doesn't explain how he keeps getting away with everything?!!


  33. At 12:07 PM on 04 Jul 2007, wrote:

    It seems forever since smoking was banned here, I think it was a year past in March? It is a joy to go out for a night out now, and come in and NOT have to shower to get the stinking smell out of your skin and hair.

    We noticed a big difference when we came on holiday to the Lake District last year and were faced with the horror of pub lunch with smokers all around.

    People... you are going to suddenly realise how nice it is to sit in the pub and not be gassed.

    Smoke Free Dog With no Brain

  34. At 12:27 PM on 04 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Smoking is like picking your nose.
    Both portrayed as bad habits, yet they are habits that many do, none the less.

    While picking your nose, you don't really mind when your mum or wife tells you to stop, or "don't do that!", as you know you'll just do it later when they aren't around.

    In a way, the smoking ban is similar. All smokers know, that deep down it isn't good and don't mind adhering to the ban for this reason. Some choose to try and give up as a result and good luck to all who do.

    The only fear now I believe, is that as an alternative, the nose pickers will take over our pubs! At least that habit isn't airborne!
    Wait, there's the flickers!!! Bring on the Bogey ban!

    Keep up the great show Christoff!

    ps: A Minsk Bong! A great little anagramical alternative to 'Smoking Ban'

  35. At 01:16 PM on 04 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    Apologies for absence this week - been a bit hectic at work, y'know how it is ....


    The great Pete Doherty debate: I was really fed up with him and his 'supermodel' arm-candy, wondering how he gets away with so much etc etc. Then before our holiday, delayed at Gatwick for 3 hours, I bought a biography of him (much to my hubby's disbelief) and it was truly good reading. Yes - he's very intelligent, leaving school with about 9 top grade GCSEs and a brace of A Levels. He's a great poet and lyricist, caring father ... but the drugs always win in his world. Very sad, very tragic - a complete waste. The interview on Jonathan Ross last week was endearing.

    And if you've never listened to the Libertines - treat your ears: they're fab!

    Nuff said.

    Smoking ban - the best thing to happen ever! I only wish it extended to outdoor concerts/sports venues.

    Bingo Star - i heard your mention! I was in the midst of shelling/blanching/freezing our glut of broadbeans off the allotment at the time!

    Now, CLP ... I missed the first half hour of the show due to losing the R2 signal coz of the stormy skies over Suffolk. When I tooned in you were discussing best man stuff, used the phrase "at our place" and said to the man on Woman's Minute that "some of us haveto try it 3 times before we get it right". Come on fella - come clean and TELL US!!! Are you or are you not planning to make an honest woman of the girl on the sofa???

    You know you can tell us - we won't tell a sole. Honest!

    Right, gonna leave you in peace now. Got lots of expenses to check this afternoon so need to take my shoes and socks off for counting purposes!

    Lotsa Luv to one and all


    PS: break on through to the other side!

  36. At 02:05 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon People....

    Just want to say that I am delighted that Alan Johnston has been released. Hearing that wonderful news this morning really, really cheered me up. I wish him a speedy recovery from his ordeal.

    Having escaped from spreadsheet hell, I am about to go into the lions den - that is - have a 1:1 with my boss, who's stroppy 'cos I've been off sick for a week. I think I prefer the spreadsheet...

    S xx.

  37. At 02:06 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Just a thought, maybe Chris doesn't read the papers and therefore doesn't know that he's getting married!


  38. At 02:24 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Nick wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'm with you on the smoking ban but its on another subject I want to talk today.

    It was recently covered on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ website that some people use others to blog for them rather than doing it themselves. Can you promise us that it's you that writes this blog every day and you never use a stand in.

  39. At 02:33 PM on 04 Jul 2007, J wrote:

    Hi guys

    Not blogged for a month or more as have been just SO busy. Was away for work for a fortnight and it's taken another fortnight to catch up on reading the blog as work has been so frantic, and crabby. Still we're interviewing for an office junior at the mo - so hopefully things will calm down soon.

    On today's stuff - I too heard your mention yesterday, Bingo and your Gobsmackers Cheryl-t-D and it's fab. I love to hear from us on the show, it makes me go all glowey!

    Re Pete Dogherty - I'm not sure why it makes some of you so cross, he is harming himself with his behaviour but surely no one else. Let him get on with it. I've a feeling that sentiment may be a red rag to a bull, so I apologies if so.

    T'other day CLP mentioned a fascination for miniture things - god, yes. I absolutely love things if they're small, bizarre I know but so exciting.

