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Chris Evans | 15:12 UK time, Monday, 3 December 2007

I heard a great story this morning from a friend's girlfriend. There was this married guy who was having an affair...

...actually it was more of a double life in a much as whatever he did with one he did with the other and I mean everything. Likewise - whatever he bought one he bought the other. Then, somehow, each one of the two found out about the others existence. Oh, oh.

Now here's the twist rather than coming to blows, they decided to talk about the situation. When they realised that he had bought them exactly all the same things, the same colour underwear from the same shops, the same jewellery, even the same holidays to the same places, they became angry, they felt not only that he was an absolute shit but also that in some sick way he'd been taking the piss, having some kind of perverse laugh at their expense.

So it was confrontation time. They decided to gather up everything he'd bought them and take a trip to his office on the executive floor of the company where he worked. In they marched, unannounced, straight past his secretary and emptied bags and boxes all over his desk. They both left him and have since become the best of friends, even double dating a couple of times.

What was he thinking ?

Let me tell you, most men have affairs because they're not happy with their life, not because they're not happy with their wife. I've seen it a hundred times. I know men that have had and are having affairs and I have to say I just don't see the point. The constant fear of being found out with every ring of the phone or every ting of a text message must put so much pressure on the heart. The lies, the deceipt - it's got to be one of the most stupid ideas ever conceived. If they really didn't like their wives surely they would just leave them.

The thought of having an affair exhausts me and the men always seem to end up so miserable, the betrayed wives often end up with their heads held high, a sizeble chunk of the guy's money and usually some new found second lease of life. Next, of course, the husband comes crawling back begging for forgiveness and a second chance. Ladies, never believe anything this type of man tells you, he will definitely stray again and is probably still having a bit on the side anyway.

I was going to tell you about how I bumped into Jeff Beck this weekend and then ended up at his gig at Ronnie Scott's but I think the mad bloke story is a bit more relevant. Good afternoon.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:03 PM on 03 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Happy Monday Christophe!

    I suppose by buying them both the same thing, he was always able to cover himself should things appear 'twice' on his credit card bill...oh, but darling, you remember me getting you that, they must have made a mistake in the shop...I'll get it sorted out...

    Funny peculiar, I said, and only yesterday, that the only reason I would leave his Brockness the Badger, is if I found out he'd been sleeping with one of our friends. I don't know how I'd feel if he was 'having an affair' with a stranger though...and I don't really think he'd be able to...either from the guilt point of view, or Chris, from the exhaustion point of view!

    I don't often believe what men tell me anyway...

    ...except when they say I'm beautiful...

    ps I have the bestest new pair of shoooooooz! And some lippy SO red, it could be called RAY-ED!!! Thank you to Mummy for my birthday money, and thank you for all your lovely birthday wishes...xx

  2. At 04:25 PM on 03 Dec 2007, Scott McFarlane wrote:

    This is a familiar story in that one guy has more than one wife or girlfriend. But you never hear about a woman having more than one husband or lover. Is that because they don't have the imagination or money to fund such a lifestyle, or am I just to thick to have not noticed the signs.

  3. At 04:57 PM on 03 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Scott - when a woman finds THE ONE she needs no other sideshows or distractions!

    I found THE ONE in 1994 and I'm never ever gonna let him go!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  4. At 04:58 PM on 03 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello, ello, Each & Every,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Ok CLP & Blog friends am ere with me latest astro reading and i'm feeling VERY excited as i've got a new 'igh shine ploish ere for the Bingo Crystal Ball Of.... THe Zodiac.
    It was recommended by a friend ter me who's a industrial cleaner of industry.

    Only probs gotta use gloves ere as it can take yer 'and off if yer not careful.....

    Ok ere goes..... I'm ploishing the Bingo Crystal Ball Of.... The Zodiac, ere, with this new ploish...... rub, rub, rub, squeak, rub, scuff, scuff, rub, sqeak, squeak, squeak..... okayyyyyyy..... 'old on it's steaming.... no smokin'..... It's SMOKIN'!!!!!

