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Chris Evans | 15:40 UK time, Thursday, 23 August 2007

So here's another one for you, this morning over breakfast, our HELEN said appropos not very much at all...

... If I had to go out with a world leader I'd go out with Sarkozy. If you had to go out with a world leader who would it be ?"

The way Helen's mind works is a constant sauce of scientific wonder she is so random.

But any hole's a goal when it comes to a conversation so within seconds we were up and running

"Can they be dead or do they have to be alive...?" Clarification was needed.

For me, if I must join in the debate, it would have to be Hilary, Naughty Nick agreed.

The thing is, I love the question it's so irrelevant.

Other irrelevant questions are welcome.

By the way the team found themselves all at my house last night and hence still there this morning so we went for a sneaky midweek walk to pick the car up from the pub this morning. Here's the guys looking all countryfied.



  1. At 04:14 PM on 23 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    I'd have to be Mrs Marcos.

    end of.

  2. At 04:21 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hmmm Go out with a world leader!

    As a man of the male of the species, a limited choice due to my proclivities!

    But probably, Angela Merkel, in a country loving fun, jolly type of way, or Benazir Bhutto!

    Sometimes you just can't beat a humpday sneaky session for splitting the week up!

    Loved the chat last night with Sir Iron Bottom, a true sports leg-end! A man who has lived, and is continuing to live, life to the full!

    Love the Snow

    DD out

  3. At 04:22 PM on 23 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    For me, Mr Marcos.

    Can't think of any particular irrelevant question at the moment...'cept if anyone ever asks me if I want ice...

    No. Just SHOES

  4. At 04:32 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Still eating Cherry lips one and all

    A blind date with a world leader. That's tough although I have my picture taken with most of them .. thanks to Madame Tussaudes.
    George Bush Nelson Mandella you name it I had me piccy took with them.

  5. At 04:35 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Never mind world leader, if you had to go out with a despot dictator, who would it be?
    Fidel Castro would have to be there in the top 5ive becoause of the delicious aroma of cigars he'd have about his environs . .!

    Idi Armin would be on the list for the climate and sun, and Pol Pot would be there as well, just because his name is quite handy to say - rhymes with a few things and would maybe lead to a few laughs under the setting sun of the Orient . .

  6. At 04:37 PM on 23 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Can I be Mrs Guevara. Che seemed like a Rock N Roll kinda guy!

    Irrelevant question: why did the Shop Keeper always spoil Mr Ben's fun?

    Over and out (for now!)

    CtD x x

    PS: HL - I'm wearing my £4.99 suede tasselled eBay boots today and they are FAB!!!!!!

  7. At 04:39 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Yvonne wrote:

    Don't know about going out with a world leader, but I did once have a birthday cake modelled on the head of Neil Kinnock!!


  8. At 04:52 PM on 23 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva- you always find the best shoes! Today is the perfect day to wear boots, and jumpers and tights and anything else wintery!
    And oh my goodness I went into Norwich to get some knitting needles and was in JL and saw the most amazing range of carvala shoes. They are so yum. I put some photos on my blog so have a look.
    If I can't talk about flirting can I talk about shoes instead?!

    I really can't think of one world leader I would want to go out with although I suppose JFK had the most style.

  9. At 04:54 PM on 23 Aug 2007, wrote:

    And in the picuture is that Naughty Nick on the left. How much of a dish is he!!!!! Chris is he single! Direct him to my blog immediatly! xx

  10. At 05:00 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Ouch been BP'd and so innocuous indeed I was!

    Boo hoo can't see the picci of the team......

    World leader to take tea with would have to be for me Ghandi or Nelson Mandela. The conversation would be absolutely fabulous.

    Irrelevant questions - are you sure you weren't listening to Aled sitting in for Sarah this morning?

    Where does the tide go when it goes out?

    If the sun dries up the puddles what does it do with all the water?