    I smoke evenings and will still be glad to go to some venues now smoke free - however I have a real problem with the state controlling so much of our lives. Again, my choice if I smoke, my choice if I go to a pub/club/restaurant that allows or bans smoking - there is absolutely no need for a law.

    I agree with you Harl, so much of current 'terror' stuff seems to be designed to remove even more rights and freedoms from us. We are the most watched country in the world, I believe, with all the CCTV coverage we have and it's pants!

    OK - enough ranting for today I guess. Still lovely to be back and in touch with all again...

    Congratulations Mr CLP and Ms GoS

  40. At 02:56 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    re: Pete Doherty....

    ....had a read of all the comments and have come to a one word conclusion. It is just my opinion based on the facts I can read in the papers, see on tv etc. Everyone is entiltled to live their lives how they wish to, but we all are responsible for our own actions and when faced with a crossroads can go left or right?

    Anyway my feelings summed up in one word are.....waster.

    Sorry to be so blunt but I am fed up with all the hype surrounding him.

    Happy entries again tomorrow me thinks?


  41. At 03:06 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Nev wrote:

    Just picking up on one thing J.

    If you want to smoke and endanger your life that is your choice - I do not see why I should risk mine by having to breathe in your fumes!

    The ban is long overdue!


  42. At 03:45 PM on 04 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Fair enough Nev and I always try not to smoke in and around people - which is why I am happy venues are smoke free.... BUT - there were pubs and etc which were smoke free before and some which were so thick with smoke only the hardened could endure. We already had the choice of what we did and where we went, I'm not sure we needed more laws about it.

    But I do see your point!

  43. At 03:45 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Back at my desk - in one piece. Have to say - very surprised, I actually have a manageable workload for the next week and a bit - until I go on hols - AND...

    THE SUN IS OUT!!!!

    S xx.

    P.S. CLP - if you're really going for third time lucky, then I hope you are. Having sworn I would never, ever marry again (I also have been there, done that, etc etc TWICE), I may be persuaded to change my mind one day, after viewing some absolutely gorgeous wedding dresses a couple of weeks ago. It's either that or a girly party with a wedding dress dress code - what do you think? Maybe I could borrow the Drivetime Dress for my party!

  44. At 04:13 PM on 04 Jul 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Just to add fuel to the fire (pardon the pun)

    On my way back from lunch today I had to walk past a pub and a bookies, where this has not bothered me before, today I had to fight my way through clouds of blue smoke as all the smokers were on the pavement!!!!

    Will I never be satisfied?????

  45. At 05:59 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Jojo wrote:

    Living in Wales the smoking ban came in here on April 1st and to be honest (and I know I'm not a smoker) I cant say I noticed any difference, admittedly having an 11 yr old son, most places we go to are family friendly and therefore smoke free - but it did seem quite strange when we went out for a meal at the end of May to a pub in Lancashire and was asked if we wanted smoking or no-smoking - how quickly we move on!

    What did really annoy me about the ban was the ridiculous rules and regs companies brought out for their staff - if I was a smoker and knew I had to take a colleague out in my car that day then I wouldnt be allowed to smoke in MY OWN vehicle until I had delivered my colleague safely back! How ridiculous!

    But I'm not a smoker and personally I wouldnt want to take any of my colleagues anywhere with me anyway but it still made me go grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Jojo x

  46. At 06:49 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Simona (Scotland) for niece Eva (London) wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    You may remember back in March I sent you a hand painted picture of yourself painted by my 9 year old niece Eva McDermott & thought it would have been nice for you to have given her a 'quickie' acknowledgment on your evening show (as she always listens!!) - But shame on you We have still have not heard a peep about it on your show & when I last saw Eva she was sooooooo disappointed & thought it was perhaps because her painting wasn't good enough!!
    We would both love for you to give her a mention as she has been waiting for months!!!!
    Lots of love

    Simona (St Andrews Scotland)

  47. At 06:57 PM on 04 Jul 2007, alfie wrote:

    Hi, first time posting, read a lot though. First thing that struck me is just how unhappy Sammie is! Go get a new job girl! Be happy.

    Agree with another bloggers comment on how Chris has made the transition from Johnnie Walker so easy and now I just love him! what a nice guy.


  48. At 11:55 PM on 04 Jul 2007, Helen wrote:

    Not quite everyone... I was sat outside a pub today and a (very drunk) woman at the next table was complaining about the ban. As she saw it "it's not like smoking killed anyone." She obviously hasn't read any of those health warnings on the packets....

    Off topic but - brilliant that you had Scott and Bomber on.


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