    WOWWWWW, WOOOOWWW...... it's gone orange....... WOWWWWW...................... BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. At 05:09 PM on 03 Dec 2007, Elm wrote:

    women are just better at lying, from one who has friends in the know!

    me amd my man spoke about this - if your partner had an affair and you never found out would that make it okay as you would never be hurt by the betrayal etc - answers on a postacrd please (but not to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ as they don't have competitions and there is no prize!)

    Elm x

  6. At 05:13 PM on 03 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I agree Chris it sounds like too much hard work. Trying to keep two men happy at the same time?................no thanks!

    This guy probably thought that he was being clever as he would not slip up and mention the wrong holiday, gift etc.

    Why make life more complicated?

    Ho hum
    Debbie xx

  7. At 05:15 PM on 03 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Dear Chris et al

    Not sure that is a great story, rather a very muddy, tragic fable. It appears the guy was acting under the misunderstanding that two of the same is always better than one. And herein lies the moral of the tale - Never try to replicate something once you've got it right.


    J McC

  8. At 05:23 PM on 03 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I wanted to know how you enjoyed Take That?



  9. At 05:33 PM on 03 Dec 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good evening all, no comment re affairs..... except when hubby was alive we both said if we "stopped loving each other" we would be straight with each other. Luckily no one else fancied us so no temptation and we just carried on loving. Life used to be soooooo easy.
    PS Bingo just read your comment and funnily enough thought of you last night whilst driving in the high seas as I attempted to turn right onto the M18 and completely avoided travelling up to Hull! You would have been in rehab! YES YES YES.... am tellin yer.

  10. At 05:52 PM on 03 Dec 2007, wrote:

    And so it was later one and all

    People having affairs, well people can be very cruel. Thats why I trust in my music. It never lets you down.

  11. At 07:33 PM on 03 Dec 2007, Lisa wrote:

    Debbie - i can think of an occasion when trying to keep two men happy at the same time could have its benefits. Perhaps its just me.

    A first time blogger... will it be the last!?

  12. At 08:19 PM on 03 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    You know what CLP you're spot on. It's dissatisfaction with life that causes men to pursue the quick fix of infidelity.

    And I speak as the woman whose hubby, bless him, traded her in for summat comfier and boy did he road test said summat comfier first. For years, with his story becoming more fantastic as time and circumstances progressed. Meanwhile I seriously thought I was losing my mind (perhaps I was, as the daughter was a small baby at the time and looking back I do think I had undiagnosed PND) and thus became even more of a nightmare to live with. I developed eating disorders and even attempted suicide before it all blew apart and the truth was uncovered.

    Talk about counter-productive. Looking back, he must have been in hell. And he didn't deserve that, he just became desperate and chose to cope in completely the wrong way.

    His comfier model has long since gone to the crusher and he is now happy and successful and despite the nightmare of those years, he has been a fantastic daddy to the Genius Gorgeous daughter, and for that I bless his little cotton socks every day. Well, actually rather large socks, mange tout..

    But I'd never, ever want to go back there. I've managed to rebuild my life with the help of one particular lifelong friend and in later years, my lovely daughter, for whom I'd lay down my life, and despite the fact that Himself and I now get along famously and I'm actually very fond and proud of him (if that makes any sense), in doing what he did all those years ago he showed me a cowardly, weak side of himself that runs through the core of his being. And I don't think I could live with that.

    I've since rebuilt my life and have had my share of disasters and triumphs, none of which I'd have experienced had I still been in that relationship; I wouldn't have had the motivation or the freedom. But I've never remotely wanted to re-marry, much to the chagrin of the brother-outlaw, who's convinced I need a Good Man to Sort Me Out. Hahahaha!

    It's trust, see. And being lied to by the one person in whom you place your trust is the most devastating blow to the soul. The Other Woman nonsense is a wound to the pride, and that can be healed. But shattered trust? I'm not sure.