    Plum do you mean that Madame Tussauds let you go afterwards - you should have seen the smile you left on Kylie's face!


  11. At 05:26 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Richard wrote:

    I suppose it would have to be Angela Merkel, but with a bag over somebody's head

  12. At 06:26 PM on 23 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    This is a tricky question Christoof. Do you go out with a world leader on a date/ romantic 'appenings or go out as just i.e. meet them, 'ave a chat?

    If it's was romance not much choice being a block, sorry bloke, can only think of the woman running for French president. She look french and sophisticated!!!

    If yer mean meet... well Putin would be interesting ter ask what 'e thinks of Bush's missile interceptor thingy in Poland.
    BUT if Putin said let's go fishing... I'd say NO.... stealing peoples internet details is WRONG!!!!

    I'd certainly like ter 'ave a round of golf with Bill Clinton. He did so much for world peace un like the present lot we've got - know what am sayin'!!!

    PS Any chance of playing REM and World Leader Pretend.


  13. At 08:13 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Nice picture CLP, shame Enzo was a bit camera shy though!

    I used to think that Bill Clinton was attractive. I don't quite know why...actually the more I think of him I just think of cigars. Not good. Loose that thought.

    My boiler packed up this afternoon and having no hot water is such a nuisance. But I just had to mention that I was looking up central heating repair people on the internet and found a company called 'Professor Plumb'. How brilliant is that?

    Deb x

  14. At 09:58 PM on 23 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    That would have to be Churchill, Chris.
    Though I`d like a word with Putin, just to give him a bit of advice.

    I too feel like a Robin in a cage sometimes. I don`t think any bird should be in a cage. Robin`s are very sociable birds when it comes to gardeners, but apparently in the bird World they are deemed to be agressive. So, I regon I`m not a Robin. But, I`d like to come back as an Eagle.

    Is Enzo a German Sheperd or an Alsatian, or are they both the same?
    I was the last person I know to be interested in dogs, until my sister got a Border Collie, Meg. She is just so loving and clever and freindly and companionable. Cats are nice too, but you never know if they are going to be a `lap` cat in front of the fire or a `just feed me` cat, I`m off to find mice!

    Chris sounded a bit stressed today, (yes guys he`s human too) was it the high speed wipper blades, or the torrents of rain?

    Your a nice guy Chris for many reasons, plus putting up your fellow workers for the night.

    I had a friend who I used to put up, then he would just visit all his other mates in the area while staying at my place; then I lent him £100 to get him through a bad patch and never heard from him again! Se La Vie.

    Judge John Deed - Yes! Something to watch on tele.

    I like the photo of the Team. Every picture tells a story. What was said to them by the camera man just before the picture was taken? And why did Nick and Enzo choose not to listen!?

    Good nite all, my pillow and Radio Five call. Time for a few winks...zzz

    m xxx

  15. At 01:12 AM on 24 Aug 2007, John wrote:

    Though I would be genuinely terrified out of my wits, I would most certailny want to meet the original social engineer Mr Joseph Stalin. As a libertarian I can never identify with Stalins approach to life but it is so important to know how a real lulu thought. Hitler was a poor second.

    JK Nonegreen

  16. At 05:45 AM on 24 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning team

    hmm, interesting one CLP, I instantly assumed you meant which world leader would you like to....

    ....you know!

    That's a rubbish Q for a bloke as it only really leaves Thatch. So then I realised that it could also mean just for a meeting /chat which made it easier..... Maggie would keep you on tenterhooks for ages if not then I agree with martin and would plump for Churchill.

    #1 son isn't too well at the mo', raging temp and generally 'not right'. W household not had much sleep this past 24 hours, all very grumpy and snappy with each other. 12hours at work should solve it!!!!! Looking forward to Friday fisn&chips tonight, Lemon Sole for me.

    Have a great weekend, love to those having a struggle or down week. DD have a great time on the broads.

    martin - you sound on good form still, great stuff - day 28?