    So see here, chaps. Sweeping statement time.
    You're hunters, bless you. You can't help checking out the ladies, it's in your nature; that's how come humans have survived and procreated, it's not unhealthy. But there's more to it than that and I think it's called respect. For your missus, your family and friends, even workmates, and most importantly YOURSELF. So if you're unhappy, for God's sake TALK about it before it becomes the elephant in the room and destroys the lives of those you truly love.

    And the ones you do truly love, TELL them. Daily.

    I wish you all well.


  13. At 08:35 PM on 03 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    ...Jaysus Christoffe.

    That tam-o'shanter.

    If you turn that key stickin' out your ear, does your hand come up and stick a penny in?



  14. At 08:53 PM on 03 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Clodagh, what can I say. Beautifully said and I have so much respect for you and they way have have dealt with what you write about.

    You, yourself, are an inspiration, I think you are amazing and I love your attitude towards life. Trust is definitely the key word, with the experience that I have of what you speak of, yes I believe that to be the case.

    Debbie xx

    PS. Chris, I too wanted to know what you thought of Take That!

    PPS. Lisa, I think I know what you are getting at and if so, like it ;-)

  15. At 09:54 PM on 03 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Debbie. Ah. Thanks for that, sweetie, you're too kind.

    But I'm not sure I deserve it. I've done a couple of stupid things along the way as well; haven't we all-and bitterly regret that people were hurt because of my thoughtless or careless actions. But we can't turn clocks back, can we, and so we have to live with it and forgive ourselves.

    The trick is learning the lessons. Which is why I spout off here like Mother Superior.

    But thankyou. And to the others who've written sweet things on your posts. It's appreciated.


  16. At 08:57 AM on 04 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere, coming ter yer from Arrowe Park 'ospital A&E.

    I've got meself inter a BIG mess blog friends, yeah a BIG mess......

    I've gone & blown up me Bingo Crystal Ball Of..... The Zodiac.

    I was using the new ploish/ cleaner ter do a reading for Aries, aka CLP & i've gone & blown it clean outta me window, but don't worry i've only got minor injuries, thought it's a good excuse ter check out A&E, see if any nurses are single!!!!!!

    A Tell Yer!!!!!! That's the last time I use, on me Crystal Ball, new product 'CILLITT BANG'!!!!!!!

    It is the last time, 'cos I need a new one!!!!

    CLP & ALL Aries - I'm very sorry but yer astro reading is gonna be delayed for a few days or so while I wait for a new crystal ball.
    I've ordered one from Paranormal Parts Purchase plc but they can't tell me the exact date that the new one will arrive.
    I said can't yer look inter one of yer products & predict the future date of arrival.
    They said we only sell em, we ain't use em!!!!!

    The whole situation is just stress blog friends, stress!!!!!

    Tinsel - Glad you enjoyed what Top Gear 'ad ter offer!!!

    Wilsmar - Oh the M18, know it very well. 'ad many an incident on it meself.... very flat, very flat, except the bit by junction 1, oh & by junction 2!!!
    I've spent many a night close ter the M18 when I used ter be away all week in me truck and many a night driving on the M18 - Used ter work permenant nights driving me tanker ter pick up molten sulphur from Immingham docks & take it back ter bang it inter a big tank at ICI Rocksavage at Runcorn via the M180/ M18.
    Also remember the time I nearly got arrested at the Doncaster North Services, on the M18, for an disagreement, at the diesel fuel pumps there, over the amount of free food vouchers issued ter me for purchasing diesel!!!!
    It's now wonder am close ter the edge - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!


    PS - Remember, NEVER mix 'CILLIT BANG' with the paranormal or the other side!!!!!

  17. At 09:05 AM on 04 Dec 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    I don't think men have the imagination or wherewithal to think of TWO sets of gifts - look how much they struggle with one!

    Scott - I must confess that once I did cheat on my boyf of 4 years with my current beau. It lasted two weeks and I lost about a stone in weight because I couldn't eat anything. I'm not proud of it but nobody's perfect and I would never stray from my current man.

    Clodagh - once again, a wealth of wisdom and insight.

    And always remember that line from My Way - "regrets, I've had a few but then again, too few to mention".