    Bonnet de douche


  17. At 08:38 AM on 24 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Hooray, hooray, the picture's there today! Christophe, I have to say, if you'd have said 'Say CHEESE', it would all have ended in tears...Nick looks distinctly queasy already to say the least...

    Hooray, hooray, it's AR Friday! Can't wait, and I'm sure there will be a bit of cheese...

    ...and then the Bank Holiday, hooray, hooray, hooray! Picnic on the beach? I should say so...and quite possibly some cheese sarnies...

    My poor badger is working over the weekend, 1-2-3 aaaaaaah although we still have some cool things to do...including admiring my friend's tan who is back from hols on Sunday morning, then coming to see us later the same day...then we're going out...con queso...

    Where did she go?


    I only asked

    ps Yvonne, loving the idea of the cake modelled on the head of Neil Kinnock. Howja get him to stay still and did you have candles?

    pps I have no idea why cheese.

    ppps still Mr Marcos. Still no ice.

  18. At 08:54 AM on 24 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Gingembre, what about Boadicea, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeths I & II, Indira Ghandi, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Eva Peron and not forgetting De-facto Co-Regent, HIM Dowager Empress Xiao Ding Jing Long Yu Huagtaihou of China?

    C'mon man, where's yer 'magination?

    I am shallow. I just want shoes. If I'd wanted gold I'd have gone for the Aga Khan...or the Sultan of Brunei...

    Anyhoo, hoping young W is lesser temperatured and feeling much better today...fancy being poorly in school holidays...that has to be against the law?

    J, hope the flat is going well

    MJ, the soap box is yours my friend! You're coming up with some blinders!

    Today - not so much stretching ahead, as leaping towards...

    ps, Bingo, you'd just have to watch where Mr Clinton puts his balls...

  19. At 09:24 AM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ooh - Sheik Mohammed Al Maktoum - so handsome, so charismatic, so powerful, so rich!!

  20. At 09:31 AM on 24 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Morning one and all

    What a great show yesterday some real good tunes. Raymond Blanc too, pity you can't see on radio.

    Pheonix. They tried to keep me but I was not prepared to be covered in Wax with a wick sticking out of me head.

    Debbie. If you need a plumber I'm your man woman oh gosh I'm all confused.

    Buenos Dais

  21. At 09:58 AM on 24 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hmmm - can't think of a world leader that I find in the slightest bit attractive. I think you have to be a certain type of character and I'm not sure that's attractive to me...

    Ho hum - far too busy to be able finish posting.

    Will get back later (if I can).

    S xx.

  22. At 10:01 AM on 24 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Hazel Love - love you! Thank you for asking - should hear today whether building society are committed to giving me their money. Valuation has been done - what a rip off that is, £350 for a chap to stand outside and say oh yes, I think it's worth what they said! Bargain, can I have two....

    If anyone else is so fed up with not being able to afford a property - try the Housing Associations... They may be making my dream come true.

    And for me, Castro, Mandela or either of the Khan boys...

    Btw - it is glorious sunshine here in Devon and has been for a few days now. I'm loving it!


  23. At 10:01 AM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    President Reagan. O M G How I'd laugh!


  24. At 10:09 AM on 24 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Hazel Love - When yer say 'is balls der yer mean 'is dimpled ones?

    Is so i'd always stand back and leave that to 'is caddy aka probally Monica Lewinsky.

    TIGER....... IN THE HHHHHHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fore.... duck!!!!


  25. At 10:25 AM on 24 Aug 2007, Red wrote:

    It would definitely have to be Kofi Annan - now there's a man who knows how to wear a suit!

  26. At 10:30 AM on 24 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ere. Shrup with the sweets. It's bringin' it all back.

    I very nearly went to meet me maker after tragically chokin' to near death on a gobstopper.

    And that was just last week. That's the last time I play The Godfather with the Brother-Outlaw.

    Pardon me.