    Rosie x

  18. At 10:22 AM on 04 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    I think if women have affairs it's because they are looking for a way out of their relationships , whereas men are just greedy. I don't know how people have time for affairs, my life is just too busy.

    How were TT? Jase fit as ever?

    Em xx

  19. At 10:22 AM on 04 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Clodagh, you are an inspiration, and a very wise woman.

    I have always wanted to get married again - got divorced when my gorgeous girl was just 2, and now she's 17. Have had a couple of long term relationships since, (the most recent, you may remember, ending a few weeks ago by text and e-mail, most unsavoury). I think it's because I would like a 'life partner' to share the future with, to feel that I am THE most special person in someone's life and always will be. But I guess marriage doesn't guarantee that does it??

    Chris, I remember seeing a french film with a very similar theme - only at the end, the two women went off and lived together in the biblical sense - it was fantastic - that's what I call justice!

    Good days all. xxx

  20. At 10:36 AM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    OOer I say that subject rattled a few cages one and all.

    I have to say in the defence of the affairee's however.

    That some people are trapped in unhappy marriages due to family or financial constraints. Divorce is plain non economic. I have done some research on this subject.

    It's mainly the middle age that seek to find a partner with something in common.
    Having lived the best part of their lives pretending they are happy.

    Of course, there are also those who at middle age seek to find out if they are still attractive and can pull. Mainly a male domain in that department. People with high flying jobs for example, tend to be the eternal play boy.

    Sadly though there is no happy ending as somebody always gets hurt in the end.

    Guten Morgan

  21. At 11:00 AM on 04 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Something really spooky has just happened to me and I need to pass it on to you.

    I was rooting amongst some old books for one in particular that hasn't seen daylight for years, so that I can send it to a friend as I promised at the weekend.

    As I opened it, a little yellowed snapshot fell out, depicting me with a terrible 80's hairdo and holding the daughter who, at the age of about 1, was wearing sunglasses on her head. How I laughed. Then I turned it over to see a little note scribbled on the back, the then small daughter's rudimentary attempt at writing, a little heart and the words, I love yuo (sic) mummy.

    I'm blubbing as I write. So, you see, seetheart, you already ARE the centre of someone's life and always will be.

    Aren't we lucky.

    Now. enough of bein' nice. I think I'll send her a rude e-mail at work, she's hilarious when furious.


  22. At 11:32 AM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    WOW, Christoff! That is some story! What an absolute numpty! Though so sad that he had to look elsewhere for the happiness he thought he didn't have. And look where he ended up! There is something a bit freaky about buying the same things twice though! What is that all about?!

    I am still sooooo jealous that you got to see Take That!!! What a busy weekend you had! Do you NEVER slow down?! I have to say, I didn't like the lads first time round ... but now ... I think they are absolutely awesome!!

    I am stuck in blustery, blowey, wet Oban .... the wee lass took ill on Friday and hasn't been well enough to travel North. Now she has just about recovered and has very kindly passed it on to me! Pah!

    Belated birthday wishes to Hazel Love ... jealous of the shoes darling!!!

    And a HUGE humoungous Happy Birthday to MwK! I promise we will organise a get together of the Scottish branch in 2008!!


    Susan, Highland lass

  23. At 11:35 AM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:


    Are you ok? You are sounding slightly mad.

  24. At 12:04 PM on 04 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Prof. Plum.

    Hahaha yes of course I'm ok. I AM slighly mad I think. It's in me genes.

    I'm harmless though.


  25. At 12:20 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Terrific Tuesday to you all, bloggers and blogettes!

    Hazel Love - Are you exhausting that poor lad?!

    Scott McF - I’m afraid I know one or two dafty lassies who do that to!! As Elm says, methinks they handle the lying better than guys.

    Bingo Star - hope the Crystal Ball survived!!! Oh, gracious … it didn‘t! Yikes! Does that mean we have to have a whip round for a new ball?! Before Christmas as well!! I wish that ‘Cillit stuff had as much effect on my bath as your ball!! But, honey, what on earth would one use molten sulphar for?!

    Elm - couldn’t find a postcard (what was the prize?) … I still think it is a betrayal whether or not the injured party finds out - a betrayal of all the promises you made to each other - a betrayal of the hopes and dreams you have built together.

    Debbie - sometimes it’s hard enough to keep one man happy, far less being bothered with two!!

    Dr McC - how are the family?

    DWNB - Hi honey!

    Wilsmar - you getting that much rain too?!

    Prof Plum - music is food for the soul! That video and song were beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

    Lisa - welcome honey!!! Hope it won’t be the last as now we are all intrigued at why you want to keep two men happy! Lol

    Clodagh - you have an amazing outlook on it all having gone through such crap! I am so sorry that you had to go through that - sounds like you’ve been to Hell and back and he is a word I can’t repeat for not supporting you through it all (sorry, I can‘t be as forgiving as you though it is not my place!!). You are very understanding where I would not have been!! In sickness and in health, for better or worse and all that! As for needing a man to sort you out! Pah! You are too much woman for any man to cope with honey! You speak wise words! And, hey, we all do daft things along the way … that is life!

    RosieRoo - what an interesting way to lose weight!!!!

    Em M - it’s Mark who does it for me! lol

    Tinsel - so sorry to hear of the way that coward has treated you - you don’t deserve that darling! There is nothing wrong with wanting a life partner - that is what it is all about after all! Sending lots of prayers for healing and for you finding that special someone.

    Clodagh - what a joy to find a photo like that!!! And I hate to say it ….but you don’t sound mad to me!!! Oh dear!!

    Huggles, dear bloggers and blogettes

    Susan, Highland lass

  26. At 01:12 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Nev wrote:

    I thought there was a punchline missing about the secretary suddenly having the third set of everything!

    Ho Hum...the truth as always is that the grass is not always greener...!


  27. At 01:34 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Clodagh, thank you my lovely. I know that I am blessed with my darling daughter, she is a shining star (despite being a pain in the ar*e sometimes!!!!).

    Susan S, thank you for the lovely words.

    T xxxxx

    PS Clodagh, I don't think you're mad either :-)

    PPS Hazel, hope you had a happy birthday. xx

  28. At 01:43 PM on 04 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & Everybody,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tinsel - Very sorry to 'ear about your relationship ending recently, it's not easy this life at times, especially relationships!!!!!

    But i'm sure & I very much hope you'll meet some one nice soon!!!!
    There's alot of nice people out there, just the bad ones seem ter stick out more!

    I was listening to Century FM last night & they 'ave a sad story thingy, called 'your Song', at 9.30 every night - last night's was so horrible/ upsetting.

    It was a woman announcing via her e-mail for this part of the show that, although her partner who works away & very hard in the RAF & has even bought a car for her and pays her rent, she is 3mths pregnant.
    But not by him but by her secret lover who she'd been seeing for 6mths.
    On top of this she wrote that see is leaving him for the new person as she's in love with the new bloke!

    I just felt so upset for that bloke, questions went through my head - how can people be so cruel, so selfish, why do we fall in love, why are we made so complicated... us humans?

    They also played after the song which was 'It's Over' by 'Level42' - such a beautiful song & the words were so appropriate, so sad, for what had just been announced.

    Strange thing though you see so many people who do find their life partner but after 40 years of marriage they are so bored - life, does yer DAMN 'ead in, it does YER 'ead in!!!!!!!

    Susan S - Thanks for your concern but don't worry, i've got a NEW Bingo Ball on 'igh priority order - it'll be ere soon blog friends!

    PS Moltem Sulphur - it's very like candle wax but abit 'arder cold.
    They 'eat it up so it can be transported more easily.... in liquid form. (If one of those babies crashed & spilt it all over the motorway, they'd be cleaning it up for a day with pick axes, plus Sally Boazmans travel 'ot line would probally blow up as a result).

    It's used ter make acid.... probally the same damn acid that goes inter..... CILLITT BANG!!!!!