  27. At 10:46 AM on 24 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello, am i too late to join in? I know its a bit weird but i really like Bill Clinton, he's just so charismatic, and I used to have a bit of a crush on Tony blair (I know, I've got weird taste).

    Mum and Dad in law celebrated 50 years of marriage yesterday, what an achievement! They've had a difficult couple of weeks so it was lovely to help them celebrate (4 glasses of champers has left me feeling a bit wobbly today!) and hubby made them a lovely video which made everyone cry.

    I went to Norwich Castle yesterday and as I was leaving two policemen walked in. I stared at them both until they removed their helmets and I saw that neither of them had ginger locks! I felt like asking them if either of them knew someone called PC Gingembre!

    Em xx

  28. At 11:31 AM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Em M- I do that everytime I see a policeman now! But I just know the time I will see Gingembre is when I'm drunk on Prince of Wales RD at 3am!

    Has anyone noticed when James Blunt speaks he sounds awfully like Tony Blair!

  29. At 12:15 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - I was on duty yesterday but not at the castle. I look forward to our 3am chat missy!

    There aren't too many gingembre's so the chances are it'll be me when you finally see one. My initials are a clue to my name but we're all numbers in this job as indicated on our shoulders.

    HL - I knoe I was being lazy but it was silly o' clock and I couldn't think....hmmm Cleo or Eva eh? what a dilemma?



  30. At 12:24 PM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    missy - have you ever heard Russell Brand's impression of James Blunt? Very funny ideedy!

    CtD x x

  31. At 12:45 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    I can't help feeling really sorry for James Blunt, isn't it always the way,we build these people up only to knock them down, why do we do that in this country? I seem to remember the same thing happening to a certain CLP!

    I never listen to russell brand's show on the radio, what's it like? I used to love him on Big Brother but I think I need to see him and hear him at the same time.

    Missy and Gingembre - just got a feeling our paths will cross before too long......

    Em xx

    PS love the photo of "countryfolk" Chris!

  32. At 01:00 PM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:


  33. At 01:09 PM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    whooops ... I hit the post button mid sentence. Shall I continue?

    RB show - Matt Morgan. Matt's really, really funny and their humour goes well together. I doenload the podcast every week as I'm usually doing stuff at 9pm on a Saturday night (but, as HL would say, is not for here ..!)

    Last night I was listening to the podcast from 4th Aug (couple of weeks behind, tut tut!) and there was a 4-way conversation going on between RB, Matt, David Walliams and Noel Gallagher. That's something you don't get every day! There's usually a weekly phone chat with Noel Gallagher and he too is brilliantly witty (honest!).

    Award winning stuff, in my opinion!

    CtD x x x

  34. At 01:37 PM on 24 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Firstly, Em M, weird is taken as read. Look around you...you are amongst friends...

    Secondly, Gingembre, if it was me (and it wouldn't be, this is purely conjecture) I'd go for Cleo. She obviously went for authoritative men in uniform, and rumour has it that Marc Antony was a strawberry blond...the only thing was that he had a mowhawk on his helmet, but you may get away with it...

    Clodagh, hope you're doing alright babe, and may I suggest next time, you use cotton wool.

    Or m@ltesers

  35. At 01:57 PM on 24 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings ALL,

    Bingo star ere.

    Cheryl The Diva - errrrrrrrrr....... i've heard The Brand dudes impression of James Hewitt. Aye?.... sorry I mean James Blunt and errr..... Oh I Yeah.... 'e is very funny.... I totally agree with you CtD.

    Anyone who doesn't listen ter 'is Saturday show should do - am tellin yer!!!!

    I'm in big agrement too, dat The Brand should be allowed ter do a Drivetime show when CLP is off.
    It would be Russ at 'is best know what am sayin'!!!


  36. At 01:57 PM on 24 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Again.

    Bingo Star ere again.

    EmM - I'm in total agreement with yersen too. And that's agreement WITH two e's!