  29. At 01:45 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    HeHeHe ..... I've just spent my lunchtime turning ny galleried landing/office into Santas Grotto! There is now a black tree with lots of pink and silver stuff on it (tiny shoes - cute!), pink and silver tinsel everywhere and lots of shiny sparkly stuff!

    I've been warning everyone that I turn into an excitable 5 year old come `st December .....

    21 sleeps til Crimbo!

    CtD xxxxxx

  30. At 01:48 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Martyn Morris wrote:

    Congratulations on your purchase of The Newbridge. As you already know the Usk Valley is a super place.When your next in the area I would like to invite you to join us for a drink we are only in the next village from all at The Wheatsheaf Llanhenock.
    Good Luck And Best Wishes

  31. At 02:00 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bingo, that's a terrible story - why would she want to share it??? I agree with you, sometimes, life does your 'ead in!!!

    T x

  32. At 02:03 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    good posting peeps

    I think you can only ever pass comment on such a topic if you've ever actually been there (from either side)...

    ...all I will add to the pot is that if you are blessed with a second chance, you take it, nurture it and never, ever mess up again, I know this for a fact!!!!!!


  33. At 02:23 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Bingo man, After 40 years of marriage! That would make somebody at least over 60. Bit old for speed dating and such like.

    Clodagh I hope normal service will be resumed shortly.

    Susan S Glad you liked AL.

  34. At 02:33 PM on 04 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Hey, Gingembre, I hope Mrs G is on the mend! Anyhoo, more wise words from you, 'cept my second chance went off with a.n.other...odd, didn't even think of that yesterday when writing my first post...SO, the Badger is chance #3, and I'm not letting anything happen to that, or him for that matter!

    Tinsel and Susan, fab to hear from you! I had a super spiffy birthday thank you very much! Lots of love from lots of people...and see first post re shoes!

    Clodagh, I'm shoving a virtual tissue up the pipe as we speak darling. And BLOW!

    MWK, happy birthday my love...here's to many more...

    ...and CtD, I think you should definitely be the keeper of the Advent Calendar...


  35. At 02:38 PM on 04 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere.

    Tinsel - I know terrible, but what I think makes it worse to me is she was dumping him via the radio, rather than face to face, which is still bad enough!!!!

    Life does do yer 'ead in!!!!

    The only way ter stay sane iz become a little..... insane - know what am sayin'!!!!!!


  36. At 02:41 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Fiona Dods wrote:

    My husband has had two affairs that I know of. On both occasions he has lead a double life sending us both flowers but spending lavishly on 'the other woman'. The first one - I call her the 'Finnish Fancy' because she lived in Finland - was treated to flights to the UK and Denmark to meet him and an emerald and diamond ring which she later returned. The phone bill when I saw it made me go weak at the knees!! Don't know why I ever had him back because a few years later after our 25th wedding anniversary when he sent me a card thanking me for 25 happy years and looking forward to 25 more, he was at it again. I knew about it but he wouldn't admit to it and made our children think I was completely neurotic. In fact I did end up on anti-depressants. He lied about weekends away, trying to disguise them as business trips but I always managed to keep one step ahead by checking up on him and then he would have to find an excuse to back down. Eventually after I had questioned the amount spent on flowers on Valentines Day - my bouquet was certainly not worth that much - he told me that he and a colleague had clubbed together to buy - this one I call his 'Swanky Yanky' - some flowers because she had never received any on Valentines Day before. I managed to get the flower company to send me an email confirming delivery and the message sent - which had only his name to it. Then he tried lieing and telling me that the other guy's name had probably been missed off because there were too many characters but I had already counted up and the message was way under the characters allowed. Finally I went through his briefcase one night when he was asleep and found that he had a Hallmark card account. Then, using all the passwords I knew he sometimes used, I got into his account and here was a Valentines ecard - kisses filling the screen - telling her that she was in his every waking moment. Game over for him - but I was not quite as calm then as I can be about it all now. I was white as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. He then moved but later came back. I came home one evening to find him sitting up in my bed!! He told me he should have been a mormon!! Then I must have been mad as I let him talk me out of a divorce and I have subsequently found out that he has lied to me again but I am now seeing someone else. I still feel a huge sadness at the destruction of our family and feel I will never fully trust another man. I think men and women who travel a lot on business have lots of opportunity to mess around and have affairs. The temptation must be huge. I suppose whether they succumb to it or not depends on how contented they are with their lot and on their personal integrity and values. Personally I think it's very sad that so many marriages end in divorce these days and I worry for my four boys. The grass may seem greener on the other side but it will still need to be mown - what a very appropriate saying!

  37. At 03:28 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    don't you sometimes think, that some people aren't meant for a committed relationship.
    I met my husband fell in love, and he moved in 4 weeks later....I was in holiday in america for 2 weeks in the middle!
    Unfortunately, he was married at the time, but when love hit, it hit hard, and nothing in this world would have made me give him up. We've been together now for 21+ years and I'm stilll as mad about him now as I ever was.

  38. At 04:17 PM on 04 Dec 2007, guilty wrote:

    I have never added anything to this blog before but just felt I had to after reading about the affair blogs. I would like to unburden myself here if I may cos I too lead a double life to some extent. I am not sure how I fell into this type of life and I had never done it before but I genuinely find myself in love with 2 men at the same time. One is someone I have been with for a few years and one only a few months but neverthelesss I feel although i know it is wrong I cannot change the situation. Is there anyone else out in the same situation that can offer any advice??

  39. At 10:21 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Belle wrote:

    Gosh! It's some time since I posted on here, I just came in to have a look to see if CLP's review of TT was on here, so I could report back to the TT message board...and I walk (sort of) straight into a topic that I've first hand experience of.
    10 years ago, I found out that my husband was having an affair with my so-called best friend (who just happened to be the wife of his best-friend. That was a particularly nasty Christmas I can tell you.
    My reliable source tells me that they are now married. I,too, am with someone else but I have to say that what he did to me did destroy something deep inside me. I have to work really hard to trust now, I blame him for that, but I blame her hundredfold, women are always more dececitful!!!!!

  40. At 01:17 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    My goodness - this one is just running and running, Christoff!!! Struck a chord methinks!

    Fiona Dods - I just wanted to say how sorry I am that he put you through that. It can be hard to let go which is why you perhaps let yourself be presueded back. But he was a fool for doing that to you honey. As for wanting to be a mormon - I think I would have offered him the role of a eunuch myself!!!

    Guilty - honey - you said it yourself, you know it is wrong for you, so you need to find the strength to end one of the relationships. I have been there long ago and ended up more hurt and screwed up than anything! It sounds like a dreadful way to go about it, but why not draw up a list of the pros and cons of being with each man, listing the reasons you love each one, then compare the list? Sometimes seeing it in black and white helps.

    Belle - I'm so sorry that you too went through that (my 1st did that to me too!) and it is hard work trying to make sure that it doesn't impinge on the rest of your life. And I agree - I think women are more adept at deception!

  41. At 08:00 AM on 05 Dec 2007, chris wrote:

    Soooooooooo true


  42. At 05:51 PM on 10 Dec 2007, Red Robbo wrote:


    Wasn't convinced when Lady Beeb announced your move to Drivetime, but was a very early convert. Show is great - even in a traffic jam.

    Tuned in to your blog for 1st time today. 'Here's to Wives and Girlfriends - May they never met!'.

    Get yourself a copy of 'The Book of Liff' written by Douglas Adams (of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Fame').

    This book alocates (made up) meanings to UK place names.
    re above: .Mavis Enderby. The girlfiend of your distant past whom your wife (or partner) has never met but hates with an everlasting and undying passion.
    (or something along those lines, from memory.)

    And your mavis is?
    Mine is Jane.
    Went to Mavis Enderbury once, with the current Mrs R and two mini r's. It's in Lincoln.

    Led Zep?
    Lucky Blighter.
    Saw them live once or twice in my youth.

  43. At 04:00 PM on 11 Dec 2007, j wrote:

    Red Robbo - Sweets, you're on the wrong day!

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