    Seriously though we do build these people up ter knock em down.
    I'm sure James wouldn't mind Russ's impression but why 'as it become un cool ter listen ter The Blunt. I've got 'is ablum and 'e's more talented then ANY of 'is critics- know what am sayin'!!



  37. At 02:09 PM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I posted a thread on one of R2s message boards the other day saying how fantastic CLP is on drivetime but when he next has a holiday can we have Russell Brand to cover for him please.

    D'ya know what happened next?

    The message board moderators (big boy version of our very own BP!) closed my message as it contravened their guidelines.

    I was only saying how BRILL two of R2s presenters are!

    Weird or what!?!?

    Answers on a postcard to .....

    CtD x x

  38. At 02:13 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    It would have to be hitler.
    just to ask what on earth were you thinking of

  39. At 02:50 PM on 24 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Richard Wherlock - is your reference to Hitler in response to CLP's original question about leaders or were you implying something about the moderators of the message boards and our own lovely BP?

    CtD xxxxx

  40. At 02:50 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD, I reckon someone somewhere just got peeved because they hadn't thought of it first ;-) x

  41. At 03:02 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    A very good ARF to everyone.

    Staring at men to remove their headwear is really good to do and it works.

    I find that if you say thank you to someone it often gets a second look or the word whatever.

    I was nearly run off the road this week by someone entering the dual carriageway and not giving way.. I saw my life flash past I was hands on the horn and the breaks on and I felt so relieved afterwards that there wasn't an accident. Did they slow down did they stop and give way - no chance - after joining the road they weaved their way away through the traffic and not a police car in sight..... never mind one day justice will come.

    I'm having a nice quiet weekend this bank holiday, as I already live on the coast I don't have far to go to enjoy the break.

    My cousin's boyfriend has just left her and her 2 yr old and she is absolutely distraught - all I can offer is comfort and a shoulder when she needs it.

    I'd love to have a request but as I am in the car always on a friday enroute home I can't request one. I'd love to hear Eloise by The Damed.


  42. At 03:04 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon Fun Lovers!

    Blimey, what a day! Third time trying to post since my earlier one - just too, too busy for a Friday! And what a gorgeous Friday it is too!!!

    I have been eating chocolate since 10 am and have had a sneaky fag twice. THAT's how bad today is!

    Going out tonight, but I'm driving :-( HOWEVER, I am taking a nice bottle of bubbly to Special Friends place for afterwards, so that will be a lovely end to a horrible week.

    Hooray - looooooooooooong weekend is calling! What oh what will I request on ARF tonight???

    Hope you're all well.

    HL - with you on the shoe front, but really, could you? I mean COULD you????

    Lmao :-)

    S xx.

  43. At 03:44 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Cheryl, think the moderators on the R2 messageboard sound a million times worse than the BP on here, sometimes i'm quite surprised by what slips through the net here aren't you? I think when Chris's show first started there were some really awful comments about him on there and they changed the whole format to discourage that kind of thing, but your idea sounds really good and I can't see who anyone would by offended by it. I'm all for free speech and i hate censorship.

    Changing the subject a bit, just finished reading Michael Morpurgo "Alone on a Wide, wide Sea", cried a bit!

    Em xx

  44. At 03:58 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    no just would like to sit him down over fish and chips which im sure would wind him up and ask the question.

    thats all nothing ment by it at all

  45. At 03:58 PM on 24 Aug 2007, dave wrote:

    Hi Chris saw you in the garage thursday afternoon that was a big bag of mars bars is that why you sound hyper some times
    congrats on the marrage (hope you'll be as happy as i thought i would be) love the show listen every night
    love to you and all the team

  46. At 04:36 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Yesterday you had Dr Roger who is the best, his company has something to do with those great Kong toys. I have a 3 year old choc lab called Henry who has had some one on one lessons at his school. I always leave the TV on for Henry when I'm out and he has the run of the house too. !!!

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